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Magnoooona ... .Keefak habibtiii!!! been a while huh!!! ha u been ?? Daamn, u still have dem weird Questions of URS!! LOOL! .. J/K hunn... lemme c wut i can say bout ur issues!! 1st: To sit with ur family friends aint bad at all!... but it aint compulsary either... it's nice to go up and say salaams to all, chit chat a lil bit, and bounce off when u had enuff... aint no buddy gonna say "She's dis and dat" ... I understand where u comin from when u talkin bout how u were brought up (Arabic style!!).... daz da way most of us been brought up anyways.... but somali's r bit different in dat case.... rarely ppl even knock on doors... dey just zoom in as if dey live in da house... and by mixin up with somali's u get used to it... and i think YOUR WAY is much better tho hunn... Keep it dat way... DO wuteva pleases u walaalo... aint nobuddy forcin to do watchu don wanna do!!! 2nd: Lool@khala/khalo!! ... well if dey don like dat change and call dem Ammo/Amma!! ... may be dis sounds a bit better dan khalo/khala!!
man, i totally agree with ya!!! ... i feel da same way bro... most of dem r indeed da worst drivers i've ever encountered with!!! ... most of da road accidents r caused by females!!! ... i wonder how dem instructors give dem licenses dat easily ??? :confused: weird!!! just wonderin!!!
Man, dis is really killin da record!!! .. keep it up folks!!! Religious = wadaad
If i were a candle, i would burn maself down for 1st and foremost MY MOM and DAD and Grand moms!!! ... dey r da most important ppl in ma life, dey've given me da light and showed me da right way to success in dis weird world!!! so, i wud do anythin for dem, nomatter wut time when and how!!! secondly for ma lil brothaz and sistaz.... dey mean a lot to me!!! and then for ISLAM, then for some of ma friends (dey say, u aint none without ya homeboyz!!! ... but not alla dem r true friends!!!, it is good to know who's ya true friend and not from ya bunch of friends!!) ... hmmm whoelse ??... Oh yeah to ma Hiney!!!
Daaaamn, Xafsa walaalo, it's bout time u posted dis.... how many gazillion times i heard dese words and didn't really think dey meant dat!!! :confused: :mad: if only u told us earlier, i wud have wasted maself lotaa ...... ehm!!! thanx anyways,... am quite sure i wont fall for dat nomore!!!
Originally posted by Somaliland-Patriot: Assalaamu Alaikum, LayzieGirl ---- Idi's Tormentor Loooool!!! dat cracked me up walaahi!! Anyways, daaamn, dis is really funny!!! ... i left coupla hours ago, and only 1 page... now already 4 pages!!! ... welldone guyz!!! ghettofabulous = Freaky!!
Loool@Scorpion_sista .... well, da doors r gonna be opened soon insha-allah!!! ... its really funny tho... as soon as da ddors were closed everybuddy came in here!!! ... i've seen most of da guyz in here!!! ... well, except oceans and ayaan!!! ... dunno bout oceans, but i see ayaan around everynow and den (mean online! ) she's fine...!!
Hmmm ... Intrestin game!!! ... School = BORING!!! am actually in uni now, doin a research project on "the effect of glucose on the concentration of K ion in urine"... so, we gave some glucose solutions to some guyz and waitin for dem to pass urine (after 2 hours!!!) another hour left to go!!! ... so, am here bored to death ...
Lol@Scorpion_sista .... well, i don think it is dat hard to figure out a person so obvious as u!!! i figured u out from da 1st post of urs i read!!! ... anyways, wut can i say... i guess we lucky enuff to have duo-citizenships and chill on anyside of da world anytime we need... eventho some legislations of certain countries don let u to chill with full freedom!!! ... but its all goood!!! ... can't complain!!! So, yeah as u c, am in here too hastlin ppl!!! ... Can't wait to go back to ma Home sweet Home actually... hope things go aight with da president!!!
Woow... good to c dat da new Somali generation is able to speak more dan 2 languages!!! ... Well, dis r da languages i speak!! Somali english arabic Urdu spanish (Fair bit.. not fluent) swahili (still remember a fair bit) Workin on russian now!!! Exdane... wut does ya name mean in Danish ???
Loooooooooool@Layziegal.... daaaamn, can't believe u still da same ..... I thought its bout time u grew up sis.... u seem to be growin up physically but mentally :confused: still dat of a 5 yr old gal.... Look at da way u talkin,( Eedo Idi, sis Winger) only kiddos like u talk like dat!!! so, ma advice to u is, U HEAR everybuddy in dis room, dey all sayin da same thing to ya, but it don seem to be goin thro ya Thick head.... de msg all dese ppl r passin 2 u is GROW UP, i feel sorry for ya all da time wallahi, coz u try so hard to stick outta crowd but always neva succeed and end up da wrong way!!! .... So, sis... somalidu waxay tiraahdaa "Qof wax kuusheega way yar baad aragtaa, dad wax kusiiyana wax badan baad aragtaa" marka take advantage of all dese brothaz and sistaz LIKE SHYHEM givin u deir sincere advices, Shyhem is really sympathetic towards u, don disappoint him sis!!! Hope u get dis msg rite dis time!!!
hahaha idi amin.. haram ahh. then why was ur a$$ checkin it lol.. Looool!! ... Well, i was curious if dey were rite or wrong... so, was just seein wut dey wud say bout me... coz, ma name is really unique and neva thought dey wud figure it out dat easily!!! Loool!! eah long time no see where u been hidin dude?.. Well, i've been quite busy sis... Uni started so, u know how it is!!! ... too much work already!!! ... but i been around sometimes also... it is u who's been hidin in some UNKNOWN luuq... i gotta find out watchu been upto... gonna send some of ma spy's!!! extra happy coz i don't have to deal with ya lol. Well, u don seem to be succeedin well... coz, i seem to be dere whereva u think u can hide safely!!! ... it's bout time u realise dat U can't hide from Idi!! ... he sniffs from MIles Away!!!
Hey Scorpion_sista... can't blv am seein u in here too ???... daaamn, i thought u were 1 hellava patriot and neva wanted to change citizenship!! Looool!! ... anyways, gd to c u still breathin hunn... i was worried a lil bit and thought u were caught up in Umm Qasr and cudn't find da Exit!!! .... Anyways, back to da topic... I feel ya sis... i've witnessed dat too... it is really annoyin when u c dat!!! .. Horrible!!! ... u know Ilaah baa qofkaas uqoray inuu saas noqdo, so, ppl don't have to treat him/her sh$t coz dey r handicapped!!! .... XARAAAAAAM!!!!
SCORPION_SISTA SAID: lol Idi u can finally say "i told u so" to her, i remember that topic and that argument. Oh yeaaaah!!! .... coz, da sista gave me too much S#%t when i was trinna tell ppl how dis site is fulla dictators..... all ma posts were deleted tooo... but she kept on sayin dat "U DESERVE watchu got" ... Oh yeah, NOw i can c HER in da same situation.... cryin sooo BAd dat i cud hear her scream from da other side of da World!!! Looool!!! SCORPION_SISTA said: that's interesting it wouldn't allow me to have the other websites name showing!!!!! serious censorship here No S#%t watchu expect ???? .... it has been like dat for a LOOOONG time hunn.... y do u thing i had probs here ?? coz i said S'**** (Oooops! ma bad mods, not again!!) So, now u feel me i guess!!! BACK to ma Sista LayZiegal.... u know wut dey say ?? Think twice b4 U leap!!! .... u shudda known better walaalo.... as u used to advice me, did u forget to help yaself outta dis crap ??? Daaamn, feel sorry to c u cry like dat!! ... ... But hey, Wut goes around comes Around!!!
Your first name of ******* has given you a pleasant, easy-going, friendly nature. Personal contacts are important to you. In situations where you are serving others, demonstrating or instructing, you have the patience to go into details that someone else may not think to be important. In your association with others, you are often limited to the more mundane happenings and little personal problems that can be so frustrating to those of an active, dynamic nature. You desire to create system and order in your environment but are inclined to become side-tracked and socialize when you should be working. Your ambitions are not large, as you lack confidence in your own abilities and would sooner not take a chance. You are often at odds with yourself, knowing what you should do, but finding it hard to find the initiative and will power to do it. Liking to plan and think ahead, you do not act impulsively and do not like to have your plans or routine interfered with. You seek the advice of others when making a decision and prefer to work for others, rather than carry the full responsibility yourself. This name limits imagination and vision. personally i neva Blv in horoscopes at all.... but sriously dis is weird!! ... i thought it's gonna be plain guessin, it was totally true... Still can't blv dis tho... horoscopes r xaraam anyways... so, no point!!! magnoona-girl... ha u doin sis ??.. .loong time no c!!! ... watchu been upto ???
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