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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. yes they would be...such adorable and very beautiful kids.


    aaliyah...dont you say anything mean about my future kids!


    and i agree with ibti here, when is your wedding? its been ages now and you aint gettin any younger....so get on with it!

  2. if you're looking for someone to share their experience with you, you wont find it here. I doubt anyone did it and if they did, they wouldnt share their story.


    and if you're looking for someone to give you the green light and say its halaal, seek a carab sheikh. Whatever you do, dont ask a somali sheikh...there's not enough reasons to make him tell you "go ahead, you're in pain and should do whatever you can to ease your pain". Oh and do mention the pain and discomfort and add that it draws too much attention dispite being covered up...the carab sheikh will pull out some hadith for sure.


    oh and if you're just looking for info on the process, the pros and cons and the sideffect...talk to your doctor or ask google.


    Wish you all the best!

  3. i've got it!


    alright so what my avatar says about me is that...i have a thing for koreans. *sigh* their cartoons, men(those in khamees ofcourse), food...the art, and their awfully weird music.


    okay okay... there is no meaning behind the avatar. I chose the name pucca and people kept asking what that was so i posted a picture of pucca (the avatar is pucca)...does that make sense?

  4. this sperm bank thing is very gross, im shocked you're even considering it.


    ikky nasty sperms kept frozen being warmed up and put in you? *shudders* god almighty...any farax and i do mean ANY..is better.

  5. *mental note: never travel by bus...EVER*


    ps. i'd have run for dear life too aaliyah, i will automatically assume the man is dead after the first stab and save myself. Its not the nice thing to do but its the smart thing to do...best to limit the number of bodies to just one, right?

  6. Originally posted by Pujah:

    Happy B-day 2 me too - only my mom called me to make fun of my new duqnimo

    you are as old as you feel dearest(and you got no reason to be feeling old), so go on and enjoy your birthday!



    happy birthday aaliyah, didnt think you'd be into bday celebrations but cool...hope you have fun too. btw, how old are you...if you dont mind me asking? *you can sorta whisper it to me*

  7. get really neat fake tattoos and just stick 'em on your hands or wherever, totally neat and the good thing is they come off real quick. Cilan just takes forever and it only looks good for so long. Besides, its just a graduation right? no reason to get all fancy. A little bit of nailpolish would do just fine, but if you want some art...go with the fake tattoos (cool thing, you can find some henna designs).


    um is it haraam? naw, cant be...it aint real so its cool. *i think*

  8. and here i was hoping someone would ask whether surrogacy was haraam or not...ya know, your fertilized egg in another woman..to avoid pain ofcourse.


    Oh well...no one asked so its cool.


    siphoningdilemma dearest, im pretty sure going to the sperm bank is haraam ...infact i think a sheikh i heard likened it to zina. Besides...its such an ikky process! I mean, you go through this invasive process of injecting/inserting a sperm into you and ...getting really nothing but 9months of pain and a loud baby. I'd suggest you marry, then atleast you have someone to dump the kid on when he/she decides to stay up all night. oh might i add, its really expensive and quite lengthy. They gotta do all sorts of follow ups ya know...to make sure you do get pregnant and stuff.


    Good luck!


    ps. there was a dude who was looking for a wife, seemed alright...check out the 'im looking for a wife' topic in the women's section. Maybe he could donate some...um sperm, halaal way ofcourse. smile.gif

  9. ^its because God loves us.


    making up days eh...um jeez, im going to start making them up this year inshallah. I've never made up any before...terrible stuff but honest, i forget!

  10. ^very true sis, we shouldnt blame (or name call)people for that which they have no control over.


    they should totally have male pageants...i mean it cant be that haram right? men would still wear clothes...



    *must bring up this idea at the next community event planning meeting*