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This movie is the best movie i have seen this year. To those who found it overly complicated and confusing let me tell you that much of the point of the movie revolves around realizing that Prince Nasir would not only stabilize the region, but he would open up the energy to anyone, not just to America. With America cut out, their oil supplies would drop, and China would GET that energy. These, to the CIA, are both extremely dangerous things, and bad for America. They lie to Bob, because they know Bob won't kill him just for oil, so they build him up as a terrorist, as a cover story. When the cover story gets blown by Massowi, they distance themselves from Bob, hanging him out to dry. Bob realizes that the only way to redeem himself is to save Nasir. A lot of this is covered when Nasir talks to Damon privately in the boardroom. The whole focus of the movie is the way that people/governments/agencies/countries will do anything it takes to get to oil. The CIA is willing to kill for it, the attorney/government are willing to overlook crimes for it , Damon's character allows the death of his son to be paid off for it ...as for the two young Muslims they're the movies way of showing that none of this happens in a vacuum, that there are effects beyond money. Good job Geroge Cloony. i recomment it to everyone.
Siddii baasta ciir lagu daray oo faanta lagu qooyey, ama badar galey oo hadhuudh lagu madoobshey, ama habar yar oo 15 jir oo naasku dhagaxoobay, oo daasad wadato oo harago dhan isula tuureysa, quruxdeeda waa nal iyo booc tubaako eeh soo haddaa maad garan. Geesiyadna way tahay ileyn sharafta waa saase, ma cabsootaoo hooyadeedna way la dirirtaa, cay iyo dagaalna gabdhaha way kaga badisaa, ninkii la hadlaa way taqaan in ay dacwaysaa. Sida kaneecada oga baqaan derisyadooda, reeraha ashuunkooda way jabin taqaan, qofkii maaga iyo timaha jiidaa, gabadhaa intaa jeclaaday baan meeday leeyahay, ninkii jeclaadaan rabaa in aan bureeya, amaanteeda mana sheegi karo caawo oo qura Waa sida macaan iyo qaraar la isku daray, ama caano, khaat iyo basbaas ay isku kariyeen, deganaanta laafyaha marka ay jagac ka siiso, buskuleeti ninaan wadan gaari waayey. Gabaygeygu badda macaaneyn karaan, jeebkey ka buuxaan sidii googo lacageed, dadka kale uma sheega waan ka qariyaa, adigaa saaxiibkey oo kuu waramayaa bal i dhagayso, sidii laasqoray oo soo burqanaya oo geeraarka guuxiisa yuu dhagaxa kaa jeexine. Sidii habar surwaal qaadatey oo laad ku kicineysa gabay fiican oo fiican baan anigu sheegayaaye, reer magaal iyo reer baadiya isla jooga kolkuu shaararka kaa furto oo lacagna kaqaato maxaad dhaqatay buu ku yiraahdaa waayo dabadood. Haddey dumarku lacag leeyihiin maba gaboobaane, kol hadey qubeys iyo boodhar isku cadeyso, lixdankii sideed baanjiray kugu tiraahdaa. Jaceylka anigaa kala bartay oo wuu i daasadeeyey gabdhahay ka dibna ku boodayaan. Habar kol iyo boqol haysato baa la ogolaadaa sheekooyinkeedana waa laga dhageystaa, haddey tiraah shan baan diiday waa laga dhagaystaa, haddey tiraah cirkaan soo taabtay waa laga dhageystaa, haddey tiraah dhulkaan quusay waa laga dhageystaa, haddey tiraahdo baddaan jiiray waa laga dhageystaa, haddey tiraahdo anigaa kaa yar waa laga dhageystaa. Gaarinimo markey sheegato oo muranka dayn waydo, waxaa lagu yiraahdaa buulo shaah inoo kari— qaxwahay sameyso hadduu muufo noqo waayo kolkaa in ay been sheegeyso baa lagu ogaadaa.
do u curse the prophet (scw) and Islam when angry?
Good-Credit replied to Haaraahur.'s topic in General
I dont think this is something only Reer Waqooi do, i've seen many southerners saying similar cusswords, if not worse. -
^^^ lol @ Somalian by birth lol.. let me guess... u are Canadaian now? Wlcm to SOL and please please Please dont be like one of them bad chicks
Stop undermining the Somali man... I'm sure right packages are out there... if your statement is true then how come a "hot catch" like yourself is still raoming around single? Credit, Call me overly-analytical or just plain old paranoid...but I cant help spotting a tint of self-advertisement in most of ur posts. Why would i advertise myself on SOL when i have a cute Xalimo madly inlove with me? MattafFact, she is sitting on my lap as i write these line
Originally posted by ADNAAN: Isn't zool the sudani substitute for rajul "man". BINGO... **Waits for Amethyst to rear her behind back in this thread**
As brother Qac said, good Somali men are all around you, just try to be a little less picky and you will find someone who decent enough to bring home to your parents. See what most girls are looking for is the perfect package, a man who embodies all of their dreams, a dude who is handsome, educated, tender but yet aggressive and ofcourse has some nice whips. Now in the real world that is as impossible as finding a Somali girl with all the qualities we want in a wife. therefore one must learn how to compromise and deal with their partners short comings. Now i am not saying you should put up with any bullshit thrown at ya, i am just saying that dude you saw at your school's library and thought is a nerd could be a nice guy who might treat you real well if you demolish that brick wall you built in your head between you him. or maybe that thug, hip-hoping, 50 cent looking boy you saw in your block is more intelligent than any other dude you know! just don't over simplify all the Somali guys you meet, and difinitly dont look at them through glasses colored by Somali men stereotypes...
Good-Credit's, Vids, Pics, Downloads and Internet Goodies.
Good-Credit replied to Good-Credit's topic in General
this is a vid for some white Southafricans prison guards training their dogs on black prisoners before assulting them. This is so f****ing SAD. Click here for the vid -
Good-Credit's, Vids, Pics, Downloads and Internet Goodies.
Good-Credit replied to Good-Credit's topic in General
this is for my JAZZ heads in SOL, these are some tight albums ready for download, just copy the links and paste them on a fresh Explorer. Here they go, Starting with my favorite. Best combination of Jazz and R&B. ============================================= Ghetto Cyrano s12.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3EZOTP1LH9LVF08FZA1LPEHWF3 ============================================= Shakatak - Shinin' On s42.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=08HWVLEJEF56R0BHRINVORM7EM ============================================= The David Blamire's Group s42.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0IGLUAQVNQD3E1LR0TOSG2JEVO ============================================= -
someone in this thread reminds me with this *****
that under the tree there sho look like Barwaaqo nice pics
Originally posted by Amethyst: I do. And its racist term. Whats FAO? can you explain how Zool can be racist FA?
Originally posted by Amethyst: LOL@ Zool . Racist! Do you know what Zool means before you laught your FAO ???
the sudanese ppl's native language is Arabic, where as us somalis native language is Somali. and if you think Somali's are Arabs just because they look like the Arab Sudanese, then you might as well consider Eritrians and Etheopians to be Arabs since they have the same looks! btw.. are you a real Zool??
^^^ i believe your radical views will change once you find a loving husband