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Everything posted by Qudhac
i am thinking of setting up a political party actually its called SOMALILAND UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARY. as somaliland nationalist i am doing this for my country and people. am sure this wont be Un-islamic even thought some people try to confuse a religion and nationality together for their own POLITICAL ends. :eek: :eek: i would hope to think people are not using our great religion as a tool to reach some political goals. :cool:
I think its time people have realised that jbouti has played a distructive part in both somaliland and somalia if we forget this article for a moment most people will tell you that djouti has been destabialising the somali peace process since their ARTA sponsered TNG failled since then they have worked tiredlessly to play certain factions agains others so clearly they are not the somali loving angel they were potraying. to come back to the issue of somaliland, jbouti wants to have its cake and eat it, when the borders where reopened with somaliland its jbouti that has has profited from the bussiness increas from tax revenues increases.. yet they constsly and openly ingage in hostile policies towards somaliland, and if a country is clearly cosntantly working against your intrest then clearly we have to look out for our own intrest with whatever means. Jbouti knows in the long run it cannot compete with somaliland or any other state in the region so it is understanderly attempting to take advantage of this uncertain times while somaliland has no international recognition and somalia is in chaos. jbouti is ambitious especially attemting to move the animal export market to their dessert port which has no history of animal exporting and encouraging the arabs to keep the bann on "somali" animals exports. but clearly jbouti is very limited in terms of potential, as it has almost no natural resources and with a population of less than hargiesa city you can see their limitation, this is why i believe jboutis current hostile policies is oppotunity to grap something before the fog clears.
"somalis are forgoten people" what exacly do somalis want, do they want the "UN" to wail and weep in their name so they can feel "not forgoten", like they weep for palestinians. i always hear some somali writter moaning that somalis are forgeten by the international communuty, and i wonder do they think the international community is some agony aunt that comes to magicaly solve your problems. somalis need to stop this baby like mentality of always needing outsiders to do anything, the peace process comes to mind somalis have developed this inferiority complex in their ability to things for themselves, so it seems they always begging for foriegners to wash their dirty laundry for them.
horn i dont see where they are advocating for reunion all he says is that if government is formed in kenya then that government will negotiate with somaliland's authorities to discuss the way forward, he mentions nothing about union or separation, or are you translating what he said into what you want to hear.
i realise you pasionate about your people and your region but i think in the case of that region it does not help your cause to campain for that region in the name of qabiil, as you are not fighting tribal war with ethopia but ethnical and religion war so i think it would do you and your people alot start campaining for this region as somali region as that is what it is enhabited by various somalis, this is i believe this regions only hope to break from away from ethopias claws, but as things stand the somalis in this region are not even united and are infact fighting each other on weekly basis.
I would like to call upon Mr. Kofi Anan, the General Secretary of the United Nations, and Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States, to send immediately to the region whatever it takes to prevent genocide worse than the one in Rwanda Is it just me or is this constant whining and calaacal about somaliland getting tad bit boring :rolleyes: looooooooool maybe this person would like Koffi Anan so send him his personal army, to stop this imminent "genocide"
Powered by AllPuntland.com Copyright ©AllPuntland.com enough said :rolleyes:
One thing is certain today according to most east african political analysis and that is this region of ethopia inhabited by somalis would have been part and parcel of somalia today had it not been for the ill timed and useless war siade barre waged on ethopia in late 70,s. The siade barre regime was never really intrested in the intrest of these somalis and it ignited a war they knew they were certain to lose for own political gainst in somalia, so all the somali were tricked into going to war with a blind fold on. screaming some patrotic songs.. like songs will win you a war. the politcal climate was actually favourable to somalis getting this region back before the war, Ethopia at that time had no long term plan to actually keep this land, their foreing policy was at that time if the somali government excepted that this region was part of ethopia under international law at that time then ethopia will immediatly hand this region over. but due to arrogance and hard headedness the siade regime totaly refused this offer and declared war, then after this disasterious war ethopia wanted to keep this region indefenately to act as buffer with any future wars with somalia.. and since that war ethopia has had no plan to see this region as part of somalia. at this moment kilinka shanaad have actually fared well under this new federal ethiopian government compared to former regimes. after all that we are in 2004 and there isnt even somalia state let alone somaliweyn, so i dont see what somalia of today has to offer anyone, so please lets not go down the road of the 70's screaming like a headless chicken into the abiss because if an emty and unrealistic patrotic slogans meant anything the arabs would have done something for palastine with it. let the people of that region deal with their destiny as it has became apparantly clear that like the arabs we cant even do something for ourselves let alone others. truth hurts but its about time we excepted it.
I wonder why it happens in this region, i was led to believe that puntland had MAMMUL goboleed or is this all but in name, I wonder if these crooked so called ministers actually are in this bussiness but i then again i wouldnt be suprised at all when you consider that MADAXWEYNAHA puntland gets rich off dumbing nucleir waste by foreing companies on the coast of bossaso. Mad muller you seem to be proud of this "bussiness"
should we stay with somalia, should we follow somaliland, should we merge with somaliland, do I sense bit of confusion here surely after years of screaming at somaliland for abandoning the so called "somaliweyn" concept it would seem odd to then follow its steps, but then hey its not the first time somaliland has been used as model, a famous song comes to mind that goes; Follow The Leader Follow the leader follow the leader. loooooooooooool :cool:
mad mullah hold your breath qudhac boy touchy aint we today, isnt it funny how you scream the "seccesionist lot of somaliland" yet when simple question is put to you melt down and resort to name calling, but since you new i think the admins will over look this. Anyways i was just asking why alot of puntlanders are disscusing going republic and following somalinds footsteps, i mean i wonder why C/Y would consider this, what has changed and wouldnt this undermined the so called somali unity that was being preached for so long. Therefore we will not be seen as traitors for seceding from the rest of the country like the Somalilanders now As for calling somaliland a traitor becasue it didnt join the mud slinging of these warlords of the last 14 years, i wonder if it this is being triator or just good judgement on somalilanders behalf.
whats the point of kicking out few Aid and Ngo workers, all it does is hurt the somalis from that region, it serves no political gain at all other than a costly empty gesture. P.s what all this talk of making puntland a republic among the punlanders, cos imagine after so many years of screaming at somaliland it would be hilarious if they followed its footsteps. allpuntland.com which is the mouth peace for C/y has started this campain all ready so i was just thinking what do puntlanders think of this?
MOP its all easy graping figures such as 50% from think air, but could you state something more tangible also could you tell us those generals you mentioned, because i have no knowledge of any generals from that region you mentioned. as for who got rid of siad barre regime i believe each group did their bit in crippling his gripp on the country, but according to most people who analysed all somalis armed movements most come to the conclusion that there was none as complex as the SNM as fighting organization or as an political organization. as this argument is dragging on i think people should read about the SNM and others here and compare them yourselfs, this is detailed analysis of all the armed somali movement and i believe it will demostrate why the SNM were head and shoulder above other groups similer to it. http://www.onwar.com/aced/nation/sat/somalia/findex.htm
Ngonge looool I have sacks full of sand i brought last year from throught the somali pinensiler, am giving it out for free to put you out of bussines, :cool:
sxb citing too much SNM propaganda and although you sound honest about what SNM did during the civil war, you giving them too much significance. i don't know where did you get the information that says ANC win because of their sabotage activities. on contrary that hindered their cause what they did win was their good leadership unlike SNM. I never said it was their savatage atacks only that help the ANC defeat the facisht goverment but it was part and parcel of their campain, as for giving the SNM too much credit am not sure were exacly i did that, other than stating the black and white fact that the SNM got rid of a dispotic and babaric dictator in the current somaliland, as for propaganda i would once again kindly point out exacly which of my argument is a propaganda piece if not please argue base your argument of factual information rather than trying to pull something out of the hat to win the argument. Now ANC runs their country down from the president but where is the SNM when SNM took cotroll of somaliland they could have easilly kept it themselves like the southern groups did, but here is where i think the SNM excelled even more than their millitary achievements, they handed control back to the civilian administration, rather than just ruling it with an AK47 like so many others did, so to answer your question of where are the SNM now, the SNM were civilians like everyone else who took arms to get rid of an dictator, when they achieve this they became civilians again and gave power back to the people.
loooooooool@lucky well i dont know about u but the one in red seems to be one : :rolleyes:
lucky pathetic indeed may she fail, insha allah p.s.... shouldnt the damsel in distress move away from the air vent by now,
Ayaan Xirsi who has been on hate filled crusade agains Islam has gone another step further recently, she has started campaining for the closure of mosques in Holland in the dutch parliament she was the only one who has become been pushing this isue, even the rightwing dutch parliament members have not been as zealous as her in her crusade against anything to do with Islam, recently she was told my the parliament to stop this as she has become obssesed with this one issue. http://www.somaliweyn.org/pages/news/Abril04/24abr10.htm :mad:
Even the orgasming sheep in Hargeisa could teach ya a thing or two my newlywed friend I think this sheep can teach something to alota people in here indeed but to go back to the issue i think this is a very good experiance for for somalilands monitering team after all we are very new to running effective democracy, so are for south africa for that matter and i think this will benefit alot somaliland and somalis over all. i agree with libaax 100% an isue like this is much better than alot of the stuff that gets discussed in here.
Sooyaal you are describing a fantasy world, this wasnt a fantasy were no one gets killed this was war, and lets not forget the SNM killed less than fraction of what the brutal regime that they trying to get rid of were killing, The SNM purpose was not to killed people unlike siade barre govenment but of course in war it is 100% certain that people will be killed its unavoidable. why did Nelson mandella and his ANC kill alot of innocent people to get rid of the brutal facist regimne. look south africa now, look Somaliland now so does the end justify the means with certanty it does. but if people are saying we should tollerate evil and let the killing go on then, then thats typical appologist, thats how alota bosnians were massacared cos there were typical appologist saying, "lets not do anything cos people might die" thats how saddame gased alot of people cos there were bunch of appologist saying the same thing.
The SNM were HEROES who stood up to and toppled brutal regime hell bent on commiting genocide against its people. in south afrika the ANC were heroes who stood up to facist and brutal regime who commited gross crimes against its people. in Eriteria the gorila men who stood up to the brutal regime of ethopia and liberated their country were heroes to their people. in Siera leon the RUF got ridd of one of the worse dictators in africa, they were hereos to their people. In liberia an armed gorrlia took the oppressive dictator down. they were heroes to their people. in Congo people took arms to topple their own dictator, they were heroes. but in all of these armed gorrilla movements to topple all these african despotic and oppresive leaders their of course was some human rights abuse along the way thats the nature of war, once a war is declared on a dictator it would be stup1d and naive to think it will be done in clean and tidy way. it wont be done that way its ugly and alot of people die, alot of innocent people. but the end justifies the means, no one in their right minded will say lets keep this brutal regime cos if we try to get rid of it some innocent people will die. ask Nelson mandella why he went through all that trouble to get rid of another brutal regime, dont you think he knew alot innocent people would have died. of course he did, but the end justified the means. so you cannot compare people who commiting genocide in the name of government and people who stood up and put a stop to it. if this took the silver spoon outa your mouth well thats tough. but i will say this again and again SNM were somali heroes while the likes of Siade barre and Morgan were coward killers who have somali blood on their hands and they are the prime reason why somalia is the state its in today. if you the truth hurts tough luck but you are not gana paint a new picture for somalis today.
Originally posted by Sophist: Qudhac nacnacda golaha kala tag. Hadii dad walaalo ah oo muslimiin ah aad kufarxeysid dhiigooda, hade muslim toosan ayaadan aheyn. Naceybkaaga aad uqabto Soomaalida inta aan aheyn Qabiilka aad kadhalatey waxa uu kugaarsiin uun inaad xanuun qaadid. Go'aan aheyne isa soo daawee. From my short statement you manage to derived that am not proper muslim, i hate all other qabiils apart from mine, and that i am happy with the sad developement in laascanod, just because i said somalis are so predictable. but if we stop go past the emotions for a second, can you really say in your heart of hearts you didnt fear this as well, when you look at the people in control these days, look at the picture of the olders, behind them is teenage boy with huge gun, now when a city is run by people like that, then is this a supprise.
dear oh dear arent somalis so predictable, i gues C/Y and his millitia didnt bring the sacks of gold that some people thought they would, oh well its learnin as you go along with somalis, so its good people should see what else is out there... but as we all know if you venture out too much into the unknown then you risk getting your hands burned.
Mop "By making pointless accusations based on things as trivial as someone's avatar truly says something about your character in general saxib" sxb it looks like someones built up card of falacy is crumbling in front of his own eyes, you say having siyad bare himself who was the head of the worse brutal regimes in somali history as your avatar doesnt show your feeling for him, then am not sure why you would us him as avatar i wonder why lander has flag of somaliland could it be because he hates, i mean what other best way to show your disaproval for someone/thing other than to use it as your avatar.
Mop " sxb you just cant re-write history" mop i think we all know who has always been attempting to re-writte history, i gues if the kacaan schools failed to convince anyone of ones mirage history, then i gues the motto is try and try again, and it looks like the same bamboozle lot are very much busy indeed in one final desprate attempt to shed some good light on rotten scene by the way isnt this huge blanket you use to cover every one so one feels confortable in defending his lot getting bit tiresome, so like Koweyn put just say whats you want withought going to all that trouble to hide our intentions. Horn yes it really is true what "others" make of the SNM is really Irrelevant. ONLY somalilanders views of them are rellivant.