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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. they can turn on their own kids too. When mom was pregnant with the last child, i had to live in another house because mom always said "you smell...go away!" and honest she'd start gagging if i came around her. *sigh* i was angry or upset much of the time...but alhamdulilah it passed.



    I do feel sorry for the men who have to deal with such treatment everytime their wife is pregnant.

  2. If the person isnt attractive enough *looks* or have something attractive about them *character?*, then maxaan isku sheegeena??


    and folks, attraction is not love; so quit confusing the two. Marriage doesnt build attraction...it builds love, and im sorry but you need attraction to get married and you need marriage to build on that attraction to create love.

  3. Today i realized that there are some people who just arent meant to spend hours locked in their rooms or the library studying. Some just need a couple of hours...


    *prays hard*

  4. Its simple. If you want to shed weight...and you want you to do so without hitting the gym (i havent stepped in one in years now) then all you need to do is:

    - NEVER eat out (unless its a resturant that serves real food..not burgers)

    - NEVER eat junk (not even a cookie...)

    - NEVER eat more than you need (if you cant walk or breath after eating...you over did it)

    and last

    - NEVER drink soda (drink more water).


    People seriously need to start packing their lunch and mini snacks (fruits and veggies) and start eating healthier. To hell with the gym...why anyone would pay to run around in circles and lift heavy stuff is beyond me. The parks are free to run around in ...and im sure i can find some heavy stuff to lift around my home (not that i'd bother with this).


    Good luck to all you fat folks....


    sidenote: one of the things i never could understand is how uni/college students beef up once the semester starts. I must be missing something because the only time i gain weight is after the semester finishes..and all of it gets flushed away the minute it starts back and exams roll in.

  5. hey dearest, sorry to hear about your aunt...i'll keep her in my prayers inshallah. Dont lose hope though, my cousin went through the same thing back in june and alhamdulilah she's doing so much better. Inshallah your aunt will pull through it too.

  6. ibti, anytime dearest.


    sheherazade; dear that was some solid advice i gave her...that dude was just being gross though.


    Originally posted by Che -Guevara:


    Pucca...The Korean connection is making sense now

    :confused: i dont get it.

  7. ^for some women, their bra size changes(1-2cup sizes) during certain times of the month so their forced to have a particular size for half the month and another for 'those' days. i havent heard about the six month thing though...could be true since one's weight does tend to shift every now and then.

  8. hmm...i guess im in the group thats moving out their tomboy days. I've one foot in the 'girly' and the other in 'tomboy'...perhaps when i figure out why one needs to carry a purse i'll put both feet in the 'girly' side.


    tip on bras...if they're bugging you then it must be that you're wearing a wrong size(no im not quoting some magazine...im serious about this). Go for a bra fitting because a good bra (good does not mean fancy, good means comfortable) thats you're size should feel natural and not bother you. Then again...there's no problem going without it every now and then.

  9. No man is worth my tears.


    if things dont work out, there's a reason for it (do istiqaara if you need help...do it if you think you dont need help) so there's no sense crying over it. You'll only give yourself a headache.


    please dont eat candy or stuff yourself with food, comfort eating is not healthy. No man is worth getting fat over...seriously.


    and another thing...its okay to hate him, infact thats the only thing you should be doing...Start hating the darn fool. Post his picture on your wall and throw darts at it if you have to smile.gif (you might feel dumb, but you'll feel happy and dumb...which is good)...get angry and hate him...just dont get sad and depressed cuz those are ugly feelings.

  10. ^for folks who lack patience...the mosque (khalid) is just not the place to go for afur. The line just never dies! plus...its the same food i eat at home anyway(and they serve it everyday), nothing interesting about that. Bur i suppose if one wasnt picky...the mosque would be a great place to break fast.