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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Oz erm.... zama za kale nilikuwa nayo lakini nilifuta kwani usobuku iko na privacy issues. I think they are going to fix it this weekend so nitarejea humu humu Malika ndio najua maana yake na hata video nilipost kwa blog yangu. Its the funniest song i have heard including the samaki version is. Waswahili wamezidi
  2. SeeKer

    PLayOffs '10

    ^Joker rudy Artest fined for being late to practice maskiin...... Boston is through, no suprise and it looks like its the usual NBA cliched championship series.
  3. ^Search the sol database for the keyword facebook and you will see how many users have it. SOL has its own page too
  4. SeeKer

    PLayOffs '10

    ^^lol. Even if you stick your tongue out I still won't like KOBE How about both Magic and Sun tie the series and we all enjoy a game seven?
  5. C&H check your PM regarding your query.
  6. Originally posted by *BOB: quote:Originally posted by SeeKer: BOB I am not one to start anything and I can't actually be a feminist because.......... ^^^Because you've read Pleasures Of Philosophy where Sonia Kovalevsky, a distinguished scientist says that 60% of University women are without husbands and complained that no one would marry her. Why can't no one love me? I could give more than most women and yet the most insignificant women are loved and I am not. she moaned....That's why you (Seeker) don't believe in this whole monkey business called Feminist Movement and I say Good On You Madam. Peace, Love & Unity. loooooooooool. Thats a heck of a story line BOB. I haven't heard of the book nor the writer but perhaps one of these summery days I will look for it. LayzieG, I am not in search of a movement to follow. Indoctrination has never been something I take lightly. I prefer to question what people take for granted and analyze it to suit my world LOZ, I don't like labels so I am not labeling anything. I am interested in the rabbit hole phenomena called feminism. Rudimentary speaking most people equate the movement with seeking equality and I think that is not necessarily true. I think its more power or simply power to exercise choice. Men and women can't be equal and society,lets face it, will never be split 50/50. Logic dictates that one has to have power over the other, therefore women want power At least that is what it all boils down to in my opine. **I will be back to finish my thoughts on power and feminism......I need some nourishment. Its been a long day**
  7. ^ and what was yours. I kinda figured it had something to do with heaven and dying but I couldn't figure out which was which i.e was the flash sideways heaven or was the island heaven. I already miss it......tonite is the first night I won't plonk myself down to watch it
  8. ^The girl with the cream colored rain jacket, black chiffon shirt, black pants and black pumps on? No that wasn't me I think that was the author's friend. I was in the back mixing the lattes C&H I did notice your question and I am still trying to find out if the books are being sold by a somali locally. Hopefully I will have an answer for you latest tomorrow morning. BOB, wacha uchokozi watu walamu si wote senge
  9. Originally posted by FatB: i wonder if their nationality played a part in the jurys decision to convict? What is their nationality? I must have missed it......I am not sure what the court was playing at. If she was allegedly assaulted why didn't they follow through with a rape kit? That she switched her story is all the more reason to throw out the case. :rolleyes:
  10. Blessed.* that was a good read and gave a brief overview of what I was trying to get at. Malika, interesting starting point. If you don't mind expanding that idea so that I might clearly understand what the biological concept of a woman is. BOB I am not one to start anything and I can't actually be a feminist because..........
  11. ^Wacha kutafuta madames jo Che lol how unpatriotic of you.
  12. Che and ailamos, then I would argue that they are no longer feminist but some form of humanist. BOB Gloria is turning 75 or has turned I am not sure. I had to look up an interview she did back in 2009, where she was asked about Obama, supreme court hearings at the time and feminism. Q: What do you think 21st-century feminism looks like? It looks like you. It looks like each self-respecting women in the 21st century. It's not for me to define; the message of feminism is that each of us, as female human beings, define ourselves. There are some generalities that you can see. It's much more international, I'm happy to say. I think clearly most of the country now understands that women can do what men can do; the problem is that they don't understand that men can do what women can do, which as I was saying, is the reason why women still suffer from having two jobs. Now, Hales, when you say"Feminism has evolved over histry, you could say it was continuety from the suffrage like movements in the west during the early 20th century." , does that mean that feminism has a Western construct. Can a woman in Africa or Asia conform to the Western idea of what is important to women around the world. Here is the cusp of the issue, the feminist movement isolated a lot of women during its rise, even the so called suffragist. Can all women be seen through a single lens? That is what chafes me, I don't think there is a universal feminist, perhaps a regional one but not a universal one. How can one speak for a woman who lives in Burco, Soweto, Shandong province or Bangalore for that matter, when we don't know her personal struggle and what is priority for her. The entire premise of feminism is flawed by its assumption that all women want the same thing :rolleyes:
  13. Saturday morning, as I was eating my bagel egg sandwich, I discussed feminism with a colleague. Which led me to ask, what really is a feminist and do they all stand for the same thing? I don't need a dictionary translation of the word but rather the subjective translation of the word. Women around the world take up the cause of feminism for different reasons. While some fight for the right to be equal to men, others fight for rights to their body, others fight for the right to work/not work, others fight for right of political representation, others fight against patriarchal society or even subjugation etc. There are ecofeminist, womanist, radical feminist, second and third wave feminist, marxist feminist, liberal feminist, muslim feminist etc. My query: Is there a universal feminist? Do factors like geography, economy, ethics, education, religion etc make it difficult to streamline a proper definition of the word?
  14. SeeKer

    PLayOffs '10

    While Boston takes the broom to Orlando, it seems the Sun finally came out from behind the cloud. Hope this means we will see some SUN shiny weather for the next four days Ps:- Please keep Manute Bol in your thoughts. He is in hospital for kidney failure and Stevens Johnson Syndrome. I met him once when he gave a talk about Sudan. He is a great man for all he has done to help his home country. I hope he gets better soon so he can continue to do good.
  15. ^Thats great, vas a celebrar cuando Celtics a ganar el Campeonato si? Ps:- I am still waiting for my Celtics tix since you were looking for someone to pawn them off to beginning of the season
  16. ^Hehehe........Oh M Gee.....that was the best ending in the whole history of television Ok maybe not all television history but it was BRILLIANT. My sister was still baffled when she went to bed. So, here is the thing I am totally in awe of, the fact that the producers of LOST brought religion/spirituality into mainstream media in a neat package that intrigued and captured the world's attention for 6 seasons! Asking the age old question of what happens when you die? What lies just on the other side? Does heaven and hell exist? Do we get reincarnated? Do we pay for our sins or do we gain redemption? And most importantly does it all even matter? What I want to know is what Richard Dawkins thinks of LOST
  17. A plane crash, a group of survivors, an island of mystery ,as the story of Oceanic survivors begun to unfold, LOST became a phenomena that captured the imagination of audiences around the world. Strangers with something in common, they were all flawed and facing their struggles alone but what they would experience together would change them forever. The characters were introduced as stereotypes and then during the course of the show the stereotypes were flipped on their heads and at the heart of it all was the question “can we all get along?” Variety, mystery, the big question, international casting, unbelievably scenic backdrops. LOST was a tale of survival, of redemption, of faith but at its core LOST was a story about a group of people whom I have come to know and love over the past six seasons. Tonite, the final chapter comes to a close.
  18. Bien gracias mi hermano Como es la escuela, la familia y trabajo? Espero que estan bien si?
  19. Cadde23 what kind of question is that? The report is one sided and doesn't encompass the diverse views in Uganda. Why would you think the reporter would go to such lengths? :rolleyes: Disgusting how Western media portray us in such simplistic fashion.
  20. ^The Xalimos went today I believe, but it was nice to see our Faraxs turn up. Ps:- Como van tus clases de espanol progresa?
  21. Originally posted by ailamos: Our prototype "fembot" that was originally sent to Wasilla, Alaska, suffered from severe malfunctions that made her preoccupied with moose hunting. Subsequently, she went "rogue." Brilliant I tell ya..... Sounds like Ngonge has met his match in this writer. How about they have a showdown?
  22. Haa noh they bought the books and contrary to what you said there were no females present except for two other women. They also asked pointed questions to the author. Any other cynicism and doubts you want to cast on the events? lol.
  23. ^So cynical my friend. She did do an informal read at a somali owned cafe and the place was packed over the capacity. I believe it was about 45-60 people there.
  24. Just FYI for MN peeps, Yasmin is in town signing books at the LOFT literary center on Washington Ave, Sat (5/22/10) at 3 pm. Hope you all take the time out to come and support her
  25. I have always wanted to ask a psychic this : What are the winning lottery numbers?.....espcially since the powerball is about 140 million at the moment And no I am not sharing