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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. ^wouldnt it make sense for you to first ask if he would read it before suggesting he get one? it would be pointless to buy one and just let it collect dust.


    che, get one only if you'll read it.


    ps. aaliyah dear, i wouldnt have lied if they would have just let me have one when i asked! it's their fault i had to lie...and woman! stop making me feel guilty

  2. it was for a good cause...i mean i am making use of my kitaab and i guess if i ever see a non-muslim who wishes to learn about islam, i'll get them one too *there's no way im giving my copy ofcourse...*


    lying is OKAY if its for a good reason...

  3. let see *digs out the contents of bag*


    - laptop *it fits*

    - pencil case

    - notebook

    - cellphone

    - phone charger

    - quran

    - ipod

    - fortress of a muslim

    - eyeliner

    - blush

    - Cards (i tend to lose my wallet so i carry my cards in my bag pockets)

    - 1 textbook

    - VS cream

    - Lipbalm

    - gloves

    - house keys

    - lunch *garden salad bagel*

    - botte of water

    - an apple


    there are some coins at the bottom too but i dont care to count them up...but um thats about all thats in my bag today. I need a bigger bag eh

  4. so far my morning is crap. There's something off about today, i could feel it the moment i opened my eyes. After freshening up and checking to see whats been made for breakfast (nothing!)..i return to my room and check my phone. Only to find a text from my sister asking me why i forgot my other sister's bday and havent called to wish her well on her special day.


    *sigh* i so knew something was off about today...i'll have to come up with a reason for not calling (and a little lie...i cant say i forgot).


    thats my day so far, how about yours? smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Cadaan:

    quote:Originally posted by Protocol:

    It's ghetto by western standards, I've been there, some of the building smell like urine and there is trash strewn all over the place. So you found one good picture, I'm sure I can do the same for mogadisho, does that mean the place is not a warzone?

    I hate to say it, but the only likely reason why it smells like urine and garbage everywhere, is because Somalis live there. Regrettably, I haven't seen too many Somalis who take good care of their own property. You have 23-floor buildings with their own security guards, and $1300/month for rent. If that's what you call a ghetto, then I must be living in squalor indeed.
    whoa there buddy, you may not have seen somalis who take care of their property but i have. Somalis arent dirty people, they're clean alhamdulilah...there may be a few who arent but that is no reason to view all somalis being dirty.

  6. I never did get why people think so badly of dixon. It's not dirty nor is it ghetto...I find it quite lovely actually, especially in the summer time when all the somalis are outside...makes you think you're in somalia. Thats the closest to a somali community one gets around here...

  7. Originally posted by Cara:


    Pucca, nobody elects a queen


    smile.gif oh you gorgeous you! *does her most royal wave and blows a kiss* god bless you dear...i shall leave the prez position to you.

  8. ^not half as bad as dreams where you're constantly running from the cops for some deed your evil twin committed. *sigh*


    i hope i can go this summer but i doubt i will since i need to work to pay off tuition (damn the government!!).


    southern accent just sounds too soft period, it dont matter whether dude is trying to flirt or not...men should just adopt the north accent and leave the south to the women folk (not that i'd suddenly pick it up).

  9. north accent sounds so hot, dude could be saying "how are you" and that'll be enough to get me to go mushy.


    *sigh* im looking so forward to my sland trip...sometime in the near future


    Any man speaking all soft and southern gets my gag reflexes going. Argh! it sounds so wrong and so sick...the simple 'abaayo' makes me want to slap him

  10. i dont know bout the guys but im doing great! had me some hamdis...saw a korean dude on the subway but since he wasnt sporting any 'muslim brother' signs i had to look away and mutter a silent duah "god please guide him inshallah".


    alhamdulilah my day was perfectly...perfecto!


    how bout you aaliyah?