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Everything posted by dawoco
Kuwaas dhiig dhan ba ma lahan, wax eeysan eheen eey ku faanaayaan ,,,lets hope Sweden keeps them forever. alloow yaa aniga oo karbaash sito magaaladooda i geeya :mad:
Discreet, considering the fact that you r already on a first name basis with some of the nomads, a wlc seems a bit irrelivent Still, let me give u a few pointers, when you post in a male domintaed section, be a bit of a misogynist. when in the womens section, be a man blaming feminist, when in sports section be a bit of a hooligen. And if you wish to post in the camel milk debate section,,,just use ur thesaurus, write all the big words you can think of, using words that contain the letters x and y more than once. Enjoy ur stay here, i'm sure you won't be a 'persona non grata' as long as u follow my advice As i am sure u have notices, we shelter all kinds of "unique" people here. So feel free to share ur thoughts with us, no matter how crazy they may be
Wcs Wr Wb abaayo, It seems like you have had all the good advice you can get. One way of doing it would be through friends. I stared my first job with a close friend and it was her mother that got us the job. As far as jobs go, it is always good to know what you are talking about. Show an intrest, but don't appear too eager. Show thorugh conversation that you have learned something about the place where u wish to work(you have done a bit of homework), but don't sound rehearsed.. Ask questions, through an interview you can decide if a position is good for you, its not only for ur future employer to judge u...It's all about keeping things in measure, at least it was for me. good luck sis,, insha allah u will find a position soon enough.
Darman, I knew you were one of the good guys! Just don’t let moti intimidate you yeah, he’s just bluffing, innit? As for the rest of you….ma fiyoowidiin, maanakoobiyo maa ka soo baxsateen mise king George III aa wax idiin galay? Shoobero, u the biggest nutter of them all me thinks. You almost had me convinced, though one thing struck me as I was ready to post. IT DIDN’T HAPPEN :eek: . It took me several minutes of chanting “he didn’t abandon you, you were never in Cambodia, he didn’t mess with your son’s mentality, you have no son, THERE IS NO HAN :eek: †before I could actually delete the accusing rantings I had written to ask u “WHY DID U DO IT TO US?! †Juxa, the fact that we share DNA worries me. At first I was concerned that you wanted to be called by a male name. Then I definitely knew things weren’t kosher when u started wearing the macawiis that mom bought for our uncle Cawaale. Now it’s Madam Juxa? What’s next? Getting frisked by guards at Heathrow? To the guy this topic was made about , I refuse to say his name on principle :rolleyes: , you deserve this and more :mad: . You should have gone to the black market in Cambodia and made contact with a local to find us suppliers of ivory jewellery. I told u that now Somali’s stopped wearing dahab it would be the next big thing. But oh noo,,,u had to toe the law :rolleyes: . I told u, u could blame it on locals if caught; say they told u it was just a good imitation… You couldn’t have been bothered eh... :mad: U should have taken my offer of friendship while it was available. Now you have invoked my wrath and you just bloody well have to live with it Mr!
lol@Feebaro...If you can't beat them, join them eh Northener, u have a very warped sense of humor,,,Bee singing?? masha allah! I'm not good at nomination, I'll leave it to the pro's. So where is ur list cutie?
Johhny B,love, careful with the "chick" remark... As for ur question, it was hard to decipher it, but what the hey...I'll have me a go. Me is not a trend setter, nor a trend follower. So my perception on it would be that the girls want what they have always wanted. A decent man that they can admire and that their families also like. Very simple really. ps: how does a feminist man look like? Does he have highlights? Is he a super chef, or does he have a pedigree in child care? I can't grasp the conception i'm afraid...
Darman, I resent the fact that you are trying to paint me as a bully, I am a weak and innocent female that is incapable of such cruelty, please refrain from makin such accusations in the future pssttt,,,,any info you have on our mutual friend,,,pass it my way. It will be strictly between you and me. You can confide in me, i am trust worthy..
Moti, I know your true self. you trying to undermine the trust i have built by claiming that i am not to be trusted by saying you are a true politician I know how your mind works, by tarnishing my rep as a politician wanna be you understood taht people would associate me with corrupted and often hated figures like Dubya and Big ears Blair...And when I said that the nomads wouldn't buy this and were too smart u laughed all evil and said they would do your bidding because since i was 3 i was a leader and that i know it QUOTH UNQUOTH I am sure the good nomads can make their own judgements.....
In my well placed opinion Og moti is a born leader. And I solemnly believe that one day he will rule Somalia in its whole to safe side. He is peace loving, could even be called a LOVE MAN. Let it be dully noted that he is a LOVE MAN, born to give love. He has also done countless researches and is a prominent female rights activist that has been known to burn bra's of all shapes and sizes, He does not discriminate... He is also involved in the obtaining of all human rights, which brings us to his next glowing achievement. this epidome of goodness has chosen to work with an otherwise overlooked minority, the ones that reside in Cambodia. To top it all of, mr Og moti has chosen the enlighten us poor and uninspired nomads in his free times, in order to share his many greatness. For that and everything else I would like to say THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF ALL OF US FOR GIVING US YOUR VALUABLE TIME AND KNOWLEDGE DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER To anyone and everyone that chooses to read this I wish to say, i was forced to do this. The party discribed has retained a piece of vital information on my person that would encriminate me beyond damage. though i can't discuss it, it involves certain government documents that the said party has received on my person. Several different names ann cheque books that, if seen by any gov official, will ruin me both financially and personally, were involved...
I don't know about the rest of you, but i would rather be ugly on the outside, than the inside. At the end, that is what will count when our looks have withered away in our respective graves. Its all about their cooking skills or 'Nice personality Khayr, bro I don't want to attack you on your opinions, laakin what is wrong with attracting people with a great personality rather than great figure? Skiny women have been known to have children and put on weight. Beautiful girls have been known to grow up to become ugly women. But I for one have never heard of a nice person becoming evil. Maybe with the help of ppl that share ur opinion that could happen,,heaven forbid.
Bee, what happened to the cheerful, chirpy bird that once was? Have you ended in a paralel world to the midlife crisis? *graps for her medication* If I could have done things differently, I would probably do everything the same way as the first time round. Some things just never change...
Awuulankeey shiiq Macalin Xariif was Somali. My mom is currently making calooleey. So I don't even feel the need to answer yr question SS. As a true Somali, waan iskala weeynahay in aan kuu jawaabo
Some time ago I broke off my friendship with a girl simply because she was too frivolous. The friends that i have always kept around me have been the serious types that know what they want in life. I am very easy going, but the "fun" people that are always going out and about to every given party have never been considered by me as more than acquaintances. It's all about striking a balance between fun friends and true friends, isn't it? Because some friends can encourage you to do things that aren't in your bst of intrest just out of fun, maybe that is why I dont easily see the more out going type as a potential friend :confused: :confused:
Needless to say the loud scream was necessary as i was making example of individuals being openminded, or even better, narrow-minded. How else could little old me demonstrate in accordance to the topic? And besided, it was more like a loud, hushed wisper than a scream... U men! The secret to late night wake-up calls is "sleep when they sleep, wake when they wake and eat when they eat" This will keep u more pleasant minded
Ngonge, my dear, how is fatherhood keeping you? Not too busy I hope? Still keeping up with the lil ones? It's rather amusing to reffer to capitalism in relation to my post and then to procede to call me a communist "comrade"...Very intressting indeed. I'm sure some one of your self-esteemed rank would agree that it is a rather simple formula. Education leads to knowledge leads to power to succeed. In my naievet I assumed that my fellow nomads would grasp that simple deduction with old fashioned common sense...Of course, some one of your ilk would demand further explanation leading to denouncement that has the looks of retaliation.. :rolleyes: Interresting point made bro. In the furute though don't hesitate to question my character, rather than making the error of assumption, its too far below you dearest :rolleyes:
I believe that everyone has their own deffiniton of what being "open minded" actually is. A conservative person might think that being open minded is not openly and vocally critizising a person that he disapproves of. For the liberal it might mean total acceptance of anything that anyone wants to do anywhere and at anytime given time without censorship. For me being open minded means accepting my own faults, and thus not judging others on theirs. After all, we aren't here to neither condone nor condemn the actions of others. Or so me thinks... they act as in they are open minded ppl coz they got education Education is a tool to succes, not succes itself. So it would seem to be rather premature of any given graduate to think they have made it on the basis of a paper certificate. To do that, one would either have to be conceited or a duke with available millions un the family save. As most students are finding themselves in depts, I doubt many could afford that sort of arrogance.
lol, what we nomads do for money eh .. Moti, moti, moti..."once qaxooti always qaxooti"...I totally agree man,,,And how many times have I unselfishly offered my european pasport to get ur qaxooti self outta Cambodia " have to say my worse job is the one i am doing now, teaching cambodian students" my oh my, if you don't enjoy it, stop doing it and quit...DUH..Moti man I am disappointed, I had such regards for ur intellect! :eek: "the teacher somehow will open your brains and place information in their brains.. " Moti, my dear, i just LOVE the way you give teaching such a simple definition, teach on prof, brava :rolleyes: "My Job is a sucide mission, and what keeps me going on, is first challange, second i love these indho yar people, they seem to be nice and friendly," Moti-ectionary: 'I actually love my job and get paid more than you qaxootis on welfares can even dream of, but i wanted to know what it feels like being one of you common people' Moti, somehow iyaamahaan dhibka waa lagaa daayay,,What happened to the "i hate Moti" association? and further more...ARE THEY TAKING MEMBERS???
Man, all of you should b ashamed! Why don't u let these people just be :mad: Oh those poor girls Nuura and Kawsar, boy oh boy...I am not one to gossip... BUT...I recently saw Ali flattering that poor man Khadar and giggling with him...Taking advantage of that maskiin misguided man , oh the shock..What some people will do for a passport . But i am not one to judge though...And u should stop gossiping! For shame! :mad:
What can I say Mrs, Druzila sounds so evil
some weeks ago, I started this job working for a non-profit making insurance asscociation. In a nutshell it was calling people up and asking them questions about their health and then telling them how great our policy was and how cheap. As is the norm, people hate strangers calling them and asking about their health. But the fun bit was finding out about the person on the other end of the line. The protocol was that the more u know about them, the more likely they are to trust you with their details and it was a working formula.. One time i was listening in on a converstaion between another co-worker and this guy called Andrew. He was quite amiable and listened politely. He seemed like a blokes bloke and was very reserved and all...How deceiving things can be! Soon enough we knew that he had a 3yr old daughter and an ex-wife and everything seemed normal...That is, until he said he was having a sex change done :confused: :confused: Still, not too strange in the world we live in. So as the conversation went on my co-worker started asking him what he would call himself. And the macho guy we were talking to proudly anounced that he would be known as Druzila :eek: Of all the names in the world, why in heavens name Druzila?! Isn't she that evil woman in 101 dalmations? I mean if a man is going to the trouble of becoming a woman, shouldn't he at least find a decent name? Enough was enough, and after talking to a guy named Druzila, I decided bugging people on the phone wasn't my cup of tea. That was my first and last week of wonders So what was your worst job ever?
Isn't it good to be Somali? Despite everything that has happened, so many still have faith in the way life once was. I only wish I had more yrs in our homeland and more memories But to continue the tradition of this topic, I am proud that my sister can still chase her children around the neighbourhood with one dacas in hand, so they are raised in the Somali fashion. You can take us out of Somalia, but you can't take Somalia out of us. And that is what i am proud of.
There are many tales in the Somali community about children that have been corrupted by the European way of life. How many times have you heard about young individuals that have left their homes to go live in foster families and so on? And the families are always saying “I can’t discipline my children without the threat of social services” and finding it hard to keep control of their children. It is a given, raising children according to a way of life that isn’t practised in their place of residence is a tough task. But is that all there is to the disintegration of the Somali family? Is the blame squarely on the shoulders of those lost children? Many children say that they are finding it hard to live in a difficult sphere both outside and at home. The can’t fit in the society as it is without becoming that which their parent deem “caasinimo” and they can’t fit in the home structure simply because they can’t grasp the reasons behind the rules their parents want them to abide by. We expect those children to live a life that they can hardly relate to. Still, no reason to go all “western” on us I think. The problem is quite fundamental and could be easily resolved, if only… The only thing any child would need is a family structure that does provide them more than meals to eat and a place to sleep, as well as the occasional “Canaan”. Being in school, as I have seen it, isn’t easy for children of Somali origin. You can never belong due to a lax household ruling. It soon fits into a routine of going to school, coming home and watching television. Parents never ask about homework, let alone encouraging their young ones to read and do other things that can benefit them. Many mothers seem to believe that as long as their children are concentrating on the tele, they won’t want to go out and be up to mischief. Soon enough problems develop as teachers start to complain about how poorly the child might be doing in school, as most children that leave home aren’t too found of school. This naturally leads to the parents attacking their child and blaming the school for not saying anything sooner. Whatever action is taken always seems too little too late. And there goes another child that has been lost to us. Another thing that worries me is how sinister some people have become. Or rather, some mothers. Many of them so consumed by paying off the ayuuto pool that they have entered, buying the latest Dirac and newest set of dahab for that all too important wedding event, that it the money has to come from somewhere. And that somewhere usually is the benefits that are there for the taking care of the children. So when the child needs new books and so on, the money just isn’t available. One can’t talk about Somali families without mentioning the way we spoil our children. Children are punished hard, and spoiled even harder. They get the latest set of Nike shoes, new outfits and all other frivolous things their heart desires, when the money is there. Money that could have been spent wisely with long term gains in sight. It is all about giving them “wax eey ciyaalka kale ugu faanaan”, fair enough. But is it doing them a favour? Obviously, this doesn’t refer to all Somali families. Some parents do keep a hawk’s eye on their children. And even more children make themselves responsible of their education and their future. Laakin what about those few that need the extra attention and discipline until they find their footing?
Well, let me join Juxa's vocal chorus and at the top of my lungs say: Happy birthday Jamaal, may the next year be a great one and may you have many more great years ahead!
lol moti, after you said "What I am about to say may come as a shuck to some of you,but it will force us to seek the truth, and it definitely makes sense to many of us.. " I stoped reading the topic. Man, if you owned a newspaper, you would go bankrupt due to slander suits! And besides, what exactly did ya expect of the americans..The people that elected Bush Jr...
//// ...Og_girl,, for my b-day i want mushakal, i don't ask for more. I want mushakal with lots of sugar in it, not the watery things they make in europe. I don't want pretty things, i want things i can eat. Nice rose though!
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