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Everything posted by Nematoda

  1. The peeping tom has but one friend his eye. No surprise it was society that let him of to dry. They said they have morals unlike that filthy guy. They hide their indecency like they hide their wives. They call themselves god fearing men. And like vultures pray on the weak. Not in strength but in morals,. They use the word altruism in their speech. Though show much greed when they preach. But unlike the peeping tom . they never show fear, just calm. With grins that cover eye to eye. You can never distinguish between their truth and lies.
  2. I know the us young guys dont have as some say and appreciation of the arts and that may well be used against me but to tell you the truth the poem didn't make sense am sorry :confused:
  3. I trust the devil more than I trust that thief no offence to sheekh sheriif supporters but he droped the ball big time.