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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. i must be getting seriously old if my system refuses to adjust to summer hours and let me sleep past 8am. :( sleeping at 4am didnt change a thing either.


    *goes off to look for gray hair*

  2. :eek: oh my god. See im not big on the olympics, i've never bothered to watch them but just out of curiousity i checked back on the last two olympics and $hit...we stink! :( Dang, i love this land and we have great athletes...but i think we're just good at the winter sports.


    this is heartbreaking...*weeps* :( i so didnt need to see those results.


    *sigh* im still supporting them, so yall need to ease off the insults. :mad:

  3. :mad: Ibti and che are very adeb daran too...like many others you two need some serious karbaash'ing!


    cara, thank you for the reminder..im looking forward to '10, hope im still around then.


    Cadaan, dude where have you been when i was being attacked?! where the hell are the other canadians?!

  4. moi needs exercise tips! im not looking to lose weight (lord knows i cant afford to), i'd like muscles though. Its just disgusting how weak i am...i have zero strength so i desperately need muscles! not too much(no big manly arms) just enough to get by since i dont have brothers around anymore to pick things up and moves stuff for me.

  5. ^that sounds dirty.


    sir, you're still in denial. You must first realize that you are in denial and admit. Its the first stage of healing...


    come on, admit you love both. you'll feel better...an entire load off your shoulder.

  6. its no secret, we are very beautiful women. It doesnt surprise me a bit that other races would find us attractive. Your friends are either blind or they're in denial. Which is it?


    ibti, i want to know the saying too! *whisper it*

  7. ^no, you learn from it.


    this winter was terrible! it wasnt normal so hopefully it would repeat itself.


    still...im not willing to give it up. I prefer the cold to extreme heat or wind (terrible for contacts).

  8. box away my stereo system (and other devices that play music)

    attend taraweex

    Eat less (ma isnt here so nothing is worth eating anyway)

    sleep more

    read quran (hopefully i can finish it this month)

    maybe sign up for dugsi

    And inshallah i want to make atleast one child happy each day...(this is a goal for the year but starts this ramadan)


    seems doable...