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Everything posted by Socod_badne

  1. Originally posted by ScarFace: but the funniest thing is your half breed who hasnt been raised in somalia, Aren't we all half breed: 50% of our DNA from mother, the other 50% from father. Or so I thought. Correct me if I'm wrong. whatever he did is between him and his lord True now that he is dead. The Lord will punish and show him no clemency for what he got away with while here on earth. If he doesn't then the Lord would be unjust. I hope and pray he rots in hell.
  2. ^^Dude, killing someone who hasn't harmed anyone is wrong. No two ways about it. Note I'm not excusing her or letting her off the hook for her misdemeanor. I agree with residents, her presence does endanger their lifes. What if a car bomb is rammed into the compound, you can bet many unintended innocents will perish. The risks of her stay out number the benefits, they should kick her out. I would.
  3. Originally posted by Ahura: quote:Originally posted by rudy: ahura! dont sweat, just try some bikini wax!! it works like charm!! You sound rather knowledgeable about it. Something you've done often, is it? Such a vain dandy. Looooooooooooooool@Ahura
  4. Originally posted by nameless_chick: Sorry for not applauding someone that is disrespecting my religion. Who disrespected your religion little one? I think you're suffering from Don Quixote syndrome: battling imagined foes and getting up in arms over unsaid slanders. Remember it was I who reproved Nur for saying Cara type -- irreligious -- lead empty lifes. The poor girl didn't even defend herself initially and only joined the fray afterwards. I confess that got my dormant chivalrous side almost erupt in full force. Don't forget others have the same right to disrespect your religion just like you have for theirs. If you can exercise your right, why shouldn't they? Because for some old reason I get offended easily when someone does that. No, you're just little inordinately snappy. It's not desirous or redeeming personal attribute, so eschew it or get it under control before its untowrd manifestations uncontrollably come to the fore.
  5. Nur: How do you define PURPOSE in life? Enlightened self-interest, ostensibly varying from person to person. My point was, knowing human nature, it's never wise nor sensible to dismiss those with dissimilar believes with snide, belittling tags like leading purposeless, empty life... I find that wanting of sagacity, a tad bit of tolerance and requisite mutual respect. Just airing my displeasure with your approach, that's all. Originally posted by Didi Kong: Allah describes athiests and disbelievers as being animals or even worse. You're not Allah? Unless you'll provide us with irrefutable evidence that you're messanger of Allah with the authorization to denigrate others, you're answerable only for yourself. Don't hide behind Allah when defending your ego 'cause Allah doesn't need you defending him! We don't need to know about your connections or who you know because simply we don't care about them and we certainly do not care about you! We? Who are you speaking for here? Just say I don't care about you SB. I can live with that and closer to the truth. So why don't you stop being bigoted toward sheikh Nur and let everyone benifit from his wisdom! okaaaaay! I wasn't being bigoted! Do you really understand what bigotry means? I'll help you: big·ot·ry ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bg-tr) n. --The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance.( Now, I re-read my post several times and I can't spot the bigotry you alluded to. Care to pin-point for me? Thanks! I don't want to have to remind you about this again. you have been warned! Is that the final warning? Shouldn't you warn me of impeNding warning? It seems a little sneaky Didi, not fair at all. I guess that is somewhat expected living so close to Indho-yars in the land from down under, bound to rub off you know. Had you given me the heads up - a warning of warning - I would've preempted with my own preemptive warning or carried out evasive maneuver. Technically not sneaky move... instead here I am wounded, cornered, baying. I guess time to make the mayday calls. I'm hit, going down but not definitely out. Give me time to recuperate and we can duke it out, ok?
  6. Originally posted by Al-Rasheed: Socod badne I have already said that in the last 50 years, it was rare to see famine outside Africa. Not in terms of lifes lost, Africa fared better in the last 50 years as my source led credence to. The famine in Bangladesh is just an example of that rarity and I think North Korea didn’t suffer as much as some parts of Africa or didn’t get enough media coverage. If you think famines in Bangladesh were rarity in the last 50 years, then you need urgent perusal of historical records. Bangladesh along with India were subject to recurring famines in the 60s and 70s. It was only recently they both were able to successfully stave off impending famines. Ditto for N. Korea although it's a problem is of different nature. You see, the late 90s famine in N. Korea was artificially created by criminally neglegent government. Which highlights the fact that governments can be as much source for solution to famines as culprits. But in Africa, there must be drought, famine and starvation in at least every decade. I'm aware of that and don't deny or down play the severity of famines in Africa. You asked me to provide examples of major famines outside of Africa in the last 50 years, I did. There must be something that makes Africans very susceptible to famine and very weak against drought. Well, its not because they're stoopidh as some have said. The reason why africa is prone to famines is two folds: 1. geography 2. technology. The lack of these contributing elements is what sets Africa apart from other continents in terms of famines suffered.
  7. Hodman, 'Cause he's perve... stay clear of him!
  8. Somalis have a National Hero: GEEL We were forged as nation and people riding on the back on this heavenly majestic animal.
  9. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Mr. Dhubad you had me rolling there, he does seem so. Looooooooooooooool! What is he trying to do :confused:
  10. Originally posted by Nur: How empty a life can be when one has no purpose nor a goal. Nur That is pure bigotry Nur. How can you say Atheists or nonbelievers have empty life simply because of their lack of believe? If anyone is capable of having a purpose in life, atheist or nonbelievers are capable too. To say otherwise is really to say they (the nonbelievers) are not humans. Many lead normal, productive and purposeful lifes. I personally know few (along with agnostics), honesty I haven't seen any signs that their lifes are any less purposeful than say a muslim, christian or a Hindu. Lets not be prejudiced. As the saying goes: what goes around comes around! Favourable or fair disposition towards others will ultimately pay dividends.
  11. Originally posted by Jamilah: The sharica law is meant to govern our lives (as Muslims) and thus it is should not be a questionable matter whether or not it should be applied, let alone whether or not we are prepared for it. Everything we humans do is open to scrutiny. To assert otherwise is pure malarky. How can you seriously posit a law system enforced and interpreted by humans is not open to questioning? With regard to the current readiness of somalis for Sharia, I'd have to say no go. From what we have seen of Sharia law in practice -- in Afghanistan, Iran, S. Arabia, Nigeria and other places in the world -- I fully object its imposition on any people. Lets be realistic, the Sharia law would have to be imposed since personal freedoms and rights of many citizens will be curtailed.
  12. Originally posted by Khalaf: No matter the population of Muslims-billions we will continue to be defeated, weak, poor, cause we went astray, our hearts are not full of fear of Allah but fear of Man, our lands will be invaded, our people slaughtered day after day (this includes the situation in our land),until and when we return to the one source that has given us Glory, Strength, and Made us a community that lead mankind-the fear of Allah Alone-Qu’ran in our hearts and our guide. How do you explain the complete success of the people who are nonbelievers? Ostensibly, there are more prosiac explanations/reasons for the sorry state of muslims today. I very much doubt fear of Allah is the cause.
  13. Originally posted by Al-Rasheed: Give me one example of any country outside Africa that suffered famine and hunger in the last 50 years? North Korea (late 90s), Bangladesh (the one in the 70s), China (during the Great Leap forward -- more like backwards lol!). The top 10 most devastating famines in the 20th century didn't even take place in Africa. Here is the list: 1. China 1958-62 Between 10 and 30 million people died as a result of Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward. His plan involved modernising agriculture and increasing grain production. Farmers were collectivised into communes of about 25,000 people and had to give the state a large percentage of their crops. Officials often exaggerated the size of harvests, and in many places the entire grain harvest was seized together with livestock, vegetables and cash crops. China's leaders appeared to have been unaware of the severity of the famine – from 1958 until 1961 China doubled its grain exports and cut imports of food. 2. Soviet Union 1921-22 Nine million people died. Massive crop failures due to drought were largely ignored by Vladimir Lenin’s government, which did not respond until it was too late. 3. Soviet Union (Ukraine) 1932-34 Between seven and eight million people died as a result of Josef Stalin’s massive industrialisation programme in which the government seized grain for exports. It needed the hard currency to buy industrial equipment. When people in the Ukraine reported a famine, Stalin punished them by refusing to send them food aid. 4. Northwest China 1927 Between three and six million people died. The famine was triggered by drought but made worse by local warlords and harsh taxes. 5. China (Henan) 1943 Five million people died as a result of a combination of invasion by Japan and grain seizures by the Chinese army to feed its troops and finance the war. 6. North Korea 1995-99 Between 2.8 million and 3.5 million people died because of a combination of flooding and government policy. 7. India (Bengal) 1943 Between 2.1 and three million people died as a result of crop failure, the exporting of foods by India’s British administration to Allied soldiers fighting in World War Two, the end of rice imports from Burma following Japanese invasion and a lack of food price controls by the British administration. 8. China (Hunan) 1929 Two million people died because of drought and conflict. 9. Soviet Union (Ukraine and Belorussia) 1946-47 Two million died because of drought and government policy – the re-enforcement of agricultural collectivisation policies after World War Two. This was the last famine in the Soviet Union. 10. Cambodia 1979 Between 1.5 and two million died of famine following a decade of conflict - first during the civil war from 1970 to 1975, then during the brutal Khmer Rouge era until 1978 and finally in the aftermath of the Vietnamese invasion that ended Khmer Rouge rule in 1979. source Rahima said: Nomads, it was a private joke between viking and I. Good! Otherwise you would've got verbal reprimand from me for your racist comment.
  14. And I wonder why is resident puritans and self-proclaimed prelates NEVER chastise those who, like Sulimaan, subvert God's words of equality between the sexes to serve their own selfish and sexist ends. They're always jump for the closest jugular vein of anyone who suggests reinterpretation of ayas, accusing them of Bida but not those like Sulimaan who seem to be doing the same thing. Interesting discrepency I must say. Perhaps it suggests something about the characters and intentions of these individuals.
  15. Originally posted by Amelia: Oh my good GOD! Will someone please do the decent thing and introduce these new Xalimos and Faarax’s to the etiquettes of decent and sanitized foruming? They are assaulting my sensibilities with all this talk of temporary marriages and navigating through a seal (pun fully intended lol). Ya know, I was really enjoying reading this thread untill you interrupted with your uppity, not-needed, prudish comments. Shoo away you party spoiler! Go busy yourself sparring against resident puritans and their cheerleaders. Ibtisaam and others, carry on please.
  16. Somaliless-chic, How come you're not making any attempts to learn somali? To learn ANY language, you have to practice it. As in write and read as often as possible. You haven't yet written a single sentence in somali. I doubt your sincerity.
  17. Socod_badne


    Scarlet, I'm gonna sue you for emotional harassment... that avatar of yours is giving me nightmares. Please change it or see you in court.
  18. Ok. Meanwhile, got a rabbit to chase...peace out.
  19. Originally posted by ibtisam: i wish they get in return what they give or plan for others. me too... america gave so much to the world and got so little in return. God must really love em for them to continue to prosper and grow.
  20. What the hell is going on here :confused:
  21. Originally posted by Azmaya: No pre-meds among all these nomads. Yes, I'm here. What, you is sick or something?
  22. Originally posted by ibtisam: ***NB: Can all pro- Americans PLz stay away No we can't. May Allah protect America and make her strong and prosperous. Amiiin
  23. Originally posted by Pi: SB and his regular BS. Whatever you say, dude. Hey man, anyone who says Aveccina was wrong on cause and effect principle in his book Incoherence of Philosophers, is as good as duds in my books. Not to leave out, a thinker/philosapher not worthy of my attention. Can anyone tell me if it was Ghazali who invented Islamic Kalam school of thought/philosphy.
  24. Originally posted by ibtisam: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Why on God's earth are you obsessed with women!! Go easy on the Brother. He's just looking for some love (for Allah's sake of course). I give him A for effort, A+ for assiduity but F for delivery... need to work on that dude.