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Everything posted by Good-Credit

  1. I have seen so many somali girls with the cutest faces out there and the ugliest bodies ever... it makes me wonder whats so hard about dieting and working out 2 times a week!!
  2. So Pink.... do you think its time to move out of Queensland or what?
  3. Originally posted by Amethyst: Your post? Call me emotionally unstable and I'll make you disappear you monkey!! :mad: :mad: thats exactly what i was talking about.... u Female Mod's take this foruming thing too seriouse.. see if i call you a spinster fat cow you'd think i am insulting you whereas i am only joking.. you get me..
  4. Originally posted by Amethyst: ^ Shehe, you were a newbie yourself not too long ago. I remember thinking "If she talks about herself one more time, ama have a fit" (Joke). As for the former king who has effectively been knocked off his high horse, DROP THE DAMN CAPS man. You have been screaming your lungs out and our patience is running thin. About the rest of ur blah blah ... bah humbug. the problem we have with these woman moderators is the fact are emotionally unstable. see they drag you into an argument and if you proof them wrong you and your posts will POOOOF...disappear.. !!!!
  5. Booqorka I think you posted this thread because:- A) you tried to get with that nursing student at your school and recieved a painful rejection. B) You married a Halimo and found out she is an Alcholic. [ May 09, 2005, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  6. Does any of you ladies know how hard it is for a single mother with kids to find a man who is willing to marry her? its hard enough for the single girls who passed their mid 20's to find a suitable husband now adays....therefore i dont blame that single mom for considering the dude's proposal. see if you want some, you have to give some.. in other words if you cant provide the man with kids, then let another woman do that.....
  7. Originally posted by Haddad: quote:Originally posted by 3abeer Elward: It is said that the photographer who took this picture committed suicide grieved by the photo. And the point is? Feel sympathy for someone who committed suicide? Under Islam, suicide isn't to be admired, encouraged, feel sympathy for, talk about it as something positive and etc. The picture was taken in 1994; why the sudden interest and politicizing? Just a few years before the picture was taken, hundreds thousands Somali children perished in similar or worse conditions; where is the interest and politicizing? Because no Arabs were involved in the Somali tragedy? woow,,, this dude is stright up ignorant..
  8. <==== waits for the cat fight to end with a kill...
  9. this is why the Teen section should have never been removed !!!
  10. Allaah ha uu raxmu that women and her family..thats a sad tragedy indeed..
  11. Hey fellaz... easy on the girl, i mean cant you tell that she is young,,,, To the originator.. i cosign what Bashi said..
  12. yeah isu camir waxashyahoo alfun qalalka ah
  13. i will try not to abuse it, and yeah.. thanks for your welcoming words
  14. Good-Credit

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. The photo of those dogs broke my heart. PS I'm really talking about the dogs. What was the point of them? These dogs are enjoying international recognition as "Somali Dogs" so if i was you i wouldn't feel bad for them, i would rather feel bad for those humans who are striving to get what our dogs took for granted..
  15. Although husbands have rights over their wives and can demand anything of their wives yet helping his wife with the house chores is sadaqa. Our Prophet Mohamed (SCW) used to help his wives with the daily house work... so it won't kill you to get your breakfast yourself. the story your provided about Abu Bakar RAA, does not rest the argument in question here, i understand that Kasal should never be one of our traits, but what if i come home one day after working for 12 hours a day 6 days stright, just to provide a good living standards for my wife and kids, and ask my wife to serve me my breakfast in bed... will i be considered a lazy man? I think not. many of our girls got their roles mixed up by thinking that obeying their husbands is some sort of slavery, only a true Muslimah who's thoughts have never been violated by the bias media know that obeying her husband is an essential part of her marriage therefor she never feels inferior because she knows that her husbands success and happiness are directly influenced by her. Just to have you know, if my wife ever asked me to serve her breakfast in bed, not only that i will fix it and bring it to her, but i will feed her with these tow hands i am typing with and will have joy in doing so...
  16. ^^^ from where on earth did you learn that???
  17. I am listining to this fool's album..... you cand download the whole album by copying and pasting this link on your Mozzila its strictly JAZZ..
  18. Jogging around Centenial Park has been a good stress relief for me..
  19. #5 says... Treat him the way you want him to treat you... I don't expect to get breakfasts in bed... he shouldn't either... so there is no contradiction well some of us do like to get their breakfast in the bed so what would you do if your husband said "honey could you please get me breakfast" in a very loving manner?? and we dont have to have our breakfast laying down.. we have spines you know, we can sit up on the bed.. And if know anything about the religion... Its not encrouarged for one to lay down.. and be served when he has the health and the energy to do things for himself. personaly i've never heard of any Hadiith directing us not to take breakfast on the bed, but i am willing to change my mind if you provide me one that sugests that.........
  20. maan these guys at google have a monopoly on aswomeness.... did anybody use their latest Satellite imaging supported driving directions? i heard they are about to venture into making their own operating system and rival Windows..
  21. thats funny lool.... i guess the diablity check must have gone to the unsuspecting officer who's been blinded by the looks of that ugly "fish" after she dropped down her knickers lol
  22. ^^ So i heard,,, aint those Somlinetters a trip or what... all they want to do is find a decent forum like Somaliaonline and shit all over it.. well thank god you are a moderator, cuz with yuor moderation abilites we will "together" knock the sense back in their lil heads with an iron fist. regards.. Good Credit
  23. No... thats another Micheal Ital.. i am a very kind and loving guy... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  24. i guess its too late to put my .02 in now