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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. Originally posted by B_G: oh shut up, please, you sound like that Austrian right wing leader, except the farax version who believes in the supremacy of his town. (ps.that had to be said). This guy wuxu ku washey civilization, as if you are the founder of the greek civilization. first of all i never said anything about civilization whether greek or any other, second there is no doubt that the actions of these people is not what CIVILISED people even in the context of religion as you may do with their lives. whether be isbaaro, kidnapping, money laundry, warlordsm, piracy, drug trafficing.... all these dispicaple action are from dark ages and are all xaram under islam. now all these actions are practiced in somalia and clearly there must be a reason for these people to go that route. we trying help you man.. they are all practiced in somalia,
  2. oday malaa diyaarad khaladuu raacay... kenya is xerodii doofaar ee lagu soo doortay ayuu meeraysanayaa... bal duke weydiya odayga and his "deligation" goortay imanayaan. malaa markuu shirku dhamaado ayuu iman.. but then again our friend duke cant help us as allpuntland.com have not posted any new materials to go by
  3. somaliland haday u dhaqaaqdo maalin ayey ku soo uruurinaysaa, these xaraan ku naax savages from somalia.. these people dont understand the rule of law, or any form of civilised living, all they understand is brute force. i suppose you cant blame them considering where they come from but i believe they can be rehabilitated to lead a civilised life.
  4. yes inshalla piracy, human trafficking and murder and mayhem will be thing of the past and old murderious warlords will be history.... isnt that right duke
  5. MMA its funny how this "article went traight to somaliland, not muqdisho where the there slaughter and massacre, not kismayo not bossaso and human trafficking not all those other places where unspeakerble crimes are commited against the weak and poor. but hargeisa where there thousands upon thousand of refugees fleeing that same massacre of somalia have found peace and shelter. walee xaasidnimo iyo cuqdad ayaydaan meel ku gaadhin.
  6. this the the company that did the Somaliland Aeromagnetic Survey. http://www.tgsnopec.com/data_library/pip_listing.a sp?id=4 they survey both land and sea and the lisence will be given to companies in blocks by government.
  7. the lady on the show is called Susan Rice and she will be foreign policy advisor, so i think what she says is very important. one thing is certain with the tfg lot on the brink and piracy all time high and shabaab terrorist taking over somalia i believe soon within the next two years there may be large international millitary operation, in somalia. but we wait and see.
  8. this has been going on for while, and i have to say i like they hav handled it, apparently the texas meeting is the crutial one, which will be where serious negotiations will be done. lets see how the bidding goes. Emperor i know you like to compare puntland to big brother all the time ( we know you guys never make it public hush hush) but as the saying goes..... we do things differently
  9. the old man capitulated, after his little throwing the toys out of the pram, he has returned to towing the line.. lol he even denied trying to move the conference to libia... NABADA KAMA SOO HORJEEDO, ayaa kaa soo hadhay sidii naag duday oo odaygeedii lagu soo celiyay ayaa yey zenawi loogu soo celiyay. lool
  10. didnt i say this wil be entertaining ya duke.. soodigan sidii nin waalan gidaarkasta jiidhay miyay kugu taagantay..... lool
  11. duke ooooh now they make history, would you enlighten us and tell us what that history that is, ofcourse other than leading xabashis to slaughter somalis... we must have missed that history
  12. duke whatever you say mate, i gota a feeling this one is going to be entertaining... so duke why do you think ethopia is disobeying adero yusuf.. and not towing the line. do you think its time to consider millitary action, bush like and give them ultimatum
  13. hahahahahahahaha talk about clutching on straws, yey is gana now destabalise ethopia if they dare not protect him, hahahahahaha
  14. Dhul the only problems with your little cult of movement is that it requires someone else to do the fighting for them as we have seen so many times before, withought some one else to fight on its behalf they tend to, leave their shoes behind, i mean they are famous for this within the somali community, turning and running that is withough a shot being fired in anger. so we just wonder when the ethopian tanks are no longer how long it will take them to get to garowe. last time they had to fight withough xabashi was in las anod and we know the result there
  15. AFRICA How naive and insulting you are for those whom laid their lives so SL can have their destiny in her hands and here you are with begging bowl asking for acceptance like child seeking acknowledgement. do you think the enemy of SL will come to "reason" and accept it by logic, you people are wasting your time, this world does not work by logic reasoning but by self intrest, in other words it is not in the intrest of these people for SL to succeed, so no amount of logic and reasoning will bring them around. what matters is not to win these people over but to make them irrelevant so whether they agree or not this has no impact on SL, hence the famous saying... " Ma afbaad ku ciil bixi cidlaad ka hanjabeysaane" son freedom and self determination is not given but its won by the barrel of the gun and kept by the power of the brain. SL does not need the approval of these people, it simply needs its sons to pave the way for her.
  16. jacay am perfectly fine but things will never be the same, bridge was crossed. ninka abeenso soo xeraystaa aduunbay ku cunay. keeping people whom have nothing but envy, hate and contempt for your people and your country in your bossom aint very wise my friend. this incident reminded me there was this one incident in somaliland when it was SL independence day and the qoxoontis from the camps organised themselves so they could fight people who were celebrating that day. thats the kind of people we dealing with. most people feel enough is enough its time we got control of things and assess who is living in our midst.
  17. somaliland never learn do they you cannnot civilise savages, dadkan ina dhaafiya meeshay cag dhigaanba wey gubaan, they have already imported alot of their dhaqan xumo and corrupt way to our country, and now thie fanatical zealots are here to slaughter our people. these people hate any resemblance of peace, order and justice, they only know loot, rape, massacre and mayhem thats what they thrive on. somaliland needs to stop this crappy waa walaaleheen wishy washy crap, these people will only import their destructive way of life. Thanks but NO THANKS
  18. zack no we dont see suicide bombers and deranched savaged killing themselves on daily basis i know these sort of things are dailly occurance in that hellhole they use to call south somalia. so dont be suprised if we find these sort of behaviour weird and distressing. authoroties must make it first priorities to round up any sleeping cells from these satanic cult organisation that might be in somaliland. the population at large must also help government and local authorities root out these diviant blood searching groups. we know who propagates this disease and we know who supports it localy so its high time government did their job and secured the security of the nation. letting so much refugees means the they can come unnotice and do their carnage, i think that policy of sympathy has blown up in somaliland face and its hight time to reverse that enough is enough.
  19. I think somaliland religious leaders wey gabeen shaqadoodii, i mean how they let this cult get into our mainstream religious education is crazy, people who believe if you kill yourself and kill as much innocent muslims as possible then you will go to heaven. this deviant cult who brain wash kids and cowardly send them to die while they drink alcohol in some far away hotels. our cullimo must show more leadership and stand up for our beatifull religion, which is their responsibility and protect it from such twisted cult groups who are trying everything to hijack it and trn into tool to power.
  20. hadhwanaag 2008-11-01 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Culimada Somaliland ayaa Saladii Jimcaha si weyn ugaga hadlay weeraradii ismiidaaminta ahaa 29-kii October ka dhacay Magaaladdda Hargeysa ka dhacay,isla markaana waxa ay cambaareeyeen falkaas iyo sidii uu u dhacay. Sheekh Aadan Xaaji Maxamuud Xiirey [Aadan Siiro] oo ka mid ah Culimada waaweyn ee reer Somaliland ayaa oo ka khudbadeeyey Masaajidka Xawaadle ee Magaaladda Hargeysa ayaa sheegay in ay xaaraan tahay in qof Muslim ah dhigiisa la daadiyo sabab la’aan, isla markaana waxa uu shaaca ka qaaday in uu dadka iyo dawladad Somaliland hore ugaga digay dhacdadan natiijadeedu is qarxinta noqotay. “Khudbadaydan waxaan ugu jawaabayaa nimanka labada nafood leh, ee yidhi Ilaahay Waxaan kula balanay inaan mar labaad soo noolaanayno, ee doonaaya umad muslimiin ah oo heshiis nabadgelyo kuwada jira, oo umadooda doonaya inay nabadgelyo isugu keenaan, iyaga oo runtii adeegsanaya waxyaabo Diinta aan waafaqsanayn oo way daarsan, wax taariikhda ku cusubna ahayn oo in badan soo noq-noqday inay dumiyaan Jamhuuriyadan Somaliland, iyaga oo diin iyo Uni-form islaamiya. “ ayuu yidhi Aadan-siiro. Sheekh adan Siiro waxa uu sheegay inuu marar badan ka hadlay tibaaxaha dhacdooyinkan dhacay, “In badan ayaan ka hadlay oo mujtamaca Somaliland kala hadlay waxa soo socda, in badan ayaan Xukuumada maanta dalka u arimisa kala hadlay, intaas oo goor ayaan Madaxtooyada u galay khatarta badan ee ka soo socota nimankaasi islaamka ku lumay [Al-shaab], may iqiimayn, may raacin taladii aan in badan u jeediyey,dhibaatada maanta ina soo gaadhay waad arkaysaan,” Sheekh Aadan Siiro waxa uu ku dooday inuu Islaamku barri ka yahay weerada noocan [ismiidaamin] oo kale ah ee lagu qaaday Madaxtooyada Somaliland, Xarunta hay’ada UNDP iyo safaarada Ethiopia ee Hargeysa. Isaga oo arrinta aka ahadlayana waxa uu yidhi “Islaamku bari ayuu ka yahay gadh aan dhaqan lahayn, Islaamku barri ayuu ka yahay khamiis cad oo aan dhaqankiisa lahayn, islaamku berri ayuu ka yahay. Wax kasta oo uu qofku ku kaco ama wadaad ha sheegto ama waranle ha sheegto, oo runtii aan waafaqsanayn waxa ilaahay Kitaabkiisa iyo sunihiisa ku sugan” Sheekhu Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu intaa raaciyey “Odhanmaayo sidii ay culumada qaar yidhaahdeen waxay doonayaan garanmayno, waxay doonayaan waanu garanaynaa ! waxay doonayaan inay dalkan dumiyaan, inay acyaantiisa laayaan, waay doonayaan inay dalkan fowdo ka dhigaan oo aynu is-dilno, dabadeeto iyagu ay noqdaan kuwo ka arrimiya, mana aha wax aynu aqbali karno waa wax aanu dil ka xigno intaan nolosha ku suganahay. Waxaanu af-buuxa ku leenahay mayeelayno , waanu ka dagaalmaynaa.” Mar uu Aadan Siiyo la hadlayey Culimo-awdiinta reer Somaliland ee dalka ku dhaqan waxa uu yidhi “Maanta culimada ayey arrintu taagan tahay, iyagaa ugu horeeya, waynu garanaynaa ka Hargeysa jooga ee duminayaa, waanu garanaynaa kuwa falalka wada, waynu garanayna kuwa ku xidhan, waynu garanaynaa kuwii innaga tagay, waynu garanayanaa kuwa ay cajaladaha u soo diraan, yeynaan odhan ma garanayno, waa hawl inoo taala-weeyaan” Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu yidhi “Haddii aad is-leedahay hargeysa marka ay dunto adigaa hadhi doona, marka ay ay Burco ay duntee, Boorame ay duntee oo gaadhi cad, laba gabdhood iyo meherado iyo kumaan kun dolar oo bishii soo baxa taasi waa manhaj aanaan haysan oo malaha aan ku oolin kitaabka iyo sunaha rasuulka” Sheekh Aadan Siiro waxa uu carabka ku adkeeyey sidii looga hawlgelihaa difaaca dalka iyo Diinta Islaamanka ah. “Maaha wax cusub qof inta uu is-qarxiyey jano raadinaya 1928-dii dhaqdhaqaaqi Islaamiga ahaa ee Muslimiintu, inta badan dhaqdhaqaaqyad Ismaaliga ahi ka farcameen Sheekh Xasan Al-mana raxima humulaahu” ayuu yidhi Aadan Siiro. Aadan Siiro waxa uu sheegay inaanay is-bedel Islaamiya keeni Karin in qori la qaato, “Waxaan leeyahay waa in lala dagaalamo, yeynaan odhanin ma garanayo” Kuma koobna khudbadaha lagaga hadlay arrintan ee Culimadu jeedisan tan Sheekh Aadan Siiro oo kale, hase ahaatee, Masaajidada Magaalooyinka waawayn ee ay Hargeysi ugu horeyso ayaa si weyn looga cambaareeyay falkaa argagixisanimo ee lagu qarxiyay goobaha muhiimka ah ee Magaaladda Hargeysa. Sidoo kale dhawr iyo toban wadaad oo reer Hargeysa ah ayaa soo saaray bayaan ay ku cambaaraynayaan dhacdadaas iyo cidii ka dambaysayba.
  21. i believe mandeeq should wake up and removed these enemies of our people from our country, these good for nothing cancer thats sleeps amongs us whom we feed and they repay us by slaughtering us. how naive is somaliland, people who burned looted and destroyed their own country towns and people how are they going to bring any bennefit to us. somaliland should stopp being bloody heart bleeding liberals and think with their heads and not their hearts. savage will always be a savage. the government must take their share of responsibility for this crime agains our people because they gave these people the freedom of our country to roam freely and do as they like. i mean if you go to any SL town they are swamped like flies. we need to deport these people en mass close our tightened our boders and start searching and destroying the sleeping cells these cult groups have in somaliland, these security measurement are paramount for anyone who wins the election.
  22. SOMALILAND WILL NOT BE HELD hostage by people who slaughter innocent people so they can make political point. in this difficult times somaliland must stand together and show their unity
  23. i gues when theres money making machines at every house they forgot money will be useless. but what happened to the money from THE MINISTRY OF PIRACY AND NEPTOSISM AND MINISTRY OF HUMAN TRAFFICING AND CORRUPTION surely they had some income ah ofcourse it was all spent on uncle bobs just war and the fight against the evil expanding empire of somaliland and their international terrorist.
  24. Oday yey is just scared he will not have garowe to come back to when the muqdisho shananigans comes to an end and ethopia dumps him. i have to say somaliland likes cade muse very much, they must help him get another term, also i think yusuf wants cade out because he thinks when he comes back he wont let him back in power cos of the bad blood between them.
  25. Sool was sign over by abdullahi yusuf and delivered by calool muse, lakiin waa inay dadka qalbiga u dajiyaan HEELADU WAA HEELADEENIIYEEY LOOOL