Mintid Farayar

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Posts posted by Mintid Farayar

  1. N.O.R.F;924417 wrote:
    I'm always suspicious about such news.Are they trying to push the share price up? Why not take a risk, consolidate and reap the rewards later?


    I'm sure the Swedes did seismic surveys 3 or 4 years ago. Where is that data?


    Otherwise carry on....

    Good point. Plus the 2 Billion Sterling valuation of Genel seems over the top. As of 4 months ago, Genel's valuation was only a fraction of that. Maybe they've had a large capital infusion since that time.


    BTW, it was the Norwegians, not the Swedes in the earlier SL survey.


    P.S. Ngonge, what happened with your boosterism(hype) for Range and African Oil? Any profit on that speculation before the 'water well' find? ;)

  2. Meanwhile, the illicit trade in charcoal continues at full pace in Kismayo. One leading "Kenyan' company involved in the direct exporting of this charcoal is called 'SIFA', linked to the nephew of a current leading Somali-Kenyan political heavyweight(I will leave him unnamed for now...).


    Just follow the money, gentlemen, like I always tell you.


    Facts are such inconvenient things

  3. Waranle_Warrior;924031 wrote:
    Waryaa you know full well waxa kadhaxeeya Puntland iyo Jubbaland, bahasha siyaasada Somalidana waa iska wada clanish. Markaa I expected Sheekada Jubbbaland dhisideeda iyo daadihinteeda inay horboodaan Xiin iyo Zack on one side xaga kalena ay kasoo horjeestaan Abwaan and Oba balse adiga iyo Mintid Farayare ayaa Mucaardinimada Jubbaland kaga dheereeyay Oba iyo Abwaan, taas unbaan kayaabay ee wax kale ma ahan.


    Its like a quarrel between Khaatumo Vs SL, oo markaa Abwaan kaaga hormaro adiga Mucaaradnimada against Khaatumo, isn't that weird dee

    Waryaa W_W, ;);)


    Don't let Xiin and Co. mislead you. They're still nursing the scars from bygone years of cyber debate(a fragile ego is a terrible thing....LOL). Mintid is attempting to warn you against the next move coming your way, adiguna maxaa kaa galey baad la soo hadal taagantahay ;)


    I was expecting a thank you instead for this:


    Mintid Farayar;923975 wrote:
    Fair enough about Hiiraan's sources...


    Careful not to fall into Xiin's emotional outbursts. It's simply an exchange of viewpoints across cyber keyboards....


    But let me warn your side (since I don't have a horse in the game..LOL), Hassan Sheikh will be bringing overwhelming diplomatic pressure in the next few weeks(primarily Western, without going into specific details). After the Kenyan elections, this pressure will be brought to bear on the Kenyan gov't.


    Make sure you have your grassroots elders solidly in one camp b/c there will be attempts to pick off key stakeholders.


    Just don't say I didn't warn you.... Was feeling generous again

  4. xiinfaniin;923978 wrote:
    ^^Macno Yare


    That is what that is .


    Jubbaland is a grassroots driven; waa is goys alshabaab iyo western interest ku kulmaan. the notion that western diplomats will abort this grand conference and support our clueless president to rule from Mogadishu is quite laughable.


    Waraa nuune ninka wax naga dheh ninyahow


    ;) ;)


    It's like offering food to a starving, blind man,


    who quickly slaps it away,


    only to belatedly find out it was nourishment....



  5. Apophis;923955 wrote:
    Hiiraan also use the same proof you're rejecting. Only difference is the Hiiran's grand'mas third cousin source is a HAG living in Mogadishu and the other is actually in Kismaayo. Check mate hater.

    Fair enough about Hiiraan's sources...


    Careful not to fall into Xiin's emotional outbursts. It's simply an exchange of viewpoints across cyber keyboards....


    But let me warn your side (since I don't have a horse in the game..LOL), Hassan Sheikh will be bringing overwhelming diplomatic pressure in the next few weeks(primarily Western, without going into specific details). After the Kenyan elections, this pressure will be brought to bear on the Kenyan gov't.


    Make sure you have your grassroots elders solidly in one camp b/c there will be attempts to pick off key stakeholders.


    Just don't say I didn't warn you.... Was feeling generous again ;)

  6. Mintid Farayar;923778 wrote:
    Another possibility is: the Kismayo project is so dependent on its Kenyan godfathers that no moves can be made when Kenyan bandwidth is busy with the Kenyan elections. The fact that the 'shir' is recessed for Saturdays and Sundays(usual Christian society holidays) telegraphs the
    controlling levers
    of the project.


    Could this be the passage that's got my fellow posters in a fit? Xaal qaata ;)


    However, history will have you know: Somalis don't take too well to those riding in on the back of an African/Foreign tank.... we all know where the last one ended up!.


    I'm just saying....


    Now if you were to be generous and update us;) , I expected better than the 'press release' of 8 Odeys being picked, etc., - created solely for 'feel-good' clan zealots....


    So give us the real scoop!


    P.S. The bit about the 'shir' being adjourned was from Hiiraan Online. If they're wrong, please enlighten us with proof more weighty than 'I heard it from my grandmother's third cousin removed, etc.'


    I'm just saying....

  7. nuune;923801 wrote:
    The conference took place on Saturday, and important points were discussed such as awood qeebsiga and ergo qeebsiga, and how many ergo would each gobol and tribe would have, all these were discussed on Saturday's conference, as for Sunday, I haven't received any updates, let me talk to my rooxaanteyda bal.

    Could you confirm that the Conference did proceed on Saturday/Sunday? The major Mogadishu portals are reporting 'wey fasaxnaayeen' during those days. As well as today...



    Sxb, it's an interesting episode(the Jubbaland issue) that can have wide-reaching ramifications on the whole peninsula.

    But don't worry.... We don't currently have a horse in the game ;)

  8. 1- Two TFG soldiers (militias falling under TFG-nominal command) were killed by unknown assailants in Kismayo today. This contributes to rising tensions within the town.


    2- The Kismayo 'shir' has yet to be re-opened. The organizing committee announced on Friday that the meeting would be recessed for two days, and then reopened on Monday. But thus far, the 'shir' failed to resume today(Monday).



    In summary, it seems the Mogadishu FG is playing an effective game against the Jubbaland project through diplomatic pressure (using the IC community in Nairobi).


    Another possibility is: the Kismayo project is so dependent on its Kenyan godfathers that no moves can be made when Kenyan bandwidth is busy with the Kenyan elections. The fact that the 'shir' is recessed for Saturdays and Sundays(usual Christian society holidays) telegraphs the controlling levers of the project.

  9. All of Northern Kenya(including the non-Somali regions) has only 4% of the electorate (625,000 votes). Do you think it will play a significant role given the vote is split between Jubilee and CORD in those regions?


    In the latest polling by the Ipsos Synovate polling firm, Mandera was leaning CORD(Odinga), Garisa was leaning Jubilee(Kenyata), while Wajir was still a toss-up between the 2 sides.

  10. Abwaan;923727 wrote:
    Geeseey oo sii wata hadalkiisa ku aaddan waxyaabaha keenay inuu xilka wareejiyo kaasoo uu horaanba uga biyo diiday
    ”kadib markii aan eegay maslaxada gobolka,kadib markii aan dib u fiiriyey waxyaabahii wanaagsanaa ee aan gobolka usoo qabtay,kadib markii aan arkay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed uu u baahan yahay isbedel dhab ah oo guud ahaan dalka laga hirgaliyo waxaana goostay inaan xilka gudoomiyaha gobolka Baay aan wareejiyo”


    Translation: I've been promised another position!


    Well played by the Mogadishu FG. This sets a precedent re: the Jubba issue!

  11. NGONGE;923740 wrote:
    The SL government should have stayed out of this. A private individual brought the case against Samatar and SL would only be muddying the water by getting involved in civil cases. Let Hassan Sheikh and Fowziya embarrass themsleves all on their own without SL making an issue of it or giving them a way out.

    There are several things you've misread re:the issue & situation (at least in my humble opinion).


    First, the Mogadishu gov't is a coalition of interest groups. The request was signed and forwarded from the Prime Minister's office. I have a feeling that both the Offices of the Presidency and Foreign Ministry were completely unaware of this action and are in damage control mode with Somaliland negotiating partners.


    Secondly, as the American adage says: 'All politics is local.'; The Somaliland government had to react in order to shore up its base at home against nationalist attacks from the opposition. The fact that the official statement(from the SL side) was given by a relatively unknown deputy Minister keeps the protest low-key enough to avoid upsetting the growing relationship/negotiations with the Mogadishu team.


    I have a feeling a lot of calls are taking place between the two Presidencies(their offices) to contain the fallout from their respective constituencies.


    As for the case itself, it's under a different system and will ultimately be determined in the U.S. judicial system.


    Disclaimer: I must admit I had a small role to play in the immediate dissemination of this story back in Somaliland. I'm a firm believer that the room for maneuver for any SL administration when it comes to negotiating with the South must be quite limited.

  12. A lot of empty emotion here from certain corners....


    General Samater was found guilty in a Civil Case in the U.S. under its mature legal system. Expecting this day for decades, the General cleverly transferred all his assets to his children and close relatives so no assets under his name would be penalized by the 'obvious' court decision (whenever that day came). His assets are periodically monitored by the legal team of the wronged parties forcing the General to live a lifestyle beneath what he was previously used to.


    This is only the latest chapter in Somalilanders' quest to get legal amends for crimes committed against the majority population in Somaliland during the Barre era. In the '90s, due to legal actions by Somalilanders, Canada decreed that no Somali military official with the rank of Colonel or higher could seek asylum there. This forced many war criminals enjoying the Canadian high life to immediately vacate the country.

    Samater has been found guilty and then proceeded to admit to the charges under the reasoning that he was only performing his job during the massacres. The request by the Mogadishu Gov't remains just that currently - just a request. It hasn't been approved or even considered by the U.S. Justice system.


    As for Morgan, he lives in Kenya and we all know how that legal system(just like many other African legal systems) works. Whoever pays the most wins the case. So comparing a case against him to a case against another in an advanced Western democracy is simply delusional.


    A whole lot of empty emotion on these boards changes nothing on the ground. It's relatively easy to prove these cases in the West given the abundance of de-classified information available from Western embassies concerning the atrocities committed by the previous military gov't (Barre regime).


    If some have proof of crimes committed by Somaliland officials/citizens against others in the Somali family, the Western courts are wide open. And I don't think those same courts are manned by either of our clans ;) So that road is wide open.



    The legal battle continues...


    P.S. As for Samater, while we're unable to bring him to justice in Somaliland, we hope to keep him destitute and living at the margins of society for the rest of his remaining days here on Earth.

  13. Haatu;923491 wrote:
    Coincidence and fact supported guesswork.

    ;) ;)


    A perfect example of a malady afflicting certain portions of Somalis:


    a complete inability to accept factual situations even when backed up by scientific proof



    Classic ;)

  14. Like clockwork.....





    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia oo khudbad uu ka warbixiyay wixii Xukuumadda u qabsoomay ka jeediyay Baarlamaaaka

    Axad, Maarso 03, 2013 (HOL) — Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shir-doon (Saacid) ayaa maanta khudbad uu kaga warbixinayay waxyaabihii u qabsoomay muddada 100-ka maalmood ah ee ay xukuumaddiisu shaqeynayso ka horjeediyay kulankii maanta ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.


    Kulanka oo ay soo xaadireen 151 xidhibaan ayaa waxaa shir-guddoominayay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, Prof. Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan (Jawaari), iyadoo ra’iisul wasaaruhu uu khudbadiisa kaga hadlay arrimo dhowr ah oo uu ka mid ahaa dagaalka ay kula jiraan Al-shabaab...............




  15. Mintid Farayar;922164 wrote:
    Who knows.... My Southern brothers might even get some clarity on the Jubba issue from the FG Executive...

    Arrimaha federaalka iyo ammaanka ayuu ka hadlay, isagoo sheegay inay ka go’an tahay dowladda inay federaalka ku baahiso dalka oo dhan sidoo kalena aysan aqbali doonin wax ka horimaanaya dastuurka federaalka, ayna kasoo saari doonaan go’aannno cad-cad sidii loo hirgelin lahaa nidaamka federaalka.





    Translation: Federalism is allowed as long as it follows the specific guidelines drafted from Mogadishu....

  16. The parallel spin 'universe' Dr. Xiin lives in:



    xiinfaniin;922446 wrote:
    Interesting that the PM is attempting to save the day for president's failed policy regarding Kismayo.


    He efforts are admirable though bit late, and confusing.


    We will not oppose the outcome of Jubbooyinka
    ' is the take away of his interview.




    The actual universe the rest of us live in:




    Ra’isul Wasaaraha Somalia oo ka soo Horjeestay shirka Maamul u Sameynta Jubbooyinka ee ka socdo Kismaayo


    Jimco, Maarso 01, 2013 (HOL) — Ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) ayaa markii ugu horeeysay sheegay in xukuumadiisu ay kasoo horjeedo habka uu u socdo shirka maamul u sameynta gobollada Jubooyinka ee maalinimadii shalay ka furmay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka J/hoose..


    Ra’isul wasaare Saacid oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee BBC-da ayaa sheegay in shirkaasi ay ka maqantahay kaalintii ay ku lahayd dowladda, isagoona sheegay in xukuumadiisu ay si cad u sheegeeyso in ay kasoo horjeedo shirkaasi.


    Masuulkani ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay ahayd in ay dadka isugu yeerto, Muraaqabeeyso, hogaamisana shirka, balse wuxuu xusay in doorarkaasi oo ay lahayd dowladdu in ay ka maqanyihiin shirka, isagoona xusay in uu ku faraxsanyahay sida ay shacabka reer Jubbaland u daneynayaan nidaamka Federalismka..........



    “Waxaan diray wafdi uu ka koobanyahay todobo wasiir iyo taliyaha ciidanka, waxaan u dhiibay casuumad qaas ah oo aan ku casuumay cid walba ama gaar ahaan ninka odayga ah oo cariga aadka looga yaqaan in ay yimaadaan halkan oo aynu ku casuunno, amase anigu aan meesha ugu tago. Wax jawaab oo Final (kama danbeys) ah, waa la imaanayaa maahane mudadaas dheer iyo wafdiga sidaa u qurxoon ma aanan ka helin, amase nooguma imaanin halkan anagana nalakuma dhiiri gelin inaanu xaga tagno oo wax aad u qurxoon maanan arkin,” ayuu hadalkiisii raaciyay.


    Hadalka kasoo yeeray xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa kusoo beegmaya iyadoo maalintii labaad uu magaalada Kismaayo ka soconayo shir la doonayo in maamul loogu sameeyo gobollada uu maro webiga Jubba ee laisku yiraahdo Jubooyinka.


    Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online

    Muqdisho, Soomaaliya


  17. Oodweyne;923126 wrote:
    Naxar Nugaaleed,


    let just say we are both glad to see this action. Of course we have different motives but still it is something we both are happy to see happened.


    Hence lets hope you will understand why we have nothing but a contempt for the verbal merchant who go on about some such somali unity and other malarkey.


    All in all I am glad for the first time in here of SOL we find an issue we are both glad to see come to our attention.




    Mar-mar qaarkood waa inaad FAR WAAWEYN ugu qortid...

    You're a saint, my friend! You never get tired of educating the irredeemable..... ;)

  18. Saalax;923114 wrote:
    It is Shirdoon not Fowsia.



    "The letter issued this week by the Federal Republic of Somalia’s prime minister, Abdi Farah Shirdon, "









    Co - Sign.



    Salaax, Iska daa ;)


    The tactical confusion among our Southern brethren never ceases to amaze me. On the one hand, they call for unity between the two peoples, while singing the teary-eyed Soomaaleey Toosoow..., yet with the other hand, they proceed with the exact actions that make 'the Union' an impossibility ;)


    This action makes the position of the minority pro-Unionist Somalilanders untenable as well!



    The gift that keeps on giving...... ;)

  19. The occupants of Cafe Calaacal are well known even to interested parties of the international community.

    As an example, I'll take you back 5 yrs ago(Jan 23,2008). Las Anod had recently returned to the control of Somaliland. Emotions were extremely high at Cafe Calaacal franchises across the globe. The current U.S. Special Envoy for Somalia, Amb. John Yates decided to hold a webchat with the Somali diaspora. Roughly half the questions concerned Las Anod from only one particular viewpoint - the Cafe Calaacal viewpoint. The misrepresentation and calaacal where to such an extent that even a career diplomat had to undiplomatically refute the accusations. Here's a brief excerpt from that State Dept. Webchat:



    Q [horufadhi]: Dear Ambassador John Yates, I want to thank you and those who created this medium that gives us the opportunity to share our concerns and ask you some personal as well as policy related question and answers.


    I am from the Sool Sanaag and Cayn Region of northeastern Somalia. Since the invation of our regional capital in Las Anod on October 15 2007 by the so called somaliland militia, more than 100,000 of my fellow tribesmen (***********) have been driven from their homes in Las Anod and are currently refugees in open air camps not far from their homes. I am well aware of what the U.S. policy is towards this so called somaliland republic and therefore will not waste your time on that. What I cant understand is, why is the U.S. continually ignoring this humanitarian crisis facing my fellow tribesmen? The USAID has various undertaking with Somaliland, why are both the State Dept. and AID have not shown any leadership and have been publicl silent in stopping this ethnic cleansing? In your opinion, is being silent and not stopping this ethnic cleansing while at the sametime increasing the funding for the aggressors the new U.S. vision of peace and security for this helpless region?


    Yours Truly,


    Mohamed Ismail


    A [Ambassador John Yates]: Thanks for your question, and we’re pleased you’ve joined us today. I have to point out first that your characterization of the situation as “ethnic cleansing” sounds far-fetched given that clans and sub-clans seem to be shifting alliances often. But the crux of your question is U.S. response to the violence in and around Los Anod. We have not ignored this conflict. We have been engaged with both sides in encouraging a mutually acceptable resolution. USAID has been active in that region through their partner organizations. We have undertaken diplomatic efforts to alleviate the situation, and we will continue to do so. This is an unfortunate situation in already-volatile country; we need to see an end to all military action by both sides and resolve the problem peacefully.


    ----------------------------------------------------End of excerpt






    Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf once too many??

  20. Oodweyne;922959 wrote:
    I knew this PM was a farce at best or absurd at worst. And even few days ago some of his tolka in this SOL joint particularly likes of Gabbal were telling us that this man was on board on the jubbaland express.


    And yet although I wasn't convinced by it but I thought to give my friend Gabbal the benefit of the doubt in here since he knows or at least know better than me when it comes to the political game plan of his tolka in so far as this issue is concern.


    I guess you can say I was right in my original estimation of this man call PM Saacid particularly when I had nailed him as a "trojan horse" for the agenda of others. But we shall see the rest of this game in the days and the weeks to come.




    You might have been premature in awarding points between the two 'lots' in the other thread ;)

    The tussle has just begun....


    Two key milestones hang over the horizon:


    1- The Kenyan elections


    2- The London Conference in May


    The competing sides would like to create certain realities on the ground before either of those events changes the geopolitical situation ;)