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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. i remember you mentioning that your dad was a religous man,may god grant him heaven and may he accept his prayers and hours of worship he performed during his life time. death is hard on all but keep in mind that he's gone to a better place and that inshallah you'll be united again when the time comes. i pray that god ease your pain. ameen

  2. Best feeling:

    you've just gotten your hair, nails and toes done; you're sitting there in your pretty silk dress waiting for your girls to finish dressing and while waiting.......... you quietly munch on a chocolate candy bar, you stuff it down quickly cuz once your girls come out they'll be on you case bout not being able to fit in the dress after tonight. Those few seconds spent eatin that candy bar in secret is by far the best feeling.

  3. I knew what the letter contained even before I opened it, I knew they’d tell me I was one of the selected students chosen to be interviewed. I don’t mean to sound conceited but my GPA was good and the essay I submitted was flawless, but I didn’t want it and yet at the same time I was dying for it.

    It’s confusing; it’s the career path i want but the thought of having to come in for an interview scares me. Give me a pen and paper and I’ll write stuff that’ll blow you away…but for some reason I can’t do that with my speech; I stutter, choke and my face turns beat-red.

    Besides that I’m great, stressed and confused but great just the same.


    Ps, pray for me that it all goes well…

  4. I never thought she’d do such a thing, I mean she’s so strong and mashallah I envy her confidence sometimes but she just had to do the stupidest thing! *cries* disappointment hurts!


    I wish that was it and I had nothing else to be upset about but that’s not the case.


    Telephone calls, e-mails, letters etc you name it my parents have sent pictures and messages of perhaps every eligible guy in our family (tribe)! Its sick, first off I am not ready to get married and second, cousins?? :(


    And to top it off…I’m ranting on the net, I’ll check in with my doctor soon.

  5. how religous would u want him to be?



    by very, you mean; he prays, pays zakat, and does almost if not all of the requirments of the religion right? that kind of religious is good, but there are some brothers who kick it up a notch and take the religion to a whole new level. Sure islam has a code of dress, but no where does it say that your pants should be way above your ankles, to the point where the pants are no longer pants but shorts instead (long shorts).


    see that kind of religous is far and beyond and not all that attractive ,god bless them, but being extra without there being a need is just not right. the dress isn't the only thing, they're views on how women should act and what they should and shouldn't do is intolerable; and isn't in accordance to the religion at all. These type of "religious" brothers are the few that have some sisters removing "religious" off their list of attributes for potential husbands


    dont get me wrong, religion is at the top of my list when it comes to marriage, but its gotta be the religion itself and none of that added practices.


    ps, sorry if i offending anyone

  6. it's very sick, i heard about this while eating at BQ's; all i have to say is i love my taste and money! i'd actually paid for the meal and just before it was served my friend just had to tell me about a finger being found in a wendy's meal. oh well, who knows perhaps the reason why these burgers are so good is because they're loaded with human meat...they say human's are very tasty (really, it's been proven)..



    watch wat you eat...i guess

  7. so do teams sign up for this event? cuz i know a couple of girls who would be interested in competing in several of the sports mentioned. plz let me know

  8. thought i might share this e-mail i recieved with the students here. GOOD LUCK! (*_*)




    Rooftops Canada is pleased to announce the beginning of recruitment for the 2005 Young Professional Intern Program. This is an excellent opportunity for new and recent graduates from your university aged 19 to 30 that are interested in working overseas. We are recruiting 8 interns for 6-month internships in South Africa, Cameroon, Tanzania, India, or the Philippines. The internships will start in July or August 2005. This internship program is part of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy, facilitated by CIDA's Youth Action Division. Each intern receives a stipend to cover travel and living expenses for the six-month overseas placement.


    The deadline for applications is Monday, May 9th, 2005.


    Young Professional Intern Program

    Rooftops Canada / Abri International

    720 Spadina Avenue, Suite 313

    Toronto, ON M5S 2T9 Canada

    website: www.rooftops.ca

    E-Mail: internships@rooftops.ca

  9. youth conference!!

    hosted by a group of islamic centers and mosques including khalid bin Al-Waleed mosque.


    Time: friday march 25 (11am-9:30pm) Sat 26 & sunday march 27 (9am-9:30pm)

    Location: 900 dixon road, toronto (Regal constellation hotel)


    for more info visit, www.khalidmosque.com

  10. women's day also happens to be children's day as well...its kinda late but ..be extra nice to those lil devils/angels, its their day to celebrate as well!


    happy women's day (to all SOL ladies) and happy children's day(for all those at home and unable to use the pc ..yet)

  11. funny how fast sparks can fly. :rolleyes:


    back to the topic, celebrating western holidays; correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't there a similar celebration back home? they celebrated mother's day, father's day, etc..to them perhaps it was simply a day to show your loved ones how much they mean to you, i doubt it had anything to do with the church and its beliefs. whatever the case, a muslim isn't suppose to take part in non-islamic celebration and he/she should not imitate their way of life.


    ps.thanks for sharing classique

  12. since you've said that you are pregnant, there's a bit of getting used to; i'm not saying that abuse is acceptable or anything, just that the two of you might be finding it hard to get used the idea that there's going to be a baby soon. perhaps rather than a divorce a separation for the duration of your pregnancy might be a better idea. perhaps after or during this time the both of you could try and work your marriage out.


    stay over at your a family members house or a friends. dont rush into getting a divorce though sis, your emotions are running high at this point and major decisions like this one might be alot easier to make after you've had your baby.


    then again you know yourself best ...do what you think is right, all the best to you sis.