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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. For him? No, i put alot of time,money and spent sleepless night worrying about midterms not to mention missing numerous eid celebrations to just give it all up for a ...man? korean brother better be rolling in serious money to ask me to give it up.


    For kids? Maybe, if there's no one else to care/watch them. My kids will inshallah know their deen whether im working or not, one doesnt need to be at home 24/7 to teach a child about the deen.


    For myself? Heck yea! I'll gladly sit at home and look pretty while he goes and makes the $$ and the kids run around in either mom's house or that of their uncles and aunts(this is just one of the many reasons i love that i have so many siblings..)

  2. ooooooooh that was one awesome ramadan, for those who are either too lazy,cant cook or just dont have the time to cook their meals i'll let you in on this wonderful place to have your afur (woulda told you about it during ramadan but i was on a 'no internet'diet) *drum roll*.....MSA!! lol im not kidding folks! the MSA actually has decent food! and not just your own MSA...you can drop by any other MSA and people will welcome you with open arms...Aint nothing better than MSA hopping, why stick to just your own when there are plenty more?


    best of all its FREE!! really, knowing that is reason enough to go!


    So for any of you who arent students...HOOK up with a student next ramadan.


    sidenote: oooh and you need not even be a muslim to get food ...so drag your friends if you want to and have a blast (no really, im not kidding here...drag your friends, it'll be like dacwa...sorta)


    god bless the MSA!

  3. I've yet to vote but inshallah this year i plan to mark an X on that NDP spot on the sheet...or watever we're suppose to mark an X on.


    *fingers crossed* im praying real hard that whichever party wins will end tuition fees (no no, this isnt wishful thinking...it CAN happen)and perhaps pass 'forgiveness' for those with debt from previous years.


    *floats away on the dream cloud*

  4. dude, wash that mind with zamzam water pronto...whatever it thinks cant be good if you mentioned this month being holy. *thank you dear lord for ramadan*


    no they arent the only ones but i dislike the chinese and the japanese seem a tad um...well homo and all the other small eyed nations just arent as 'interesting'. Plus korea hates america just about as much as i do..

  5. i find the instructions on the back of the box a tad gag inducing...just the thought of having to go through that makes me sick.


    Are you having problems using pads? i'd say stick with them ... at least they dont have iffy instructions on the box.

  6. today im having trouble with a cat. since 4am this morning this darn cat has been going off crying for its mother...goodness! i truly hate cats but i took pity on this small thing and gave it milk, tuna and shared some chicken with it too. now i thought it would shut up and let me sleep but noooooooo...So the sun came up with me sitting in my backyard and the cat and i staring at one another.


    i even protected it from this killer cat (its killed several cats on the block)...but will it leave me alone and cry in some else's backyard? nope.


    as i type this its still crying out...heck am i suppose to do?! i cant even nap if i wanted to...

  7. aaliyah, huuno...horta 10 iyo 15 wax difference ah umajeed, mid cas iyo mid madoo na kolay wa isku mid oo at the end of the day wa nin oon so maad garan...ee dee huuno waan daalayeey bal mid oon farta ku fiiq. Subhanallah, diraci aya ba nagu dulgaboobayey; you been talking about arooska for ages now.


    che...unless you're going to point me in the direction of the mashallah korean brothers ...i say you not ask. This search is so far depressing me and i dont wish to be reminded.

  8. Originally posted by AAliyah416:

    17 years old is not too young to get married. However, it's better when you are more mature and ready to take such responsibility. Say at least 23. But, everyone is entitled to make their life choices.

    are you hinting at something dear? a early mabruuk to you! bal do invite me if you're having your grand wedding in toronto...i'd love to attend. Mabruuk once again macaaney smile.gif

  9. anyone losing pounds here? its seriously difficult holding on to precious fat when one is eating only one(small)meal per day...


    *must not complain* there are starving people who lack that one meal...alhamduilah. But um...really, anyone besides me finding it difficult? i'd feel better if i werent alone...so come on, confess already.

  10. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:



    I told you if you are over 21, you qualify as Islaan. If so, by virtue of your past prudent advice, you are exempted for one time. Kindly give us your advices.

    Reading this an ayat came to my mind; [and his wife approached with a cry and struck her face and said i am a barren old woman]...


    so im going to go with this and say that the only time i shall allow anyone to refer to me as islaan (or be boxed in with that group) i'll have to be like abraham's wife...barren and truely old.


    that said, pardon my presence sir... i shall be on my way now.

  11. well there's a hospital downtown named after her and they do this annual lottery thing...top prizes are these awesome homes and neat cars. Believe me, there's NOTHING boring about them...or the cash prizes.


    I get called weird so much that i see it as a compliment now...so, che thank you very much. smile.gif

  12. worked out to some techno tunes, think i lost half a pound ..and hoping i gain half a muscle somewhere*wishful thinking*. spending the rest of my day creating a spending/savings plan and daydreaming of winning the princess margaret showhomes/cars.


    great day so far..