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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. its disgusting to see a man smoke, whether he be a muslim or not; BUT its even more disgusting to see a woman smoke. IT JUST IS! however, NOTHIN is more sick than seeing a somali woman wearing her garbasaar sitting outside her door smoking. <<<seriously sick.


    ta ta

  2. I wouldn't want to speak ill of our SOL girls but desperation is at a all time high here it seems

    huh?? desperation? stating that one combs their hair, sleeps in pjs(watever they may be) and washs up before bed is now considered a sign of desperation?


    Please don't attack me girls for speaking the truth

    truth you say...


    U might be fascinated or even enlightened by the reasons behind it.

    lets hear it hibo, whats the story behind this thread?


    if this section waz only for females then i can understand if gurls share this kinda information, but we all know that this section is read by everyone;

    so you're sayin you would deem this thread appropriate if the guys weren't reading it? um okie dokie,


    if you want these farahs in london dee u can have em!! see who cares

    IF i was a male nomad from london... i would view this comment as seriously offensive, now the guys have become toys eh "you can have them, really go take them". SideNote: ladies, erm...i could swear these "farahs" in london have no interest in you either.


    but seriously, the london gurls are more private in SOL, the rest are sharing bedtime experience

    um...yea, "bedtime experiences" wouldn't be how i would describe wat was shared here, but watever.


    sorry to say but i would say ladies in london have a lot more freedom to act and say what they want then u guys!!

    just a sec, let me just flip to my citizen's handbook; yup there it is "the freedom list" i dont know bout the US but canadians have similar freedoms as londoners (your queen is our queen too!).


    this entire argument was simply silly, my younger sisters could have done a better job! rotz.gif*shakes head, and walks out*



  3. ^not just women...men too

    shower? yes, perfume? no, lotion is just fine, sexy lingerie? um nope...its summer so cotton PJs do just fine. i'm sure most ppl clean up before heading off to bed ..."golden rules: brush before you sleep" little things that remain part of us.

  4. and last time i was droping my sis of at school her friends thought i was her mum, heliroues i know but not at the time

    play along is what i do, yes, thats my daughter ...she gets those pretty eyes from me ofcourse. its alright sis, i've had people ask me if my mom was my older sister, :eek: sure my mom looks pretty young and most people NEVER believe that she's got 20+ daughters ...it doesn't bother me much at all, cuz at the end of the day...my mom is still my mother. then again everyone's different right?


    keep those glasses nearby, you'll probably get bored of contacts....soon

  5. better late than never right...happy independence nomands, somalia had its rough times and still does but inshallah it'll get better; our prayers are heard...its just a matter of time before allah grants them.


    ta ta

  6. last time i checked
    somalis were having dark children unless they were mixed?



    dark kids, light kids, it doesn't matter so long as they're healthy...oh and not ALL somalis are having dark children(not that i have a thing against dark kids...just stating facts).

  7. iron (clothing iron). i know its ghetto...but it works ALOT better than the straightening irons.

    try it.


    ta ta