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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. stay at home moms? why ofcourse! thats a splendid idea..granted that my hubby makes nuff $$$$ to keep us all comfortable and meets all of our needs+wants. i'm warming up to the idea already...stay at home while the money is brought to you :cool:


    ps...lex, think bout it

  2. lingeries are always perfect wedding gifts...but as you said it seems to personal so in that case buy her some silverware (those aren't that expensive) or other household stuff. sets of plates,cups,saucers,bowls(that all comes in one set) and it makes a perfect wedding gift.

  3. hunting season at its highest point. *retches*


    i can honestly say that there is an exact thread on bad boys somewhere in the archives (most likely from the previous hunting season).

  4. -the awful smell

    -ugly nails

    -damaged hair

    -awful breath

    -constant coughing

    -the fact that your body is being harmed

    -the idea of dying from a drug you willingly take


    ^^^^^^if that doesn't get you to quit....perhaps the fact that its islamically wrong will.


    ps. did you know that smoking in an indirect way is a form of suicide? well it is.


    peace and good luck

  5. lool mizz all that you've listed are so true, but if they didn't do that they wouldn't be somalis! naggin and gettin into others business has become part of our culture, as for the rest; to each his/her own.


    adding to the list ...

    1) women coming to my house to tell my mom how they'd seen my younger sister dressed inappropriately when their own daughter are doing god knows what and where revealing garments. that really gets under my skin, my mother already knows what my sister wears, she bought them for her! :mad: everyone's got their own taste in clothes, and not everyone follows the religion, i'm cool with them so long as they dont turn to me and mouth bout how i dress (they cant though...its perfectly stylishly proper ;) )


    solutionl: my mother ignors them and so does my sister, after time they just let things be.


    nuff ranting for now.

  6. *read, think 'bout what's being said and then quietly walk out*


    thats my pattern with all threads (sometimes), not because they're not interesting or are ridiculous just that i have nothin to say ..at that moment.

  7. does canada actually "belong" to only one group of people? if so, who are they? if you're thinking its the white man...then you're wrong, canada truely belongs to the aborignals who society has cast aside. so when all is said and done, EVERYONE in canada is or was a refugee at one point in their lives.


    one more thing, somalia isn't in its best shape at the moment so if someone says they dont want to go back, respect that. there's no need to force it down their throat and lecture about pride in one's country and all the other stuff that was mentioned. i personally dont see myself going to somalia anytime in the near future, by that i'm not denying the fact that i'm somali nor am i rejecting my country.

