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Everything posted by Socod_badne

  1. ^^What team do you support? Any chance: Vainglory FC? I'm still numb about the defeat. I tried to sleep it off to no avail. My weekend plans turned topsy-turvy. Hell, you could even say my whole life! Today was a sad day but rest assured the boys in blue will shake it off and get the show back on the road.
  2. Originally posted by Katrina: ^lol, bad boy. Please don't tar my already severly beaten up and sullied SOL image by adding 'bad boy' to my tagline.
  3. Originally posted by Callypso: Sour grapes, I say. Only ppl without a valentine hate Valentine's Day. Co-Signed by Socod_Badne, Lool! no further comments, hit the proverbial nail on the head. Enjoy your Valentine's Day
  4. Originally posted by sonomadic_Somali: If you can't see that the U.S. is the enemy of Islam, then you're blind. I'm not blind. I looked long and hard at any substance behind the charge, "The US is enemy of Islam," and found it's merely nothing more than malarky. Can you substantiate this charge? I have yet to see anyone do it. Be mindful that IF you are indeed able to show the US as enemy of Islam, you'll be the first person in human history to successfully diagnose internet persona BLIND.
  5. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Dividing the brotherly Somali people is a bad news. Looooool @brotherly somali people
  6. Originally posted by Yahoo_UK: HAVE you ever wondered why such Boycott or condemnation was never shown towards the greats emnemies of Islam .. mainly the US. How is the US enemy of Islam?
  7. Originally posted by presidentofsomalia: i men all imams in diffrent mosk seys diffrent tings abut wen we die I understand your frustration at not getting straight answers. You know why? None of these people are dead yet, so how can they give you definitive answers? They can't. Ask the dead if you wanna know what happens after you die. Personally, I can't tell you what will happen to you after you die since I haven't died yet. But you have my word that I'll return from the dead, after I die, to answer your question. Does that help?
  8. Jamilah: I suggest you change your username to PATHETIC Now that is crazy suggestion! When you cease talking mumbo-jumbo, I'm receptive new moniker suggestions. Sharmaake, In case you haven't heard I crossed over the aisle, I'm now compasionate conservative and not neo-con anymore. Ibsitaam, I'm being inundated with hate PMs all thanks to you. A harbinger of forthcoming bedlam you trully are. I'll remember to steer away from your threads from now on.
  9. Originally posted by AbStraCt: SB: You're a baboon; the ugliest smelliest animal Tell me, what bug has gotten up your *** to make you say that?
  10. Originally posted by Rahima: Bone chilling ku lahaa, and what horrific penalties are you referring to? This: Originally posted by Rahima: This is your first warning. THAT warning caused me great deal of distress along with funny salty liquid discharging from my eyes. A harrowing experience I don't want to go throw again. Please, do tell me. Since you asked kindly, I'll oblige. Which part of that is rude. WARNING me with the pretext that I had uttered the said 'insult', which I didn't know ANY one found it offensive, more than once and that you had EDITED it out from my posts (I wonder where those posts of mine you edited are?), when in truth I had only wrote the said 'insult' only once, is, my dear Rahima, quintessential RUDENESS. Don't you agree with me?
  11. Originally posted by Pi: quote:Originally posted by Socod_badne: Acceleration is anti-derivative of velocity or rate of change of velocity divided by time. Velocity is displacement divided by time. I thought Acceleration was the derivative (not antiderivative or integral) of a function of Velocity. The "second derivative", in other words. I think Sheekh bum bum is starting to influence you too. Oops, velocity is the anti-derivative of acceleration. That's why I aint physics major. Having said, Shiekh is still wrong when he says VELOCITY is 'ignored' in physics. I haven't taken physics course in 3 years and I know that to be totally false.
  12. Originally posted by MAX_e: They are only jelous because so many people in the world are accepting the message of Prophet Mohamed PBUH and no body is accepting what they have, but denying. The fact that literally millions each year are pouring into THEIR countries (the West) and out of muslim countries (ie Somalia for one), discredits the above don't you think?
  13. Good on them. It's highnoon they did something obscene to muslims.
  14. Originally posted by Khayr: Is that why the question of WHAT IS VELOCITY is IGNORED in Physics and more concentration is given to Acceleration and Motion etc. I'll have to refer to this book that I have, later on this afternoon, inshallah. Man, you crack me up sometimes with your wooly posts. Where did you get what is velocity is ignored? Acceleration is anti-derivative of velocity or rate of change of velocity divided by time. Velocity is displacement divided by time. Nothing is ignored, stop talking about what you barely understand.
  15. Originally posted by ALexus.: Socod_badne/Homer Simpson I desire for you to be my foot washer. Can it be fulfilled? Your foot washer? Now dear Alexus, why would you slave me with such medial task, of bantam tangible return, as washing your foot? As oppose to reaping staggering profits by slaving me to scheme ways to defraud senior citizens of their wealth. Resource management isn't your forte, is it?
  16. Originally posted by Salafi da'wa: Just because one says the Shahaada doesnt mean your muslim. This biggest misconception muslims have about their own faith. And yet there isn't a single muslim who hasn't professed the Shahada. While there are plenty of muslims who declared the Shahada but lazily keep up with all other Islamic obligations. Accordingly one can't be a muslim without affirming the Shahada. In other words, ANYONE who affirms the Shahada is a muslim.
  17. Alexus, I'm all for women overpowering men if that is what you desire. Personally speaking, I kinda dig overpowering hell cats.
  18. Originally posted by Kashanre: Socod Badne It is not a direct insult as much as an accurate description. I thought so too until esteemed Moderator (who'll remain anonymous) sent me bone-chilling PM... threatening me with horrific penalties if I don't promote a sense of prison yard camaraderie.
  19. Socod_badne


    Originally posted by Johnny: But i can imagine who created the creator of the Aliens ! And who created the creator of the Aliens? And who created the creator of the creator of Aliens and so on and so forth to ad infinitum? Theoretically speaking, can this chain of creator being created by another creator go on forever? Or must another creator start off the chain, get the first ball rolling sorta to speak? Regarding the Alienites (Alien believers) it's safe to say they're not too perturbed about illogicality of Alienship. They have FAITH. Sometimes that's all one needs.
  20. Originally posted by Castro: ^ I'm confused. Exactly what is everyone here looking forward to? Sheikh Nur didn't say anything. I demand to know what is going on around here.
  21. Originally posted by Say(y)id Qutb: The concept of "zero" was invented by muslims, we can see that also the word "zero" was linguistically taken from the arabic "z(s)ifr"! Sifr is the Arabic word for zero, it's a translation of the Hindu word Sunya which means 'empty.' Among the earliest documented use of zero was by the Hindu astronomer Brahmagupta. That is why the invention of the number zero is ascribed to the Hindus. By the way, the Mayas of the Americas also invented the zero on their own. For the west anything that is accredited to "muslims" is distorted and credited to in this case "hindi", although it does not resemble it. The above is among the earliest Hindu numberals.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: If thats so why do we refer to it as the Arabic numerals and not the Hindi or Chinese numerals? Because it was the Arabs who introduced it to the Europeans.
  23. ^^Please do not insult your fellow nomads. It's against SOL rules for decency and civility. Thank You
  24. Socod_badne


    Originally posted by Johnny: How can we refute the possibility of Aliens from another Planet far from our milky way having a finger or two in the very begining of our Existance while leaving a sign for only those who can understand it? Your take is .... what? Who created the aliens?
  25. ^^^Adiga when you gonna get over the fact your beloved Seahawks lost? And aint it ancient history anyways? When was the game? 3/4 days ago? For me history is remembering where I parked my car earlier in the day... and you're lamenting your teams loss. 4 days ago! Let it go will ya? It's water under the bridge. jeeeeeze!