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Everything posted by Good-Credit

  1. Originally posted by rudy: WE NEED A HASSING FOR THE NEWBEES!!! African Village. what do you Suggest! 1- i suggested that all newbees deposite $100 fees in sol bank as insurance! in that case, if they insult ppl, they be fined. Hit me back with Ideas!! Yo Michael werent from the somalinet site! Nigga STFU... why u puttin my biz on the streets like that.. ....
  2. ^^^ you only got 144 posts and you have the audacity to call us rookies??? lmao
  3. this little alien will plama your head off and put it in a bucket if you dont act right
  4. Originally posted by Hibo: I really don't think acting someone who u r not adds or subtracts value on or off who u r. So my advice is pretty simple... 1 Be Yourself 2 Be strong 3 Know exactly what u want 4 Be firm about principles and laws u followed 5 Treat him the way you want him to treat you "If you want breakfast in Bed, Sleep in the kitchen honey" your qoute and Sig are contradicting each other... :confused: :confused:
  5. what is the purpose of sharing this website then? i suggest this thread be deleted to contain the damage..
  6. i think this poor Brit lady was just an escape goat used by the UAE authorities to show their ppl that they would prosecute any offender no matter what race and what status... Just like he saudi killings, they want to scare ppl off to tone down the drug trafficing business thats taking their country by storm... very pathatic...
  7. I bet no one would have cared if this runaway brid was a young and more attractable girl... seems like the color of your skin determins how much the socity cares about your well being... BTW.... i would have ran the hell away if i was the groom,,,, she looks like she is at least 50 years old.. gottt dammmn....
  8. how about having faith in Allah ??
  9. that ticking Bush banner in somalinet always got on my nerve...
  10. u know what.. we are 150 strong now, see we can send a strong message by kidnaping one of them "Old G's", leak a video tape of him pleading for his life and then ultimatly beheading him on camera.. only then we will get the respect we desreve...
  11. Originally posted by Moth_To_A_Flame: Thanks again for all the warm welcomes! I was born and brought up in England, my parents are originally from Calcutta, India. I would therefore class myself as a British Asian Muslim. good, good,,, u know,,, someone sent me a PM warning me about SOL E-Bullies.. he described them as a group of regs who like to kidnap and run other nomads threads...(prefeably noobies like us) he added that the last noobi who stood up to their abuse was found dead in some dark sol alley!!! so all i can say,, watch your back cuz i am sure as hell as am watching mine
  12. i'd say i would be an Egale.. i like to fly high and hunt swift and fast...
  13. Originally posted by Moth_To_A_Flame: I'm not actually Somali but am intrigued by the somali culture...I'm an asian muslim girl. I came across your site randomly and it's probably one of the most interesting community forums on the web! So what part of Asia are you from?
  14. its really sad to see that someone would go out of his way and take the time to setup such worthless site...
  15. Originally posted by dawoco: ^poor you! should have bribed the admin with imported caano geel sure did,,,, and he actully hand delivered my user name and password to me with a promise to elevate my status to Nomad in Notime