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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. ^your old school ways are quite funny lol


    diamante,sis lexus didn't say she was feeling the guy, in fact she seemed somewat shocked by the letter and not interested.perhaps these quotes will give you a more clear idea...


    I received a email from this guy after
    refusing to have anything to do with him.
    Because I am only 18 and
    I am not ready for a serious relationship
    .......Maybe in 3 years time.

    --- That's what I would like to say!

  2. yes i can mz lexus, but is there really a point to this question? are you pointing out certain ppl? and if so why? have they bothered you?


    Time to attack

    ^and lastly, wat exactly did you mean by that statement?

  3. afronut..parents can only do so much, how do you expect parents to censor what their child listens to? most (if not all) kids never really take their parents with them when they go to buy these CDs... america is still to blame.


    don't forget your country was formed under the umbrella of two nationalities, French and English culture-You guys did not denounced your European culture yet!.Canadians still dwell on the concept of collective responsibility

    we owe allegiance to the mother land...*sings the anthem* the french english cultures have nothin to do with canada fallin apart...if you paied just a tad bit of attention to your readings you'd see that canada is a multi-cultural country and thats the pride and joy of every canadian. thats all we have to be proud of :( everythin else is changing.

  4. ^american violence is being glorified.


    3) what (afronut) mentioned is this whole notion of "not being in a gang yet indirectly doing gang related activities or advocating them" is also finding its way into canada. Youth think getting shot at is fun or makes a man out of them, and who blames them for thinking like that this 50c individual (their idol) repeats in almost every song

    "nigger i got shot (blah blah)...".


    i'm telling you, america is to blame for everything that happens here

  5. how does one keep curls loose?....everytime i curl my hair... it shrink....ppl think i cut my hair...

    Tip: while hair is wet rub in some moose and also rub in light gel to keep those curls in place. do not brush! instead gently comb your fingers through it


    Helpful tip: bend head down and work the moose from the roots to the tips, that adds volume and should keep those curls lose.


    that should help

  6. ^^we only need its military assistance nothin more in exchange for water along with other stuff, but america is not statisfied with that...it wants canada. you mark my words sometime in the future there wont be canada it'll be called "america" one big giant country.


    2. remember that saying "monkey see, monkey do"? well thats exactly whats happening with the canadian government. our former prime minister (like hte little monkey he is) saw bush's ways in dealing with the country's taxes. so what did he do? he slipped some into his ever so big pockets leaving us tax payers to wonder and ask why the roads as well as other things were not being fixed.


    election day came, he was voted out and a new one came into seat; and like all secrets our former prime minister's secret was exposed. we were shocked, i was shocked; i mean he didn't look like a sneaky monkey (or did he?..)


    the problem: well now more secrets have also been exposed, for example it seems that the liberals paied certain ppl to insure their votes (ppl in high places who have influence on a large portion of ppl). does that sound familiar? *cough* american governement. And now there's soon goin to be an election (sometime june).


    only difference between america and canada now is that the american ppl KNOW their government is corrupt while canadians are now waking up and seeing its government for what it really is .


    :( and to think that canada was better than america...all this time they were cheating us!

  7. this thread is about weird hobbies, why is everyone listing normal hobbies? cycling, running, designing, or reading <<those are normal good hobbies.


    list some weird hobbies.

  8. Are you blaming the Americans?

    *sighs* yes lexus i do blame americans, why? because i do ...let me make a list here:


    1) americans needed new customers for their gun business (illegal trade), and after lookin at the Stats they realized that canada had a lot of good peace loving folks


    The result: "americans" invaded our space creating havoc and causing countless crimes. we canadians got scared and feared for our safety, i mean women could no longer walk the streets in peace, men were being shot at randomly in the streets...we had no choice but to seek protection

    so we bought their goods ..and now our population is slowly arming its self.


    The problem: the young generation confused as they are have gotten hold of these guns and are causing plenty of trouble. the homocide rates are goin up; they have gone up!. *weeps*


    i remember back in the day when we had peace walks carrying banners that read "no guns" *sighs*


    *darn americans!* :mad:


    i'll continue my list later ...

  9. canada is great except for its government that has turned somewhat naughty. would i consider raising my child here? hmm yea i would, just not in toronto. about the gun thing, just a couple of years ago the gun ownership rates were quite low but ever since americans found out ways to smuggle them in through the alberta borders (or was it some other province?) we've had trouble. the rates aren't as bad as the states though, so i can safely say that canada is pretty safe compared to the states.

  10. happy celebration to those of s'land. this is the first time i heard bout this may18; i only knew of one somali independence day. this is all very interesting though, and its nice to see that young ppl know their somali history well enough to back up their views on different issues.

  11. i've got a question for all the nomads who see it wrong for married nomads to be surfing the net and chatting, why do you care? just answer that, they be messing up your game miya? :D . If they're capable of having a family and still enjoy some free time on the net posting some relevent posts then cheers for them...lets not get up in other's business.


    "live and let others live"

  12. ^^ i've got the same problem, i dont know anythin to make it more full however i do temp. get my hair to look thick. simply rub oil or conditioner into hair blow dry upside down (bend head down and blow dry from the roots) then just ruffle it a bit with your finger. that should give you full thick lookin hair even if its only temp.