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Everything posted by Saxardiid
He gave an interview to the bbc somali section on Wednesday 5th May which he said the disagreement with the president and the minsters was money Embezzlement.
as long as it is not Somalia Many of as done this why not them.
Nobody is being marked on their grammar, spelling or choice and use of words. All that matters is the content and the ideas they put forward. It’s not a competition to find the biggest show-off, dear.
IRAQIS - Tortured, abused, humiliated, and KILLIED
Saxardiid replied to miles-militis's topic in Politics
If this proves anything it will confirm to the world that Americans have lost their so-called war on terror and total failure of what they called democratisation of the Middle East. Its also proves that western civilisation has totally lost its way. May Allah help all Muslims in these situations Yaa Rahman Yaa Rahiim. Amiin. -
Definitely MACSHARO see kaa noqotey the weather where i live changes quickly so which one you prefere Rain or Cold?
IRAQIS - Tortured, abused, humiliated, and KILLIED
Saxardiid replied to miles-militis's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Modesty: I pray that Allah's justice comes soon, I pray that such evil people find the justice they deserve in this life and the next.I pray that Islam will rise to its rightful place to lead this world from injustice, inequality, cruelty, and greed and actions like the above pictures show.I pray that these young men, our dear brothers in Islam, although they've suffered enough in this world, will find the mercy of Allah and may Allah grant them jannah, and may Allah help the suffering Iraqis, and all muslims in the world. Amin Yaa Allah. -
Guardian: A fine liberal paper and my favourite of all papers I’ve mentioned combined. I love this paper, at least its online version. My favourite as well. Its paper based one is more interesting. It also tries to give fair access to Muslim writers.
Originally posted by NGONGE: Vote NGONGE, vote NGONGE..Free sack of Qat and tins of Unsi for every voter. you got votes of all marfishs and guess what your way ahead of your rivals.
Originally posted by Sophist: Soyaal, I think I would make very good head of State in an ideal state of Somalia; but I don't think my head is set on this vacant post. If you got sxb what it takes to save your people why not throw your hat and claim the throne. Situations like these are when true leaders emerge. You could be the long waited leader that will make Somalia the greatest nation in the world.
I don't understand what the Kenyans are doing. On one hand they are running the longest Somali peace reconciliation in history on the other they are refusing faked Somali passport. It seems that they are sending conflicting messages. They new the Somali passport was fake but why now and what they going to do with hundreds of Somalis in Doofaarey? Puntland admin should not pan the Kenyan passport coz the only Kenyans who are in their part of Somalia are aid workers and Somalis who hold Kenyan passport. On both account it only hurts Somalis. But the move got wide spread of support among Somalis. Several people I come across and some Somali local media such as STN applauded Puntland decision. About question of the breaking away from Somalia I think the news reporter maybe influenced by resent hot debate that is ragging among Puntland people after Abdulahi Yusuf indicated that they may try to change their course if the current Somali peace talks in Nairobi yield nothing. But who wouldn't confuse too many lands with no much to differentiate between them.
We always talk about who shouldn't be the president of Somalia; for the first time (according to my limited knowledge in SOL political section) can we discuss who we think should be the next president of Somalia. Let us make the assumptions, for the sake of the argument, reconciliation ends with desired outcome of electing a president. The question is, after reading this article do you have what it takes to be the next president of Somalia or do you know who best can fill this vacant post?
Qudhac if everone says thay are talking about facts than there is no facts. what we discussing here is different points of view and how the SNM is view by different people. To me comparing SNM to ANC is little bit over the top but hey that is the way I see it. Does it matter NO. Does it change your view Big NO. So chill out sxb. Lander 1. I have nothing against the SMN as I never come in to contact them either back home or anywhere else. 2. I think after almost 15 years of ending civil war in sland we need to discuss strategies, tactics and actions of the SNM to see what are the main benefits of the SNM movement and where did they get wrong. I don’t want to discuss what foot soldiers did or killing of siyads army. But strategies of killing civilians both slanders and host communities from the top SNM leadership to accelerate the civil war and to provoke the regime. That is as I understood the policy of THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! And its wrong. 3. There is no justification of what the national army did so I don’t feel to defend them. 4. when discussing the SNM after the war we have to take in to account first Somaliland government heading by Allaha u naxriistee Cabdiraxmaan Tuur and civil war of 1993. Also the political consequence of those events. I don’t think SNM were simple man/woman who took the gun to get rid of the bad government but rather political, military and civil movement started long before even siyaad took power. 5. the reason I mentioned the legacy of SMN is that there is line currently appearing between those who are running the sland government at the moment and those who opposed it. So I think there is need to talk about the SNM as organisation not individuals. 6. I never said they shouldn’t fight against the regime but what I am questioning is their strategies that contributed to the death and distraction of many lives of both somalilanders and others. Problem with you folks who talk of matters such as this is that you really don't know how to relate to others. I really do but are you suggesting that we shy away any controversial topic because someone we respect feels strong about it?
Diplomats slam Blair on Mid-East More than 50 former British diplomats have signed a letter to Tony Blair criticising his Middle East policy. The 52 ambassadors said it was time for the prime minister to start influencing America's "doomed" policy in the Middle East or stop backing it. They told Mr Blair they had "watched with deepening concern" as Britain followed the US lead in Iraq and Israel and called for a debate in Parliament. read on here is the letter
Liqaye First I thought it was your picture, surely undercover . if they desperate to get Somalis they can find some skinnies in Minnesota .
Nothing much is new in this letter except reaffirmation of the long-standing British government policy. What is new in my opinion is that the British government is ready to look the issue of Somaliland favourably again if Nairobi conference fails. I think everyone of us knows the real situation of the conference i.e almost dead .
Originally posted by Qudhac: Sooyaal why did Nelson mandella and his ANC kill alot of innocent people to get rid of the brutal facist regimne. look south africa now, look Somaliland now so does the end justify the means with certanty it does. sxb citing too much SNM propaganda and although you sound honest about what SNM did during the civil war, you giving them too much significance. i don't know where did you get the information that says ANC win because of their sabotage activities. on contrary that hindered their cause what they did win was their good leadership unlike SNM. Now ANC runs their country down from the president but where is the SNM . but if people are saying we should tollerate evil and let the killing go on then, then thats typical appologist, thats how alota bosnians were massacared cos there were typical appologist saying, "lets not do anything cos people might die" surely there are other ways to get rid of the dictator other than kamikaze type attack of populated cities and killing civilians to gain political ends.
Although i respect the former prime minister for his outspoken nature but him and politicians of 1960's are guilt of letting the country overtaken by the army. Surely they could organise mass demonstrations against the new military government before they settle deep in to the society.
Qudhac but the end justifies the means, no one in their right minded will say lets keep this brutal regime cos if we try to get rid of it some innocent people will die. But killing people to achieve your objects is wrong and that is what many people put siyads army and SNM in one basket. Killing innocent people is Wrong and immoral! no matter what the end game might be. I think that is why SMN is so unpopular in both sides of the border. Although SNM claims they freed Somaliland they still losers and those who allied with the siyads government like Riyale, Awil and Ismail Yare are running the country no surprise huh. so cuquubadii dadkii ay laayeen ayaa ku dhacday sida ay dowladii siyaadba cuqubo igu dhacday.
Originally posted by *Pessimistic-Sue*: How can Somaliland say they are freeing themselves from the oppressors, dictators and warlord who killed and tore their homes and families to pieces by declaring themselves independent and then electing a man like Riyaale? ---------------------------------------------- Sister you asking a million dollar question . Why no one ever convicted of atrocities in Somaliland? Do they -politicians and intellectuals of Somaliland- expecting us to belief all Somalilanders are innocents or all victims? yes there are too many victims in Somaliland and they deserve every right to get justice. but charity starts home! The world will only take landers serious when they start setting up local courts to try any criminal or alleged criminals in the boundaries of Somaliland. Before that every think is cheap talk.
If Sultan Hurre’s case sees the light of the day, this would be a major progress for all the Somalis who are (or were) the victims of brutal warlords. Indeed, the world would know that there are people who have blood on their hands and are not only going around with impunity but want to get immunity by becoming Somalia’s future leaders. It is hoped that this case will set the record straight, and call spade spade. lets hope once again Abdulahi yusuf pays his crimes and goes to jail where he belongs. that will be a day when somalia becomes country again and that is the time many somalis are waiting for as it sets a presidence for other criminal warlords.
i mean what were they thinking about!! hah! i thought they were leaders! i guess not!! just some losers who were brought to office due to influences!!! i think their little fantesy went too far. now they reaping their mistakes. but what the issue here is will Iraq become a country again. remember millions of guns, lots of different groups, tribes, ethnics, sects and on top of that American revenge. i think the future is not that bright. but Allah has its plans.
Originally posted by king_450: they need to mix ppl from different part of somalia, as it stands now,only northern ppl control most of the broadcasting ,aren't there any other somali broadcasters in the world,and who do the hiring,i guess not the British,but the Few .Anyway still support cz they are keeping our tongue still alive. walee waa yaab :confused: what is this if you don't agree what is being broadcased then it must be bais or some wrong tribe dominates the box. if southerns accuse the notherns of dominating the bbc and vise verse then anyone with half decent brian would think the bbc is bipartisan institution.
Naxariistii Janno Allaha siiyo shahiidka. Aamiin
Facing Iraq duty, two U.S. G.I.'s head north [Canada[ to seek asylum
Saxardiid replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
this happened too in Vietnam era. its dillema What will you do when the majority of the people in your country are wrong? escape! -
i don't see what the fuss is all about? If criminals,murderers etc. are to be tried so be it. nomads here should not scared about that. if you know your innocence then your safe. or IS THERE DAD, BROTHER, UNCLE ETC WHO DID SOME BAD DEEDS IN WAQOOYI! in that case your fear is understandable . Having said that, after more than 14 years of no justice, there are little prospect of that. there is culture of misinformation that is developing in somaliland lately. remember Reyaals trip to London, catching culprits of charity worker and so forth.