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Everything posted by dawoco

  1. dawoco


    Proffesor, i was once like you, if not worse. Although I had my family around me, it was hard to not fotget the somali language. Speaking was bad, and writing something i didn't even dare, thats how bad i was. It's hard when you go to a school where you speak, read and write another language. When you get home you lock yourself up in a room for homework. And family time is stricted to weekends when everyone is a bit rested. If the intrest in your homeland is there, the rest is just routine work. Listening to somali music, trying to speak somali as often as possible, learning the somali alphabet and trying to write the words as they sound. Admitedly at first you will sound like an ***** , god knows i did. But in due time you will see improvements, and even understand the gist behind what people say. Good luck with it bro, you shouldn't feel any shame. At least you are trying to do something about your weaker points, thats more than what can be said for so many!
  2. Og-girl i know where ur coming from. U guys should take it a bit easy with the whole "baro" phenomenon,,it's like a sect. And we all know that altho sects start with good intentions, they end up with mass suicide... Silent guy,,,hope to god that doesn't happen,thats like a nightmare scenario..
  3. Gediid, you took the words out of my mouth. If we won't hold ourselves up high, then who will? We all know that our culture has imperfections, but that doesn't make us worse than others and doesn't give any one of us the right to talk our culture, our upbringing down. For every Somali family unit that doesn't function, there are dozens that do. As for the chewing and all the other things used to demonize our men, its such a big generalization that it doesn't sway me one way or another. Not every somali man does it. Men used to chew back home and still work. Many of them bring in a pay check even now. They own shops and what have you. also, lately women have been picking up the trend. So the females too aren't perfect, but they are making due with what life has sent them. If you tarnish your culture with all that is bad, it just reflects on you. No matter how imperfect they are, as far as others care you are one of them...
  4. dawoco


    looooooooool raula? u and sodohyaasha dont get along huh! bt u made a good point about yaraanka ama madiga, those two seem to be attached to their mothers, so any woman considering them as a future boo, should really and i mean really know her buz
  5. ^^^^^^^^^ good to c ya ugaas! meesha maxaa la soo shirtagtay? hypnotising?
  6. It is sad that so many of us have become too accustomed to life in the west. Instead of taking advantage of the sources available to us here and using it to build our country into something we can be proud, most of us have put our energies into succeeding in the countries where we reside. The task of cleaning up our acts and organizing ourselves is so gruelling and brings with it such responsibility that it frankly scares me. The easy way out is to build a career in a western country and hope that someone else will take care of it. But if this is the mentality of so many, including myself I am ashamed to say, then who will be the hero big enough to fill the position so many have passed over. I don’t know about everybody else, but I really dread the fact that life in the west is continuing to worsen due to world events. And if we are second class citizens now, what is the likelihood of it improving in the future? Allah (swt) knows what will happen to us, no one knows where destiny will take us, but I would want my children to have a sense of belonging and know that their country is theirs to claim, and not someone else’s heritage. So Baashi, the challenges that we face in the west aren’t some that we can easily overcome. No matter how hard we work, how much we integrate, we will never have a secure place in the west. And why should we? We are working hard to build up somebody else’s country while our own home land is going to ruins.
  7. I always hope for the best and count on the worst. It is good to be trusting, as the actions of others will eventually come back to bite them. Most of the time, though, i find myself quite cynical towards people. They present the face that they want u to see, and jst when u trust them their true colors will come out. I think that the best thing to do is stay honest and deal with people as they come.
  8. Xu, well done, i couldn't have said it better! All the discriptions soooo fit shoobaro, u nailed it in the head wlc to sol dear... As for you shoobaro,,my analysis took time and others would have been charged u ingrate, so say shukran and appreciate...Where is feebaro when u need some1 to say "wareer badanaa"
  9. Shoobaro,,,we here at sol wil surely miss u. Allah kuu naxariisto.... The aladin figure stands for a new person that gives u means to self distructions, his carpet the weapon of distruction and the dolphines those near and dear to you that want the best for you. The color yellow indicates a set path that can't be changed, like a persons fortune, or in ur case misfortune... What ever u do, dont go near an ocean, if u do dont go surfing, if u fail to resist the temptation neh,,,don't use a yellow surfing board. *silly questions deserve silly answers, ma mystic meg oo noo maleeyaa*
  10. dawoco

    Bad publicity

    lol,,no matter what the topic is about, as long as its cultural or race bound, somehow we somalis always find ways to attack the jews. The other africans have nothing to worry about, when compared to the jewish population, they get off lightly where somalis are conserned... Og girl, if u need back up, gimme a shout yeah...jst can't deny the nomad in me i suppose.
  11. dawoco

    Bad publicity

    Ok people, let me be the residential racist here,,, When I fill in a form, I never tick the African column, but rather write Somali down in the appropriate section. As for the rest, I am a Somali with dark skin and my country is in the horn of Africa. Does that mean I have allot in common with other countries that happen to be on the same continent? Not at all. I never fraternized with the black kids at my school/ college, and never have in the whole of my life. Why? Was it because my hair was different to their and my features didn’t mimic theirs? Is that a reason that I am feeling superior to them? For me that suggestion is as ludicrous as claiming that Arabs are better Muslims than we, just because they are Arabs. Just because we hail from the same continent doesn’t automatically forge a brotherhood/sisterhood. To me they are no different than the white population of this world. I have nothing in common with them, my customs are different to theirs and my sense of belonging and long running traditions has no place for them. In short, I don’t see myself as superior to other black races, nor do I see them as close relatives because of their color. I am sure there are many that I would get along with just fine, but I never felt any inclination to do so. It is hard enough getting to know my own country mates, let alone having to worry about keeping friendly with others with whom I only share geographical proximity. Reading their opinions and their anger amused me, but other than that? No emotion was provoked, nor outrage. How could we Somalis be tolerant of other races when we have been shedding blood on our soils for supremacy of tribe? In order to change the world, one has to start at home, doesn’t one?
  12. You people remember that guy that was head set on getting you bounced? Iyaantaas waan la yaabanaay, laakinse one wonders.... As for shoobaro,,u trying to make us paranoid? I don't remember what the topic u replaced was about, but i am sure it wasn't thanking the admins and moderators..OR was it :confused:
  13. Before you guys attack Rahiima, i can actually see where she is coming from.... But i wouldn't blame him for using any oppertunity to get ahead in life, as long as he remembers his diin i suppose all is right.
  14. Juxa,,, adiganeh qarxiska aan kugu nacay. I'm trying to act as if i know what i am talking about. Why must u blow my cover, DAMN YOU! Still u got the right end of the stick,,,Hooyo told me the story of the guy beating up his wife in public while everyone said maad joogtid hadhooti baad ka shalaaynee...Till he killed his wife, and indeed, said "joog joog cishiino maahan, ar gacanta maxaa la iiga qaban waaye" Me becoming good at this, in time i won't need any assistance To go back to the topic, i think moti is planning a militery coup, ahmed style, of somalia...He is using all that he can find out about somalia through poor enthusiastic nomads :eek: Well, well, well...i think when he realised how useless we were to his mision, he jst gave up...
  15. There was this highly religious woman who found a nice girl for her husband. She encouraged him to marry her, tho the guy in question had doubts. Helped him bring the second wife abroad. Said that as they were muslim sisters they ought to live in one house. Called the woman uqti. She was so very modern in her adaptation of the olden rules.... Then the man went away on holiday and married himself a third wife secretly...As a result of this, the first wife demanded a divorce. How could he betray her like this? After all she did for him? all the sacrifices she made for him? Well, go figure..Is the man to blame for being greedy? Or was his wife a hypocrite who didn't mind another woman she hand picked, but who hated the idea of her husband falling, and marrying a woman she didn't know?
  16. Dimond, wlc abaayo,,,tafadal,,,if u need help with ur danbiil, let me know. If not..i'll be getting saliid macsaro and sokor for that cambuulo
  17. ^^So whats the secret to marital bliss? baashi, the nick is my way of keeping away attacks nooh,,,don't want to be victim of bullying in sol... Thanks for the compliment though!
  18. ^^^sii wad,,,weli wax aa kaa maqan... Like bajiyaha iyo bisbaas...nanac luubaani,,,caano baraawe,,,malaay maleexaan (salted fish, nothing to do with any qabiil) Dhagax tuurka,moos bukeeni...what else oh what else?!
  19. I am ashamed to say i was once upon a time one of those girls that swore vengeance if their husband dared even contemplate another marriage, and in all honesty, i still wouldn't like it for my husband to get another wife. Having said that, i think we have no choise if they go about it in the way our religion demands . And if they have the means to do it. I was having a heavy discussion with a muslim brother about men marrying more than once, and was saying how i was against it and that i wouldn't tolerate it from my future husband and all that could be said. But then dawned the realisation that as a muslimah, i can't accept the parts of the holy koran with which i agree and reject everything else that doesn't suit my persona. I felt guilty and bad that i should renounce a right that men have been given by our creator and immidiatly changed the way i raged about it, if not the whole of my views. I am against men abusing that right, and i don't know whether i can accept it in my own life, but it is something that men can do freely if they follow the guide lines set by our religion. So i think that there is little us females can do about it, other than demand divorce and dream of vengeance. But then again, it is all in the understanding that is between a husband and a wife a suppose...
  20. ^^ gacanta maxaa la iiga qaban waaye Shoobaro and feebaro,,,one thing you guys forgot about life in Somalia,,,try and keep up with me while i paint the picture... Salaad subax adoo u soo kacday,oo weli hurdo ciil u qabto, oo aad ku qasban tahay in aad biyo qaboow ku weeyso qaadato,,,ayaa wax meel eey kaaga yimaadeen la shegei karin lugta kaa qaniineeyn...Meel walba hadii aad fiirisay, mudac maba ujeedid,,,adiga oo yaaban aa wax bahal geed cunay camal u soo uraayo kuu soo ureen...minaad hoos fiirisay neh, bahal quraansho madoow u eg, oo lugtaada dhulka u dhaw ku sii ordaayo aad aragtay. Ciil aa ku haaye, in aad bahalkaas ka aar koosato neh waad rabtay,,laakinse hadii aad ku istaagto urka lee kugu bado lahaay... You know what that bahal is that wasn't mentioned in ur list? wariiri of course! Og moti, during the time i spent in Somalia, i never went outside our xaafad,,,i was allowed to play in the neighbourhood after dugsi, but was told that if i went beyond jiirada ceelka loo galo,,,waraabe dadooow would steal me...So if u want to know my neighbourhood goss, ill b glad to share,,,otherwise neh,,,me know nothing.
  21. Ameenah, i know exactly what u mean...So very x-files.. My hidden agenda is, have you ever heard the Burmese saying of "Sit Homely Girl, you will look better by Comparison"? or the Eskimo Proverb "Better to light a candle than Curse the Darkness" P.S Nice nick Miss Fox. I can't decide whether i have been neatly put in my place, politely insulted, or nicely complimented..So don't know whether to be outraged or prettily say "thank you il capo".. :confused: :confused: :confused: I think i'll stick to the golden rule,,silence is indeed gold.
  22. loooooool Xarago, i think you will fit in jst fine! Anywayz, a big wlc to u too,,,u seem like a genuine arawello that knows how to handle our nruly nomad bro's.. Marti ha iska dhigin, like others said, mininkeena mininkaada lee waaye.
  23. dawoco

    Jerk Therapy

    oh my god, that was funny,,,Baashi i always thought of you as the repectable mild mannerd nomad, well, a mistake no never b made again... Don, you are a jerk!†Then I hang up. And added his number to my speed dial, too. loooool,,,what a good way to use ur speed dialer
  24. Wsc wr wb, Macaanto wlc to our humble online home. Its always nice to gain a female member to keep the misguided brothers in tow Anywayz, feel free to agree/disagrree and argue with as many nomads as u see fit. and don't b scared to use the :rolleyes: sign every once in a while to get a point across Once again, wlc sister!
  25. Og, adeeros, three words nooh... DON'T COME BACK and if u do,,,bring lots of ddiracyaal,,,or is it in france where they sell them :confused: Other than that, stay safe and have fun. And appear like an angry maniac out for trouble so ppl stay outa ur way