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Everything posted by Qudhac
loooool wakakakaka ahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaay wot u siad is nothing dee lol go n translate it any translaters for this new form of communication :confused:
natty are you still nagging after me child, please go on with your life..
ayaan xirsi Waris Iman i wonder what the connection is
mali actually i am a somali.. but that wasnt the question dear. looool isnt it funny how some people like to say things but hate it when you simply ask them the same question. they all screaming I AM SOMALI NOO I AM SOMALIAN NOO I AM BOTH. should we ask the jboutiyans next what they are. loool
Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Qudhac....Saaxib, call yourself Somalilander or whatever, and I would respect that but plz show some courtesy, and call us by right name. We southerners are called Somali. Somali is not just our ethnicity, but our nationality as well.We are not Somalians, Italian Somalilanders, Southern Somalilanders, etc. We are Somali, and our country is Somalia! N correction, all somali terrotories colonised by the west were called Somalilands e.g British Somaliland, French Somaliland,etc. my friend somali was also another name given to you by another johny foreigner. and british somaliland was the only region that was recognised as independant state as somaliland, that why its the only region that became known as somaliland.. all this has proven is that there is nothing sacred about these terms most of them are names coined by foreiners and not single one of them is holier than any others. so call people what they prefer to be called simple as that..
OG eeeerm... see once again you gone another full circle nobody was discusiing what name of the country is called i believe topic was the people.. the inhabitans as for your suggestion to call somaliland another name, why would we do that when thats the name this country was called since the early 1880s lool another case of arguing for the sake of it it seem.
OG girl it seems you make wild accusations withought any shred of evidence therefore alot of your "argument" is not really credible, unless of course you wanna redeem yourself and Quote me of your wild accusation you made. untill then your argument is not really needed or worthy.
OG are all the anti-somaliland cohorts as as clever as you.
sue i have stated that the question was a silly, nevertheless there is was purpose behind it and i was simply trying to make the people who constantly ask whether you somali or somalilander understand that the two have nothing to do with each other. Somalian basically means someone from somalia and somalilander means someone from somaliland same as jboutiyaan etc etc.. but somali is an ethnicity SINJIYAD not a nationality, you can be from any country in the world but your ethnicity can still be somali. my post was simply there to show this constant question is silly. OG girl i have not asked you to be my spokesperson so please speak for yourself. and can your quote me when i said " when somaliland gets recognised. i am not somali"
OG although i thank you for answering me this question, i asked specific people from specific country am sure the question makes that very clear.
OG your argument always revolves around these nonesence organization such as Un world bank etc etc, do you really have hight regard to these innept organization who are only there to serve the intrest of the United States and few others. You seem hold their racist view of the of africa in very high regars. for your Information somaliland is not begger and borrows no money from no world bank or so called UN, we are more than capable of of sustaining our country withought the so called world bank and others we have existed before these US spy organizations and we will after they long disapear. so maybe instead its about time you stop holding these innept organization with such hight regard, as these same international company that you hold dear are the just a different face of the same coin who gave somali galbeed to the xabashi.
Originally posted by OG_Girl: Somali is Ethnicity Thank you very much, now maybe people will stop asking moronic questions like this one constantly.
sullen i pretty much agree with you on most things you have said, but you have to understand that these useless and futile argument are always started by the same people and their argument is always the same, they pretend they are talking about politics when in reality they are masking their tribilistic hatred that broods in them. these frustrated anti-somaliland cohorts have only one leisure activities and that is SOMALILAND they hardly ever talk about somalia (dont blame them really). Their whole argument is always based on groundless mud slinging and cheap shots and when they told the harsh truth they pull their eyes out and run to SOMALINIMO and some phantom somali UNITY that has frankly never even existed.
Alot of people from somalia have been constantly been making a big fuss about whether people from somaliland consider themselves somalis or somalilanders.. and i would just like to return the question.. so do you guys consider yourselves somalians or somalis?? this might sound silly but could you give a serious though as to what you consider yourself.
OG it seems like you have gone full circle from stating The importance of what the UN says, about Somaliland and when i mentioned few things th UN says about certain places you get work up. so lets leave it there. and do what you wish with your region as i sure will do with mine. I have to tit tat with miss Qurac oops i mean monsieur and thank you for this well constructed comment
OG well not long ago somaliland wasnt part of somalia just as region 5 was not part of ethopia long ago so whats your point, you cant have it both ways dear. and just like your grandfathers died for you (my grandfathers died for you too may i add) then the same way i sacraficed more than most and believe me i didnt make all those sacfrice for nothing. Once again you calling me one qabiil entity yet you are the who named yourself Oga**nia, loooooooool once again smack of hypocrisy
OG in that case why do you constantly say I AM FROM Og**NIA instead of ETHOPIA where UN says you are is from. is that not two faced.
OG-girl we will call you part and parcel of ethopia until you are RECOGNISED by the UN as separate entity to ethopia until then we cannot call you part of the somali-lands since we hold the UN in such high regards. this is from a girl that constantly say i am from Og***ia, intead of ethopia where the UN says she is from. loool talk about hypocrisy.
SMith go on boy let all the spleen of hate out, as that venom of tribal hatret will probaly kill you if your keep it bottled up.
SHOOBARO "Afkooda wuxuu lee leeyahay waanu go'aynaa, wadna hooduna wuxuu leeyahay Soomaliweyn baan rabaa" wow you have extraordinary power, not only can you abstract what all somalilanders are saying everywhere but you can also hear their internal though, indeed supernatural powers. inan aanu saaxiibo nahay ayaa shalayto ka yimi Hargeysa, burco, berbera, ceerigaabo. your friend is very fast, he manages to go to hargeysa, burco, berbera, borame ceerigabo etc came back to you all in yesterday. walaahi siduu iiga sheegay dalkii iyo dadkii walee jiririco baa igu fakatay. war wuxuu yiri dadku waa dad wadaado u badan oo iska shaqeeysta gidigoodna waxay sugi la'yihiin dhismaha guud ee somaliweyn. indeed not only did your friend go to all these places yesterday but he did a opinion poll which revealed everyone is wadaadiin, which obviously translates into everyone being staunch supporters of somaliweyn, afcourse what the heck where we thinking. :eek: [ August 31, 2004, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
It has been scheduled for 9th of Semptember, the tournament which is yearly even was huge succes for the past few years and it includes, Football, basketball and Atheletics. with the biggest crowd puller being the the football tournament. each Gobol has to bring their teams to compete for all the evensts, lasy year the fooball was won by togdheer with sanaag coming secong, but this year the twi favourites are Awdal and sool who have been training better than all other regions. Awdal is also favourite to take the basket ball for both men woman and. last years finals Togdheer Team (current champions) Sanaag Team Basketball tournament
loooooooool as usual somalis are trying to fly before they learn to crawl, my friends before you go to hargeisa and somaliland just make sure you set up something that resembles a government and give it a chance to survive which may have chance to get the suffering somalis out of the warlords cluches of misery. insted of repeating the rhetoric of the hopeless TNG who procaliamed themselves as the supreme rulers of somalis everywhere before they even set a foot on somali soil, and we all know where they ended up in.
KOWEYN i like your avater if it is what i think it is. looooooooool
Togheer,Sool,Sanaag,Jubada Hoose looooooooool :rolleyes:
we are using our names to attract the largest population in the republic. So then clearly your party as i suspect has nothing to do with Islamic shariah, but rather its ploy to attract people to your otherwise seculr party using Islam. you still have not made your parties agenda clear, all you seem to say is your whole parties agenda is to have second union of somaliland and somalia which is one agenda which has nothing to do sharia islamic law, or do you believe having somaliland and somalia separate is somehow unislamic therefore you are doing the islamic thing by having political reunion of the two.