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Doorashada Wakiilada Somaliland: Moodal Xal ah Si geedi socodka dimuqraadiyadda Somaliland loo dhamaystiro, waxaa bisha March, 2005 innagu soo fool leh qabashadii doorashada Aqalka Wakiilada. Doorashani haddii ay si wacan oo cadaalad ah u dhacdo, waxaan shaki ku jirin inay wax weyn ka tarayso hanaanka dimuqraadiyada aynu dhisayno iyo hamigeena ictiraaf raadinta labadaba. Hase yeeshe, markaad dhegeysato wararka dalkii ka imanaya, waxaad moodaa inay si innoogu adkaatay qabashada doorashan mustaqbalka dalka muhiimka u ahi, iyadoo aad moodo in laga wada baqay kala gurista saddexda arrimood ee is dul barkan, kuwaasoo kala ah qabiilnimo, gobolnimo iyo xisbinimo. Si haddaba aynu arrintan cakiran u maarayno, waxaan maanta halka ku soo bandhigayaa moodal innoo noqonkara xalkii aynu wada raadineyney. Haddii aynu raacno, moodalkani wuxuu innagu hagi kara wado aynu raacdo oo sumad iyo sowrac leh, maadaama hore loo tijaabiyey oo dalal badani hore u isticmaaleen. Waxaa moodalka la yidhaahdaa Mixed-Member Proportional Voting System (MMP), ama habka cod qaybsiga xisbiyada oo wax kale lagu daray. Waxa kale oo moodalka loo yaqaan magacyo badan oo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin “habka wax isu cadilida†(compensatory proportional representation), “habka laba jeer footinta†(two vote system), ama “habka Jarmalka†(The German System). Waxaa nidaamkani ka tarjumayaa isku darka nidaamka Ingiriiska ee murashaxu keligii codka ku doonto awoodiisa iyo dariiqada kale ee xisbiyadu wadarta guud ee codka dalka laga qaado saami qaybsiga ka galaan. Waxaana dad badani aaminsan yihiin innuu yahay nimaadka ugu wacan ee maanta adduunka jira ee ummad qaybsan wax lagu wadaajinkaro, wax laysugu cadili karo, ismarkaana qof kastaaba xaqiisa ku heli karo: Kii qabiil wax ku doonaya, kii gobolnimo wax ku doonaya iyo kii xisbinimo wax ku doonaya intaba. Nimaadkani asal ahaan wuxuu ka soo jeeda oo sameeyey dalka Jarmalka wakhtigii dagaalkii labaad ee adduunka laga soo doogey ka dib, waxaana hadda isctimaala dalal badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Bolivia, Venezuela, New Zealand iyo Hungary. Waxaa iyana doorashooyinkoodii ugu horeeyey isticmaalay baarlamaan gobolleedyadii laga sameeyey dhawaan gobollada Wales iyo Scotland ee dalka boqortooyada Ingiriiska. Runtiina waa moodalka hadda ugu cad-cad ee dalal badani hiyiga ku hayaan si ay uga baxaan mushkiladaha soo wejeha dalalkaa marka ugu horaysa ee ay noqoto inay doorasho baarlamaan qabtaan, sida innaga oo kale. Siduu u shaqeeyaa nidaamkani? Dadku waxay ku codaynayaan warqad laba baal leh sida balanbaalista, ama laba warqadood oo isku lifaaqan sidaad sawirka hoose ku aragtaan. Dhinaca bidixda ee warqada waxay calaamadinayaan codka ay rabaan innuu baarlamanka degmadooda u galo. Dhinacan waxaa lagu kala saarayaa, tusaale, saddexda qof ee saddexda xisbi ee Somaliland ay goobtaa ama xaafadaa ama degmadaa u soo kala sharaxdaan oo wuxuu u shaqaynayaa sida nimaadka Ingiriiska oo kale ee cod-dheerida wax lagu kala helo iyadoo saddexda qof mid soo baxayo, labada kalena hadhayaan. Markaa Aqalka wakiilada ilaa nus (one -half) ka mida oo dhow-dhawi sidaa ayey ku soo baxayaan. Yacni, dadkaasu shakhsiyadooda ayey u soo xarbiyayaan iyagoo laakiin, dabcan, astaabtii xisbiga ay raacsanyihiina sita. Warqadda Qodbixinta Rasmiga ah (Official Ballot) Doorashada Aqalka Golaha Wakiilada ee Somaliland Waxaad Leedahay Laba Cod ( You Have 2 Votes) Codka Degmada and Codka Xisbiga Codkani wuxuu go'aaminayaa cida aad Codkaagan kale wuxuu go'aaminayaa aqalka wakiilada degmadan uga soo diraysaan. qaybta kuraasida ee xisbi kastaa ka helayo Markaa codee addigoo calaamada "X" ku hor qoraya Aqalka Wakiilada. U codee xisbiga aad doorato addigoo calaamada murashaxa aad dooranayso. “X†ku hor qoraya xisbiga aad rabto Xisbi qudha u codee! U codee hal murashax oo keliya. Halkan Codee Halkan Codee Kulmiye Megeygaag Kulmiye UDUB Qudhac UDUB UCID Qansax UCID Dhinaca midigtana—qaybta xibsiyada ee warqadda—codbixiyuhu wuxuu muujinayaa xisbiga uu doorto ama codkiisa siinayo. Markaa qaybtii dhinayd kuraasida Aqalka iyana sidaa ayaa lagu buuxinayaa oo xisbiyada ayaa liisas ay sii samaysteen ka soo xulanaya. Liisaska xisbiyaduna mid xidhan (closed party list) oo ay hore dadka u sii kala horaysiiyeen, ama mid furan (open party list) oo ay markay tirada guud ee codadka gobollada ka heleen u kala qaybiyaan oo markaa qorsheeyaan labadaba waa noqon karaan. Waxaase muhuuma in la fahmo qaybtani magaca xisbiyadu ay tirada guud ee dalka ka codaysay ka heleen ayey ka imanaysaa ee maaha wax qofku keligii raadsanayo. Xubnihii Aqalka Wakiilada laga rabay oo labadaa dariiqo ku soo kala baxayna sidaa ayey ku dhaystirmayaan. Waxaana dhamaystirka arrinta innoo qeexaya shaxdan soo socota: Xisbiyada Tirada Degmooyinka Boqolkiiba Inta Tirada Guud Tirada Kuraasta Siyaasadda Laga soo Kala Helay Xisbigu Codka ee Xisbigu Xisbiyada Loogaga Daray Qaranka Ka Helay Kuraasta Aqalka Liisaska Codka Guud Ka Helay Ku Soo Baxay Xisbi X 19 50% 41 22 Xisbi Y 10 30% 25 15 Xisbi Z 4 20% 16 12 Iskudar(Totals) 33 100% 82 49 Innagoo nimaadkan isku dhafan ka tuulayna, tirooyinkan mala-awaalka ah ee aan saddexda xisbi ee Somaliland kala siiyey waxay ka tajumayaan sidatan soo socota: (1) Xisbiyada qaranku waxay murashaxiin ay soo xuleen u soo taagayaan inay magacyadooda ugu tartamaan 33 kursi oo u dhigma saddex iyo soddonkii aqalkii Somaliland ee 1960-kii ka koobnaa. 33-ka kursina waxaa la dhigayaa meelihii awalba lixdankii la dhigay; sidii loo kala lahaana haddaba waa loo kala lahaanayaa oo metelan magaalada Hargeisa waxay lahaan jirtey lix kursi, Burcana shan kursi. Haddana sidii baa loo kala qaybinayaa 33-ka kursi. Waxayna tani fursad siinaysaa qofkii doonaya innuu magaciisa ku tartamo ee leh waxaan soo heli karayaa kursi, iyagoo dabcan magac xisbina dhinac ka sita. Markaa mushkiladii qabiilnimada ayey tani dawaynaysaa. Waxay kaloo qayb ka mida dawaynaysaa mushkiladii gobolnimada oo 33-ka kursi waxay noqonayaan kuwo ay ku soo baxaan wakiilo gobollada ama degmooyinka ay kaga soo baxeen metelaya; iyo (3) Iyadoo ay xisbiyadu ku kala sed qaadayaan codbixinta guud ee dalka ka dhacda oo dadku dabcan ugu kala codaynayaan siday xisbiyada u kala jecelyihiin. Tanina waxay kor u qaadaysaa dimuqraadiyaddii aynu qaadanay oo waxay tayo u yeelaysaa arrinta xisbinimada oo dadkuna markaa xisbiyada ayey toos ugu xidhmayaan. Tusaale, waxaynu kor ku xusnay in mala awaal ahaan xisbi X boqolkiiba konton codka guud ee dalka helay; waxaynu kaloo sheegnay in inamadii iyo hablihii uu xisbigu degmooyinka u soo taagay ay 19 ka mida 33-kii kursi ee degmooyinka sidii wakhtigii Ingiriiska loo dhigay ay soo heleen oo xisbigaa u soo hooyeen; waxaynu kaloo ogsoonahay qogolkiiba kontonka xisbi X codka guud ka helay inay siinayso 41 kursi oo ka mida Aqalka Wakiilada Somaliland oo 82 ah. Markaa Xisbi X waxaa lagu odhanayaa 19-kii aad tooska u soo heshay iska jar; ka dibna wuxuu baaqi u helayaa 22 kursi oo kale oo uu codbixinta guud ee dalkoo dhan ku helay. Markaa, waxay qaybta midigta ee xisbiyad uun loo codaynayaa fursad wacan xisbiyada qaranka u siinaysaa inay haweenka Somaliland kuraasida wax ka siiyaan, cidii kale ee ay u arkaan inay dalka aaya ka talintiisa wax ka taraysana ay wax siiyaan oo sidaa baarlamaanka ku soo geliyaan, maadaama ay 49 kursi oo u dhiganta 60% kuraasida Aqalka Wakiilada ay xisbiyadu taladooda weli gacanta ku haystaan oo ay coodka guud ee dalka laga qaado uga soo baxayaan iyadoo aan shakhsi gaar ahi u sharaxnayn ee magac xisbi uun lagu helayo; taasoo ay ciday doonaan siin karaan. Gunaanadkii, waxaan la socodsaa in guddidii arrinta doorashada loo saaray ay ku soo talo bixisay saddex arrimood (options) in dalku kala doorto, kuwaasoo kala ah: Sidii lixdankii, qabaa’ilka hadda Aqalka lagu fadhiyo oo sidaa loo daayo, iyo codka guud ee dalkoo dhan oo xisbiyada wax loogu kala qaybiyo. Waxaynu kaloo ognahay in guddi Mudane Cabdulqaadir Jirde hormuud u yahay ay hadda arrinta rogrogeyso. Waxaan markaa Mudane Cabdulqaadir Jirde, Xisbiyada Qaranka iyo Golaha Wakiiladaba halkan uga soo jeedin lahaa in haddii ay nimaadkan qaataan, uu isugu keen dhafayo laba ka mida saddexda option ee ay talo bixinta ku soo jeediyeen mudanayaashu oo kala ah tii lixdankii iyo codka guud oo la qaado isna oo xisbiyada percentage-ka ay kala helaan wax loogu qaybiyo, wuxuuna kala furfurayaa model-kani saddexdii mushkaladood ee is dulsaaraa ee qabiilnimo, gobolnimo iyo xisbinimo iyadoo uu mid walba si cadaalada ula dhaqmayo oo ku xaqsoorayo, wuxuuna yahay model ama nidaam hore loo tijaabiyey oo raad la raaco leh, wixii khaldama si sahlan markiiba lagu sixi karo. Sidaa darteed, waxaan bulshaweynta Somaliland kula talinayaa inay model-kan wakhti dheeraada geliyaan, qiimaha uu leeyahayna siiyaan si aynu wareerka hadda arrinta ka taagan uga baxno, dimuqraadiyada u dhamaystiro, geedi barwaaqo ahna aynu u guuro oo aynu guryo samo ku degi doono, insha Allaahu. Farah Hersi
lol i gues this really puts the lid on any hopes ina yey had of setting a foot in muqdisho, news has it that baydhabo is teatering on the brink with different warlords and millitias streaming in there so that seams to be no go area for him as well i wonder if the international community will help him find a city.
hehehhehe what joke of a government indeed a sorry state of affairs but then again what do you expect from something that was bodged up in pigs farm by ethopia.
Sam-Sam Ahmed gets 5 years...Now what will you say??
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
amnesty international hahahahahah haahahah now thats a joke -
Horn loool i like how you advertise muqdisho for us all and it has become your "adopted city" even though i as a somalilander is more welcomed in that city than you these days.. hehehehe life is cruel
orliqade whatever am sleeping in am happy with it.. very happy indeed i wish i can say the same for you unfortunately
You think the people of Mogadishu are enjoying this situation, much less choosing for it? the people who are firing on ships, the people who are selling the guns, the ones controlling the millitia the ones controlling the airport are all "people of muqdisho" so how did they not choose this situation its not alliens that are doing this. every man sleeps in the bed he makes.
Sam-Sam Ahmed gets 5 years...Now what will you say??
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Sxb I guess they weren't a "spineless wet bunch", when those same "human rights organizations" were the only ones speaking out about the genocide happening in the north in the 80's right. hahahahahahahahahaha what a laughable and weak suggestion when did any tree huging hippies ever do anything for the people of somaliland dont make me laugh, it was the population who picked up a gun and burried somalia's facist dictator not some human rights wet bunch. anyway lets be honest you dont give damn about this indivduall just be man enough to have go at somaliland on your own accord, or have all our enemies become weak mercants like those terrorist who wore DIRIC -
how primitive and backward some people are. :eek:
Sam-Sam Ahmed gets 5 years...Now what will you say??
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
smith your hypocracy and shameless prostituting of this individual is shamefull, somaliland is not the cowboy state like that of somalia am sorry you folks constantly faill to harm somaliland with their cheap attemts, its simple commit a crime againt the state of somaliland and you get your just desserts, i remember the same reaction was forthcoming from the likes of you when those terrorist that killed those foreiners were captured or when the rebels of onlf attemted to move large weapons through somaliland and were sentensed you my friend was beating the same drum and weaping for every criminal that somaliland stops at their tracks. so when the likes of you are not happy and have their "baroor" in full swing then somaliland,s authority and judiciary are doing its job. us somalilanders dont really give shid about what "others" think of how we run our affairs the security of our state comes first. -
Sam-Sam Ahmed gets 5 years...Now what will you say??
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
excuse me but an 18 year old is full grown adult as far as i am concerned there is nothing that stops her getting five or life time in prison, its ok reading some proganda fill article and the usuall cry from the spineless wet bunch known as "human rights organisation" who never come up with an alternatives to dealing with suspected criminals. if you look over the gloss and the mist of the propaganda that somalis have become famous for then this is just another case that came in front of court omongs hundreds, so lets be rational about this and see the what facts we know about this case. 1) she was in the facinity of the vise-president out of bounds area to public. 2) she had a driver and told him a different story about where she was going 3)once apprehended she gave guards different name to hers, she later changed that name when transfered to police? 4) she said she was 16 then later admited she was 18?? 5) she first said she was from hargeisa vacinity and resident of that city, when in fact she only arrived?? am not saying these facts make her gualty but she far from some innocent girl grapped from the streets. -
Nugaal well it seems they have been attempting to do that recently as they banned any repatraited returnees been settles in hargeisa any longer even if they originaly came from hargeisa, they will have to resetle in other town and cities, but its hard to control natural influx of people into towns its just natural events that is happening all over africa somalis are slowly abandoning their nomadic lifesyle and trying their luck in towns.
The problem with hargeisa is that the curent infestructure cannot cope with the level of population increase for example the water delivery system that is in place was design for population four times less than the current population, people say hargeisa has water shortage but the problem is not the water its the delivery systems such as the pipes, machines etc etc that is in dire need of seriousl investment because the water resiviors have not even been taped into yet only fraction of it is used. hargeisa is only strugling with what every city strugles with which is to balance population increase with modernisation of infestructure that fact that its poor country just makes more of challenge.
thats great news bro! thats great school with great history and it was scandelous what happened to it, glad its running again
Militias from Somaliland defect to Puntland...Major news
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
libaax loool i gues even propaganda can be recyled -
mob sxb am not "gesi" i dont need to change my nick to say abdullahi yusuf is fool and an ethopian lacky and also i wouldnt say am against my beloved country of somaliland so sxb chill out and allow the paranio na'mean loool
Originally posted by Sophist: Is that my brother I see, the tall boy; fifth in from the left lool
Militias from Somaliland defect to Puntland...Major news
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
"smith" was this after you guys captured kismayoo looooooooool -
"Gesi" didnt know there were cyber gesi loool
this is intresting map i came across about countries that drive on the left and ones that drive on the right
Somaliland Finanace Minister and his 5 trips to Nairobi
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
smith my friend dont be naive about politics as we all know every country has political intrest and wherever that intrest lies they play their politics there so if somaliland takes part in the poker game of politics in kenya then you shouldnt really be suprised my friend not only has somaliland been sending ministers into kenya to safeguard the intrest of somaliland but somaliland authorities have contact and deals with most of the different somali groups in the south. for example somaliland would like certain individuals to get the important positions and it wants certain individuals to miss important positions so they have to send ministers their and try and negotiate with people, for example the last visit this particuler minister meet and negotiated with mojority of the MPs that are somaliland born and they discusses who they should vote for in the presidential vote. no one is naive enough to think that somaliland doesnt invlove itself with what is happenning in kenya because if they didnt they would be letting their people down by not safeguarding and looking out for the intrest of somaliland. p.s having said all that it doesnt mean part of the peace process we just another vulture looking out for their intrest am sure you understand its just politics :eek: -
he maybe your candidate but majority of somalis disagree with your my friend. :eek:
well that english was good enough
anyway should we meet in the middle and agree on english.. lool so you the sister of og.. hmmmnnn nice meeting you