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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. what should somaliland do. should they stick to their borders or enter Garowe the puntland capital which they are not far from.
  2. No what am talking about is our goverment ministers arresting and detaining journalist and peacefull demostrators withought trail or warrant, and paying only lip service to the constitution. this is far from saying anything goes, this is simply saying we must protect the basic rtights, other wise why have constitution if it cannot protect the citizens.
  3. i dont see any problems with this local admin for eastern sanaag, it seems puntland are not happy with these locals organising themselves and standing on their own two feet as they were happy to plunge their resourses and turn their areas into dessert by cutting all their trees. is it tribal entity, ofcourse it is but am sure everyone agrees they have the right to organise themselves and help themselves even if its just two tuulo maamul, but better than nothing.
  4. our government!!!! thats who? we cannot tolerate journalist being arrested for simply writting an article, or people being detained for peacefully demostrating.
  5. Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland: Article 32 Freedom of Public Demonstration, Expression of Opinion, Press and other Media Every citizen shall have the freedom, in accordance with the law, to express his opinions orally, visually, artistically or in writing or in any other way. Every citizen shall have the freedom, in accordance with the law, to organise or participate in any peaceful assembly or demonstration. The press and other media are part of the fundamental freedoms of expression and are independent. All acts to subjugate them are prohibited, and a law shall determine their regulation. SOMALI; QODOBKA 32AAD XORRIYADDA BANNAANBAXA, RA'YI-DHIIBASHADA, SAXAAFADDA IYO WARBAAHINTA KALE Muwaadin kasta waxa uu xor u yahay in uu ra'yigiisa ku bandhigo qoraal, hadal, muuqaal, suugaan ama qaab kale oo xeerka waafaqsan. Muwaadin kasta wuxuu xor u yahay inuu abaabulo kana qayb qaato, kulan ama bannaan-bax nabadeed oo xeerka waafaqsan. Saxaafadda iyo warbaahinta kale waxay ka mid yihiin xorriyaadka asaasiga ah ee ra'yi- dhiibashada, waxayna leeyihiin madax-bannaanidooda; way reebban tahay tallaabo kasta oo Iagu cabudhinayo; hawshoodana xeer baa nidaaminaya. JOIN The ARTICLE 32 FUND....The Freedom Fund http://www.somalilandfreedom.org/
  6. EMPER loool dont confuse yourself waa yarka, if it is that precious how bout you wrapp it in silk cloth and stick where the sun dont shine for safe keeping, somalinimay barteen. you washing the basides of amxaaro in muqdisho and you lecturing people, aint you got no shame.
  7. horn and if i was to ask you maxaad uga gubanaysaa, why does it get you iritated when we remember those who sacrificed alot to remove a tyrant from rule, SNM did not free somaliland of despotic dictator so they can inturn become dictators and rule forever, the SNM primary target was to defeat and remove the government from power, they succeeded that and they administtered the country and withing few years they return it civilian government which eventually gave way to demcraticaly elected government. some dont have alot today but its not irony its life and they are content with state of affairs for they are not power hungry greeds that you used to down your end of the woods.
  8. or maybe pride and remembering our heroes? why would we fear another man? only allmighty allah can bring harm to mandeeq. sorry to disapoint you but fear is not in out character, cowardly people fear others like those that faced the glorious SNM
  9. Muj Dalka xoreeyay!!! Sawir Aad u qiimo badan oo ka hadhay Mujaahiidiintii SNM waxaa la qaaday iyadoo lagu jiro wakhtigii dagaalka sawirkani waa ilaa 1984 horaantiisii qiyaas ahaan laakiin waad na soo sixidoontaan, waxaa lagu qaaday goob ka mida goobihii tababarka SNM ka Bilow Bidix Maanaan garan ee noo soo sheega ninkaa Koonaha Bidixda Xiga. waxaase ku xiga Mujaahidkii Weynaa ee Maxamed Xaashi (Lixle) (Allaaya Raxmah) waxaa ku xiga Muj. Siciid Maxamed Nuur Waxaa isna ugu Danbeeya Mid ka mida Taliyayaashii SNM waa Muj. Ibraahin Koodbuur Allaaya (Raxmah) Labada Mujaahid ee Lixle iyo Koodbuur waxaa xoog loogu xasuuustaa in uu Lixlena hogaaminayay Hawlgalkii la magac baxay Hawlgalkii Badbaado ee lagu Furtay Mandheera, Ibraahin Koodbuurna waxa uu hogaaminayay Hawlgalkii Birjeex ee lagula baxay C/laahi Askar allaya Raxmaha Mujaahidinta intii dhimatay Sawirkan waxa ka nool Muj. Siciid oo ah ninka u dhaxeeya Lixle iyo Koodbuur , Muj. Lixle oo garabka Qori u saaranyahay intooda kalese aan qoryo wadan walaalayaal Fadlan Na soo sax idinkoo mahadsan hadii Ragga qaar magacyadoodu qaldanyihiin ama aanu cidkale ku sheegay mahadsanidiin Sawirkan waxaa idiinka muuqda Madaxweynihii ugu Horeeyey Somaliland Marxuum C/raxmaan Axmed Cali waxaa isna bidix ka muuqda oo ah Qofka Labaad Xassan Yoonis Habane oo ahaa Taliyihii Ciidamada waxaa ku xiga Duqii Magaalada Hargaysa wakhtigaa Barre Nuux (Barre Laangadhe) dhanka kale ee Midig marka laga tiriyo qofka sadexaad waa Gudoomiyihii Labaad ee SNM yeelato Marxuum Sheekh Yuusuf Sheekh Cali Sheekh Madar ilaahay ha unaxariistee raga intooda kale wali nooma saxna maanaan garan laakiin gadaal baanu idiinka soo sheegi doonaa iyagoo dhamaantood ah Mujaahidiintii SNM ee dalka u soo halgamay Sawirkan waxaa idiinka muuqda Mujaahid Mujaahid Xuseen Warsame Maaloosh Mujaahid Xuseen Waxa uu ka mid ahaa ilaahay ha u naxariistee Mujaahidiintii La soo baxday Mujaahid C/laahi Askar 1983 Mujaahid Xuseen Taariikh Nololeedkiisa ayaanu idiin soo qori doonaa Hadii ale idmo Dhawaanahan Labadan Mujaahid eed aragtaan waxaa Midig Xiga Gudoomiyihii Sadexaad ee SNM yeelato waana Gudoomiyiha Kaliya ee SNM ku shahiiday Dagaaladii lagula Jiray Kaligii Taliskii Siyaad Barre ee xasuuqayay Dadkii Deganaa Goboladii Woqooyi ee markaa ka tirsanaa Somaliya Mujaahid C/qaadir Koosaar oo ahaa Sarkaal Sare waxa uu ka mid ahaa Raggii ugu Firfircoonaa SNM Mujaahid C/qaadir Koosaar waa il ka mida indhihii SNM ee dhanwalba C/qaadir Waa Mujaahidkii keenay Hubkii ugu Horeeyey ee ee loo qaybiyo Mujaahidinta SNM, Mujaahidka ilaahay Naxariisitii Janno ayaanu uga baryaynaa waxaa isna Bidix ka Muuqda Mujaahid C/laahi Askar oo isna ah Sarkaalladii sarsare ee SNM Mujaahid C/laahi Askar oo Taariikhda SNM meelo badan lagu Xasuusan karo balse marka hore Qof walba waxaa niyadiisa soo galaysa in Mujaahidkani yahay Mujaahidinta Fara Ku Tiriska ah ee u jidh doorsoomay Xoraynta Dalkan C/lahi Asakar waa Hawl galiyihii Dagaaladii Buuraha Jiida Galbeedka. Labadan Mujaahidba Taariikhdooda oo dhamaystiran ayaanu idiinsoo qori doonaa hadii alle idmo Muj: C/laahi Askar wuu noolyahay Labadan Mujaahid eed halkan ku aragtaan waa Hogaankii Sare ee SNM labadan Mujaahid mid waliba waxa uu soo maray Jagada Gudoomiye ee SNM ilaahay ha u naxariisto Muj: C/raxmaan Axmed Cali (Tuur) waxa uu ahaa Mujaahidkii ugu Danbeeyey Gudoomiyenimada SNM waana Madaxweynihii u horeeyey ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Waxaa isna Sawirkan idiinka Muuqda Mujaahid Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Silanyo oo ahaa Gudoomiyihii ugu Wakhtiga dheeraa Ururki SNM waana mujaahidkii hogaaminayay maalintii Dalka la soo galay run ahaantii wakhtigii Silanyo uu ahaa Gudoomiyaha waa wahktiyadii SNM fulisay hawlgalo badan iyo Dagaalo badan hadaba Mujaahid Silanyo oo nool maanta iyo Mujaahid C/raxmaan oo Geeriyooday labaddoodaba waxaanu idiin soo uruurindoonaa Taariikh nololoodkoodii hadii alle idmo Waa Halyaydii Mujaahidiinta,SNM!! Ka Bilow Midig ninka Dheer Maanana Garan Waxaa Ku Xiga Muj.kii Gabyaaga caanka ah ee gabayadiisa xooga ugu la tacaalay Taliskii siyaad Barre Cali Xasan (Banfas) Waxaa Ku Xiga Muj. Aadan Dhamac (Allaaya Raxmah) oo ahaa ninkii isagu haystay Qaybta Madaafiicda Waxaa Ku Xiga Muj.Ibraahin Maygaag Samatar oo isna ahaa siyaasiyiintii Ururka SNM Waxaa Ku Xiga Cabdi Yuusauf Ducaale (Boobe) oo ah Ninka kaliya ee maanta haya Taariikhda SNM uruuriyana Taariikhdan iyo Taariikhdii horeba ninka dheer ee bidix Xigaa waa Muj. Xuseen Cali Xirsi Waxaa isna Hoos Ka muuqada Food Axmed Faarax(( Ina Axmed Beledi)) Laakiin Waanu Qaldanaan Karnaa waayo dadkanu la kaashanaynaa in naloo sheego markaa fadlan Qalad ha u arkina Waa is kaashi oo mar walba inanu 100%100 saxnaabaanu isku dayaynaa noona soo gudbiya Ragga hadhay Magacyadooda eenaan wali garan haday kuwaanu sheegnay qaldameena na soo saxa Waa Maalintii lagu dhawaaqayey ururkii dhaq-dhaqaaqa wadaniga Soomaaliyeed SNM, ka bilaw Bidix Mujaahid Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, Muj Maxamed Cabdi Ismaaciil (Dukhsi) Mujaahid C/salaan Yaasiin & Mujaahid Xassan Aadan Wadaadiid Mujaahidiinta aad halkan ku aragtaan oo ah Ragii iyagu u kacay Xoraynta Somaliland kowna ka ah Aasaasayaashii Ururuka waa Sawir qiimo badan xanbaarsan ilaahay ha u naxariisto Mujaahid Dukhsi oo aan noolayn maanta
  10. xiinfiin so you finally admit to what most people knew all along that the whole point of puntland creation was out xaasidnimo and to make sure somaliland doesnt succeed, which means in you warped thinking as long as somaliland doesnt succeed and prosper then you are happy. saxiib am sure you have heard it many times stop this obsession with us. stand on your own two feet, the reason puntland is failure is because it was dacawadii raadkeediina ka tagtay kii nabaigana gaadhiwayway, so intead of getting lost on our footsteps how about taada ka tasho. maybe if this whole puntland ay kaa daacad ahay maybe it would succeed, but since it was always based on reer hebel ku xumeeya i guest the saying xasid meel ma gaadho is true. somaliland has never been worried about maamul being made for badan and las-qoray amongst other town on the border... we dont really see it as threat.
  11. bossaso's budhcadnimo knows no boundaries these mercanaries who rule there seem to have no limit or to what they will do for few bobbs, puntland seems to have mastered the art of doing deals with each new satan that comes to town, the report about the defrotation in this region is shocking due to the local authorities doing dogy deals with pirate like groups that ran sacked all the local forest. and now the reeg sanaag bari are having to fight once again to stop their degaans looking like those of qardo and garoowe i.e dessert and lifeless, lets hope they succeed in their constant fight agains the vampires of cade mercanaries. :eek:
  12. http://www.radiowidhwidh.com/html/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=7795
  13. As the Somali “national” reconciliation conference in Kenya gave birth prematurely to the Transitional Federal Government TFG (or Tigray Founded Government), in October 2004, the demise of the foreign-imposed rogue regime appeared on the horizon. Colonel Abdullahi Yussuf—an inept leader at the helm, and the greatest hog at the trough—no sooner than parachuted into the presidential seat, demanded the deployment of foreign troops—not aid—to Somalia. Worse yet, the TFG made fetish out its version of terrorism, and smeared anyone that stepped on its shadow as being a member of Al-Qaeda. That is any opposition to the TFG's policy is tantamounted to "terrorism". However, both Col. Abudullahi Yussuf’s carrying wolfs about imagined Al-Qaeda hideouts in Mogadishu, and the deployment of foreign troops to Somalia proved effective in warning of an impending disaster. But no one paid a scant attention to the ominous disaster—the tinderbox—that appeared on the horizon. Almost a year later, the Ethiopian killing machines squished to death over 2000 Somali civilians, and thousands more may also perish due to starvations and diseases. The lucky ones that escaped from death are either shipped to the Ethiopian torture chambers or terrorized in their motherland. What’s more, thousands of Somali intellectuals, tribal leaders, and young men also found themselves prisoners in their own country. Rape of Somali women is rampant and unreported due to the Somali cultural taboo which further victimizes the victims. Meanwhile, Mogadishu has been pulverized to dust. Factories, businesses, and properties are either destroyed or looted by the Ethiopian troops, Abdullahi Yussuf’s militias, and local gangs. Bililiqo all over again! A city that was once booming is now deserted. And Mogadishu shares the same fate as Hargeisa, the Somaliland capital, went through in late 80s. Worse still, the Somali Diasporas that invested every penny of their savings into businesses in Mogadishu for the past two decades, now face the grim reality of starting everything from scratch. On the other hand, many baffled Somalis struggle to understand the TFG’s logic and wish to take a journey into its mind. Good luck! How does the TFG's logic work? Is it the more civilians slaughtered, the sooner the TFG would establish its legitimacy in Somalia; or is it the more destruction inflected against the country, the quicker civilians would be cowed to submit to the TFG’s demands? Is that what the TFG’s creativity and nation building approaches are all about? This is a mind-boggling exercise! Surprisingly, everything that the TFG has done so far has been counter-productive. As it seems none of its members have any knowledge of public relations. The TFG’s logic is nothing, but a gangstersm and thuggish. To transform the TFG gangs from warlords to peace-lords, took many turns and twists but produced only quisling leaders. You can’t teach an old dog new trick. In Somalia, the future looks even bleaker than it was few years ago. However, while foreign occupation forces disguised as “peacekeepers” surround and safeguard the TFG from the “terrorists”—the Somali citizens—the same vultures that feasted on dead bodies of civilians in Mogadishu also wait impatiently for the demise of the TF, and the death knell may soon ring. Dalmar Kaahin Ottawa, Canada
  14. am not hyprocrite i say what i mean, and i do hope it finishes peacefully. but then again like you said how dare these silly ungratefull fools complain about being taken for a ride.
  15. point wats you point
  16. well this sad and predictable state of affairs were on the card for a while now, puntland crooked leadership should have known you can only bend something upto certain point before it breaks so all their shaddy business, corruption, neptism, money printing, waste dumping seems to have caught up with them as the political tension in the region have reached boiling point due to the extreme inflation rate which has made living unbearable for the average folks. lets hope it finishes in peace
  17. indeed good news especially as they are looking to do deals for animal exporting with malaysian company which has has world network of halal meat exportation. this would diversify this important market so the arabs would not have manopoly on it alone.
  18. apparantly their names are not known their regions are not knowm their tribes are not known and their names are not known.
  19. miskiin its good to see you are showing yout true moderator nuetrality instead you go on direa of old propaganda nonesense about somaliland of which is worn out like an old cloth. our country and people have shown your people welcoming hand when they have been refused to be taken in the rest of the world who are fed up with somalia now its obvious since your beloved country of somalia isnt even capable of looking after its people and prefers to rape kill and enslave them i dont think you have morality or face to make such ungratefull and irrelavant coment somaliland. because even those living in refugees camps of our cities have better living standards than those living in what you call your country. JUST BE GRATEFULL or atleast keep quite, ceebtaadaa, la asturee.
  20. Warsaxaafdeed k soo baxay xafiiska Somaliland ee dalka Malaysia Xafiiska Wakiilka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ee Dalka Malaysia kuala Lumpur War Saxaafadeed Friday, July 20, 2007 Wafdigii uu hoggaaminaayey Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka JSL ee maalmahanba shaqo hawleedka u joogay dalka Malaysia ayaa maanta la shiray ururka “BUMIPUTRA MANUFACTURERS & SERVICES INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA”. Ururkaas oo ay weheliyaan maalqabeenno kale iyo Bangiyo, ururkaas oo ay ku bahoobeen ururada Warshadlayda reer Malaysia shirkaasoo wafdigu u sharaxay fursadaha ganacsi ee ay wadaagi karaan labada dal. Waxa kale oo isla maanta wafdigu la kulmeen Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Dalka Malaysia Mudane Syed Hamid Albar iyo hawl-wadeenno ka socda Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda taasoo iyana laga wada hadlay adkaynta iyo iskaashiga cilaaqaadka labada dal. Isla maanta waxay Wafdigu kula tukadeen masjidka ugu wayn Caasimadda kuala Lumpur Salaadii Jimcaha dadweyne tiro badan iyo madax ka tirsan danjireyaasha dalalka Muslimiinta ee ku sugan dalka Malaysia. Wafdigu isla Shalay 19/07/07 wuxuu la kulmay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Xoolaha ee dalka Malaysia oo hoggaminaayey madaxda Wasaaradda sida DG. Iyo Agaasimeyaasha Waaxyaha iyo 4 shirkadood oo u xilsaaran mashruuca Hab-halal kaasoo ah mid ay Malaysia ku gaadhsiinayso Caalamka Islaamka oo dhan meel ay joogaanba hilib xalaal ah. Wafdiga iyo Wasiirku waxay kala saxeexdeen heshiis Caafimaadka iyo suuq-gaynta xoolaha ah (Adhi,Lo’ iyo Geel). Wafdigu isaga oo hawlihiisa ku dhex jira berri waxa u qorshaysan inay la kulmaan ardayda ku jirta Jaamacadaha Malaysia iyo Jaaliyadda Somaliland ee ku sugan dalkan Malaysia.
  21. yes the ICU were chased out by ethopia who now occupy and call the shots, then in that case what role do you and the rest of bootlickers surely its to entertain and amuse your tigrea masters. and once these current bootlickers backside is of no use to them surely they will be discarded too.
  22. duke so you do admit that these people are not genuine leaders of tribes but any tom dick and harry can buy it for 100 dollers, which means these are not representatives but bogus mercanaries.
  23. http://www.somaliweyn.com/pages/news/July_07/17July23.html this is what they have been trying to fool the world with, they are actually selling the invitation paper to the conference to anyone who is willing to pay the TFG 100 dollers. and then this person can represent a region/town of his choosing, of last 14 conferences held this takes the biscuit for it is total sham.