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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. horn africa must everything be about cheap point scoring with you, please grow up.
  2. lander with all due respect you may be having some sort of never ending tit for tat battle with some individuals but to tell you the truth i dont really care am not gana spend every time i come on this site debating one issue. and as for appeasing, i am most certainly not appeasing anyone its all in your head mate so my friend i would kindly ask you not to jump to conclusion. you can most certainly criticise what i wrote but dont criticise me for writing it, but rather critisice the material and tell me which point you dont agree with. this was my take on the ill fated attemts to set up working government in somalia not part of this little game you and few others are playing, either agree with it or disagree with it but please never ever question my intention for writing my opinion, as i am not bounded to an individual nor group on this site.
  3. I think this is new low for somalis everywhere, and new low reached by another ethopian stooge, what disgraced using unfortunate incident that happened in somaliland to carry Ethopian orders. It seems he has already arrested some woman for obeying islam :mad:
  4. lander i am an individual who has opinion on many subjects so i dont see why you snapping at me for, i am not president of somaliland nor do i represent it officialy, just like everyone else i can have an opinion on any subject. i am not trying to solve any problem futile or not its a simple opinion saxiib. i think somaliland would be better of if somalia had working 1 working administration, as for your claim that am trying to unite warlords who hate somaliland, it maybe true some hate somaliland but that doesnt concern me alot as i know they are quite powerless to harm somaliland. so lander if you look at the tittle its "debate on peace conference, am just sick tired of playing the endless little game of push and pull that most people have been stuck on these days.
  5. qac qac i dont see any where i said to her waa khasab, its just my opinion
  6. Hibo how do you equate few NGO workers leaving the country for while into Somallilanders efforts being futile and can you back up your claim of somaliland collapsing in front of our as you put. why dont you just except that somalilanders have made a decision concerning their future and respect it. Somaliland didnt just get to where it is, thousands and thousands of people sacrificed everything to create something out of nothing, even if you leave the politics aside somaliland has never been better off, so am not sure what on earth we missing, so just over decade ago when the people of somaliland chose this path personally when i look around today i say thank god they had the vision, they might have taken the rocky road, they might not have done what other people expected them to do, but no one reaches anywhere doing what others expect you do do. so in short somaliland has stop caring what people think of it, cos that gets you nowhere. what gets you somewhere is having the courage and the unyealding will to reach new heights.
  7. I think its time we broaden the debate in this room, i think we are all getting tired of debating Somaliland issues day and night, so i propose a change of subject and my subject of debate is the Somalia peace conference in kenya, It has been clear to many people that the peace converance has stalled long time ago, and that the only reason the derailed bandwagon has been allowed to roll on for this long was face saving exercise by the Kenya government and other IGAD nations, after recieving millions of (over 10 millions) US dollers the kenyan government and IGAD did not want to be labeled as useless and utter failiers, so instead of putting their hands and admiting the huge problems, instead they kept telling lies to the world and kept receiving the money. THE SITUATION NOW The situation now has become one of utter confustion and disgrace, The war lords are stuck in quagmire of their own making as they argue over nothing as usual, The IGAD countries, the EU, the Arabs, and Somalis are going in merry go aroung of utter confusion and fabricated lies. each delegate in kenya has a different opinion of where the conference is at, some people are still arguing about who is at the conference even thought ts been going on for nearly two years, some are arguing about a non-existing parliament. some are arguing about misterious documents that was signed, some have left, some new ones want to join, so now in kenya we have over 300 warlords and other unknown people who are all going in different direction, falling over each other. MY PROPOSAL 1) Stop the so called peace conference immediately I think its time this chasing shadows was stopped, this 300+ delegates made up of warlords and unkown shadowy individuals is a disgrace, it should be halted before anymore time is wasted, kenya should stop using somalis as begging bowl to get millions from EU and USA governments, 2) IGAD countries should not be allowed to mediate for somalis any longer. for the last 14 years it has been them mediating for somali warlords, and time after time they have failled, they always get involved with the war lords and they take sides, which eventually kills any chance of getting cohesion withing somalis. 3) New small conference should be set up inside somalia. This should be attended only by those warlords who control region in somalia, other warlords should not attend, elders and civil servants should also attend, there should no complicated documents signing procedures involved like constitution, there should be no parliament debate involved at this stage. 4) No "madaxweyne" There should no longer be a one man president, but the confirence should try to set up a council of rulers made up of people that come through the initial confirence, This council of rulers should be headed by around 4 people. BY setting up this council of rulers, it should unify the different warlords controlling different regions. ...and by unifying the warlords into this ruling council, their millitias should be united under the control of this ruling council. If this council can get the country under its control, then eventually parliaments, prime minister and president could follow.
  8. qac qac i never said unity is not important, all i said was you should explain to me what you mean unity within the somali reality of today, there is no point saying you want the unity for its definition but you must apply it to reality on the ground. you confuse the issue even further by broading it out to muslim unity, which of we all want but am not sure if what were discussing was as broad as that, so it seems to me what you are talking about is broader idiology while i was simply talking about political arrangments of the somali peninsula.
  9. FORMA SOMALI FOOTBALLS CHANTS TO REER BARI BY KOONFUR AND REER WOQOOYI FAANS Ma Boosaadaad ka timi, ma soo badi baad is tiri maa boodhkaa lagugu liqay TO REER WAQOOYI BY REER KOONFUR FANS Jaaw Hargeysaay Jaaw, Jaad ma haynee Jaaw. TOO REER KONFUR CHANTED BY REER WOQOOYI Ku feedhe maqas ku feedhe, fargeeto timo fargeeto... CHORUS.. Sanweyntu qaadi meyso, sabaax la saari maayo walahi these football chants made me laugh so hard, oh my god insults are worse than western sports chants, please keep them coming. p.s please no one should get offended as they are only football chants. Oh yea guys for those who asked who Burco beat, they beat sanaag in last years finals 2-1, they also eliminated hargeisa in the semis. Sool didnt do too good last year they couldnt get out of their group which was hargeisa Sanaag and sool hargeisa won the group sanaag came second so Sool were eliminated, and togdheere won the other group with Saaxil coming second awdal were eliminated, then togdheer nocked out hargeisa and sanaag eliminated saaxil, and finaly burco boys outplayed ceerigabo boys and burco are the CHAMPIONS GO BURCO GO BURCO
  10. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: Qudhac, i respect your opinion. but we should correct each other, if u see me falling from a cliff, u should tell me. and the brother who said, just because u claim it, it still make u minority... anyways it looks like u guys here made up your mind. but as historian student. i would like to remind u guys. this Quote by Jullia Ceaser.. DIVIDE AND CONQUER... and as islamic point of view, sister Buulo told u everything. if u don't want unity.. go ahead man. i respect your views, but i don't think it is the right thing to do now.. let's just keep being the laughting stack of the world... QAC QAC i never said i dont respect your polical veiws all i said was somaliland is bigger than me and you so therefor we must both respect the overwhelming decision they made concerning their future. you belittle their intelegence by claiming they are falling over a clif when it comes to how they want to shape their future. qac qac with all due respect you speak of the word UNITY of an alarming degree of Naivity on your part, you make it sound as if unity is some new drug that just being invented for all somali problems, unity is not nesserary political word as you make it sound, unity is having to live together in harmony, does not nessarary mean having to have one big political entity for for all somalis.
  11. Brave indeed they desserve to be acknowledge for for stopping those cold blooded coward murders.
  12. QAC QAC you may have personal political opinion just like i do but somaliland is not made up of few people but millions of people who have made a decision about their destiny, so we both must respect that no matter what our personal political opinion is. somaliland is a democracy and as in any decemocrazy the minority in terms of political veiw must follow the majority and respect it.
  13. LOL i gues we can never seem to understand each other, anyway the why are people making mountain out of mole, passports are not that important becasue hardly anyone uses it, but if anyone wants use it only Djbouti and ethopia are the only country were civilians can use the passport but other countries only allow the government ministers and officials to use it, probally that will change soon
  14. Why do people pre-occupy themselves with history and long far fetched ideas, we should just work with reality on the ground, the reality is somaliland is separate country in every way now as say ethopia is a separate country to somalia par the recognition, recognition does not make a country it merely acknowledges it, The only thing that is probaly holding back somaliland now compared to other countries like Ereteria among others is the lack of government to negotiate with on the other side, most most countries have made it clear that if no administration is forth coming in somalia to negotiate with somaliland, then they will recognised somaliland on its own merits, so its not wether somaliland gets recognition but how that process of recognition comes about is the only thing left.
  15. People withought being too blunt, this is the situation on the ground, for the last 8 months it has become clear that there is a group who have been working inside somaliland and planning and specificly targeting foriegn NGO workers, now when this kinda thing happens there are usually two possibilities, A) The killing are politically motivated and the finance by some one else, the people doing the killing are usually paid to carry out these acts, and its usually done to for number of political reasons, B) The killing are religously motivated since they are mainly aimed at none-muslims who are also white, in somalia there several groups have emerged withing the last few years who have dne these acts before. THE CASE OF SOMALILAND it has emerged that these killing are well planned and well organized, this cannot no longer be just simple killing becasue these killing are targeting just mainly white NGO workers, The NGO workers have no money on them, they hardly interact with locals to get into arguments, so the only reasons for these killing is political THE EVIDENCE today in hargeisa's central prison there are five men, those five men had large quantity of cash with them which was found on them, they had satatlite mobile phones known as THURAYA, WHO ARE THEY 3 of the men are originate from muqdisho while 1 is from somaliland and the other one no one is sure yet, the leader of this group used to be high ranking millitary officer in somalias former government, according to them they left the city of muqdisho exacly 7 days before the killing, they came to somaliland purchased a land cruiser for 18,000 dollers, from burco did the deed and attempted to escape through the ethiopian border, were they were planning to kill the police man they had hostage. Now these facts they said themselves, whats the most important information they said was the fact them and others were behind the other killing, whats still not known is who paid them these large sums of money. When you look at each of the killing it has become dead cert that these are politicaly motivated smear campain against somaliland, why becasue each killing came after somaliland president was on very important visit abroad the first three killing in sheikh and borama came as president riyaale was on very inportant visit to Jbouti and this latest killing we all know about it..
  16. there goes guraads dailly vile drooling, guraad dont your dailly rituall of going on the qabiil infested sites and copying pasting it on here get little boring.
  17. How low and desparate some people are getting, when everything else failled they dress up as religious woman and put on a woman islamic gown and stand in the middle of a road and shoot a young lady in the head then run for the border, yes finally the terrorist who have been killing innconent aid workers have been arrested in somaliland. yesterday morning these terrorist who were armed stood in the long road between hargiesa and berbera to ambush their soft target, their target was two NGO workers a kenyan lady and a german man, they wore lady islamic gown which covers their whole bodies and stood in the road pretending to be woman with a broken car, as the two NGO workers stoped to help them they shot at them killing the lady injuring the german, a police officer who was their body guard was also shot and injured, the german man got away but they took the body guard hostage and they made their way to border with ethipia for their escape. the german NGO reached berbera and alerted the police, all the border villages were alerte and and police convoys took off from burco, withing few hours the locals spotted them in village near Oodweyne in Togdheer, and alerted the authorities, the locals cornered them into a farm and had running battle with the 5 men who were heavily armed, until the police convoys from burco finally reached them and captured all 5 of them, 5pm they were taken to Burco at 11:45pm, by ealy morning they reached hargiesa, during the moring the police had interviewed them for hours and the information they recieved is that, these 5 men came from muqdisho exacly 7 days before they carried out the killing, they do not belong the ONLF as first reported, they came to hargiesa one by one, and they bought a Land cruiser for $18,000 from somaliland, on them was money reaching onwars of $70,000 us dollers, they had large quantities of ammunition and guns which they purchased inside somaliland, when interviewed further they revealed the money they had came from a university in muqdisho and an organisation that works with the university. the body guard who they kinapped confirm they had satalite mobile phones and they spoke to some one and confirm that they carried out the mission, but those phones were not recovered, Most importantly the 5 men which two of them had serious injuries confirmed they caried out the killing in sheikh and borama last year, it was also reveaved that the guy in charge was a high ranking soldier in siade barre millitary, he goes by the name of JAMA ABDI DHEEG, It has not being revealed but remours are that they work for the group called AL-ITIXAAD
  18. Guraad *************** [ March 19, 2004, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  19. Originally posted by Sophist: Qudhac, the Somaliweyn Camp did well. It seems they are very well accustomed to political manupilation. They argeed wholly to organise a demo against HIM would only be counterproductive-- he will get some air time in Britian; that is why they aborted the demo;; what a clever bunch. sure sophist, whatever you say
  20. ABU my friend days before riyaale came you were bombarding us with propaganda of how there was going to be large demostrations agains him, how you and your lot would show him up, chase him out, now please could you explain to us what happen, not a single goat came, or as i have suspected long time ago was a steam of hot air
  21. while somalilanders did not disapoint in turning up in huge numbers, the bamboozle lot did not send a single goat in their name. maybe this these guys went just playing when they made those threats.
  22. People hold your horses i came back from the banaanbax and i swear i was shocked by the number of people you will probally see the photos on the websites by tommorow, but seriously the whole place was a sea of somaliland flags and banners, i was lost for words, infact i was glad there was no anti somalilanders demostrating because it could have turned very ugly, but no one else turned up and we enjoyed the day, the thing started about 3pm and it finished around 5pm, the best thing about it were the songs these guys with a large microphones were orchestrating it the whole crowd were singing it, large people of non somalis and tourist stop to watch and take pictures and these chines people joint us waving somaliland flags not knowing what the heck its all about lol, then people started doing these Hindiyo dhaqan dances which was just briliant. what was so striking was that most people were between the ages of 16-25 yrs of age, and i swear they were the most exicited and vocals people today especially the girls, i have never seen that much somali girls in one place all draped in somaliland flag, :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: today i realised somali girls are the most beatifull things on earth. i totaly forgot i was there for somaliland
  23. President holds short press confirence SDWO –(London 15th March 2004) - Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Daahir Riyale Kaahin ayaa manta shir jaraa,id ku qabtay hotelka uu degan yahay isaga iyo weftigiisu ee ku yaala bartamaha magaalada London. Madaxweynaha wuxuu shirkaa jaraaid qabtay manta markay saacada London ahayd 3.30 galabnimo, Madaxweyanahu faafin sidaas u balaadhan muu bixin, se wuxuu markii u horeysayba u mahadnaqay jaaliyada London oo uga mahadnqay sidii quruxdabadnayd ee ay u soo dhoweeyeen, waxa kale oo uu halkaas salaan uga diray shacbiweynaha Somaliland ee ku dhaqan dalkii. Waxa uu sheegay inay isla saakaba guda galeen hawlahii ay u yimaadeen, waxa uu sheegay inay dowlada ingiriiksana kala hadli doonaan inuu aqoonsigii uu horey u aqoonsanaa Somaliland 1960 uu dib ugu soo celiyo. Waxa kale oo madaxweyaha isagoo wejigiisa farxadi ka muuqato sheegay in ay ku socdaalayeen dhamaantood iyagoo sita Baasaabooradii Somaliland taasi oo ku tusaysa buu yidhi sida wax aynu ku doodaynaa u yahiin wax sharci ah. Waxa la filayaa in madaxweyanaha iyo weftigiisu in kulmadoodii u qorshaysnaa ay la yeelandoonaan laamaha dowlada ee dalkan Britain, tani oo la filayo in waasaarada arimaha dibada ay beri oo 17ka March ah ay la kulmi doonaan. Wixii warar ah ee soo kordha halkan ayaan idiinku soo gudbin doonaa si joogta hadii eebe yidhaahdo. Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa waxa saaka hotelka ay deganyahiin ku soo booqday gudoomiyaha ururka ucid Fasal Cali Waraabe iyo xubno sarsare oo ka tirsan ururkaas oo uu ka mid yahay Axmed Muuse Geedi – Sanjab, iyo dadbadan oo sharaf leh oo reer UK ah.
  24. Guraad the phrase "throwing the toys out of pram" comes to mind, you believe people should believe your line of argument and only your opinion and if not "its double standards and you being picked on" please spare us the crocadile tears, you do not repesent the the intrest or the views of any groups on this website or any were else your veiws are only those of the individual "guraad", so dont speak for anyone other than yourself, the reason jaamac bootane was banned is between himself and the admins on this site. from what i saw he was warned about insulting another individual and he continued then was banned. As for someone saying "mothers are not dump enough to send their kids to streets if they are likely to be killed" then i dont see how this insults your mother or anyone else mother, its true no mother is dumb enough to put her child in harms way. guraad its not good sight to see a grown up man (i assume) to resort to these baseless mud throthing tactics, if you were out debated on whatever issue theres no need to cry foul. Bari Nomad Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Finally, I hope people are starting to realize that most of the "Somaliland" supporters are just a bunch of Puntlander hating qabiil spitting group who really have nothing going for them except their desire to see Puntland up in flames. I'm glad that their motives are becoming more clearer by the day and "Somaliland" is just a cover they are using to rationalize their hate and desire to subjugate the people in SS&C. i gues copying and changing what was said to you comes in handy when you run out of ideas, please dont say to others what was said to you the other day :cool: Originally posted by Gediid: Hello folks Finally people are starting to realize that most of the "Somaliweyn" supporters are just a bunch of Somalilander hating qabiil spitting group who really have nothing going for them except their desire to see Somaliland up in flames.I'm glad that their motives are becoming more clearer by the day and Somaliweyn is just a cover they are using to rationalize their hate.