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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. A/salaamz


    I know there was a hadith bout not eating from non-muslims when there are muslims around you, or something along those lines… but anyway I have this uncle who’s catholic and I visit(or try to) him and his family every three years (he lives in Africa). And I obviously stay over at his house, eating, sleepin and doin whatever else I might do at any of my other uncles house’s. so since I’m goin back this year I just wanted to know if it was alright for me to stay over at his house, is there anything in the quran or hadith that prohibits it?


    thank u


    ta ta

  2. ^^^haye..so now u grace us with ur presence? lord girl wats wrong with ur pc?...bisinka


    alright let me give this one more try:


    who shall i do? hmmm


    boolbaro: reminds me of the guy who owns hamar wayne, light skinned, not fat, and has a pleasent face, oh and there could be a slight chance that he needs glasses but he doesn't want to get them so its sun glasses for him.


    ta ta

  3. not everythin about daycare is bad, and not all daycare centers are poorly managed. the country you live in plays an important role in this, i mean if i was livin in ethiopia my kid would never see the inside of a daycare center what with all the relatives there that wouldn't be needed. but since there's little chance of that happenin daycare seems like the brightest choice. not everyone's got relatives around where they life.


    but then since there's a father in the kid's life who has a say in this if he didn't want the child to go to daycare there's always his mother ;) ....


    ta ta

  4. yall are takin it the wrong way....ease up on the attacks, damn! and yall said the baro were vicious. bisinka miskeenka just asked a question and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t telling anyone to do anything. I mean I would think if you’re married you would want to spend your free time with your significant other. No one is saying they aint allowed to surf the net…. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


    ta ta

  5. I really don’t see the problem with daycares, my mother took my sisters and I to daycare and she would pick us up on her way home. I learned my culture, religion…okay so my Somali isn’t all that great but that aint because of daycare. i knew somali a lot better when I was younger its just that over the years it faded out. So if I went to daycare and turned out this good, then of course my kids will go there too.


    At the age of three is when I’ll take them to daycare by then they know how to talk, walk and so on. Kids younger than three shouldn’t be in daycares though. I wouldn’t trust anyone(except my mom) with my new born baby and the daycare staff have this little problem with leaving the dirty nappy on too long, which causes rashes. everyone’s got their own opinion on how to raise their kids, do as you wish.


    why aren't the guys offering to stay at home? its his child too.


    ta ta

  6. 1st -treatment for your dry hair ..here goes...once a month (remember just ONCE a month, dont go crazy on it) mix mayo and ghasil (somethin that looks like hanna but doesn't have the colorin power of hanna) and a teaspoon of olive oil, and apply to hair, leave it on for a couple of hours then rinse it out, after u dry ur hair apply olive oil into hair (for best results keep it over night) then later wash it out. that shall restore that chemical damaged hair.


    2nd .loool great imagination sis..


    my crystal ball has not lost its touch

  7. Og-girl: 5’9 with yellow-brown skin color (is ur father dark?) curly shoulder length hair, u got some meat on those long bones. And you’re probably daddy’s girl.


    Juxa: 5’5-5’6, rich brown skin color, short overly curly hair kinda dry ( shall I braid it for u dear, I’d do a lovely job!) ur not thin ur filled out quite nicely (voluptuous girls tend to look better in diracs then thin girls ..believe me) and lets see ur far sighted so u wear glasses (sometimes).


    That’s all the images for now…see yall later..


    ta ta

  8. I’d be a stay at home mom takin care of the brat for the first three years of his/her life, after those three years I’d drop him/her at the local daycare. I haven’t spent hours studying for nothing so daycare it is for him/her…


    as for my dear mother, well she’ll be in her vacation period by that time; livin her life and enjoyin it now that her kids have grown up.


    ta ta

  9. the power of imagination....


    the only person i can picture is ngonge...a tall,medium brown skin color, medium build man with a slightly receding hairline. for some reason his posts remind me of my uncle( i guess thats where that mental image comes from).

    no offence bro


    ta ta

  10. where there are somalians arguments are bound to start


    **offers both sisters a chill pill**


    take it darlings its free...and chillax..doctors orders :D



    pill is best taken while sitting down, drinkin tea,watching ur fav movie...or eatin ur fav chocolate cake/ice cream/candy...


    ta ta

  11. they're not fools, sis bes, they're unique and i respect them i dont know why but i just do. but thinkin bout it... isn't it hard for the guy too? doesn't he have this great weight on his shoulders? he's married to more than one woman! god! just imagine the headaches, the complaints, the shopping...lord have mercy on the guy


    ta ta

  12. i know my abc's ...does that count? the way things are goin now adays i pity the guys when they go out in search of a girl to marry... poor guy has to go through a list of qualifications! dang! my grandmother was just sayin the other day how back in the day the guy had to give camels or was it goats? something like that ...and how now the guy must come with a fat bank account, house, education...the list goes on...


    times like this when i thank god for makin me a woman! hmm....that means i do the torturin...

  13. comin from a family where most of the male members have more than one wife, i really dont see a problem with it. my grandfather had four wives, he's fathered so many kids i cant even count... same with my uncles but i dont know whether i'd have a different opinion about it later when i actually do get married,


    i know my mothers did. her father,brothers, uncles all have/had second, third or fourth wives, she saw that as a normal thing, but when my dad said he'd go and marry another woman....lord have mercy! dang my ma blew up...she went crazy on us! dang i didn't do anythin but that dacas still flew my way.


    wat i dont like is when the guy is unfair and treats one wife better than the other...that gets on my nerves...treat all kids the same, all wives the same, and make sure each wife has a comfortable roof over her head....if that aint gonna happen... stick with just one woman and make her happy.


    ta ta