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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. Salaadiintii booqday magaalada Maydh oo caawa ku soo laabtay magaalada Ceerigaabo Written by Qarannews Feb 27, 2010 at 03:46 PM Ceerigaabo,(Qaran News)- Waxa caawa 6:30 fiidnimo soo gaadhay magaalad Ceerigaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag, waftigii ka koobnaa 7 suldaan ee booqashada ku tagay magaalada Maydh, salaadintani oo booqday Tobaneeyo tuulo oo ay ka midtahay magaalada xeebta ee Maydh, halkaasi oo uu ku koobnaa socdaalka salaadiintu, iyaga oo booqday dekada magaalada Maydh isla markaasina soo indho indheeyay wadada tabco, taasi oo aad loogu soo dhaweeyay salaadiinta goob kasta oo ay istaagaan. Waftigan oo uu horkacaayay badhisaabka gobolka sanaag, waxa magaalada Maydh ku qaabilay inii ay xagaasi marayeen maayarka magaalada Maydh, iyada oo waftiga xiligii ay galayeen magaalada maydh, lagaga hortagay sadex mayl oo ay dadku tubnaayeen wadada hareeraheeda isla markaasina salaadiinta dhamaantood caleemo qoyan lagu daadiyay isla markaasina qoorta loo sudhay suldaan kasta ubaxyo. Waxa sidoo kale waftiga soo dhaweeyay taliyahga ciidanka bada ee gobolka Sanaag oo isagu xiligaasi ku sugnaa xeebta Maydh. Salaadiinta ayaa caawa u soo hoyday oo dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Ceerigaabo iyaga oo ku soo hoyday aqalka martida ee gobolka Sanaag oo dhawaan la dhisay, hadaba warka iyo sawirada salaadiinta kala soco qaybaha kale ee wararkeena danbe.
  2. if criminal is caught do you think he should not pay for his crime becauise there are others who got away. what backward thinking.... either defend him on the basis that HE IS INNOCENT or let justice take its course.
  3. the only sad thing none of those who are defending him actually are defending him on the basis of him being innocent man... they all are using rubbish excuses which we have heard over and over again. he is old he wasnt the only one its been long time he is from small tribe bla bla bla
  4. Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale: ^^^^ Since when did Baligubadle became central? am not from baligubale?? am not my family is from shiekh and burco. kinda of central/west
  5. afri he will never answer the question of when pirateland will hold its first ever election. indeed you gata love our house clown
  6. cowke trucks belonging to puntland business men can just as easily be rounded up, remember that. if you believe holding few trucks thats somaliland will release give in to these criminals then you will be waiting very long time. remember somalidu wey is yaqaanaan cidii wax geysataa waa la yaqaanaa sida reerkooda loo helo. plus if push comes to shove somaliland has the millitary to hurt puntland and i doubt puntland wants to escalate things.
  7. Anwar lets just say someone from south somalia will be the last person to give us lecture about election, considering you guys are still busy massacring each other. when you stop butchering each other thats when we will consider you civilised people.
  8. this just these criminals belong in jail, and no amount of more criminal activities will change that. indeed it just shows how lawless pirateland is, its land of bandits
  9. defeated boy how about you tell us when pirateland will hold its first ever election. why is A&T calling rer Bari cowards who like to talk turn tail and run.
  10. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Already a wealthy Maydh-man from London has promised to contribute as much as 30% of the project finances. Now the onus is on the diaspora as well as the government and other business people to collect the reminding 70%. how much is needed to complete this project
  11. FROM ''HOBYO GALMUDUG'' when you join the civilised world then maybe you can talk about election
  12. duke boy is pirateland falling apart, bankcrupt and penniless remember thought our boys from burco expect their monthly ransom money at tukarag. or garowe will be in trouble boy
  13. duke boy so tell when will pirateland hold elections. when will you guys stop this ever strategic retreat. and when will you stop paying somaliland millitary officers from burco ransom money like we all agree president riyaale is great man who has faroole under lock
  14. xiin hahaha waar heedhe duqa gabartuu dhalay maxay ku tustay, you like his lawyer, waar dont worry hadii odayga qoorta loo dheereeyo kolay gabadha ma waayeyside
  15. duke since we all agrees riyaale is great man, why is A&t saying you guys are famous for doing "strategic retreat", I remember cade muse used it alot during las anod incident. is this how you guys destroyed sayid abdulle hassan
  16. so then whats burning you my little pirate friend, whats aggitating you, am not worried like we both agreed Riyaale is great. p.s i know faroole is not problem he is great partner of ours who co-operates and pays ransom money to our soldiers so duke your clan destoy sayid abdulleh xassan
  17. Trust me Riyaale is no problem for me, let alone the state of Puntland. He has met my main criteria then we both agree riyaale is doing good job, like i said as long your faroole keeps to his promise and gives the ransom money to our soldeirs then Riyaale will not do what he did to colooley cade muse and everyone is happy
  18. dukey boy if all that is true then whats bothering you then... heheeh why you more worried than us!!!! let me gues you looking out for us right??? psss pss just get forowe to keep the money rolling to our boys on the border and we shall be fine
  19. ^^^^ dont be mad all he said was this is the only thing poor duke finds solace in, you dont have to get anry at the poor fella
  20. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I think the only thing Duke can find solace in is mocking Rayaale. And I don't blame him for sticking to one script. Whatelse can he talk about? He cannot rescue Las Anod in the North. He can not keep Yey in power in the south. But to be fair, Rayaale riwaayad socota wuu yahay. He is a liability to SL. If they have voted in the real Mujaahed Silaanyo, meeshan wax lagu kaftamaa ma yaaleen. i disagree, riyaale must be doing something right. if the likes of duke are shedding this much tears no to forget kicking them out of sool and sanaag long live President Riyaale
  21. and like i said when you hold your first ever elections???? imagine your pirates ever holding election they would hijack the ballot paper for money
  22. more calaacal from defeated pirate boy, just get your boys to pay our millitary the next ransom money at tukarag next month, to keep out of garowe
  23. and having said all that calaacal we still kicked your backside and your president doesnt sleep well in garowe in case riyale comes to get him. hahahahaha so tell us defeated boy when will your pirateboys hold elections, and how will you pay your next ramson at tukarag
  24. indeed good luck with pirateland elections.... oops you never had one. hope riyale does take garowe from you like he mugged you off LA