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Everything posted by dawoco

  1. Some of our people in these countries and their behaviours are quite intolerable. Have we started a somali on somali criminal acts now? We get angry when bad things are associated with being Somali, but in reality it is our own doing. It isn't enough that we are unwanted guests due to the way our people started killing one another back home, we now have to start it abroad?! It is very sad...
  2. have more money or are richer. was i having a blond moment or what Last night was deffinately not my night, so excuse me for being a lil bit on the aggresive side, next time i'll make sure i take my pills before logging on.... Og-girl, if u want to start a fight, say something about how big juxa's nose is. It is the size of Belgium, if not bigger. She is saving up for her lil op as we speak. That's a sure way of winding her up Gediid, i like your trouble making ways, what can i say, u remind me of a younger me Ina baqti u can't join us because we too special for u. Glad you left the gang tho...
  3. ^^ just admit it, you are the forgotten midle child. It isn't my fault auntie kicked ur fat **** outa mom's bed when i was brought home on that beautiful dawn. Stop blaming and face to the truth, you have issues, the soner u deal with them the better... Bleedin hell, i'm calling Trisha, she is the only one that can get thru to this mis guided person :eek: Oh how i hate dramatic performences, and how excel at them. Isn't it ironic? oh about the pet peeves. I hate sitting next to a person who has a strange loud laughter in a public place. Especially the cinema. They go qax qax qax right when there is a minute of silence in the film and every1 is concentrating. AND to top it off, they always seem to laugh at ridiculously dry stuff
  4. lol@bee. Darling take my remark as nothing more but a sardonic attempt to lighten the atmosphere. But when you say you have always been part of the elite, you sure your not the "token" female? Have you ever wondered why you have been assigned to only the female section when there are other male moderators also moderating that part. If the male moderators could moderate the women's section, why couldn't a female moderate the politics, sports or even camel milk debate section? Why are both the female moderators moderating only a "womens section"???? *why does the urge suddenly appear, every time im logged here, just like me it longs to be arguing continuously...* Horn, can i call you horn? Anywayz, i know i make taking critical note of peoples behaviour look easy but it does take much energy. Just imagine, if i did it every where, yes i would enjoy it, but could i handle the effort that goes into guiding ugly ducklings to a miror? Excuse my metaphor, but i'm talking about cyber character ugly, not the other ugly. I' too polite to point that out!
  5. ^^^,,,and i hate self adoring arrogant unbearable yappering females such as urself :rolleyes: I hate followers, I hate those who readily agree with things they know nothing about to simply be in someones good grace. I hate those that look their nose down at people, just because the dress better, have more money or are richer. I hate ****** people that think they deserve simpathy simply because others are quicker than them. I hate people who always get rewarded without trying, while hard workers are over looked. I hate people that don't admit when they r wrong. I hate people that gloat when they are right instead of being cool about it. I hate people who try to be witty when it isn't apropriate. I can go on for ages and ages, but i'm unpopular as it is :rolleyes:
  6. lol@Boolbaro. I'm sure your English is better than mine. And I don't know too many big words, and am like many learning from our learned friend Mutakalim... I think that you Boolbaro once belonged in group one, but have decided that it was too boring and you had enough of being seen as a dependable rock and wanted to have some fun on SOL. So you slowly changed and became part of group four, slowly progressing to group seven when you found people you had many things in common with. With the change of the name and aviator we associated with you, you were a re-born nomad and free from all the shackles you were bound to in your previous role. I think my analysis is reaching the end of the road. Too many arguments are arising amongst the subordinate groups. The whole point of this was to get a variety of people in the same topic discussing something about their individuality and friendships, or support network here on SOL. As all of us have such a network, I thought it would be a common ground to have an interesting discussion. So if anyone wants to counter the claims I have made, or anyone has a different take on the whole thing, please share. If not, it was fun while it lasted.
  7. lol@og girl. Now lets hope mutakalim translates what he wrote and Dangerous tells us whether mutakalim is using correct grammer or not and on which grounds, and then of course we will need a third neutral party to tell us if Dangerous' arabic is any good. Then i will be happy. Thanx to you stage one of the arabic grammer investigation is done
  8. You people are intolerable, writing arabic like that, even if i could read it all, my eye sight isn't up to the task. How selfish of you lot. OG girl, translations place...
  9. Ngonge, you are a man of many words. Thankfully you have chosen pictures rather than closing down SOL with the weight of your words of wisdom. A picture does indeed say a thousand words. What those words are, Iid rather not point out :eek: Mutakalim, bro if you say something stick to it. You remember how Socrates took the death penalty rather than conform to what others believed to be normal and take back his ideas. If he had chosen the easy way out and lived, rather than sticking to his guns, would his ideology be worth anything to so many today? How many scholars would believe in words that weren’t taken serious by the man who uttered them? I don’t think that anyone cares about the intellectual level of any given nomad, or rather the lack of it. If you, how ever, would wish to point out the failings of some and all, do so. But be prepared for the wrath of so many that will feel affronted by your way of thinking. Once you say something, you protect it till death, unless you wish to change your point of view. If not, don’t edit out all the things that had people attacking you from left and right, making them look like frantic fanatics Horn of, the first and last time I visited that place (the politics section :mad: ) I almost attacked good people that I knew nothing about simply because a dimwit those people would be ashamed of did it the other way around. From then on, it was an experience I didn’t wish to repeat. Now look what you people have done to my topic, should all be electrocuted, the lot of ya! Ps; So Mutakalim, if I take up philosophy and post the essay questions under the pretence of a debate, can I copy your answers and use them to my advantage? Never mind whether it’s ethical or not, would you call it, say, plagiarism? See, now I belong in group 6..
  10. dawoco

    Ali G Show

    J-11, u sure it wasn't Wembley? Are u positive? I'm sure i saw someone looking much like u selling ruwaayad tickets infront of the central wembley station Proof of adress keen,,hadii kale neh iska aamus *hakaa saarto markiis ileeyahay maxaas is moodye*
  11. As you can tell by now, characteristics are showing. Baashi and J11 hold the v.i.p. card into the 1000+ posts club. You can tell by their subdues attitude, that they are more relaxed about their approach to forum life than perhaps the rest of us. Sophist, simply because he has been around just as long, has the same aura to him. Notice how they are in control of their responses, you neither get confirmation nor a denial about their elite status. Indeed, Baashi even shows the characteristic of so many elitists by denying his true role and down playing his heavy weight status, just like powerful men in real life who don’t want to be associated with their power simply because flagrant display isn’t in their nature. Sophist too does this to a lesser degree. Although J11 is in that particular 1000+ posts and beyond group, his role in our virtual society is quite different. Just observe how quick he labelled me a Marxist, the objective is to not draw attention to himself by all mean, so he can go about and fulfil his role as a moderator. In this particular topic, he points the limelight at me, rather than at himself. As many bureaucrats, he doesn’t like to be typecast in the top group. He undoubtedly belongs there, but due to his interactions with the rest of us, he has come to believe that he may dabble a bit in both worlds. Allocating Mutakalim is a bit more difficult. At first glance you could assume that he belongs in group two of the proletarians. But woe-betide anyone who classes this particular self made gentleman into a proletarian group of any kind. He has high aspirations of being in the top section of the pyramid. But alas, that place is occupied by the admin and the moderators. Those with power to their disposal. Realistically speaking, Mutakalim shows the characteristics of the upper-middle class, and even their “look at me I have arrived†attitude. Unlike the others above him, he has taken the responsibility to label everyone as unworthy and un-knowledgeable. Look how his attitude differs from that of the other well-placed nomads. He would be what in the rich world is termed as “new moneyâ€, as old money is silent money. Discreet, Shoobaro and Feebaro are conscientious proletarians. They are highly aware of their roles, and there for will not take kindly to Mutakalim’s gibes. Each of them uses a unique style to put down the own worded Mutakalim. While Shoobaro goes for the diplomatic and plain, yet polite everyday English, Discreet uses a more formal tone, the tone one would use to chide an unruly child. Feebaro adapts a totally different style. In his world, there is now place for people of our esteemed nomad’s ilk, and therefore he just brushes the comment aside as nonsensical and irrelevand gibberish. Legend of zu can’t perhaps be placed in a group according to how much he has posted, but we can place him never the less. Look at his member number. He is one of the old nomads and generally well liked, in the same way as Baashi, one might say. Sherazade and Lazie-girl are group four, of course. They have their own individual look on life. Lazie-girl, I hope you won’t be insulted when I say that you seem to be an extreme version of me. We both have a bit of seven in us, but our individuality wins out at the end. Then only one remains. Ngonge. This well humoured nomad belongs to group five, naturally. Find a forum that his quick wit hasn’t been unleashed on, I dare you.. Let it be said that most of us belong in more than one group. And we would be surprised by which groups they are. I for one would like to adamantly claim to be an unwavering individual, but truth bids me to place myself in groups three and seven as well as four. Although I daren’t venture into the “politics†section, I do have my fair share of arguments that seem uncalled for To my excuse, it must be said that we are prone to fall into cliquey behaviour at bad times, and arguments at the worst of times. So what part of what I said do you agree, or even rather, disagree with? Share your ideas, the good the bad and the plain ole unnecessary argumentative. Let us all show our true colours, for once.
  12. WARNING- DO NOT READ THIS TOPIC IF YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET INSULTED AT THE LITTLEST MENTION OF CRITISICM. In SOL there is a set hierarchy we all adhere to. The way the website is used is fascinating and complicated. It takes much observation to understand the different sets, their ways and their behavior, let alone analyzing them, but the longer they are observed, the more a pattern emerges. Let’s start at the top. There is the admin, who is as manly as they come. He happens to be an original authoritarian if I have ever seen one. It could be related to the fact that he heads a web site and needs to be strict. And being able to ban and give permission to join any one is indeed a role that comes with the strictest of disciplines. After all, we are here with his permission and at some level are cautious of his wrath, compelling us to all be on best behavior. Then you have the moderators, who are the KGB of this place. They mingle amongst us and have a certain power about them, which they use with discretion. As can be expected of bureaucrats, they are politically correct and even have two females amongst them, although they of course are confined to the women’s section. As befits their role I suppose. They, the moderators, together with the admin make up the bourgeoisie of SOL. Then you have the proletarians. They too can be divided into little groups. 1) The elite. They are the ones that have been around the place for as long as anyone can remember. They are also the posters who have gone over the 1000 mark with their posts. 2) The upper-middle class. The ones that post only things that are worth posting, like greatly thought out debates and Islam related articles, but note, not political articles. These people can drum up names of Greek philosophers who died by decree many centuries ago to support their arguments, where necessary. 3) The “we like to argue for the sake of arguments†group who do just that. They are often confined to the politics section. 4) The individuals who come to SOL to share ideas and find like minded and not so like minded fellow individuals and who enjoy the controlled environment SOL provides. 5) The drifters who post in which ever section they find themselves in. 6) The new generation that comes online to have fun, and sometimes read the topics with depth. The only times this group posts a serious topic is when it is related to a home work and they intend to use the ideas of others to further their school career. 7) The flocks, which support one another and reply to each other to create a cyber clique that create a hype around their group in order to generate popularity. They remind me of the Dutch saying “als een schaap over de dam gaat, volgen er meer†meaning “if one sheep jumps over the dam, others will followâ€. 8) The ghost members who every one has forgotten, and who in turn have forgotten ever being a member in SOL. 9) The voyeurs who aren’t members but who come to read what others have written, and who can leave the place when bored. 10) The ones who have stumbled across the website searching for something else, or Somali net users who were in search for a new place. That is what I have found through many months of observation, naturally this is only the tip of the ice berg. But in essence it seems accurate enough. What is your take on this? Have you found yourself in one of the groups? Or perhaps you are unaccounted for? Maybe you belong to more than one group, and can’t decide whether it’s positive or negative? However it may seem to you, have you noticed the way the structure resembles so much of society? It is like a mini island with all types of colorful characters. I challenge one and all to vote who belongs where without fear of reprimand and without political favoritism. Let us see if there is a common consensus here.
  13. Feebaro, two words come to mind, terror alert. I will make sure u get to know one of our heathrow inspectors up close and personal. Do plastic hand gloves ring a bell? qac,bro i really don't like warka maalaa yacniga ah oo dhamaad leheen. In la kala roonaado aa fiican, so if having fun means mentioning dawoco, go ahead and have ur fun son.
  14. lol@shoobaro, war heedhe i'm not volubtuous like that. And i don't have summer dress with flowers and that shows my arms for the simple reason that my arms are too overweight, see kaa noqotay And besides, are u trying to say i used diana to become lidhe skinned Qac, let it out dearest, ha isku celin warka. Just say u missed me instead of hiding behind a silly excuse :rolleyes: Markii amaan lagu siiyay aaba kasoo dartay. Dawoco waa la dhalaahee naag kuu dhasho soo raadso. Bisinka iyo yaasiinka, where is my xirsi :rolleyes:
  15. dawoco

    Ali G Show

    lol@ u people, just catching on eh? That guy was better when he was starting out. It is nice to finally have seen a show b4 ppl in north america. j-11, how come every time a particular place is mentioned, u say its near u? First southall, and now staines, will the drama never end?!
  16. Of the things that i could understand in ur story, the guy preached u about hijab one day and then grapped and hugged u the next. Thats hypocricy. Tell him to not try it on again, and if that particular brother happens to have a hand that is outa control, you my sister need to develop a knee that is also beyond ur control...Thankfully not all our nomad brothers are like that. For the minority that is, show no mercy!
  17. lool bee,,how about botox. It's all about plastic fantastic eh Ngonge, i don't think i'll be able to watch that, last time i saw such a programme was about females with beards and mustaches and hairy backs :eek: For two months i was walkinga round with tweezers. Besides, i like the mediterranean look
  18. Most people that have it done do it because of their need to look more presentable, if not like the movie stars they see. They usually have an image of how their life will improve afterwards. Movie stars do it because the ordinary folks are becoming beauty orientated and they need to stay a cut above the rest, as their looks are their fortunes. Plastic surgeons will have to find new and more efficient ways of maintaining the needs of those all around them. As soon as everyone else discovers a new treatment, stars need something else. So surgents are always kept busy. It is a vicious circle of self created deceit. Buying make up is no longer the norm. Facelift, boob job and botox are household names. We no longer associate such operations with pain. They have become too common for that.
  19. Sofine, lol sister i'm glad you like things done in moderation. That is the best way to go about it. Though i am not against day care, and would probably do it if the need was there, i would like to avoid it. Ideally speaking i would want to be there for my children until they start school at the age of four. But that is hard to do with each child, so maybe my plan isn't bullet proof yet. Still, time will tell. Only real life mothers would know the emotional highs and lows that come with motherhood and child rearing, we girls can only speculate.
  20. lol@juxa, now i can die a happy woman. Even if only in the cyper world, i am happy that at least some1 in this world preceives u as an ugly ducklin . Tho this is largely due to the fact that ur words are what caused such image to go across, i have to be contend with that. My wish has come true. I no longer am in the shadow of my gorgeous sister , if only online Og girl, i just don't have the imagination to know the difference between beautiful features and those of rosanne bar. For me, if someone has nothing intrestin 2 say, they are ugly. What does it say about me :confused:
  21. Sofine, you and many of the sisters that replied share my sentiment. My mother just enjoys taking care of her granchildren, when they come. She has a close relationship with them. I think now that she is a grandmother, it is more of a relaxed relationship to that which she had with us, her children. The worries and everyday struggle that she faced with us aren't present in that relationship, which makes it more enjoyable all around. It is all about spoiling and maing them happy and seeing the fruitation of her family. As for me, i wouldn't want to leave my children at home from early age. It is important to impart our religion and ethics on them while they are young enough and cant dispute. By the time they are six and can question you, it is too late, what with the schooling and all. Having said that, i'm sure that my future hubby will be of great help and won't leave the child rearing busines all to me, if so there is hell to pay for..
  22. WD how does jumoping off a building and doing it in less than 10 secs improve humanity? The record i would want to set is "burning the most guiness world record books in less than a minute" and challenging others to break the record i have set. Waw now that would be a challenge. WD there is sikh man who is in his 90's and he runs in marathons, he broke the record for the oldest man that finished a marathon i think, he also represents reabok now. Maybe u can run with him in a marathon? Shouldn't be all too hard
  23. It has been 50 yrs since the guiness world records have had a record set for the first time. For none other than the tallestr man alive. Now as i have watched on my itv channel, 38 people have broken the record for naked roller coaster riders. And they will go into the world record book. Others that were in the news were the woman with the most piercings on her face and the man with the longest tongue. Well, what can i say? long tongue, big mouth? It seems that the whole spectacle is getting out of hand, with silly and even dangerous stunts being done, just to get into a book. It all seems so insignificant and silly to do stunts that are dangerous just so that it says somewhere that you hold a record. Some might do it for the thrill, but what thrill?! I just don't get it. Would you want to risk your life in order to have it recorded in a book? What do you think about this whole record book none sense? And if you are up for it, what record would you wish to break?
  24. aaaah I'm so touched that i will ignore the misspelling of my nick, Wel what the hey, i'll even ignore comming second to a macawiis wearing xaliimo. Moti that was touching. For once in ur life, you haven't angered me The the internet has its uses, but i feel like i have come to rely on it too much. If i come online to do research, i'll convince myself that there is no harm if im logged on my msn at the same time. By the time i logg off, i would have known everything that happened in my friends' life, and nothing about what i was supposed to research. Nothing beats the good ole library. The smell of aged books, the soft whispers of people, the one girl that is always looking uncomfortable cos she is in the romantic novels section and feels like everyone is staring at her. The overcorrect politeness of the librarian. The fights with other library users that want the same book as you (i always win ) Can the internet provide this? All that it has done is make me antisocial. But i did get to know many wonderful people through the net. Not seedy chatrooms mind you, but here on our very own sol Ps: Og girl, who have u been shukaansiying makes me wonder.. *i'm becoming one of those people that deface our language by using it as it were english, oh the shame of it all.
  25. Wcs wr wb Flavine, warmest wlc and hope ur stay here is a pleasent one.