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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. Horn i think its you who is has been refusing to come down from cloud nine for long time now, even though we know that cloud has varnished long time ago but i will leave you to it to in your vain attempt to muddle the issue even though its only reality in your own little distorted reality, life is b1tch aint it, what we want and reality are not necesarily the same thing, and no matter how we distort reality we are never able to change it. you still havent mentioned any outside organization such as UN organizations, Human rights group, NGOs, LNGOs groups who have collected any kind of data to support your claims. Slobodan Milosevic did crimes against bosnians and kosovans, he attempted ETHNIC CLEANSING, his actions would seem familier with certain uncle cronies wouldnt they rather than S.N.M. p.s you still roaming around with somalia like a begging bowl, but i wasnt discussing somalia with you at all S.N.M LEGACY
  2. Its helarious at how some people will do anything to hide their true colours, one perfecy example is mop its funny how he moves heaven and earth to hide his effection for morgan, mopp if equating the S.N.M with morgan makes feel less guilty for backing him then by all means go ahead just dont expect to fool anyone, it wont really wash away any of the mud or it wont really make the hefty load of responsibility easiar to carry for him. people please lets not go around the bush say what you feel no one is gana bite your head off, let me demostrate... S.N.M LEGACY FEEL THE HEAT
  3. horn well the rest of the people who are on "earth" as you put have already acknowled the crimes comminted by those cronies and as we are discussing here they plan to do something about it, am not sure where the countless UN and human rights information documented on these crimes mention the SNM but ofcourse am sure in some peoples own little word siyad barre was infact the good guy and the likes of the SNM were the baddies after all , well sorry to burse your bubble but the rest of world who live on "earth" do not agree with you. and by the way i dont see any trail being held for somalia, you you might have gotten confussed but this is strickly for SOMALILAND, as for your claim or wish whichever way you wana put it for the SNM to be one day put in the same basket as our uncle cronies well lets put it this way; SNM operated in somaliland therefore if they did any wrong they did it against the people of somaliland, and if any actions was to be taken against them then it would come from somalilanders, am sure you will calculate the probability of somalilaners prosecuting the SNM , no matter how certain people wish this to be the case S.N.M LEGACY
  4. Horn i think you are attempting to muddle the issue once more, so lets clear one thing no one is preparing international courts for any SNM mujahadiins :cool: but what we know for sure is that there is concerted and looks like fruitfull effort to bring those afweyne cronies to court for their crimes agains SOMALILAND, this issue is clear as black and white, no passing the buck is going to divert any resbonsibility for people's actions or cleanse some of the mud, so saxiib every man is gata lie in the bed he makes cos you can bet your last cent the SNM are lying in theirs :cool: I have never claimed that everyone likes/ed the SNM but this is not the issue at all, if some people where against the SNM thats their choice but to tell you the truth that is not suprise at all, because when you look at what the SNM stood for it was clear it stood the against the "intrest" of alot of people, when someone suddenly brings your suger daddy to his knees am sure you would have called them all the names under sun as well so this mud slinging is understandable indeed S.N.M LEGACY
  5. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Qudhac no offense but that extremity is what has destroyed Somalia and continues to be an obstacle to peace and prosperity for Somalis. Not everything is right and wrong bro, everything has it's twist, turns, secrets, and problems. Yes, the north was attacked under the banner of the regime of the late presidentand the SNM rose to fight against the army of the former regime, but is that to say the SNM was godly and saintly? If you think that simply because you're from the north, than that is biased, partisan, and an extreme view. The real fireworks start when that point of view is faced with another extremist with an extreme view such as Siad Barre (ilahay ha u naxariisto) was the best president on earth, he had every right in attacking the north, and that the SNM were all thieves, criminals, and should be murdered because they commited treason against the state. What most Somalis lack is a moderate viewpoint. A person that is able to look at every situation and use good and sound judgement, without a hint of bias or partisanship. Horn You and certain other people would like to down grade the heinous crimes the despotic dictatorship of afweyne regime caused to the somali peopl by putting it into into a basket along with the other armed groups that rose to stop this dictatorship, but we all know this is not the case the SNM did not go to any other region and impose themself on others they where as i said in their own back yard, SUPPORTED and LOVED by their own people, and i repeat once more that what outsiders think of them is irrelivant, why.. becasue they didnt impose themselves on anyone else who didnt want them.. so why should they care what they thought of the SNM on the other hand the despotic rulers of somalia were not wanted by the people... why.. oh yea of course they were killing them, looting their property and raping woman... have you ever asked yourselves why the SNM came about in the first place, was it becasue the people were so happy with their "government", i think not. as for those who back afweyne and his cronies and say the SNM were bunch of thieves and killers, once again if the kacaan kids back their uncles due to the nolstagic memory of their once heyday and in harsh reality of today thats all there is left for them to do so then good luck for all its worth, but this desparate last attempt to pass the buck and share the burden is not gana wash away any mud because today who the criminal and who the mujahadiins were/is not the argument at all, the only argument left today is how to serve out justice to these crimals on the run. S.N.M LEGACY
  6. Weather people like it or not the people of somaliland supported and loved the SNM which toppled the despotic dictatorship of siyad barre, what other non-somalilanders make of the SNM is irrelivant really cos the SNM operated in its own backyard and fought for and were backed by its own people. On the other hand there is no doubt as to who was responsble for the deaths of alot of innocent people and those people will sooner or later pay their dues, SNM is not the ones on the run in fact they are enjoying the fruits of their hard work in somaliland.
  7. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: Qudhac whether Buurmadow is angel or not is not the issue, the question is why was he arrested? where is the evidence the government kept saying they had? From outside its looks like the government used the police and courts for political purposes esp when you consider Cismaan Kaluun came and went while Buurmadow was in prison. When you add the Jamac Yare incident, looks like some senior members of this administrations don't know when they are sailing too close to the wind. I think you missed my point at the bottom of what i wrote, in no way was i defending the legitimacy of Boqor Buur madows arrest all i was saying is there is no bad and good here because if buur madow is this innocent traditional elder that was arrested by this "despot" leader of riyale then why was he campaining for the same guy few months ago, why was he on UDUB payroll, lets not blind ourselfes we all know Boqor Buur madow had his hands deep in politics and he was bussom buddies with riyale for long time, despite this i agree the regional and supreme court should be much stronger than that and clearly this area needs work.
  8. "xildhibaanka ka mid ah xildhinaanada TNGga" whats that suppose to be and what the heck is he suppose to do, i gues its another fool who put tittle on himself.
  9. Liqaye its not under the jurisdiction of somaliland authority so i dont see where u going with this play acting court, somaliland has had free election according to international election moniters experts from 14 countries but ofcourse you know better, and on the SNM point SNM did not commit crimes agains people of somaliland, yes they did kill certain people who commited crimes agains the people and where dumb enough to stay behind and rightly given taste of their own medicine therefore. SNM = MUJAHADIIN diid oo dilaac.
  10. Sue if for every document that is written against head of state or every accusation that is made against them was taken for face value then no head of state would last more than few months in their job. so should we jump around whenever we see an accusation and say it must be true. dont it suprise you he become mass murderer when he took office, dont it suprise you its none somalilander who always claim this guy killed somalilanders, dont it suprise you if you go to berbera (were this mass supposedly murder accured) no one knows what anything about it, yet the guys who is never been to that region will swear it happened. something dont add up when no one ever came farward and said this guy killed members of my family, or friends like they did to the others why not? why did he get massive percentage of the vote in the city were he commited the attrocities. you shouldnt be so naive to take every political accusation for face value and just swallow without questioning its validity. P.S this same accusation was publicised in somaliland (of course during the election) heavily but not suprisingly it didnt go very far
  11. Koweyn i find your current crusade against the current somaliland president and his administration intriguing, and i like how you always manage to separate people into black and white, good and evil, i would like tell you little story about Buur madow, you might not know this but Buur madow and presidenr riyaale were best buddies up to few months before they felt out with each other, Buur madow and the party UDUB were almost inseparable, Buur madow did almost everything on behalf of UDUB including the two election, he was basically a minister but a name, he did all sort of campaining for UDUB such as donation collection. and just before his arrest they had a big fall out which escalated into his arrest, so my friend things are not as black and white as you always paint it, Buur Madow is not some dove sent from heavens he had his hands in the world of rotten politics for long time, and if riyaale is such despot leader then why on earth was Buurmadow doing all his dirty work for him just few months ago, why was he "riyaale especial envoy" whereever he went, why did he do all the donation collection for riyaales election campains. dont it sound bit hypicritical to now paint riyaale as satan himself and Buur madow as walking angel. I think you are bit naive, in your analysis of the world of african politics and their characters things are not as clear cut as we always like to think. P.s... am not justifying the merits of buur madows arrest in anyway.
  12. thanks for those lovely pics mansha allah indeed somaliland is beautiful every region :cool:
  13. Sooyaal i for one am not complaining or wanting anything from the BBC personally, am not asking them to give any tribe or region more spotlight than others because i believe this should not be an issue for them at all. what they are suppose to be is information gateway for somalis everywhere and not another political motivated medium that we have become so used to in the last decade especially on the internet, all they should be doing providing impartial news, facts and educational progams, but instead everything they report has political spin to it, they give extra importance to political issues, and the rest of the news are two days old recycle from bigger broadcasting media, that you have heard days ago they hardly have any educational programs that somalis abroad and back at home need desprately, i have never heard programs that encourage people back home to live together peacefully and turn their backs on warlords and voilence, when you look at other somali information meduims you can see how unprofessinal they are, how unimpartial they are due to the fact somalis are new to this proffesion, but you would think a co-operation like the bbc somali service woudnt be so primitive as to how they conduct their journalism.
  14. i think this article has point when you look at the characters who run this co-operation, it is clear this once great co-operation has turned into another mouth piece for certain warlords and that news and information has taken second fiddle, since the days of siade barre the co-operation became more and more politicised meduim and at the moment its become sorry state and a shadow of its once great importance, if you listen to it it hardly has any news about back home unless its a political issue.
  15. what pictures ????? :confused: :confused:
  16. this is great news for those who commit crimes against the people of somaliland will sooner or later face justice, if death doest catch them first. whether international comminity or the somaliland government delivers this juices but the important think is that these individuals pay their dues to the people of somaliland and somalia. but until then let them live marked men.
  17. Horn how is this guy different to any other political commentator who writes about somaliland on dailly basis, i dont see why this individual gets to be put on platform as the destroyer of somalia and the puppeteer behind all siade barre evil doings, all this is an opinion of professer with no political power, i mean if i was you or whomever wrote this article i would vent my seething anger at the people with political power who say exacly what this professor has been saying. and finally if this so called destroyer of somali unity wrote as many do to put it shortly; " the seccesionist lot are behind all our problems, they are the source of our suffering past present and future, we must for the sake of our survival eradicate this idea, death to somaliland! death to somaliland! " :mad: :mad: you would probaly say hey this guy is somali nationalist i like how people on SOL use article to get their own opinion accross! and at the same time appear nuetral to the context of the article :cool:
  18. Originally posted by rokko: lol and he is what reer baris call cade or qurux looooooooooooooooooool no comment :eek: :eek:
  19. Ayoup loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf
  20. I think someone has got hungry during the cermony and bit his head off, wonder who the suxul baruur bride surely cant be a suspect! surely the cream DIANA comes to mind
  21. I know this has nothing to do with politics, but i have notice this sectioned makes people go into miserable moods :mad: so please smile from time to time
  22. DND i agree with you this is a good topic, i dont know why people are working their blood veins to dangerous levels. lets see somaliland passport! somaliland wants to be independent nation so its bit obvious they would want their own passport, kinda figures dont it, but how usefull is it at this moment? is another question as only few countries excepted it, but only time will solve that little problem as well, so i dont see the hassle at all.
  23. Samurai its true somalilanders are generally better at resolving local clan orientated disbutes than our southern brothers, culturally somalilanders put more enthasis on the "Elders" and while the southers seem to respect "polititians" more than local elders, so historically when problem arises each person or clan would bring their cheif elder where they would sit under a tree and negotiate for peace and their word is generally excepted as final. in the south an average person is more politically orientated/aware than someone in somaliland, due to how the two regions developed under two politicaly different colonial powers. The British Used to practice hands off approach approach when it comes to political interactions with locals, they didnt involve the locals with their wester politics and way of doing things, in contrast the Italians practice whats called hands-on approach they involved the local population with all levels of politics, they introduced new way of doing things too quickly like western laws, courts, politicians, the western hierarchical systems where everything must be top-down. Today somalia still suffers from that, right now these countries are trying impose on somalis a top down hierarchical system of solving problems, even though we are a society who culturally solve everything from bottom up, its like what americans are doing in Afghanistan impose on it a governments that is based on western princible rather than clan orientated roots up which is loosely inter connected through clan, and this is simply not working as it is allien to the local population. The west are obsessed with "Government" in somalia but their way of creating this "government" is totally alien to somali culture its like trying to put squere peg in circle hole. so as long as they cant somehow interconnect the new administration and the people on a local level then it will just be seen as some botch up plan by foreiners who dont represent the people. KOWEYN Its a two way process if somaliland is to commit itself to mediating for somalia then they would have to acknolewdge it first, but until then we gana stand opposite each other and watch each other :cool: :mad:
  24. walahi this guy made a fool of himself he stood up and ranted in somali before being kicked out screaming like young child, kicking and screaming i gues when no one wants to listen to your ranting and raving then i gues no kicking and screaming wont change a thing. on riyale speach i think it was brilliant speach fit for a head of state. most somalilanders were happy with it,
  25. another day and another topic from the bamboozle lot, i laugh how these people waste so much of their precious time writing up these baseless vile. their is no need to repond in detail with something as baseless as this empty and desprate rhetoric..................... and hence their latest cry is "they bribed the british government" :cool: