Dr Ligle
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Isniin, 24 August 2009 (HOL): Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland, ayaa waxa hadheeyay buuq iyo sawaxan keenay in Xildhibaannada qaarkood Dagaal gacanta ah isula tagi gaadheen , ka dib markii ay furitaankii Fadhigaas qaylo la sara-kaceen Mudanayaasha Muxaafadka ee Xisbiga UDUB ka soo baxay. Fadhigan maanta oo uu guddoominayay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi, ayaa ka dib markii sida caadiga ah uu Guddoomiyuhu isku dayay in uu furo fadhigaa, waxa qaylo iyo sawaxan la sara-kacay Mudanayaasha Xisbiga talada haya ee UDUB kaga jira Golaha, kuwaas oo wararku sheegayaan in ay filayeen in fadhigan maanta ee Golaha la horkeenayo Mooshin xil-ka-xayuubin ah oo Madaxweynaha iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa Xilka lagaga qaadayo. Waxaanay Mudanayaashani ku urureen Miiska hore ee Shirguddoonka, isla markaana waxay khalkhal iyo jaha-wareer geliyeen degannaanashihii Hoolka Shirarka ee Golaha Wakiilada. “Maxaanu u fadhiisanaynaa waxa halkan noo fadhiya Shirguddooon aan caddaalad ahayn oo dhinac ahe.” Sidaa waxa ku qaylinayay mid ka mid ah Mudanayaasha Muxaafadka. Fadhigan maanta oo sababay in aad loo adkeeyo ammaanka Xarunta Golaha Wakiilada, ayaa ka dib buuq iyo sawaxan badan oo halkaa ka dhacay ka dib, waxa uu Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiiladu Saxaafadda ka codsaday in ay Hoolka Shirarka dibedda uga baxaan. Waxaana Mudanayaasha iyo Shirguddoonku isula hadheen kulan u gaar ah. Wararka laga helayo qaar ka mid ah Mudanayaasha ayaa sheegaya in Guddoomiyuhu uu magacaabay Guddi ka kooban 11 Xubnood oo ka hawl-gala xalinta Khilaafaadka kala qaybiyay Golaha Wakiilada. Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online barqad@hiiraan.com Hargeisa, Somaliland Source: http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2009/Aug/war arka_maanta24-7325.h tm What Democracy!!!!
General well competence is only 1 thing ur missing the other areas that have failed galkacyo!!! no matter how much competence this new administration brings but if its district level members are all abdullahi yusuf sub-clan mark my words the same thing will occur just again!!! Time will tell!!!
General well competence is only 1 thing ur missing the other areas that have failed galkacyo!!! no matter how much competence this administration brings but if its district level members are all abdullahi yusuf sub-clan mark my words the same thing will occur just again!!!
Ibtisam, really i done provided you the sources. I provided you bbc-report which it sourced from social exclusion report done by the welsh government!!! I further provided unemployment statistic journal for somalia that states the unemployment rate is at 47% and is alot better then 95% unemployment levels among somalis in cardiff!!!! i am very sorry for them!!! Ps: You even said that cardiff somalis came in 1870. I don't expect the original ones who first landed to have excellent statistical records, however i would expect after 100 years or so their childrens made something out of themselves. But as the case is 95% of them have not even achieved employment let alone anything else!!! My parents came to new zealand in 1989 when i was 5 years old. They don't have any foreign education levels however me, my sister and brother are graduates with batchelors and my brother is infact finishing a masters and we are only first generation. Imagine what our kids will be like, and then their kid and kids. In 100 years our community will be called thriving community!!! this has not occurred with the cardiff somali community and there is no point trying to slide it under the rug like nothing wrong because their is something wrong. Something major is wrong. When 9 in 10 cardif somalis are unemployed you need to ask yourself what has gone wrong and what are the cures to this disgraceful statistics. African americans have 8% unemployment level, and white americans have 5% unemployment level. At national levels in america the unemployment is usually in the single digit zone, the americans go crazy when they hear their unemployment levels has reached in the double digit zone like 11% and start trying to fix it. While you sit there and try to argue about 95% unemployment levels!!! so sad and so backwards and may god help you because i don't think any human being can!!!
This indeed good news that a new mayor and new city administration is elected for the town. Infact I read from horseed media that farole made it mandatory for anyone wishing to be mayor of the town hold a "degree" i am assuming he wants an educated district leader to deliver for the town!!! However this has gone beyond that infact in galkacyo the puntland administration failed in many respects. Especially by giving all district positions to the abdullahi yusuf sub-clan whilst neglecting every other puntland native that lives there!!! this instigated the other sub-clans to follow the beesha and not the state because the state was pro abdullahi beesha and you can see that if you look at the sub-clans of mudug municipiality members who all hail from abdullahi yusuf sub-clan!!! What puntland needs to do is make every subclan in the town feel apart of the state and having top level members of their clans in the district administration. This will make the people feel they are apart of the system and will therefore cooperate with it!!! once the people feel the system has let them down that is when they lose any respect they had for the administration and start becoming loyal to clan and not state!!! That is the first step farole needs to make sure that is done. That all sub-clans of mudug are represented equally in the district administration. Once that is achieved that then sub-clanism is over in the city and people will participate for the state and feel apart of the process!!! They obviously need to fix the security issue especially when criminals know baraxleey deegan is not manned by puntland police and therefore can hide out there after they committ a crime in galkacyo. This avenue needs to be closed down, either by incoporating that deegan into puntland or talking to the clan-elders to hand over any citizen of galkacyo who breaks the law to the puntland police. Lastly they need to solve the issue of taxes going from mudug into corrupt official pockets which a new educated city leadership will inshallah change!!! Once that is accomplished i believe galkacyo can be revived into a safe city of puntland!!!! farole has done the right thing by reforming the city leadership, lets just see how the district government positions balance out this time in the city and lets not hope its re-run of the old city admin which like i said consisted of just abdullahi yusuf sub-clan!!! So far farole is moving in the right direction i must say
Ibtisam, well the people in cardiff wales are not refugees but are indeed economic migrants. Remember these people came to the u.k 100 years ago!!! during the time of british colonialists in somalia!!! They had excellent educational levels because colonials were ruling somalia!!! and they didn't migrate due to economic hardship in somalia but migrated because they were sailors and navy workers!!! So i don't know where u get this idea that they are refugees due to the civil war. Infact their other reports that suggests refugees from the civil war employment wise is doing alot better then the cardiff oldest somali community!!! So please don't attack the report because you don't like the facts that cardiff somalis are useless. You need to acknowledge their is serious problem that needs be addressed. Lastly 1 in 6 households has 1 person not working. Lets say that is true for argument sake. the average household is 4 people. 1 in 6 families is 0.16% and then you need to divide that by 4..That is 0.4% unemployed brits. That is if what you said is true, which you failed to provide any evidence for!!! 0.4% is alot better then 95%, i am sure any reasonable person would agree, however you are not reasonable and even call it "propaganda"!!! cajiib!!! where are your priorities for goodness sakes!! wake up cardif somalis are useless and unproductive community and they need to be deported. Where should they should be deported? well deport them back to somalia where they come from because according to university journals somalia unemployment rate is 47% which is alot better then 95% at cardiff. You can verify that somalia unemployment level is 47% here. I'll even be nice enough and quote it for you because i think you have literacy problem also and if you are from cardiff well then that explains your level of jahiliyah and i am not suprised in the least!!!! their average estimated total unemployment rate was 34 percent in 2007, ranging from a high of 47 percent in Somalia to a low of 18.6 percent in the West Bank http://journal.heinz .cmu.edu/articles/ec onomics-key-reducing -worldwide-terrorism -risk/
According to taipan financial news and also to los angeles times somalia "bulk" of oil is in puntland. That means majority of all the oil in the horn is in our land not south or sland or anywhere else. On top of that the estimated amount of oil in puntland is $67 billion dollars and that is not including the oil in the sea, this is just the oil in the land. This is not including the natural gas and iron deposits also in the land!!!! Truly amazing. What region do u hear having that sort of prospect? at best somalia whole gdp from mogadishu, hamar, to bossaso is $5 billion. We can make $67 billion just from our oil in the land which can then be diverisifed into other growth sectors like tourism, financial stock markets, and so forth!!! Truly remarkable Ps: if u say oh there is no oil in puntland then why did africa oil put $50 million dollars into puntland oil project!!! so they spent hard money for NOTHING!!! i dont think so, so maseerka iska daaya we are the only ones going to be rich in somalia noone else!!! You can listen to taipan financial news verdict regarding the estimation of puntland oil below!!! and notice how they say "BULK" of somalia oil is in puntland, that means the majority of the oil is in our land!!! http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=s9SvHa9Ql mQ
This is another excellent puntland born inventor on the rise who has created the first somali spell-checker program. Keep it up boys Mohamed Ibrahim Mursal and Dr Alim Fatah and keep your region puntland proud!!! You can read about this up-coming inventor below!! http://www.garoweonl ine.com/artman2/publ ish/Features_34/Soma lia_Somali_born_engi neer_develops_spell_ checker.shtml
This guy above is Dr Alim Ahmed Fatah and he is a Somali inventor born in las qoray puntland. He created postage stamps that are being used in all American post-offices today and still is in the process of inventing other innovations. You can read about this excellent role model at the below website who interviewed him regarding his inventions and his background and his aspirations for the future!!! It is long interview article, therefore i can't post it on here!!! http://www.dhahar.co m/article.php?articl eid=142 Puntland hold all the smart and educated people
Ibtisam, well the old-sailors have grand-children and third generation uk-somalis who should be successful people. For example italians went to australia and new zealand and even america after world war 2. They been there 60 years and are very successful community. Look at the asian community in america from vietnam and korea in america who recently came in the 60s and 70s and they are successful community in america!!!! This is sad report because the cardiff somalis are like 3rd and 4th generation uk born!!! they should be a successful community by now not "one of the poorest" community as the report suggest!!! This report also included all those in "employment" as it states in the article!!! if its casual, part-time, full-time, seasonal, etc it is included because its considered "employment"!!! so really 95% of cardiff somalis are unemployed and they ought to be ashamed of themselves!!!! and don't make excuses for it because this has gone beyond excuses and need desperate fixing. The welsh government has invested 200,000 thousands pounds into workshops and projects to give life to these dead people!!! but i personally think their is no life-support that can hold this community together and need to be deported as soon as possible because they are not only negative image to the uk but also are drain on hard-working british ppl who have to pay for their single mother welfare cheques so they can sit back and watch hindi movies and go to wedding parties to enjoy themselves!!! Totally unproductive and hold no benefit for the host nation and giving all somalis a bad-name. The u.k ppl should stand up and demand the deportation of cardif somalis!!!!
Somali people living in Wales are being given more support to access services such as health and education in an attempt to combat social exclusion. The Somali community is one of Wales' oldest ethnic groups but is also one of the most economically deprived and excluded from mainstream society . Only 5% of Cardiff Somalis are in employment , according to a report on social exclusion in Wales. The assembly government-funded project aims to give information on services. The idea of the all-Wales project has come from the Somali Integration Society (SIS) and was launched by Social Justice Minister Edwina Hart on Thursday. Organisers say it is designed to improve the position of the Somali community in Wales, through the provision of practical advice, guidance, information and life skills. The £234,000 three-year scheme is funded through the Welsh Assembly Government's ccmmunity facilities and activities programme. Ibrahim Harbi is one of the organisers of the new scheme It will focus on the key areas of health, employment and training, education and community safety and provide information to the Somali community on how to access the services. Three workers will be employed to manage the project, including workers who will travel around the community offering advice. Ibrahim Harbi, the co-ordinator of SIS, said he hoped the scheme would provide opportunities to equip people with the life skills, confidence, and information to enable them better access to key services to improve their health, education and employment prospects. "Many Somalis in Wales have fled their homelands because of civil war and can often feel traumatised by this brutal experience, as well as feeling isolated and unable to access key public services," said Mr Harbi. "SIS will be working with partner agencies through this project to positively change the lives of the Somali community, tackle social exclusion, improve social enterprise and let them fulfil their full potential". Wales' Somali community is around 7,000 strong Cardiff South and Penarth AM Lorraine Barrett said: "I am delighted to have been able to support the Somali Integration Society's new project. "The Somali community in my Cardiff South constituency is the largest British-born Somali population in the UK and one of the oldest minority ethnic groups in Wales - yet it is also one of the most economically deprived and socially excluded communities. "That is why this project is so crucial. "Equipping the community with life-skills, confidence and information will help tackle social exclusion and improve the lives of the Somali community, not only in Cardiff but in all parts of Wales." Source: http://news.bbc.co.u k/2/hi/uk_news/wales /south_east/4673846. stm Uk people are useless, wa dad dhintay!!! uff. To make matters worse is this is the oldest community of somalis in wales who went to the u.k 100 years ago as sailors and navy-workers!!! you would think after being in the u.k for so long they would be successful community but infact they are termed the "one of the poorest community of all uk"!!!
Meiji british protectorate means you are protected person. Colonial Subject means your citizen of the colonial state!!!! what don't u understand!!! Somaliland was protectorate and the people that lived there were protected!!! north-east somalia was italian protectorate also and protected. and the rest of the nation was colonial subjects because the colonizer was based there physically!!! Italy was a colony, and the people who lived under italian rule were colonial subjects!!!
This is interesting question we need to ask ourselves, is somalia another region of ethiopia? Firstly it was not long ago sheikh sharif current tfg president went to addis ababa requesting more ethio's to back up his government. It was only a couple of days ago ethiopia foreign minister was in hargeysa holding mediation talks between somaliland parties!!!! So does ethiopia run somalia? we know for a fact that abdullahi yusuf was the first to bring the ethiopians, however i must say that abdullahi yusuf brought the ethiopians to different clan then his. He took them to the usc base of mogadishu!!! I have never seen an ethiopian in puntland or any ethiopian ministers visiting that region sorting out political issues like has happened in hargeysa. So ppl say abdullahi yusuf loved ethiopians, u need to rephrase that and say abdullahi yusuf used ethiopians against enemy clans!!! Because if we are fair, when do u hear of ethiopian officials in puntland? i am aware that puntland leaders go to addis ababa to streghthen military and business ties with ethiopia but i have never seen an ethiopian in puntland!!! Also puntland never brings ethiopian troops into puntland!!! which proves that puntland only use ethiopia against different clans. Even when abdullahi yusuf and cade muse were warring in puntland never did ethiopia get involved or hold mediations because ethiopians are not welcome in our land. However it is really embarassing when i see sharif in addis asking for ethiopian troops into hamar against his own clan!!! and when i see hargeysa needing ethiopia foreign minister to negiotate between sland parties!!! that is sad and truly despicable. Anyways the point is puntland never brings ethiopians to its people, therefore u guys who have leaders that bring ethiopians to your people should be ashamed of yourself!!! The only reason abdullahi yusuf used ethiopia is because the enemies were using foreign support also, u think hargeysa just started using ethiopia when abdullahi did? of course not they were in bed with ethiopia way before abdullahi took the leadership. Lastly the islamist in the south use eritrea, therefore abdullahi yusuf was forced to use foreign support also because the battle-ground changed and the islamist in somalia were using foreign support first!!! funny how noone cares to mention that!!! My conclusion is yeey used ethiopian tigrays as a response to the islamist using eritrea tigray. What ppl do u think eritrea are? they are tigrinya you can go check it out yourself online!!! So whats the difference between a tigray in ethiopia and tigray in eritrea? nothing!!! But more importantly don't forget abdullahi yusuf never brought ethiopia to his own region or clans people, he only took it to other clans!!! where-as hargeysa and mogadishu bring ethiopia to their own people and cities!!! i think that is alot worse!!! Again The truth must be spoken and propaganda destroyed!!!
Lol, you guys are so pathetic that it is not even worthy of a response. You are saying that america will raid britain its ally and kill british people!!! because when u say north-eastern chiefs made deals with the colonizers then u need to answer why were they raided for, after-all they should've of been friends as you suggest? u dont need to raid your friend because your friend is working with you!!! This is devastating historic treaty and proves the clans who are not mentioned were never raided and they were never raided because they made deals with the colonizers and were rubbing their feet!!! that is why they were not raided!!! but the clans who were raided recieved their compensation for damages which is honorable!!! Anyways this treaty is devastating on the clans not mentioned, because the question arises why didnt you clan FIGHT?
meiji so you are telling me that the north-eastern cheifs were selling somali land yet the colonizer was raiding them? when the hell do you hear your ally raiding you? so that means if i make a deal with america and then america will raid me? weliga waxaas ma maqashay?
djib, well italy and the british did conquer somalia therefore we were subjects. This compensation is after the british and italians left somalia and handed it to the u.n to control!!! This is payment to ex-subjects of the colonial area and payment to them for the damages that occured to them during the colonial raids when they were trying to establish themselves at first in somalia. It was at the anglo italian border which means british and italy somaliland!!! what dont u understand?
Originally posted by grasshopper: quote: Mogadishu is ground zero for the failed state of Somalia, a place where pirates and terrorists rule. Yet to the north, the breakaway region of Somaliland is stable and at peace. What happened? check out this article in National Geographic http://ngm.nationalg eographic.com/2009/0 9/somalia/draper-tex t If you can pick up a hard copy I really recommend it - the photographs are heart-wrenching but beautiful. When did pirates rule? Last time i checked pirates never got invovled in politics!!! do you see a war in puntland pirates vs puntland government? I don't know where u reach such conclusions to think the pirates are political when they never even get involved in politics!!! infact it is the pirates who give 20% of their ransoms to the poor displaced ppl's camp who are from hamar and hargeisa!!! And if somaliland was so stable why are they fleeing to live in bossaso as refugees? You can verify this interesting fact below from the international institute for strategy the no 1 expert on military conflicts!!! http://acd.iiss.org/ armedconflict/MainPa ges/dsp_HumanAndEcon omicCost.asp?Conflic tID=198&YearID=1144 If sland was so good they wouldnt be seeking refuge in bossaso!!!
Puntland Give your shout out to all the ssdf gabay-masters!!! these are the ones i can think off on the top of my head!!! It's time to do the gabay oscars yearly in bossaso and garowe!!! 1.Awmuuse Ismaciil 2.Cilmi Afyare 3.Khaliif shiikh maxamud 4.jaamac,Dayuurad 5.Keenadiid+ 6.Xirsi Magan 7.Xaaji Gooni 8.Khaliif Baarleeex 9.Maxamed Cali Walash+ 10.Faarax Kowte 11.Ali Sharmarke 12.Hassan Gabay 13.Xasan Dahir Khalaf
This is interesting united nation treaty with somali clans and it displays information regarding the clans who were given compensation by the colonizers british and italians for damages that occured to them!!! This document proves the tribes that stood up and fought against the colonizers and the tribes that didn't fight. You can read that below and learn the real offical government archives on the united nation website!!! http://untreaty.un.o rg/unts/60001_120000 /17/37/00033833.pdf This document proves that puntland are the most patriotic somali and are listed in this document the most!!! however what is more interesting is that majority of the usc and majority of the smn clans are totally absent from this compensation!!! Why is that? Did they welcome the colonizers into their homes and didn't put up a fight? Well all we do know is that if your clan fought against the colonizers they should be listed here recieving compensation for damages that occured to them. If your clan is not listed on this official government compensation treaty that proves they didn't fight because logically speaking you can only be harmed if you fight!!! This suggest either they worked as spies with the colonizers or they submitted freely without a fight!!! However what we do know for certain is that puntland comes out the most patriotic region of all somalia. Because this document is 90% of this historic compensation treaty is puntland natives!!!!
Enjoy all!!!
Bishaaro...... Bishaaro......... SHirkada Shidaalka ee Puntland Petrolium Compnay+Sawiro Tan iyo wixii ka danbeeyay Bur Burkii Somaliya waxa Dalka Somaliya ku soo badanayay Maal Gashidaga Shirkadaha iyada oo Ganacsato badan oo Somali ah ay dalka dib ugu soo Laabteen kuwaasi oo soo kordhiyay Adeegyo badan oo aad loogu Baahi qabay, sida SHirkadaha Shidaalka, kuwa kale. Hadaba dhawor sano ka hor ayaa Shirkada Balaadhan oo qaabilsan dhanka Shidaalka laga Hir Galiyay deegaanada Puntland taasi oo adeegeeda aad loogu Riyaaqay. Shirkada Puntland Petrolium Compnay ayaa Xafiisyo waa wayn ku leh guud ahaan deegaanada Ismaamul Goboleedka Puntland taasi oo ay shaqeeyaan SHaqaale aad u Tababaran. Shirkadu waxay Leedahay Webseed aad u Baaxad wayn kaasi oo lagu soo daabaco Xogta iyo Adeegyada Shirkada Booq www.puntlandpetroile um.com Ama Emailka:- Punpetco@hotmail.com Tellefoonada:-252582 5919/+2525825443/+25 25797777/+2525827777 Source:http://www.dhahar.co m/article.php?articl eid=7795
Jacaylbaro. Somaliland ordered idps out? Well you need to prove that premise!!! However these idps are from somaliland and not from southern somalia!!! They are natives of your land!!!
Jacaylbaro i will let you use your imagination as to why this is occuring!!!
Puntland is the largest region in somalia where displaced people are located. Infact not only have southern somalis have sought refuge in puntland in the thousands so have thousands of somaliland people. This is all reported from genuine international agency that is well respected!!! The International Institute of Strategy whom is considered the world leading authority on military conflicts around the world!!! You can read what this agency has to say regarding displaced people from somaliland entering puntland for better life!!! Puntland hosted some 70,000 IDPs, including a recent influx of IDPs from Somaliland among which about 28,000 lived in Bosaso port in about 13 settlements Source:http://acd.iiss.org/ armedconflict/MainPa ges/dsp_HumanAndEcon omicCost.asp?Conflic tID=198&YearID=1144 Now i am not trying to be rude, if somaliland is such good place why are they seeking refuge in puntland? Very disturbing if you ask me!!! I understand southern somalis seeking refuge in puntland because southern somalia is a very dangerous place, however isn't somaliland the shining democratic state where everyone lives in peace and prosperity, if that was truly the case then why are they fleeing to bossaso refugee camp? :eek:
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