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Everything posted by Qudhac
and if they dont want to?
mate dont beat around the bush, just say you wish somaliland disapeared, just dont get your hopes up cos you will be disapointed because wishing us harm has only makes us stronger.
Northern Somali Unionist Movement: SSC Resounding Rebuff to Somaliland
Qudhac replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
Ayat i see you agree with this clan diven drivel filled with hate for certain clan and hiden under somaliweyn excuse. i see your intellegence you are. good luck with your dream of somaliland collapse -
rising against what??
wat do you mean hail awdal they are awakenening???? dont insult people young man.
Puntland elections: SOOL CAYN battle ground states
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
zack why dont you tell that to sool folks in las anod, buhodle, taleh, xudun, widhwidh, Oog, aynaba, who have been Queueing for hours to vote in SOMALILAND elections Diiwaangalinta Doorashooyinka Somaliland oo si habsami ah uga socota Ceegaag, Widhwidh iyo Qorfo-buro iyo magaalooyinka Yayle iyo Horufadhi oo la waydiinayao waxa ay ku diideen diiwaan galinta (Ceegaag, January, 04 2009 Ceegaag Online) Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Ceegaag ayaa sheegaya in dadkii diidanaa diiwaan galinta shalayto ay maanta ogolaadeen, diiwaan galintuna ay si habsami ah uga socoto Ceegaag maanta. Waxaa kale oo lasheegayaa in shalayto dadka lagu diiwaan galiyay Sanaadiiq loogu talo galay dadka degan tuulada Bisiqa oo ka tirsan degmada Xudun, amaba ay degan yihiin beesha Habarjeclo. Maamulka Somaliland ayaa haba yaraatee aan soo dul dhigin wax awood ciidan ah magaalada Ceegaag dadka reer ceegaagna iyaga iskood isku diiwaan galinaya. Magaalada Yayle oo shalayto laga diiday Diiwaangalinta ayaa saaka lagu soo celiyay iyada oo dadka la waydiinayo waxa ay ku diideen is diiwaangalinta. Magaalada Harufadhi ayayna iyana kaba socan ilaa iminka wax diiwaangalin ah iyada oo hada loo soo wado diiwaan galinta loona badinayo in maanta ilaa bari laga bilaabi doono. Magaalada Widhwidh ayaa iminka doorashadu si habsami ah uga socotaa kadib markii uu Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf shalayto dagaal ka sameeyay isla shalayna isaga soo cararay Widhwidh. Magaalada Qorfo-Buro oo u dhaw Bali-hadhac ayaa iyana si habsami ah Diiwaan galintu uga socotaa iyada oo ay dadku nabadgalyada aad u adkeysanayaan. Magaalooyinka Qorilugud iyo Guumays oo iyaguna ah dhinaca nugaasha ayaa Diiwaangalinta Dooradhooyinku si habsami ah uga socotaa. www.ceegaag.com webmaster@ceegaag.com -
Yes boy show the world your love somalia and remember your baroor for somali-weyn, ala lets not forget calaacal for how you were backbone of somali unity till yesterday. thats why no one believed your uncle or your propaganda nor todays crocadile tears. your uncle fell defending a baffon called mohamed dheere........ how tragic
Waxaa laga dareemayaa gudaha magaalada Laascaanood diyaar garow balaadhan oo shacabka magalaada Laascaanood ay si wayn ugu qalab qaadanayaan diiwaan gelinta Somaliland ee maalmaha soo socda ka bilaabmaysa magaalada Laascaanood iyo guud ahaan Gobolka Sool. Shacabkan ayaa waxa uu si wayn u hadal hayaa una xiisaynayaa inay ka qayb qaataan diiwaan gelinta Somaliland ee Gobolka Sool iyagoo laga dheehan karo goobaha ay dadku isugu yimaadaan oo lagu arkayo shacab aad u fara badan oo si wayn u hadal haya diiwaan gelinta iyo siday uga qayb qaadan lahaayeen. Maalmaha soo socda ayaa waxaa la filayaa inay si rasmi ah uga bilaabanto guud ahaan Gobolka Sool diiwaan gelinta Somaliland iyadoo hadda uun laga soo jeestay Gobolka Sanaag oo Gobol ahaan ku xigay kana horeeyay Gobolka Sool iyadoo hadda team-kii ka qayb qaadan lahaa hawshaasi ay hadda ku sugan yihiin magaalada Burco una soo jeedaan Laascaanood. Isdiiwaan gelinta ka bilaabmaysa magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxa ay noqonaysaa markii ugu horaysay ee magaalada Laascaanood iyo guud ahaan Gobolka ay si rasmi ah uga dhacdo iyadoo la og yahay in doorashooyinkii hore ay ka dhaceen dhanka waqooyi ee jiidda laamiga ah oo kaliya. Hadaba sidoo kale diiwaan gelinta ayaa waxaa laga dareemayaa dhanka xisbiyada qaranka ee Somaliland oo shirar iyo diyaar garow ka wada gudaha magaalada laascaanood iyadoo si wayna masuuliyiinta Somaliland ee Gobolka Sool ay shacabka Gobolka ugu dhiiri gelinayaan inay shacabku ka qayb qaataan isdiiwaan gelinta.
BBC: Caaqil Cabdi Shire of Dhahar Laba Qabiil isma Tirakoobto
Qudhac replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
Duke lool the only one with no power now is your adeero yey who is now deranged and old.... haha -
Utter failure and tribally motivated individuall who thought he was the leader of qabiil rather than nation, though ethopia was his forever friend untill they destroyed him. never keep all your balls in one basket, and dont make enemie out of everyone good lessons in politics. he left in shambles clinging to the chair. what fitting end i say.
BBC: Caaqil Cabdi Shire of Dhahar Laba Qabiil isma Tirakoobto
Qudhac replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
Toban caaqil ayaa meesha boodaya who cares what one says. its all irrelevant anyways as the voter registration has already started in dahar region, which is tuulo right next to border. these little towns remind me of those puntland supporters who in las anod who constanly used to say CAR KAALAYA, CAR ADHICADEEYE SOO DHAAFA, DRAAWISHbAA IDIN LIQAYSA... ilaa subbax laga dhex toosay. -
120 rag tag millitia looool is this the battle hardened army they were waiting to come back to them to reclaim sool for them...... :eek: loool
Duke believe me somaliland neither sees these latest developments in chaotic somalia as good for them or bad. we consider all of the factions within the TFG as a parties we cannot work with as none of them can be considered to have any authority in somalia so how can we work with paper governments. somaliland position has always been clear we will talk with any proper government that emerges from somalia whom has proper authority in somalia not paper government that is installed by foreign power but one that represents the will of somalia and its people, once that condition is met somaliland will talk with that government to discuss how to create condition that will allow that two states to co-exist peacefully in harmony. Somaliland does not need somalia to be in caost indeed its the opposite the whole reason why somaliland legal status has been unresolved is because there is no partner for somaliland to talk to and most countries do not want to take bilateral action to recognised somaliland while somalia is a failed state with no legal government to represent it. if somaliland needed somalia to be in constant caost then somaliland and its authorities would constantly be playing those munafaqnimo politics you see being played in somalia, instead somaliland constantly calls all parties to solve their differences using somali methods instead of going around the world with begging bowl. The problem is each new baffon that is selected in foreign country by forieng powers claims to be suppreme leader of all somalis withought even setting foot in somalia, so why should somaliland work with people who are so removed from reality on the ground in 2009 (almost)like the TFG and others before them. one thing i agree with you is that C/y is no Worse than any of those other baffons who are foreign agents and funded by international shaddy organisations. no one can deny C/Y tried something but am afraid he tried something totally wrong which proven to never work and that is to get something done by force using foreign muscle on somalis and am afraid it simply back fired on him. as for today somaliland is how it was the day he came to power and the day he left he is no different to those before him who claim to rule from seylac to rambakose--whatever they all simply got ignored... until they faded into the abbys of history have asked yourself why somaliland or even puntland is still here is here because its the project of the people its their making their dreams their hopes not omer Geels not Melez or even riyaale Cigaal Or Tuurs or any other indivifuall. So my friend if we forget this silly games for second why can you and others see these so called peace processed that are work of foriegn powers will never bring peace and government to somalia. another thing i have never understood is why people from somalia just follow an individuall instead of system so blindly, in somaliland you dont see someone following Riyale or siilanyo or warabe no matter what they do, people will go with who they think has most sensible form of government and ideas.
http://www.allpuntland.com/article/anmviewer.asp?a =4056&z=1 C/yusuf is set to follow tommorow http://hadhwanaag.com/newsdetail.jsp?selectid=1601 2
what do you think the number are gana be for sanaag togdheer shocked evry 1 with their huge turn out.
Dahir Riyaale to be new President Sharif Ahmed PM
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
waaryaa jb doorashadii ka waran, togdheer stood up, whats you think is going the numbers in sanaag and sool -
Dahir Riyaale to be new President Sharif Ahmed PM
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Enjoying my retirement www.Delusional.com -
Dahir Riyaale to be new President Sharif Ahmed PM
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
people dont mind our propaganda boy duke is just unemployed and is looking for someone to emply him as mouthpiece.. -
Duke whatever makes you feel better mate as the saying goes yesterdays News is no news, sadly thats all yey and yourself have left to show for it...yesterdays news..
i wonder if duke will still support the tfg lot after yey departure or would it depend on another uncle being the head of it.... i think he should take a rest after years of beating the yey drumm must be tiring. :confused:
naxar puntland has no love for somaliweyn who are you kidding all they dreamt of was being "president" which means more to garowe and bossaso crew than anything else concerning somalia, i mean look at our duke to him somalia = c/y and thats it.. thats how reer puntland are.. so dont tell porkie pies about love for somalia you just cant you couldnt stand on your own feet like somaliland has for nearly 2 decades
Naxar you must be happy with what c/y done for punt, he sucked it dry to its last penny, destroyed its capability to defend itself and made it virtually bancrupt all for what, a name tag to say adeero is paper president hope it was worth it. Simply put PL dont have the balls to go their own way, like spoilt child when ever they get slapped around down south ayey sida caruurta yidhaahdaan.........anaguna walahi waanu goosanaynaa.
New York: Why is Jengeli still the Foreign Minsiter?
Qudhac replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
LOOL your attempt to twist the story is pathetic, in fact it was the a/y spokesman who was refused the meeting yesterday.. and he was interviewed here http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/somali/me ta/tx/somali_1800? and he is saying why he was not allowed -
and where you listening to the conversation on their phone. indeed international community will not save the stooge known as A/yusuf