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Everything posted by Socod_badne

  1. Originally posted by Nur: Types of Hadeeths 1. Category one : Saheeh (Correct) A Hadeeth of this category enjoys the highest credibility, it is used in the Sharia as an augmentation of the explanation of the Quraan. Denial of a Hadeeth in this category is a grave sin and it can lead to Kufr. You are wrong Nur. Aren't Sahih Hadiths only authentic, NOT true or factual? Meaning it has established chain of narration. It certainly isn't correct (correct = right/true) only more credible than other with flimsy narration.
  2. Originally posted by The Notorious 1-8-7: ^^My brother, nobody mentioned that any type of racism is worse than another. You're right, you used 'common' instead of worse. So I'll rephrase my statement: white on black racism is no more common than black on black racism. There! I merely pointed out FACTS, that white on black racism is and was a lot more commmon than black on black or Somali on Somali racism, do you disagree with that? Of course I disagree! What do you consider qabiilism? Fraternity? By the way, you didn't state facts. You made an unsupported assertion. If so, brush up on ur history, my brother. Since you're the one making the affirmative claim, the onus is on you to support your claim/s. So where is your evidence white on black racism is more common than black on black racism?
  3. Originally posted by The Notorious 1-8-7: ^^^Sxb, although you have a fair point, I think white on black racism is much more common than black on black. Apartheid? Slavery? MLK death? Rubbish! Its racist to say white racism is any degree worse than any other racism. Racism is racism. Period.
  4. How To Be a Muslim Reformer! 1 Easy Step. Tell the truth!
  5. Originally posted by ibtisam: ^^^normally he likes them to dress like the ones on page 3of the SUN newpaper or was it the daily. on of them trash Bismillah, sister may I kindly ask you refrain from casting aspersions like the above as it's lethal sin. Heed my warning -- a born again anti-hijabist.
  6. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Stoning as punishment for adultery is a method employed by the prophet of Islam. It is not in the Qur’an. I already knew it wasn't in the Quran but you got bigger problem on your hands than Quran not enjoining lapidation for adultery. You see the Quran gives not only the punishment for adultery but the exact nature of the punishment: 100 lashes . In Islam, isn't it true that the Quran has the higher authority over the any other text? When the Quran and Hadiths disagree, should we not always take the Quran over the hadiths? How is it an Old Testament punishment, that is where lapidation for adultery most likely came from, is attributed to Allah all the while the Quran, the word of Allah, is in stark contradiction of it? So do you believe the Sunnah of prophet Muhammad or not? answer that simple question, saaxiib. I have already answered this question many times before and it's immaterial to the ensuing discussion.
  7. Originally posted by ibtisam: why do you care so much. I like bothering you -- the consummate wildcat.
  8. Originally posted by Blessed: Hijab . A turn on? What an oxymoron. :rolleyes: Go away little girl! What do you know about what gets us men's blood flowing? This is Hijab and hijab wearing sisters appreciation thread and that's my 2 cents.
  9. Originally posted by ibtisam: anyway you best remove it Why?
  10. Originally posted by The Rendezvous: There are many people against Islam Really? Why?
  11. Originally posted by Viking: Why should it matter to you whether it is 100 lashes or stoning? You are afterall against Divine Law being implemented. Listen, forget about what I belief or for that matter what you or others belief. Just produce the Quranic verse commanding stoning as punishment for adultery. Is that too much to ask? If you can't because its not there, then just say so.
  12. Originally posted by Pretty Tone: Hey Tyrone weren’t *****ing about discrimination the other day? You were threatening to blow up on this society because you couldn’t find dash of equality due to the fact that you were black…. "then stop living under system that consigns it inferior status" TAKE YOUR BLACK AZZ OVER TO AFRICA OR SOMETHING NIGGERS like y ou ARE NOT WELCOME You wanna say that again? This time: less psychobabble, little more cogent thought. OK? Thanks!
  13. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: You see, it is quite an incongruous notion for one to claim to have a faith whose fundamental principles he has to yet agree with. On a one hand SB, the man whose stand you loudly celebrated, asserts that he is a follower of Islam and that he complies with its directives. But On the other hand he objects to the very tenets he confessed to have believed! He believes the Qur’an but does not believe the shariicah! He believes the prophet but not his Sunnah! He believes Allah but not His claim that He created man! That’s preposterous (is it not?) and untenable stand to make. Most people, I believe, would agree with such assessment. More logical fallacies from resident puritanicals. Since when did faith predicate validity of an arguement? While a contradictory statement needs not be rebutted, as it contains perfect incoherent prepositions that could barely survive, to spot it, remove its pseudo-intellectual gown, and spoil the sport of clapping for its empty loom is too tempting a opportunity for me to pass up. Spoken like true empty shirt. It is life affirming truth that it's always eiseir to claim something than actually demonstrate it. The latter requires you do WORK, which is costly for some. Instead of xiini illustrating where I'm wrong, he simply says I'm wrong neglecting to be taken seriously you not only have to present your rationale but facts as well. Otherwise, your claims count for peanuts.
  14. What's satire? We're just expressing heart-felt opinions. This is Islam love-fest, we love Islam. Please step outside, you're unwanted here.
  15. Originally posted by Rahima: SB, Dude, move on- collect stamps or something! Woman, you scare the shid out of me. Why would you wish I collect stamps? Why not wish I scam senior citizens out of their life savings? May Allah lead you to the light!
  16. Sadly, this dude seems to live in a world removed from trials and tribulations that surround us all. Or maybe it comes with territory of being a lefty. Puffing in own pipe dreams far too long kinda makes one feel like living in la-la land.
  17. Because Hijabed chics are hot. Ostensibly, modesty is powerful turn on.
  18. Originally posted by ibtisam: Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology. All systems of thought are guiding means. Do not think that the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice non-attachment from views in order to be open to receive others viewpoints. Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge. Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality in yourself and in the world at all times. cheers This is too much... you said THOUGHT of the day but you jotted down a whole philosophical outlook. My head hurts!
  19. What Religion is the Best religion? .......Consumer report Religion of Ibtishaam.
  20. Originally posted by Katrina: If its a choice btwn community service or a whipping I prefer the lashes. Psst, could it be leather?JZK kinky you
  21. Originally posted by ScarFace: Question have any of you studied the principles of Islam. You all properly stuck in your university lab rooms typing away..... Stop Another logical fallacy: Argumentum ad Verecundiam or appeal to learned men/authority. As though the learned can't be wrong! No, they can't. They're infallible of course.
  22. Originally posted by Tukaale: Why do people every now and then talk and argue about Islam and religion, that they have little or no knowldege of, why?? That is not an arguement dude. In fact it's logical fallacy: Argumentum ad Ignoratum. Appeal to ignorance as excuse for/not drawing conclusions. Pretty flaccid and pathetic excuse must say. How many people every become experts in ANY field? Ultra-ultra tiny minority! But we make decisions, sketch out conclusions about many things we know very little of everyday. AbdiNuur, Sharia: Purported Law of Allah based on directly and/or inferred from Quran, Sunnah as well as fiqhs. Viking, THere is plenty to answer. For one, produce the verse in the Quran that enjoins lapidation for adultery. Second, will you have any compunctions about stoning to death your own immediate family members IF they were convicted (beyond reasonable doubt) of adultery?
  23. Originally posted by The Rendezvous: My Family members are not like yours..Yours can but mine can' that a simple answer No, that is not even an answer let alone a simple one. You just confirmed my suspicion that you and most other Sharia proponents are all talk but no action. You have no problem asking or supporting adulterers to be stoned to death but not your own family. Which clearly proves you pick and choose. I ask again but this time answer the question yes or no; leave out my family because I don'tsupport lapidation for any offense. Such question doesn't apply to me but it does to you since you're supporter of lapidation, I ask again: So, Flipmode, would kill your female family members (mother, aunt, sisters etc) if caught commiting adultery since that is what Allah said (according to you)? No pus*yfooting around, shoot straight from the hip. Yes or no.
  24. Originally posted by Rahima: Like I’ve said before dear, stop this attention seeking campaign. You mean: stop being total pain in the a*s? Only if you say please. We get it; we get it all, now get this- GO FIND A HOBBY! What's this word: HOBBY? I don't understand it and I can't find it in my dictionary. As for my faces dear, all I care is that they’re all stunning :cool: - and all is real. OK, I wasn't talking about your face in that fashion but good to hear its stunning and real.
  25. AU, Agree with you completely Bro. Sol has recently been over run by stampeding herd of pouting little girls... causing untoward gender acriminoy, divisions and bad feelings. Time for drastic measures. Any ideas?