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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. ^na the heat outside is not normal! subhanallah, the skin on my arms are toasted!! my face feels burn too...bal maxaa iibixiyeey? *shakes head*


    damn those somali no-gooders, you know they're hell bound when they take a canadian (we're peaceful folks).

  2. Originally posted by -Serenity-:

    Pucca, hi! For some weird reason, I cant help feeling like I live in your neighbourhood... I'm staying in Somali central - Weston.

    lool if i were living in that neighourhood i do believe i would be a tad more somali and lot less canadian.. :D it is however not too far from where i call home. When do you leave for ottawa?


    *thinks of meeting serenity and totally shooting my doll image to hell...hmm*

  3. *walks in and slaps pool* i'll not have anyone speak ill of toronto. che, i'd slap you too but im afraid you'd enjoy that.

    Gj, many thanks for filling in for me!


    Serenity dearest, deeply sorry i wasnt around to give you a proper wlc'ing. With ramadan coming up and all i had to squeeze in the last khamees fest today, alhamdulilah it went great. Anyway, sounds like you've been around toronto already eh. Ottawa has some neat sights and its fun...dont know about montreal though.

  4. these new folks talk too much. how in heavens does one make over 400 posts in just a month?? Oh well...to each their own.



    Tomorrow's friday! khamees fest...*drools* its nearly ramadan so gotta make the most of tomorrow.

  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

    Pucca...Just violent tendencies. That's definately turn on

    thats a very disturbing thought.


    *waves* ta ta folks...i've a picnic to attend.

  6. Raise my hand? thats so middle school! why not shout it out?


    Originally posted by Hubb:

    As they say “when life gives u lemons, u throw at the faarax to notice you effectively”.

    I've never heard of this saying, did you make it? couldnt we just throw apples instead?

  7. my heart does funny things that feel alot like the beginnings of a heart attack at the mere sight of a cat.




    che im going to twist and turn that till it appears to be a compliment...i'll thank you later.

  8. wow...yall are just mashallah. I for one couldnt be bothered to do more than wash my face (with water) each morning. All this huruud and qasil business requires time and dedication....i lack both.


    *takes notes for future reference*

  9. No i dont see all that's listed there as 'major' sins but i personally wouldnt care to know the order they go in...i'd prefer to know what the punishment for doing said sin is..

  10. ibti dear, i run daily and if that would make me strong (not just my legs) i'd be kicking a$$ right about now.


    im joining the gym next month inshallah, those scary machines should have some strength building abilities...