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Everything posted by Socod_badne

  1. Amelia, Much belated Hambalyo Awoowe...
  2. Originally posted by AbuJamal: ...the title savagery goes to USA. Employing Tu Quoque doesn't really help you exonerate your confreres (no?). The US isn't on trail here, the marauding thugs terrorising civilians in Xamar are... if you wanna defend them be my guest but don't try red herrings like above with me, capeesh?
  3. ^^Lool@insure your azz Originally posted by J.Lee: Rushing into marriage without truly knowing the person will have damaging effects on your children. (Think of the little people) Yep! Waa shaash, sax, absolutely... indeed, think of the little people. Before you settle down with total stranger, put him/her through the riffraff test. Good stuff there Mrs. Lee!
  4. Originally posted by codetalker: I suggest you go say that to their faces. How predictable! What does that change? They'd still be unwashed brutes who lost faith both in God and in their fellow man as evinced by their deplorable savagery. If you want to defend them, go ahead do so but leave me out of it Kiddo.
  5. Lool@ all the Allahu akbars As if these primative savages give a hoot about God or human decency. Come to think of it, their Allahu Akbars is really pompous self-glorification.
  6. Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: what was the relationship between Aisha (RC) and Ali (RC)?... Not friendly and filially unrelated if that is what you were asking. did aisha support ali as a qalif or was there a camel war between them?. No, she didn't support his selection (by muslim majority I think) as next Kaliph after the murder of Uthman. The Battle of the Camels or Jamal was Aisha instigated war against Ali and his forces. She lost. more over what is this "camel war"? It was a war commanded and fought by camels of both sides. No, I think it was called battle of camels because Aisha was mounted on inordinately large, indomitable camel given to her as present by the ruler of Yemen. During the battle where ever her camel went saw the fiercest fighting. Once her camel was taken out, literally by removing his legs underneath him, the battle died down.
  7. Originally posted by ThePoint: there really isn't much for us to complain about as Muslims I know but good 'ol Kheyr has been, for some time now, waging unremitting war against the liberal, secular pillars of the West... all in vain.
  8. ^^^Nice attack but up the wrong hill chief! Originally posted by Lost-One: So what do you blame it on? The lack of education, our precarious culture or idleness? None
  9. Originally posted by Brown: quote:Originally posted by Socod_badne: Brown, What dishonesty are you talking about? Your face cutout the cryptic talk and say what you're hinting.
  10. Brown, What dishonesty are you talking about?
  11. Originally posted by Rahima: quote: I was born in Isreal in the early 80s Looking for attention again dear? :rolleyes: Shalom to you too. You irritate me walaahi. Is it possible because you had sense of humour by-pass surgery or frontal lobotomy done leaving stiff and snarky. Whatever it was, it's highnoon you snap out of this moaning, petulant little girl act. Shalom
  12. ^What's happened to the famed SOL courtesy lately? Cara, Who you talking to?
  13. Bashita, No, don't think there is any nefarious plot at work here. What's your qabiil?<-----not really into qabiil scene, spur of the moment kinda question. I was born in Isreal in the early 80s, moved to Xamar where I was kicked out for insubordination by Af-balaarne to S. Africa. I had an epiphany a day after I had private audience with N. Mendela... shortly afterwards I moved to the greatest nation on the face of the planet: Canada!
  14. Originally posted by Pretty Tone: any McGill students at SOL? Yes, me me! I'm there, here and all around... flown around the world to different Universities being so coveted as remaining few polymaths in the world (among variegated reasons). You name it, been there... usually to give lectures. In my last lecture I asked Med students who they thought was the better asset to X-Men: Wolverine or Cyclops? Engaging lecture that turned out! Nothing beats Mickey Mouse Uni though. Hands down the best institution of Higher Learning. Annually churning up the best and brightest.
  15. Originally posted by Jamilah: Okay folks any recent additions? Yes. You! Others in confidential. You got stalker on your hands... be on the look out.
  16. Originally posted by Amelia: SB is nothing like Ayan Hirsi.. he is just a rebel without a cause and a clue... 99% of the time. Real funny the rest 1%. Give me time dear, I'm only 65 yrs young. I need time to hone my skills. Jimcaale, I feel uneasy, protective anytime I see men (or women) blood lusting for a woman, especially somali woman... very unsomali, very asiatic (in line with the whole business of honour killings).
  17. I'm a bit puzzled by gleeful delight in the apparent Ayan Hirsi demise/downfall. She's provided great service to SOmalis... as perfect distraction, get-away-from-real-problems target. An oppurtunity to shift our eyes away from more demanding, eminent, close to home problems. Some of the problems facing Somalis and muslims in general are so daunting, dispiriting, overwhelming that we're forced to invent phoney, diversionary foes and escape concerns. Foes that in better times would be dismissed as two-bit iconoclasts, contrarians, agent provocateurs, rabble-rousers and what not. This is the only reasonable explanation for the mystifying overblown, hysterical reaction to Ayan Hirsi's profonation of Islam. Otherwise, the reaction to Ayan's slander of Islam would lend one to derive the view that -- to Somalis -- importance of the galore of social troubles extant are trumped by Ayan's incendiary remarks. WHich is ludicrous on its face, obviously untrue and doesn't even need debating about. Feeling the victim of vast conpiracy, spearheaded by Ayan Hirsi and such alike is tonic, cat*****c, a power boost to the beaten and bruised self confidence. Victimhood comes with the feel good factor, we all love to indulge sometimes and is exercised by all people. But it doesn't change reality. It doesn't remedy existing social malaises, feed starvelings, enlighten the benighted, end despotism, nepotism and internecine warring, nor cure the ill... it only gives us the chance to ignore hot and screaming problems. So let there be no illusions as to the true cause of this whole Ayan Hirsi tumultuous hoopla. ESCAPISM.
  18. Originally posted by Hizb_UK: my Motto for life has always been one of Balance. Mine is more modest: I wanna become immortal then die. You're over complicating matters with marriage... what's the deal with love and feelings, man that is so sissy. You don't want your future to love you, you went her to revere and fear you.
  19. Originally posted by ibtisam: you just go back to bed! Bad news for you Ibtishaam. The central committe of the communist party of SOL has reached a resounding verdict... after long and arduous deliberation party members decided that you, Ibtishaam, is a serious and grave threat to peace and order based on your propensity for causing mischief and instigating uprisings among the proletariat. Of late your insurrection activities have become troublesome and cause for serious concern if let unchecked. It is the unanimous decision of the central comittee as noted here, "it's incumbent upon us, guardians of Socialist Utopia established by the great people's leader comrade Fidel Castro that your activities, henceforth, be monitered at all times and at all places by Minder. We hope you see this as lenient sentence in the view of other options open to us." The Minder to be latched on to you like a glue is none other than ME. Alxamdu lilaah, this Minder can be counted on to pursue his task with poised zealotry and due care.
  20. Originally posted by nuune: PS: I remember Socodbande saying something about my avator long ago, he dismiised my avator as an ugly niiko and should be changed I said that... funny cause I don't remember. By the way, I don't know what dude in your avatar is doing. By the looks of it, it looks half-hearted attempt at break dance move. It's more of an enigma than object of my derision.
  21. Castro, Are you insinuating A/Yusuf is in cahoots with the Yanks? Intriguing!
  22. U.S. to Renew Diplomatic Ties With Libya By GEORGE GEDDA, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 1 minute ago WASHINGTON - The Bush administration said Monday it is restoring normal diplomatic relations with Libya for the first time in over a quarter century after removing Moammar Gadhafi's regime from a list of state sponsors of terrorism. "We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya's continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement. She said Tripoli's cooperation in combating international terrorism has been "excellent." The United States has not had formal diplomat relations with Libya since 1980, although a thaw in long-standing hostility enabled Washington to open a diplomatic office in Libya in 2004. The move announced Monday culminates a process that began three years ago, when Gadhafi surprised the world by agreeing to dismantle his country's weapons of mass destruction programs. "As a direct result of those decisions we have witnessed the beginning of that country's re-emergence into the mainstream of the international community. Today marks the opening of a new era in U.S.-Libya relations that will benefit Americans and Libyans alike," Rice said. Assistant Secretary of State David Welch said, "This is not a decision that we arrived at without carefully monitoring and assessing Libya's behavior." Libyan Foreign Minister Abdurrahman Shalgham told The Associated Press the move was not a surprise. "It was a result of contacts and negotiations. It is not unilateral. It is a result of mutual interests, agreements and understandings," he said. "In politics there is no such thing as a reward but there are interests," Shalgham said when asked if the restoration of ties was an incentive to Libya to further cooperate with the United States. Libya was held responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in 1988, which claimed 270 lives, most of them American. "Today's announcement demonstrates that when countries make a decision top adhere to the norms of international behavior they will reap the benefits," Welch said. Removing Libya from the list of countries the United States considers to be state sponsors of terrorism means a 45-day public comment period will begin on Monday, after which Libya would be removed from the list. The U.S. decision comes as the Bush administration looks for ways to persuade Iran to drop disputed nuclear development that the West fears could lead to weapons production. The United States has no diplomatic and few economic ties with Iran. While the United States has not offered to normalize relations with Iran in return for compliance on the nuclear issue, Welch said the Libya example is not lost on Iran. A spokesman for the Libyan opposition in exile denounced the move as "unfortunate." "This doesn't help the Libyan people who are looking for international assistance to achieve their human rights," said Fayez Jibril of the Libyan National Congress. "Col. Gadhafi will most certainly use this to tighten his hold on the Libyans who aspire for such simple things such as freedom of expression and freedom to have a constitution," Jibril said from his exile in neighboring Egypt. The establishment of normal relations may have come sooner were it not for allegations that Gadhafi's regime was behind an attempt on the life of Saudi's Arabia's King Adbullah when he was crown prince several years ago. Hints that a U.S. move was afoot were evident when the State Department decided to summon family members of the victims of the Pan Am 103 to Washington for a briefing next week on "U.S.-Libyan relations." The administration's decision also comes at a time when it is attempting to shore up relations with major oil producers because of high prices and a shortage of supplies. Libya has substantial oil reserves. Gadhafi was once known here as perhaps the most dangerous man in the Middle East. President Reagan ordered air attacks against Libya in 1981 and 1986, the latter because of suspected Libyan sponsorship of a terrorist attack at a West Berlin disco frequented by American soldiers. Two Americans died there. Since 2003, however, Libya has been held up as a model by the administration for the way aspiring nuclear weapons powers should behave. The American attack on Iraq made Gadhafi wonder whether he would be next. In December 2003, he agreed to surrender his weapons of mass destruction facilities and agreed to allow them to be shipped for storage in the United States. Rep. Tom Lantos (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., the ranking Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, said the administration's decisions were fully warranted. "Libya has thoroughly altered its behavior by abolishing its program to develop weapons of mass destruction and ending its support for terrorism," Lantos said. In related news Mumar Qaddafi is reported to have told close confidante, "now my son has real chance of playing for top class soccer team... in the MLS."
  23. Masha allah, that was sublime... pure poetry in motion. I always fantasized being regaled by gabdho niikeenaya. That made my day.
  24. Stoic, My hat off to you sxb, you've done yourself and everyone acquainted with you proud. Hambalyo
  25. Ibtishaam, When did you become political apparatchik of Kingdom of heaven? I feel I just woke up from deep coma (how long have I been sleeping?), someone please fill me in... what spawned Ibtishaam's dramatic, over night transformation from apolitical lass to raving jingoist. Waaba mucjiso farabadan! By the way Ibtishaam, you don't lock horns with grande El Presidente Fidal Castro... you're risking sedition charges by the central committee of the people's revolutionary party, walking on a thin rope dear.