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Everything posted by dawoco

  1. Will the qiila wa qaala never end?
  2. lol suju, would that be queer fc I am one of those annoying creatures that has no sense fashion, bee u are my appointed advicor from now on! Guys kinda look good in faded pink, not the assertive bright ones that yell "Soho" to you from across the road. But then again, i don't think guys should ever wear bright colours, whether that is bright blue or bright yellow. The same way that i wouldn't tolerate a guy in silver sequences top with lime green platform boots.
  3. dawoco

    Somali forum

    HIDAHA IYO DHAQANKA might be a better name for it-- since language comes under that banner. *Remembers Nin-yaaban with fondness, i wonder if he has married his four wives yet? Why is it that when that nomad was making such suggestions we weren't happy with him? I kinda miss his wacky topics and his righteious ways As for the new forum, maybe i can learn to write somali poems. I just don't get the ability that some have to quoth it so effortlessly.
  4. Barambaro, u seem to be taking a mature stance, good on you sister. And as for your apology, what have you done to me that you need to apologize? As far as I care, I asked u a sisterly question, and I got a worthy reply. As for Sue’s answer, I didn’t have to ask for her help. Have you noticed how you started off as an “alien†and have progressed to become a fully fledged “nomad†after posting several times? Well, that is what it is all about. Or what it used to be about. We nomads have our disagreements, but at the end we are a big family that argues and disagrees with one another. And when we feel the calling, we do come to each others rescue. And the “baro†had this long time coming. I’m sorry u are feeling the brunt of this, but when u joined their rank u let urself open to attacks. I’m just sorry that you will never see the full potential of sol, due to the damages done that has created a rift between us and ur friends. At the end it may be just a web site, but try and see beyond the web page to what it represents sister. I understand that the baro family like each others kaftan and just want to have fun. But so did the Hitler youth movement, and they ended up becoming monsters (sorry for the comparison, but nothing else comes to mind) To be quite frank, I wouldn’t have bothered with answering anymore, but the attacks made on sue were quite unfair, and the baro families are in a self created situation. Boolbaro, Nuune, my brother I never expected you to be so mean hearted. If you have something to say to sue, say it to her instead of saying it in front of her without her understanding what u have said. You were one of our understanding members, and one of the original oldies. Now just compare the way you post with what you used to do before when you were our dancing Nuune. And I don’t mean the use of Somali in your replies. You knew this would happen and yet now that it has, you are fueling the fire. Qacbaro, I never use a victim card, I never had to. And the only way that it would benefit me in this situation is if it was big enough to smack some sense into some people. The only thing I have done is speak the truth, harsh isn’t it? When your faults are written black and white for you to read? I can take my guilt, but can you, my ever so logic brother? We nomad family stick together, just like you baro family. It is just sad that you haven’t realized that you too are part of this family, regardless of what name you carry. As for us other nomads, we have wasted enough breathes on these exercises in futility. Sue, I share your sentiments and just want to hang around and see whether to jump ship or whether this problem will be solved. Until then, I promise to leave these people well alone. Ngonge, nice story bro. you are too insightful for my liking though! *Barambaro has satisfied my curiosity regarding her name, she knew it wasn’t done to see if I could anger her (I hope) and she has answered me with the same politeness with which I have directed the question to her. As for the others, to sodomy with yous. And that is my last word on this.
  5. dawoco

    Somali forum

    ^^i see that you are taking the moral high ground, and its very admirable of you. But to be quite honest bro, it is too little too late as far as i am concerned. Everything that happens does for a reason,and has a cause, so it is no use to stand on the side and comment after we have come to this point. We all have opinions and we all feel wronged, so where do we go from here? A somalia online where the language is parked in a designated area? Is that really what this site and its goals have come to?
  6. Feebaro, it isn't that I have such energy that I don't give up. I'm just disgusted that it takes five men to answer me when I only talked to an individual. Why is it that you guys attack as a group and u calaacal when u get an answer? Leerta iyo nus ba waa iga heleeysiin, because dad iska dabo sujuudaayo and me have nothing in common. Anoo gabar ah oo weliba idinka da' yar (most probably) aa qofkii afka igu soo taagto gambar iskaga fadhiisi karo, ee dadka aa ku wada goobaneeysiin iska daaya (it is quite cowardice) :rolleyes:
  7. dawoco

    Somali forum

    Actually DA, that was the majority i was reffering to..
  8. dawoco

    Somali forum

    DA, it just seems like the compromise is being made to silence the voice of a majority and to apease a minority that has alienated so many. I don't see how segregating our language from other forums wil work. There have never been complaints about mixing the languages in all forums before, and those nomads that have difficulty with our llanguage have never felt left out, so why is that happening now? The problem goes far deeper than that and I just feel like a bigger issue is being side stepped, and it is sad.
  9. Liibaro, some lead while others follow. And followers never question leaders. Ponder that for a second will you. :rolleyes: B, as long as ur happy with it dear, i'll mind my own business.
  10. dawoco

    Somali forum

    SOL was better when there was less democracy. Because as it thread has shown, we nomads can never agree on what we want. The admin is trying to consider everyone’s take on this I assume, as admin never posts open topics. Both those that are for and against the proposal have made good points. And I can understand both arguments, at the end of the day there will be some left out whether it is those that feel secluded in one area or those that feel they can't partake in all that is being discussed. For me personally, it wouldn't really make a difference and I think it might have a worse effect on everyone at the end, because segregation causes people to interact less with one another. We nomads need to consider others instead of what we and our friends’ prefer sometimes, if we had done that from day one this topic wouldn't have had any relevancy today. That is just my opinion.
  11. Alla moti is back,,yipeee let the attacks begin! Moti, war anagaa wax aragnay, maanta wuxuu ilaaheey qoray in aan waxa aad sheegeeyso kula raacsanahay. Heestaas aad sheegeeyso markaan maqlay niyada intaan ka qoslay aan is dhahay "walle tii heestaan loo qoray aa meesha ku dhimatay, waayo aduunka dhan aaba laga soo naadiyay in eey xaad leedahay" Nimanka aa xaad lagu tilmaami jiray, weligeey neh gabar/habar gacmaha xaad ku leh ma arkin, alle neh ima tuso. Qoftaas camal wax on wax off aa la baraa
  12. Ok, i promised myself that i wouldn't comment. I would leave well alone, but i simply can't. Baranbaro, abaayo what were u thinking? If all u wanted to do was become one of the "baro" people, why couldn't u have chosen a better name than infestious pests that dwell in the most disgusting places imaginable? My sister i am by no means attacking u, and if u find my meddling troublesome do forgive me. But why couldn't u be cambaro? Or even tiimbaro?! For god's sake, u weren't even sure of the spelling, so why bother with it(!) I'm just a fellow sister that wants what is best for u, since everyone seems to be smiling at u and applauding ur inginuity. All these guys oo kuu sacab tumaayo should be ashamed. They know themselves, and double shame on them :mad: :mad:
  13. I'm sure that jacaylbaro didn't mean for this topic to become a serious one, but ngonge ur right. An old class mate of mine was asking us what we planned to do for ciid several yrs ago. When we told him our plans of going shopping and all the other stuff we would indulge in, he just laughed and said he was celebrating his ciid with a fiver. To buy a can of beer and jaad with that is. And spend his ciid in a merry way. After saying this he burst out laughing as proud as can be and walked off still smiling. This boy of course, later became the prime suspect for everything that went missing in school and was involved with drug dealers as well as local gangs. What is so sad about it all was that when i started that school, he used to look out for me like an older brother would, and made sure no one bothered me. In the end he just became tempramental...
  14. lol xarago, would u care to mention some of the nacamleyaal? me is gadaal ka gaar and need names But seriously speaking, the flow of intresting topics have become limited and the place just isn't the way it used to be. People no longer take the time out to post articles about things that might concern us all. But then again, neither do i, so maybe it is better to not throw the first stone.. Hopefully the place will return to its former glory, and maybe even surpass it.
  15. Og-girl. that was trully a sad tale. It is shocking how trusting we girls can sometimes be. It is easy to question anyone that can trust a guy they met through chatrooms, but it is easier done that we innitially believe, so i hope the girl in question has seen the light and managed the situation in the best way she could
  16. That female is incapable of decent discussions. When people are so focused on showing something in a negative light, they lose the ability to think objectively. While I wouldn't advocate violence against that social ladder climing she-creature, I do believe that the more insults on islam that she gets away with, the more radical she will get with her views. A question one has to ask one's self is would she have gotten so far as a political leader if she weren't so distinct with her views? Especially in the political party that she represents?
  17. Juxa, don’t look any further than your person. You have had me oppressed for what has felt like decades (though I am a young duckling), and now that I am making a stand, u want others to blame? Don’t use Ngonge as a culprit. To all others, I am glad u liked the story; it was a true story of my struggles (nothing to do with Hitler’s autobiography). And Boolbaro, as my Somali isn’t nearly as perfect as yours, I expect you to translate my story. I’m grating you my well sought trust Mutakalam, understanding your ways is becoming somewhat an acquired taste, but you certainly have an intriguing persona. Admittedly, it does take a while to get used to your strong worded opinions The luck I was referring to is that uttered by a well-wisher. Not the sort found in seedy huts and produced by shah men in tropical places with voodoo dolls made out of porcelain.
  18. Xu, you and i have many things in common! Jst imagine the guilt value one birth givs u. For years u would have a slave better than any booyaaso, ah what a dream image. Having said that, it's not wise as i am a spoilt child that always had her way and was never hurt in any way, because i would want to hurt him thrice as much as i am hurting... *wonders if u can take blunt objects into the delivery room* Boolbaro, rag ragiisa kale jirin. Go for it, don't even let ur wife see a doctor during the pregnancy and examin her urself. And have a home delivery, in a bath or something, laakin don't but shaambo in the bath to clean stuff...That would'nt be healthy.
  19. Once upon a time there was a nice picturesque village where people lived peacefully. As years passed on and children became adults, a nice little routine of hierarchy was established. Everyone was happy with it, it seemed, but there was one guy that proved to be an exception. He was just not satisfied with what he perceived to be a stuffy old place and he thought that life was flying him past. So he rebelled in the only way he knew how. On a cold winters day he went and stood in the village centre wearing his brightest summer wear. All through the year that followed the villagers discussed what caused him to do so, and what that meant to their daily lives. And so a year went on and another cold day presented itself. It was unexpected by most, but the same guy turned up in the village community centre, this time he was wearing his mothers favourite pearls and nice fluffy coat. Again people were scandalized at how this one person went against anything that they saw as decent. And again he was the talk of the town. And the villagers just didn’t know how to react but by vocally telling him they disapproved. This seemed to work, for the guy was on best behaviour throughout the year. But as soon as winter neared people started getting nervous. Would he finally fit into his place in their society? Would he heed their carefully worded and sometimes blunt warnings? There were secret whispers and people were overtly suspicious of what motivated him to act the way he did. And then, on a snow dusted dawn, when everyone was nice and comfy in their respective beds the village alarms went off. As was pre-agreed, all villagers met in the town square. And in the middle of it, where the fountain that for so many signified their village’s prestige was built hundreds of years ago, stood the solitary figure of the man so many had come to distrust. He was still in his pyjamas and had a determined look upon his face, a defiant look as it were. He stared each and every one of the censorious people that oppressed him, told them “sometimes a person has to do something radical to break a bad habit†and did the unthinkable in the village’s prided fountain. After that everyone shunned him for years and went back to their “normal†daily routines. That is until curiosity took over and they wanted to know what they have done to be disrespected that way. All they ever tried to do was keep their villages organised and whatever they did was for the safety and well being of everyone, including him. Why he tried so hard to break up their loving community. It was all simple at the end, as they all found out. The man was neither mad (as the elders had suggested) nor on drugs, which was what so many of his peers believed to be true. Instead it was something that never crossed their minds. The man smiled a knowing smile and simply said “I was finding my voiceâ€. When they looked dumbfounded, the man further explained “For so long everyone was telling me what I had to do and how I was expected to do it, that it soon became difficult to know where my judgement ended and that of others started. Although I knew I could never change the way everyone thought and reasoned in the village, I changed the way they saw me, therefore changing the way they treated me. Thanks to my craziness I could finally own up to my responsibilities, because for the first time in my life nobody was pointing it out for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is sometimes just so frustrating to have a well meaning family. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just be a little bit crazy sometimes, to let off the steam? Especially with schools and colleges commencing soon,if they haven't already, and of course the never ending cycle of working for some of us. To my fellow students, whatever your rank, good luck with the coming school year, IA...If ur family becomes too willful, u know what to do
  20. ^^^areey yaad xamanooheeysaa? Anywayz, you "baro" people, i can tolerate your antics laakinse, why is a new nomad joining your "family". Mafia in aad tihiin saas aa lagu ogaanaa. Organisationkiina aa si tartiib ah sol u soo gelineeysaan. And u guys think in ujeedadiina la fahmin, but u better watch out! I thoroughly object to this new dude with the "baro" name. Meesha oo naga soo galay ma ogi, meaning us sol family. And sababta oo "baro" u so qaatay neh weli waan arki la'ahay. So before we sol family can tolerate him as "baro" member waa in oo naxariis naga diyaarsadaa by being a normal nomad instead of one of ciyaal suuqa sol Rahiima, abaayo I think that the baro family have a tendency to be a close ranked group. So no one other than their crew, or the few people that like attacking them , can actually partake in any of their topics, or the topics that they decise to respond on. This kind of goes against the idea of an interactive forum, as only they and their friends understand their kaftan, so that leaves many of our nomads out. I'm sure no one is vetoing the use of our language.
  21. Wlc back! I would think somewhere where our religion is prominant and not hidden away. At the end of it life passes us by while we are too busy with all the little things that creep up
  22. Rainbow, is that what xarago meant?! i just thought barta caadiga. ileen war la iskuma haayo,we need translators. Boolbaro nasiib aad leedahay hadaan halahaas kuugu simay. You shouldn't tempt me or i might come after u like dooro banaanka ku hoyatay
  23. Shoobaro,,,hooyadeey wexeey dhahdaa "wixi casirka laguugu arko aa ceshihi laguugu caayaa"...Sidaad doonto u fasiro taasi neh
  24. Xarago, right on sister! I'm not as kind as you though. The only "baro" i think about when i see kooxdaan is baranbaro. They are multiplying like one!