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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. jumatu loool i meant "welcome c/y yusuf, the savior of somali race"
  2. duke hehehehhe its funny how you built such castles from pack of cards every chance you get, i feel for you sxb cos its going to be long fall back to reality. the truth is your uncle is stuck between a rock and hard place, he knows if he goes to muqdisho he will almost certainly become "hostage" president, his last hope to avoid that was to get 20,000 african soldeirs and with that down the drains and caato and yallaxow dancing in muqdisho and with the whole government abandoning him and joining them pack after pack it seems he is getting desparate of being left alone in kenya. :confused: so in desparation he is now heading off to obscurity and baydabo which will most certainly cos him any financiall help from outside as most donners have put little condition called "Muqdisho" in their offers. :confused: waar yaa allow alla yahoo ninkan magaalow u daydaya :eek:
  3. You really must have a hard time reading my posts, sxb. All I'm saying can be summed up in a single sentence: BRING ALL OFFICIALS FROM THE FORMER REGIME TO JUSTICE. Not just Col Tukeh and Ali Samatar. For me, sounds like TWO DOWN, THOUSANDS TO GO. For you, my friend, its two from the hated clan-family down, the rest to follow (hopefully). you see thats were the you and the free thinking people of this word differ, the fact that someone is making a start is good thing so two down thousand to go is a good thing , since its making a start. you can't run unless you walk, but the walking starts now try to think like that. no free soceity in the world recognises your form of defence "others did too" thats from dark ages my friend. every man is responsible for his actions simple as that, you did the crime = you pay the price... now no one is saying you cant defend these people but the only form of defense opened to you is for you to say, THESE PEOPLE DIDNT DO THESE CRIMES :eek: otherwise please, hays daalin no-one listens to excuses.
  4. well if c/y moves to baydabo then rest assured that two things will happen; 1) this government will split into two factions one going to baydabo and the second going to muqdisho 2) secondly the international community will return the begging bowl empty untill this these lot really function in muqdisho it has become clear c/y has lost the "GIVE ME 20,000 CIIDAN" argument hands down, as he watched in horror his government flowing into muqdisho which was supposed to be a death trap and it became clear within the month c/y would be left alone in kenya with this nightmare scenario a possibility c/y has turned once again to the his first argument the one he lost while ago, to go to baydabo, oh dear oh dear.
  5. The government has been welcomed in Mogadishu, its a victory for the people obviously not some people duke whats happening to you it seems you not up to date with uncle beer laxoox political desires, you see the fact that these people were welcomed in muqdisho was a blow to uncle beerlaxoox, because if what is happening is victory for c/y then why is he suddenly making a u turn and going back to "lets make baydabo capital" issue again. its because my son his claim of muqdisho being deathtrap for anyone from this government is been getting alot of bad publicity. so with all avenues closed he has once again totaly abadoned muqdisho and gone back to baydabo, even though the international community said a big no no to that, but it shows the man is in no win situation. the only thing left to do is for Geedi to visit muqdisho and when that happens the international community will simply say well what are you waiting for beerlaxoox get on your horse or vacate the seat
  6. loooool c/y wali wuu quusan waayey lets for second that they all go to baydabo for then they would just become irrelevant millitia just like the hundred of other little groups that are in every town and corner with no influence in muqdisho. the international community has already rejected the idea of going outside muqdisho because they know it will just be fake government with no control. you will see soon Geedi will go to muqdisho.. and he will be welcome just like others were with opened arms, this will really put the final boot in c/y plan for peace keepers. but most analyst say that this so called government will split in two one going to baidabo and one to muqdisho then after that the comedy will probally start that is if c/y and his crew are allowed into baidabo.
  7. wind this is not crying game my son.. its justice game.. serving it cold. its about making sure that every man sleeps in the bed he makes. now i doubt people like these really need your cyber baroor as they probally fully aware of their actions and am sorry to tell you no amount of your sabre rattling is going to wash their hands of the blood for them, i suggest you chill out and let justice take its course
  8. It seems cabdullahi yusuf is more isolated politically more than ever the presidency waxay ku noqotay laf ka degi weyday. but dont be naive to think what is happening in muqdisho is just jubilation of ordinary folk of welcoming a government to "sort" them out, indeed its much more than that as muqdisho plays a tug of war with c/y and ethopia who are both desprate for foriegn troops and the warlords of muqdisho who are clearly not playing ball. we will see if c/y can survive in the next two months or if Caato and Yallaxow and Geedi take him to muqdisho and make him "hostage" president as they clearly plan to do so.
  9. RAADYOW MA QALOOCSHE A. A. Garas Halkani waa Raadyow Ma Qaloocshe oo aydin ka dhegaysataan Mowjadaha kaftan aqoonka iyo hirarka gaagaaban ee ilaaq-buurka. Dhegaystayaashayada dhegaha sooganow, waxaynu soo gaadhnay cagidii warka aan ka cayntaarin jiray, waxaana maanta gunta ka waraabin doona weriye Mr. Hii haa. Madaxyuub Waxbarasho doontay Madaxyuubka Shankaroonta oo afadiisa wata ayaa dhababaco dhegaha nabay. Fadalkii ugu horeeyay wuxuu ku sii jiidhay cadriyada Jabuuti, haddana wuu ka maleegtay. Casar-gaabadkii ayuu Cardasababa ku shakaalay. Mar kale ayuu u jiciirtay xagaas iyo Afrika oogo. Madaxyuubka ayaan la ogeyn wuxuu la or-ordayo, waxase la sheegayaa inuu dalkasta muraad gaarra u lahaa. Dalka Jabuuti oo horeba kal-gacalka uu u qabo darteed tuulo siin gaadhay, ayuu qacdii horeba ka qaddeeyay, halkaas wuxuu kula sii kulmay inanka dhalacsan ee ummalka la tiicaya ilmaa-abtina ay isugu toosan yihiin, ahna khaadimka labada xaramayn ee xilligan “waa kan iyo keere†labada oday wax ay isyidhaahdaanba la sheeg in loo faq daayay oo kambadhuudh kaw kaw wax laysu yidhi. Arrimahaas oo islaamaha laga qarsaday waxa loo maleeyay kor u qaadka kalgacalka labada dal iyo adkaynta ilmaabtinimada. Ugu dambayntii inanka dhalacsan oo Madaxyuubka la sii dardaarmaya ayaa yidhi: “Walaalkay orday Alla hadin nabadgeliyee, markaad soo noqotiin iniguna doorasho ayaad gelaysiin, annaguna alegsiyoonkii baanu gelaynaaye, anna aan kuu ololeeyo adna ii ololee, dhankayga lagaaga soo dhici maayee yaan dhankaaga layga soo dhicin.†Dalka labaad ee Madaxyuubku jeeniga sii geliyay oo ahaa tan guunta ah ee Itoobiya la yidhaahdo, halkaasna wuxuu kula kulmay Madaxweynaha Giimbaarka ah ee Girima Weldaan Galowjir iyo liqaa mahmarro kale. Waxa kale oo tibaaxdu sheegaysaa inay u simemeen wiilka urayee Meles Il-weyne la yidhaahdo. Weriye Aadan Cismaan oo halkaa kadi ka soo waramay yaa yidhi: “Biriyaanka Samliin ayaa halkan kadi kula kulmay Madaxweynaha dawladdan kadi labada birigdhan, waxaa uunay ka hadleen adkaynta abniga wadamadan kadi. Gobolladan kadi ee xilliga kan kadi.†Kaasina wuxuu ahaa Aadankii Itoobiya ka soo warami jiray. Madaxyuubka iyo Marwooyinii la socday intii ay ardal-xabash joogeen, waxa la tibaaxayaa inay jirtay odayayn Itoobiya ku shuqlantahay oo ay doonayso inay ku dhexgasho bahashii Inbagaati lagu soo dhisay iyo bahashan Shankaroon la leeyahay, inkasta oo odayayntaasi weli soo ifbixin, haddana habarta Itoobiya oo isu haysata inay dawladda Inbigaati iyadu umushay, Shankaroontana ay aaye u tahay, sidaas awgeed ay ergo xabashi u saarto sidii loo saaxiibsiin lahaa inantiyo ilmaha Reer Cidla degge iyo ba’ been guur. Inkasta oo afada arrimaha dibadda Shankaroonta u fadhidaa ka shanqadhisay arrintaas oo ay tidhi dawladdan yare e weli fadhida dhabtii ay ku dhalatay ee Kenya annagu la hadli kari mayno oo waa sabi. Laakiin hadday soo korto oo socod barato oo xaafadooda iyo xaafadaha kale kala garato, waanu la hadli doonaa oo waxaanu ka wada hadli karnaa waxaan gooni isu taagayayaga ahayn oo kale.†Inkasta oo islaanta cidi weydiinin, ‘haddaa indinku iskiin u go’deen iyagu weli idinkama go’in oo way idinka lushaane, miyaydaan ka wada hadli karin sidii aad qumaati u kala hadhi lahaydeen?’ Arrimahaas oo dadka qaar daruuri u arkaan laakiin Shankaroontu ka dhutiso oo ayna dhegaysan, bahasha Inbigaatina ku hantaatacdo hawl yaraan inay ku dhammaanayso weli Madaxyuubkii dhababaceeyay baynu ku dhex jirnaaye ogaantay weftigaasi wuxuu ku sinmay wadankii cadaan iyo madowgu isku haysan jireen ee Afrika oogo. Dalkaas oo la sheegay in Madaxyuubku u tacliin doontay oo uu ku soo qaadan doono casharo ku saabsan Suuluugii iyo Saancadaagii is dilay siday u heshiiyeen oo haddana u dimuqraadi garoobeen, amuurtaas iyo aayadihii Mandeela culuun ku saabsan ayaa la sheegayaa inuu Madaxyuubku soo baranaayo doorasho daba dheeraata iyo xeerarka mirqaansan sida loo maareeyo ayaan iyana meesha ka madhnayn. Haydh tuulaha magaalada Kaayaabe toon, Mr. Tutuhlee ayaa la sheegay inuu weftiga soo dhaweeyay. Inanka Iqbaal oo annaga iyo iyagaba ah, ayaa isna si ragganimo leh weftiga u soo dhoweeyay. Dalkaas Afrika Oogo oo ah dal xiniinyo buur ah oo sida kiniinka kaabsoosha madow iyo cadaan isugu jira oo intay si waaliya isu laayeen oo Suuluu iyo Saan-caddaa isu rifeen ayay haddana heshiiyeen oo si waaliya u horumareen, waxaanay gaadheen inay nukleeryo samaystaan oo wadamadii kale ee Afrika Baarqab u noqdaan. Wadankan Shankaroonta waxay iska shabahaan dhawr arrimood; 1) Hogaamiyeyaasha Cigaal iyo Mandella oo ahaa laba oday najisyo ku ahaa dhismaha hannaanka dimuqraadiyada iyo dawo reer galbeedka oo isku xilli la xidhay, isku marna soo noqday, dad islaayayna dawlad u dhisay. Labaduba waxa xukunka ka dhaxlay kuwii ku xigay, inkasta oo Cigaal dhintay, Mandellana weli dhiirinayo, laakiin labada dalba waxa ka taliya labadii Rayaala. Haddaba labadan oo ragganimadaas ku saaxiibay, haddana dalkaas Afrika Oogo marka Madaxyuubyada Shankaroontu ay tagaan waxaa looga baqaa inay ku soo xijaabtaan oo sanduuq lagaga soo rido, walow Madaxyuubkani waraabe ka caafimaad weynaa markuu meesha tegay, waxaase la socday saddexdii minister iyo marwadii Cigaal-ba xaqa ka celin kari waayay. Ciraaq oo Col hortii Coddaysay Ciraaqdii laba col isku qarxin jirtay ayuun baa casho dhowayd ceebteeda iska coddaysay oo u dareertay doorasho khasab ku kufriga ahayd ee inanka Maraykanka u asteeyay iyadoo dalkaas ay ka socdaan banbaanayaashii biilka ahaa ee Maraykanka lala beegsan jiray, ayaa haddana badi Ciraaqiyiintii cadhaysnayd sanaadiiqda ku hormaday. Shiicadii xukunkii hore ag fadhiyi jirtay ayaa u tartamay Xamiid Karasaaniyada xukunka Ciraaq ee xilligan. Al-Sarqaawiyadii is xariifin jiray ayaa iyagu bambaane yar oo keliya ku coddeeyay, waxaana loo dhanaaneeyay inay dhabqiyaan doorashadaas gantaalka lagu hagayay. Buushkii bahashu ku jiqda ahayd ayaa isu bogay markuu arkay Ciraaqda ciyaal calawiyaynaysa. Doorashadani oo weli codadkii la xisaabinayo ayay dunida kalena doorasho u qaaday codbixin, waxaanay natiijadii noqotay argagixiso soo korodhay “Too much terrorismâ€. Gabay Suldaaniyo Cuqaaloow Sharcigii waa camcamiseene Caqligiyo waxaa idinka lumay Caadadii dhaqane Carfi waxaa lahaydeen Intaa cuudka dhaqayseene Camalkaa taqaaneen Ma yaal caasimadada’e Cimaamadaha waxa idinka riday Ciriq siyaaseede Halkii caawa laga guuray Baa maanta cugataane Rag carceeray oo jiitay baa Daba carowdaane Ma caamaa tihiin yoomkastaba Ways cabudhisaane Ciladahiinii baa farabatiyo Cabatin Kiiniyee Cawo iyo dharaar ma ka baxdaan Karin cidhiidhyoone Codkiina is-dhaaf-dhaafa oo Qaarba cayn yahaye Marka ciidan Somaliland Caadi laga doodo Ee nabadda curatiyo la qiro Calanka nuuraaya Inaan qaran cajiiba aan nahaan Wada caddaysaane Cadowna waa tilmaantaan Inaan looga cararaynee Cunto inaan idin suuliya Wayga caariya’e Markase midi cadhoodee Malaha ciniq yar loo diidoo Uu koonfur cudud moodo iyo Xamar cawaankeeda ee jeelka Lagu ciijiyaa Calafta tuurtuurtaane Markaasaa canbaaraynta culus Soo celcelisaane.
  10. ^^^^ mandeeq has always been somaliland we just extended that hal to you guys when we had the union.
  11. This cermony was held for the brave men who defend and serve our great nation with pride. http://www.halganews.com/content/view/552/2/
  12. well for something you dont recognise you sure get your nickers in a twist about it. dude get over us and get a life :eek:
  13. sam sam who she is yesterdays news, isnt there any new controversail stories to get our teeth into :mad:
  14. what is funny is that this so called sangud was made by somaliland he is none other than the product of hargeisa, so it is simply biting the hand that fed him, since most of his fans were somalilanders i believe a sharp down turn of his career is emminent, silly him he must though no one was there at that little gathering.
  15. che you sure talk so much about nothing please stop boring people to death, if you love somaliland that much maybe when the system is in place in the near future you can aply for asylum civilised uncivilised :eek: see the difference now
  16. looool i see the gathering of the deafeated lot is under way guys maybe you can warm yourselfes up with "Nostalgia of yester years and of the shattered 'D'sm utopia since the chilling wind of reality seems to have become a nightmare for the politicaly and otherwise defeated lot :eek:
  17. hehehehe no wonder the calaacal from the appeasers who lab dancers for known criminals is getting louder. listen you can belly dance for them all you want they will get fried we will make sure of that. i keep hearing the same old lame excusses and baroor from these individualls, the fact that there are others who also commoted crimes does not mean HE CANNOT ANSWER FOR HIS ACTIONS, if you go and shoot someone today and argue in court why am i being punished for my crime because there are other murders who are out there, do you think anyone will listen to you. if he is from small clan so effing what??? what does that have anything to do with the fact that and for what he did?? if you from small clan does mean you are immune from prosicution. you people are why somalia is doomed to failure for ever because you cannot see beyong your petty tinted glasses and you will forever be appeasing and labdancing for criminals. how dumb must you be if you are defending a known criminal like samater just because there are others who did the same thing, does does two criminals = innocence. atleast argue on his behalf and say he didnt do those things but please dont be brain dead and use that lame and dark age excuses. but one thing is for sure whether its samater, tuke or any other criminal running around the world the arm of justice will reach them and they will pay their dues, so get ready to lab dance for alot more criminals in the coming years.
  18. suldaan sxb i wasnt talking about our judicial system this was more of a personal level, i mean if i was going through a court system and my uncle was in that position i would expect him to say something atleast. but i think they did the right thing by pardoning her after all we could concentrate on more important issues than to chase around a chick even if she was nosing around. by the way this will teach any amature basaas wannabe one hell of a lesson.. cos hey if you dont like our justice system well stay in your effing country no one asked you to cross the border. :mad: hehehe am joking kidds dont start the baroor all over again now we had enough weepers to last us for months.
  19. ambasador lool waar ta yar qaado intay goori goor tahay bulbul bisad hayska kicinine looool
  20. i think her uncle who is a somaliland minister should be shot for being such coward and not even saying one word in her defence in all that time what a wetbag. apparantly she wrote a personal letter to Riyaale himself asking for pardone.
  21. looool saladBoy was a such big loser man
  22. indeed it was great somalilanders attended this gathering and it turned out to be farce because no matter where in the world a criminal is or how powerfull/weak his clan is they will be hunted down with vigour and zest because justice is is timeless you are old or retired is not an excuse.. as for this pointless and sorry excused being rolled out by every appeaser of criminals who say "why go after him if you are not going to go after everyone" am sorry that does not wash as the saying goes two wrongs does not make a right, just because there are others who are as guilty as samater it does not mean he cannot be answerable to for his actions, he is start a Big fish, others will follow. the old ways of appeasing every crook is no longer acceptable. and one other thing i think sangub has burnt whatever reputation he had as he was seen resorting to bad mouthing clans and making a fool of himself. it was good sign for somalis that hardly anyone came to to defend the indefendable so mabe somalis are not soul corrupted as it used to seem.
  23. suldaan its hushing up job carried out by the admins, am still wondering why it was misteriously deleted
  24. looool i think the admin just though no one would notice, am still attempting to figure out what rules it broke, which i cant think of any. i reposted it and asked the admins what the problem is since it is just a thread that is covering a current issues or are there some issue the admins would preffer if no one mention if so they may say so....