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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. Title:The Purification Act

    Fiqh Of Worship 1


    Prof: shaykh Abdulbary Yahya

    dates: Aug 12-14 and 19-21 2005

    location: carlton university, Ottawa

    email: ottawa@almaghrib.ca

    phone: 1-888-almaghrib(256-2447)


    its a double-weekend-degree -seminar

    you can earn a university credit.


    there's also one being held in toronto:

    title: The Code of Scholars- Usool Al-fiqh

    Prof: mahamed Alshareef

    location: university of toronto, toronto (st george campus)

    dates: Aug 19-21 and 26-18

    email: toronto@almaghrib.ca

    phone: 1-888-almaghrib(256-2447)



    thought i'd share smile.gif


    ta ta

  2. Oh shucks You
    me to it.

    interesting, how exactly did i Bet you to it?? icon_razz.gif



    *some folks are simply too generous with info, one doesn't even need to ask anymore*. :rolleyes:


    thank you Afro




    ta ta

  3. my friday went like this:


    7:00am - woke up (too hot to stay in bed)...and since i was up i thought i'd be nice and make laxoox for the kids

    8:00am- played football with my kid brother while we waited for his school bus to arrive

    10:00am- ran to future shop and bought a hot Camcorder(worth the $$$)

    10:30am- rushed to make it to my brother's graduation.

    12:00pm- came home tired from all the filming and smiling ...

    1:00pm- sat around ..bored

    3:00pm-the heat didn't seem to get any better...laundry time it is (the basement is cold!)

    5:00pm- started braiding my sister's hair

    6:30pm-done braiding...(its going to take hours to undo them later)

    7:40pm- watching old photo albums (shocked), still too hot to go out


    over all...it's not the best friday.


    *must get AC in my room*

  4. Really hibaad, if you wanted to register with hibo...all you had to do was sign the dotted line...NOT start a topic bout how annoyed and bored you are. redface.gif



    hibo, you heard the lady, sign her up.


    some folks/.... *shakes head...and walks out* :rolleyes:


    ta ta

  5. not much of an idea but it sure is a helpful warning. DO NOT USE HENNA IF YOUR HAIR IS COLORED! be warned ladies...when hair is colored the henna makes it dry...trust me on that one.


    one learns from their mistakes...thought i might share that with you incase you ever think of using henna on colored hair...


    ta ta

  6. i can cook and bake just about anything in a recipe book as well as stuff i learned from family and friend...but i can never cook a decent edible somali rice, honest! a sane person would seriously not go near it. :eek:


    i along with others call that bizarre.

  7. pick out a malgabad (pardon my awful somali)that suites your dirac and like dawoco said wrap the garbasaar around your neck and shoulders.


    ps.just out of curiosity...why would you wear a hijab to an all girls wedding?

  8. I can memorize and store for a long period anything (foreign language, terms,quran, dates…etc)except for numbers (telephone numbers, formulas.etc) and names (people); some have called that odd/bizarre… I call it a gift. redface.gif who needs math?

  9. sure he may look like somethin straight out of the starwars movie...BUT he's innocent! he loves helping kids, loves giving them a proper childhood..heck he built a wonderland place where kids can enjoy themselves .. :( and now its gone!


    he's a freak. he looks freaky. there's a difference ! there's no denying that he looks like the freakiest ish ...but thats our opinion!


    redface.gif i've said it far too many times..but i'll say it one more time: the dude is INNOCENT!!


    -jackson fan-

  10. thats just ignorant wallahi...you may not like the idea of marrying outside your own culture but you dont need to insult or look down at those that do. to each his/her own, there aint nothing wrong with loving your own people but aint no harm in finding love outside your own people.


    *shakes head* the things some people will say :rolleyes: