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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. once again you ranting is very confusing and makes no sense... whats your opinion on the topic,
  2. sayid woman smuggled child from qardo wrapped her in sheets until she reached a shady sri lankan man who is very sick man who paid the italian woman for the child.... that is very sick my friend and should set alarm bells ringing. mise ceebta hala qariyo uun baa kuu daran
  3. sayid sxb adigu are you the double posting police just coment on the topic or leave it alone
  4. sxb am just posting the news am not the one selling my children to mafia so i think you need to worry about what your admin is doing about this terrible development of children traficking. horrible things such chrildren slavery and child prositution come to mind you should be very worried about these events instead of worrying about double postings.
  5. ???? sxb have you had too much of the green stuff???
  6. say how can you be sure how this Italian woman got hold of this girls, it seems far fetch that girl of her age would jump into a car wrapped in sheets withough telling anyone where she is going. its very shady world involving agents so i dont think you should jump to conculusions, instead you should be worried about this new alarming turn human traficking in puntland has taken.
  7. sayid sxb is deji, what tittle are you talking about, did you even read tyhe title
  8. italian woman bought this girl from qardo and sold sold it to a shri lankan man was was cought and jailed in hargeisa. very disturbing developement indeed. the little girls tells the story. 13 year old girl interview
  9. while the victims wait for their long awaited justice, the usuall gulwadayaal claim now that samater of all people is victim, who has not recieved justice... loool the irony of it all. www.radiowidhwidh.com/html/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1253
  10. indeed the final push for the eastern frontier is nearly complete.. the there are major shift happening now on the ground, especialy in badhan where there is large and important meetings as the new gobols local government is put in place.
  11. haha so your cousin is desolved of his somali responsibility and he is not one man but he operates whole government with thousands of soldiers who search capture torture and hand them over we undestand your game, its easy to hide your ceeb by blaming other shisheeye 0 so once again we ask whats your opinion on this ugly practice by your people to collude with the enemy and sell out the same ones that you claim are fighting for your freedom.
  12. haha so your cousin is desolved of his somali responsibility and he is not one man but he operates whole government with thousands of soldiers who search capture torture and hand them over we undestand your game, its easy to hide your ceeb by blaming other shisheeye 0 so once again we ask whats your opinion on this ugly practice by your people to collude with the enemy and sell out the same ones that you claim are fighting for your freedom.
  13. haha so your cousin is desolved of his somali responsibility and he is not one man but he operates whole government with thousands of soldiers who search capture torture and hand them over we undestand your game, its easy to hide your ceeb by blaming other shisheeye 0 so once again we ask whats your opinion on this ugly practice by your people to collude with the enemy and sell out the same ones that you claim are fighting for your freedom.
  14. you not fooling anyone...... you jump to conclusion and now it has been proven beyong doubt she was arrested in ethopia by your own cousin, you looking for way out... you bash SL all you like but harsh truth is your cousins hand over more people than anyone else................. SHAME ON YOU FOR HANDING YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
  15. you not fooling anyone...... you jump to conclusion and now it has been proven beyong doubt she was arrested in ethopia by your own cousin, you looking for way out... you bash SL all you like but harsh truth is your cousins hand over more people than anyone else................. SHAME ON YOU FOR HANDING YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
  16. you not fooling anyone...... you jump to conclusion and now it has been proven beyong doubt she was arrested in ethopia by your own cousin, you looking for way out... you bash SL all you like but harsh truth is your cousins hand over more people than anyone else................. SHAME ON YOU FOR HANDING YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
  17. xog badan oodan ogeyn ayaan ogahay when it comes to these issues. But you have the right to disagree with me. I may do lot of theatrics here, laakin inaan ka been sheego marxalad intaa la'eg way igu adag tahay looool waa ilo lagu kasoon yahay oo ka gaabsaday inay magacooda sheegaan
  18. The funny things is the local government in killinka 5 who arrested this woman (who is not even onlf) arrest, kill and torture and hand them over to addis more ONLF members than any other somali entity by far and yep they the same ones A&T keeps saying are fighting for freedom same region even same tribe. i wonder why A&T is not going mad and started threads about this constant abuse and torture of onlf.
  19. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Hoggaanka amniga dawladda deegaanka Somalida Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar, ayaa idaacadda VOA, laanteeda Afka Somaliga u xaqiijiyay in haweenaydaas la qabtay, waxase uu sheegay inaan magaalada Hargeysa laga qaban. “Waa gabadh laga qabtay Dhagaxbuur iyo Xarshin dhexdeeda, waxay ahayd budhcad ka baxsatay ciidamada, meeshii ay ka baxsatay ayuun baa la keenay, wax lanoo soo dhiibay ma jirto, dawladda deegaanka Somalida ayaa gacanta ku haysa, meeshii ay ka baxsatay ayuun baa lagu celiyay.” ayuu yidhi Md. Cumar, waxaanu sheegay in haweenaydaas loo haysto dambiyo dhinaca ammaanka ah oo ay ka gashay gudaha magaalada Jigjiga. “Miinadii lagu tuuray Jigjiga ee bamka ahaa, kaas ayay ku eedanaysd, iyadaa qaraxaas ka dambaysay oo gurigeeda lagu soo abaabulay.” ayuu yidhi Sarkaalkani. Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, loooool waxa la yidhi beeni raad maleh, as usuall those that cry wolf constantly and shed crocadile tears have been exposed again.... the reall question is why are somalis in this region arresting and torturing these onlf agents.. i mean the number of ONLF agents in prisons in Jidjiga, dhagaxbuur amongs others is astounding. tolow dadkani miyaanay isla dadkii uun ahayn.
  20. xiin you make the mistake of believing that just because somaliland is not recognised now it cannot be recognised tomorow... to be frank somaliland was not even ready for recognition as it was young nation building its system from scratch and its not in great hurry as it has long way to go. there are plus sides for not being recognised... to put simplely self_reliance.. no cribling debts... forming local way of govenance and solving issues... look at somalia the world recognises it they get free aid in millions for decades and they are worse than ever before on their knees unable to solve a village dispute on their own withough the world getting together, all they know is how to go around the world with forever bigger begging bowls. and cannot organise village admin withough 10 summits and 15 countried helping.
  21. Originally posted by Peace Action: Doesn't the Somaliland admin reach beyond the "kantaroolka bari" of Lascaanood? Well said. Still Growe should allow the convey to proceed having shown that Somaliland is still dependant on Somalia. dependant on somalia???? this food is for your hungry a22 folks in galkacayo, its your people that are deparate for this food mate, lool who shooring themselves in the foot.
  22. there are few individuals who constantly scream and shout at somaliland and puntland, for example the phony story about somaliland handing some old woman to ethopia when it became clear that she was captured inside OGnia by none other than the same somalis she hails from the head of Killinka 5 or OGnia region who known for his brutality and corruption is feared in that region who is very much the best agent of addis and the thousand of soldiers that work for him in the region to crack down on all onlf activities and spies and those that torture them they all from same clan indeed these people should be looking closely at home at why this so call freedom fighting is not working and never will and why so many of their brethens even withing the onlf are active servants of Addis abba and those from the same clan are perfoming alot of the killing and turtures of ONLF groups.
  23. indeed this harshe punishment will be deter pirates from our water. unlike the pirateland who become home all sorts of criminals, human trafickers and drug dealers. i hate spineless fools who worry about the time these criminals got instead of asking what would criminals think if these pirates were allowed to use our waters as center of criminal activity. well done to somaliland navy who arrested these criminals and put them through the court. let this stiff sentence be lesson for any crimal coming from puntland.