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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. samuri maxaad la cabaadaysaa, we provided you with independant sources while you provided us with phantom figures that do not add up?? my friend puntland whole economy was not based on booming local grassroot economy but rather the port which after its innitial boom has slowed down steadily and also Engineered shaddy activities such as selling the rights to the sea to certain private companies, but with all that Huhaa that was made about the nuclear dumping and pirates that avenue has also dried up. hence why puntland suddently finds itself on rocky grounds. read this source as mr cade freazes what hard cash his administration has left untill further notice in the last few days. http://www.radiolascaanod.com/fullreport.php?sscid=1955 also since when has 9,000 sshl added upto 1 doller :eek: :eek: suldaan did you listen to this cadhays guy speaking and saying waxaan balan, oo waxaan balan qaadayaa inanaan dubdambaysa dagaal kale usoo qaadin (a frank admision that they did start the last skimishes last time).
  2. those cowards who wore the jilab so they can kill few foriegn workers aint laughing now when they face the firing squad, i would like to see the men who are brave enough to take aweys next missions to somaliland and if this aweys dude is some kind of devine worrior sent to save the somalis maybe he should preach to his backyard, and stop digging graves for profi, he must be the first wadaad moryaan someone should tell this self proclaimed mahdi who has "self importance" dimentia that somaliland has dealt with much bigger fish.
  3. SAMURAI Sxb it has become apparantly clear that you cannot wait for any longer to leave this "barren helholle as the puntland minister calls it.. even this afqalooc guy was announcing it everywhere about the imminant withdrawal of both forces yet we know somaliland has no intention of drawing back, so then the question is why make such wild remarks? well its becuase las annod has actually achieved no much political bennefits for puntland other than to simply pour what little resources they had down the sink. as for S/l it has actually been blessing in disguise because it has allowed the maamul to reach allot more places than it did before.
  4. suldaan i think for while pontland hane been desparately searching for a way out of sool it has become apparant they cannot finantially sustain their millitia stay in sool, and they have been pleading with somaliland for a "face saving" 2way withdrawal and somaliland is in no mood for going back to Oog
  5. suldaan so i wonder whats somalilands national code going to be because i think we needed this code for long time
  6. Originally posted by Castro: ^ You mean the SNM? I agree with most of what you said except it sure didn't live up to its name, the movement that is. Nothing 'nationalistic' about the outcome, is there? I'm not saying it's a bad outcome, just that either the movement had the wrong name, or the outcome wasn't considered when the name was chosen. Just details though, don't mind me. well this notion of nationalism really isnt relevant or has never been relevant in somali soceity it was simply a word we learned from western influences unless you are reffering to the Guulwadeyaal form of nationalism, but The Snm not only where the most succesfull rebel force millitarily but they had fundemental difference in what they stood for and their ideology the SNM could have easily been a political party as much as they were a rebel force, because their polital wing was as active as their millitary wing. also they where different because they where result and representation of the people feeling and hopes rather than a rebel group who when into the woods, but withough any doubt somaliland will always be their legacy.
  7. i think there is only one rebel force that always stood above the rest in the way it operated, its results and most importantly the lasting legacy they left behind, am afraid the rest just fall into the abist of history as failled "projects".
  8. Educated exiles To develop further, Somaliland needs its educated citizens who are now in exile. But they won't and shouldn't come until the situation improves, warns Rakiya Omar, the Director of the human rights organisation Africa Rights what cowardly thing to say "they shouldnt go back" since when have these paper interlectuals ever done for somaliland, maybe she should come off her high and mighty horse for once and go back home help her folks failling that she should shut her trap for once and deflate her over inflated ego for once, when every zealot comes to kill foreiners in somaliland she is the first person cry human rights... if these heart bleeding and spineless liberals had their ways where would we be really? properly at the feet of some despotic and unelected warlord.
  9. SAMURIA While puntland did send ministers and somaliland sent only sent millitary officials but that does not mean we are less enthusiastic about genuine peace. but somaliland will never comromise on its border intergaraty and am glad we are seeing signs from our brethens in garowe that they are willing to pull back their forces back over the border in peace.
  10. somaal my friend faisal is politician who holds views of his own and also makes azz of himself like any any other politician from time to time so instead of asking us why he said why not put the question to him personally he attends many lectures and political events through the world so am sure it wouldnt be too hard to find him. but if you are asking us if somalilanders agree with this comment about somalilanders ethinicity or certain clans ethnicty then am afraid i would have to say i disagree with him assuming those are his words.
  11. i agree with rahima on this one the old man really doesnt give "alternative/constructive" views in any way shape or form so therefore while there is no doubt he is humorous in his method and properly does have an aim but he all that comes to the fore is the insults and the only way to defend his peoms is to maybe say he is trying to devalue the tribal system like the African Americans did to the word Nigger by making a mockery out of it. but his poems lack any reall depth and is very hard to find anything tangible beyong the insults that keep coming back.
  12. my friend the only person unable to move on is you and your ilk, its you that is stuck on some utopian dream that you farted on and cannot seem come back to reality, shame really if you had been honest with yourself then maybe you wouldnt be in such mess today, the mistake you made and make to this day is believing we live in the day of pan-Utopian dreamers and headless chikens atleast be original and make destiny for yourself for once instead of always waiting for the milk bottle. waxaad midnimo ku sheegto anaa sameeyay anaana dhabarka ka jabiyay because it wasnt viable
  13. ^^^ sxb history been ma sheego somalimo ciday ka daacad ayeyd iyo cidii ka dhiganaysay sheep skin iyagoo waraabe ah has been well and trully established today there is no sheep skin to hide all that greed and munaafaqnimo has over taken those that raped mandeeq. well my friend like we say over and over again you are not fooling anyone with your crocadile tears.
  14. there is chines proverb that translates roughly as the body is Nothing but a rotting torso withough the Head. Now it has become clear that since we Hoisted the first ever somali flag on soverign somali soil on liberty park and then we came to your backyard and told you what mandeeq was and what it could be we meet nothing but ignorance greed and corruption from your end so please spare us crocadile tears. you have never ever to this day understood the principle of mandeeq and you properly never will so why should we bother really. everything these pen moryaans go on about today was the Ideology somalilanders nurtured and implanted in your hearts only for you to rape the whole beatifull dream so fukc you and fukc somalia.
  15. looool@minority jaahil is jaahil no matter where in the world he goes
  16. wind talker it seems you are very angry these days if we somalilanders are pathetic what do you call the ones that imitates every step Sl takes
  17. Originally posted by Camel Mlik: quote:Originally posted by Alpha-Geeljire: quote: Some people suggested that this is the time for puntland to declare independency and think about its future, Some say we should wait this new federal government if it will work for few more years then decide, While some are dead against the idea all together. I think the only person who has a say in Puntland's independence (or not) is Abdullahi Yusef......the DICTATOR. your dam right waryaa but "Dictator" only Said Barre comes to mind when I hear that word. BIG NO! NO! TO PUNTLAND INDEPENDENCY WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE SOMALIDIID BUT IF SOMALIDIID GET'S INDEPENDENCYY WE ARE GOING RIGHT AFTER THEM. my friend dont worry the somalidiid lot are are radical revolutionaries. where they go other somalis usually follow. Imitated but Never dublicated
  18. sky How dare this moryan speak for the entire Somali nation. Soomaaliya oo dhan Xamar lee ma ahan. As long as there is Puntland, Somaliland is going nowhere. So are you saying that puntland sole purpose of existance is for XAASIDNIMO purposes i believe someone has let the cat out of the.. bag :eek: imitate all you like my friend but that wont get you far
  19. wow since siyad days i didnt know there were so many kaba qaadayaal in the woodworks
  20. The ballot paper have been delivered to every voting booth in the country, the international observers are in place, the Nations Transport have been grounded as somaliland holds its breath waiting to cross new dawn and defy its limitations once more. and long quees have already been spotted in cities even though its hours away. may the people get the right representatives and may it all end in peace. amiin.
  21. suldaan sxb the likes of sifir cidna iskuma xidhayaan, he is simply calooshii u shaqeyste who will say whatever will please the crowd he is with, i really dont know why some people give credit where theres no credit due :eek: is it really of any suprise that when his little pay mission ran dry uu nin waliba degaankiisii ku noqday he is suddenly painting himself a nation hero, and that he was on a mission in the first place looool he is simply political wh.ore with all due respet and he follows the highest bidder, whether be ina yey or salad Boy.
  22. watever u say my friend, i just wish inaad more taada ku kalsoonaad laheyd :confused:
  23. Originally posted by Jumatatu: quote:Originally posted by Qudhac: loooool do you guys still listen to these loosers, loool you guys never learn every looser and geel jire intuu idiin yimaado ayuu idinka taajiraa on the promise that somaliland ayuu idiin keenayaa ehehehe i have to say they know sida dadka wax looga cuno You know what, you are right. But dont you think that those who elected Riyaale on assumption that he will lead them statehood are much worse than us? My friend jumatatu, Mr Riyaale was not elected to lead anyone to statehood, we already have a state we proud of he is simply democraticly elected to be head of that state and we are quitely happy with the overall picture too bad it cant be said for you and your sifirs if i knew you guys were this easy i would have promised you guys somaliland long time ago, damn sifir and those other dubjirayaal have found very soft spot