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What would country run by a Ellitist dictator and an enemy of democracy teach us. ofcourse somaliland isnt in position to refuse ouside help, but you wonder sometimes why somalis bother with these supremecist/racist arabs.
**********if you don't stop the insults against other nomads, we will ban you for good. Please respect others. Warning**************** [ August 05, 2005, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
suldaan sxb isnt it funny how the population of somaliland cities have been totally altered, summerkiii dhawyed ayaan tegay, burco reer ceerigabo iyo reer hawd ayaa yimi, reer sheikh burcay wada tegeen, berbera waa laga wada yaacay, reer burco hargiesay wada joogaan, the old hargaysaawisare are no-where to be seen, alot of reer borame have gone to jbouti or hargeisa. its very weird and confusing, but i think good.
Wiil Duco did my few post about adeero yey boil your blood, hehehe, sxb atleast i can say my loyalties lies with my country of somaliland whatever its state, unlike you whos loyalty is to an 80+ years old merely because of tribal affiliation, isnt that pathetic to say the least.
Mr Guulwade adeer spare the calaacal, ina yey isnt your father although you would like to think so and if he is your tribe ( which he obviously is ) i really dont care. you clearly have deep rooted and ingrained qabyaalad problem so deal with it or get out of the political section.
after all the hot and cold air being blown left right and centre from those who have prostituted politics in somalia and are dreaming of clan utopia it seems their leader, their caaqil and their eyes has blown all the air he could begged all he could for assistane from afar lands, but alas to no avail it seems he has returned to his hometown and 80+ age is taking its toll. so what next for this adminitration of warlords, dug dealers, pimps and geeljiraal, did somalis ever expect people of such lamentable characters to mount to anything other than querreling political protitutes.
duke "these cowards who too afraid to venture outside muqdisho" c/y has not managed to leave the three villages of bossa garoowe and gaalkacayo, which are smaller than one distric of muqdisho hehehehe indeed this president dhul balaadsigiisaa kala batay he has already taken over north of galkacayo
people dont get your nickers in twist i didnt say its true and my opposition to his unholy marriage is due to the fact the guy is well known christian :eek: and is purely for political gains Sky sxb did you say ina yey was freedom fighter for region 5 hehehehehehehe, did you know he was the first somali person to plan ethopian flag inside somalia proper, a lackey of ethopia who then surrendered to afweyne which resulted in ethopia putting him in jail for decade. this guy has only one history and one history alone, lackey, lackey and lackey, a political prostitute with no principles and no morals. indeed this wedding is no suprise to me at all.
i hope this is not true because it is discusting, apparently c/y has given his duaghters hand to senior millitary officer of the Ugandas millitary who is close reletive of th Ugandas president Yuweri Musaveni so he could get political favours :eek: :eek: .... Sooryo lagu waday inay kala qaataan 26-ka bishaan madaxweynayaasha Soomaaliya iyo Uganda ayaa dib u dhac soo wajahay, sida ay baahisay jariidada UgandaTimes ee ka soo baxda dalkaasi. Wargeyska Ugandatimes ayaa waxa uu sheegay in gabar uu dhalay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu siiyay sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada nabad sugidda madaxtooyada Uganda gaar ahaan wiil uu adeer u yahay madaxweyne Yuweri Musaveni, sidaas darteedna loo ballansanaa in 26-ka bishaan ay isa soo hor fariistaan odayaasha dhaqanka iyo labada madaxweyne, si loo kala qaato caado dhaqameedka loo yaqaano sooryada, hase ahaatee taasi ma dhicin oo waxaa soo wajahay dib u dhac, kadib markii uu cudur daartay madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo haatan ku mashquulsan sida uu sheegay xallin khilaafaat iyo dib u dejin dowladeed. Dhaqanka Soomaalida & Uganda ayaa aad isugu dhow haddana aad u kala fog marka la eego diimaha ay kala heystaan iyo rumeysanaanta Afrikaaninimadooda ayuu leeyahay wargeyska. Inkastoo uu madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo president Yuweri Musaveni ay xilliga ay gabadha isa siinayeen isku qabeen muxibo aad u weyn, haddana taasi ma muuqato ayaa maanta la dhihi karaa, marka la eego halka ay ku danbeeyeen ciidamadii laga sugaayey dalka Uganda oo loo hakiyay cadaadis dhinaca shacabka Uganda ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee lama oga illaa iyo hadda xilliga dhabta ah ee dib loo kala qaadan doono sooryadaasi. Nageeye Kaamil Diini. Kambaala. http://www.waagacusub.net/kambala.htm
speaking of indian movies i remember there was always one self appointed translater whos translation went something like this. WUU FEEDHAY, WUU LAADAY, GAS BUU U JARAY ( the visuall stuff ) and when they spoke anything he would just say something like, HAAA IMIKANA WAY ISU DHAARANAYAAN hehehehe
i hope there is going to be suugaan programm and political debate, i can see all the drama and punch ups that will make get good ratings. but PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE NO MORE INDIAN MOVIES
but its natural the old guards die out slowly and are succeeded gradually by younger fresher minds. but i think Riyaales ex nss card is over played since there is very little evidence or claim from within somaliland of any wrong doing on his part. going back to the elections one other i was very happy about was the fact that the current somaliland parlimentarians nearly all failled to get the backing of their districs to back them as candidates for this election since they did nothing for their constituency since they were in parliament. one of the fundermentals of democracy is that people must not remain in positions of power for too long since its this that breeds corruption, mismanagement and unaccountability.
Olol i have been following the Election closely and i have to say after the representatives of each party was announced i have to come to the conclusion that Ucid parlimentarian candidates have the most impresive Cvs out of the three political parties, especially when you look at the areas of education and age, Ucids candidates seem to be of younger generation with less dirt on their hands, they seem to have given the average farax the chance to represent his degaan as well as an educated ellite and added a mix of people from diaspora. while i think their leader is bit radical and extremist i would hope Ucids candidate win large quantity of seats, and root out the old men with dirt on their hands.
somaliland doesnt need giving people like caato further xayaysiis by arresting him, merely not welcome sign will do. wind well i guess all you can do is wait since its not in your capacity to do much else
you tell us what a drug dealing murdering warlord can expect to bring to us eh, its not like we need him any more than somaliland needs the other 100 warlords turned wasiiro, with rag tag millitias in the south hassling poor civilians. what can somaliland gain from a drug dealer, i mean really it would have been crime had somaliland authorities let the likes of him on official visit.
am glad somaliland authorities stop this warlod from entering somaliland, infact it just shows how caato and his likes dont take their positions too seriously and are still the vultures and selfish warlord mentality still prevails, he probaly thought he could muster up some kind of unholy support/ allaince against whoever he is tussling with these days. indeed somaliland doesnt need trash like these no matter his political/tribal allegiance
Latest government moves...Libya, Puntland, Kismayu , Jowhar
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
after going around the world in begging bowl all he manages to do is end up back in the town of bossaso lool i think afbijo doesnt share your optimism looool. dhuuso yaad cadar uga dhigaysaa, funny you sound like that Iraq propaganda minister the only difference is he might have spoke from the wrong end but he made the world laugh, wish i could say the same about you my friend. -
Latest government moves...Libya, Puntland, Kismayu , Jowhar
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
**********PLease respect others.Using vulgarity on the forum doesn't get nomads win the debate. Next time we catch you breaking our rules, we would have no choice but to suspend your username Admin Somalia Online ********************************************** [ July 04, 2005, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Admin ] -
In the week of the G8 conference in Scotland and the Live 8 concert, BBC TV's premier political programme Question Time is being broadcast from Johannesburg in South Africa. The programme will focus on some of the major issues facing Africa including poverty, debt relief, Aids and the continent's cultural importance and influence. The panel will include British cabinet minister and former international development secretary Baroness Amos, Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, South African political commentator Moeletski Mbeki, foreign minister of Somaliland Edna Ismail, and anti-poverty campaigner Bianca Jagger. QUESTION TIME IN JOHANNESBURG Thursday 7 July 2235 BST, BBC One BBC World Apply to join the audience Anyone who will be in Johannesburg on Thursday 7 July can apply to be part of the studio audience and to put questions to the panel. The special edition of the programme will be broadcast internationally on BBC World as well as on BBC One.
" Savages " i wonder who you are aiming this term, i hope its those individuals who done the kidnapping rather than whole groups or even worse whole clans. :eek: :eek: :eek:
somaal i must have done something right to have the likes of you squeeling 24/7 suldaan sxb it was merely sunday boredom that gave me the urge to annoy and toy with the calaacal crowd somaal psssssss psssssss i have news for you did you know today a goat was injured in tuulo called cadaadlay in somaliland report it quick quick. you never know you might do irreversable damage to Sl :cool:
sxb calaacalka iska daa for once, its imbarassing when grown men do it constantly give the waterworks a rest and debate instead.
simaal you remind me of those arabs that weeb and are constantly on the calaacal about the great satans of USA and Israel yet dont have the guts nor the balls to do anything about anything. great peot once said: TANACTANACDU WAA INA GUMEED TAMARADIISIISE TOL HADUU LEEEYAHAY WAXBAY TARI LAHAYEENE
Duke please do continue and make us laugh with your Riwaayad am just rolling with laughter at you futile attempt to change carbon manoxide into oxygen and try and fool the world that the TNG2 is still breathing, hehehehehe. i shouldnt laugh at ina yey predicament but i cant help it, waar puntoland iska joog lahaydaa not chance of even that now sweat dreams to all the shoe carriers and wet dream manufactures
The disgraceful end of the Somali conference in Kenya Somaliland Times Editorial Wednesday at 10 a.m, members of the Somali government-in-exile were finally kicked out of the Nairobi hotels where they have been staying for the last three years. The Kenyan government’s action may seem a bit harsh and humiliating but then again, it is highly unlikely that Somalis would have vacated the hotels on their own. Moreover, the Somali politicians in Kenya have shown again and again that they have no sense of shame. This is a crowd that is used to assassination attempts on their head honcho and bloody fights among its parliamentarians, so being forced out of a hotel should be a minor thing by their standards. Initial reports confirm that is exactly how a lot of them look at it, and that many of them have reacted by simply taking their luggage to the Isli slum to join the Somalis who live there. This is a fitting end for a reconciliation meeting that had lost its way long ago. Even those who don’t like this miserable ending cannot honestly claim it came as a surprise, for the writing was on the wall for a long time. Now that the party is over, we can safely say this about the conference: 1- It was a great waste of time, money and energy 2- The selection of Col. Abdillahi Yusuf as president contributed a lot to the failure of the outcome. Abdillahi Yusuf’s strategy was to get foreign troops to conquer the south for him. Barring a last minute change of heart, that strategy looks like it has failed because he could not get any foreign troops to do the dirty work for him. The fact that his calculations about getting foreign troops turned out so wrong, is an indication of his shallowness as a strategist. 3- With the end of the Nairobi saga and future action shifting to Somalia, the politics of southern Somalia is going to be mostly focused on Mogadishu, where Abdillahi Yusuf has no base, which will result in even more marginalization for him and his supporting cast.