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Everything posted by Socod_badne

  1. Who agrees with me that Argentina's second goal, after 20+ passes, was best ever team goal?
  2. General Duke, It appears these purported Jowhar lootings are grossly exaggerated if not outright fabricated. Mainly due to lack of corroborating confirmations. Take anything reported by a Somali media outlet with grain of salt. The fools all had objectivity lobe lobotomy.
  3. How do Islamic Banks make money to cover costs?
  4. Originally posted by Pure blood: [QB] by the way none of you can proof me wrong [QB] I can prove (not proof) you wrong but first stringent on you proving you're descendent of your own great grandfather.
  5. Originally posted by fawzia_a: Would someone enlighten me on our origin? We're Homo Sapien Sapiens. Descendent of Hominid species several million years ago.
  6. Originally posted by Cara: A man hits his wife: Battering A woman hits her husband: Cute With all due respect dear Cara, that's load of codswallop. Due to my advanced age, 65, I have accrued greater knowledge and wisdom than everyone on this board. I would think that gives me the dispensation to make a tad more informed, pertinent remarks on the topic. I'm true believer of equality of genders on top of being unabashed egalitarian, was even at the forefront of female suffrage compaigns in early 20th century. If man hitting woman is punishable offense or even worse a felony, the other way around should be the same too. Otherwise it's reverse sexism and we're back to square one: gender inequality. A while back I broke up with my Eskimo dwelling in Igloo gf. What was I pressume from her vantage point innucuous comment touched off incontinent conniption in me. She told me she liked me for my exquisite body, culinary skills (which I'm somewhat of a connoisseur), performance in bed etc... not for my brains, personality, sense of humour and all the that touchy-feely shid. Needless to say I was outraged, fuming at her insensitivity and lack of consideration for my tender feelings. Predictably in the spur of rage I told her to take a hike! Thus ending our brief unholy union. I reasoned two can play the game afterall we all know women easily get chafed over similar things all the time sans even a raise of eye brow. I won't have any of it and promise to do my small part in reversing the tide of emasculation and feminization of malehood by sadistic, diabolical feminists in cahoots with Homosexuals and S. American transvestites. My decision to ditch my insensitive, diminutive Eskimo girlfriend paid dividends in my ends. Eminently it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that not all men think with their inflatable appendage, not driven by base carnal desires and amply possess the wherewithal to make the requisite sacrifice for greater good. The emancipation of men!
  7. I want some of that shid... any1 know where I can buy me a bottle? They say seeing is believing and I've seen some magical healing alright! No, not pat Las Vegas wizardry but genuine sortilege. For example, witnessing Haitian voodoo healing session where a chicken was immolated, it's blood doused over the head, chest going all the way to the gams of a pinned down woman... I believe she was in trance. Maybe I was as well. It was a scene out of Hollywood and I was right in the middle of it... rowdy yet exhilaratingly enthralling. Also was participant to a seance meeting attended by posse of senior citizens... oversight was by swamp deacon in Southern Gospel groove, I felt the spirits from the other side communicating with me on that day. So me have lots experience to know magic works! Which brings me to WC magic spray. Players writhing and rolling on the pitch in obvious discomfort from recieved injury miraculously and swiftly recover after being sprayed with the Magic Spray. Notwithstanding the highly circumstantial nature of my anecdotes above, wouldn't you concur with me the miraculous convalescence of plain-to-see injured players after Magically sprayed is due to the magical healing power of what's contained in that spray bottle? I've heard the placebo effect at work but doubt it. Or the players could be faking... could they? Is it possible that's it all for show? Could you believe it!
  8. Originally posted by WILDCAT: Amelia certainly made you loose your clean mouth didn't she? That is, if you ever possesed one in the first place... After repeated entreaties, I'm relieved and glad to say (hope?) WILDY won't plug me with her squirt gun. phew!!!! Was in abject fear for a while.
  9. Originally posted by Hayam: I believe I once read a post, where you said u were 65? I believe that reveals your credulity. By the way, don't EVER make fun of old people! :mad:
  10. Originally posted by Snake-i: you truly believe this, what kind of fools will think that they can behead the PM? It's not matter of believe, that's ill affordable lexury in a time of hightened emotions. Perception is killer here and like it or lump it muslims are increasingly viewed as the enemy from within. I hope and pray the accused are all cleared but this case has the trappings of another, squandered of course: London, Madrid, Bali etc. You got all the hallmarks... group appearing to harbour affinity for virulent, murderous ideology, Imaams who radicalize, charge up young disenchanted boy's otherwise benign valence with proponsity for violence... the whole gamut. Let's wait and see.
  11. Another aficionado of Guy Goma fan club reporting.
  12. Amelia, curling water, flowing water, zamzam water, athena, kimberly, poison ivy or whatever you go by: xishood baa kaa dhumay... gabar nin ka weyn la aflagaadameysa wili la ma'arkin... waa lagu khasaaray. uskug foqol uskug!
  13. A wizard indeed but why can't him and Zizou play together. Zizou behind strike pair with Ribery on the wing. He looks the part though.
  14. Originally posted by WaTerLily: I think a lot more humans would be content if they just accepted the limits of their knowledge. How would you know that though?
  15. Northern, Are you for forced marriages?
  16. Looooooool@rose Sorry to report but my idle mind didn't see alot shows in the just shows... wanna point out for me the palpable shows that I missed? Originally posted by Hayam: Increasing everyones paranioa and unfounded fears... Yaa rab... PeeCee oasis Canada accused of whipping up paranoia and groundless fears should signal to every astute observer that something menacing, prolly nebulous, rattled their cage. May God save and protect Canada!
  17. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Qabweynida ka muuqata jawaabtaada iyo qaab darada qoraalkaaga ayaan la amakaagay. As if your Somali is any more intelligible! My Somali is modest. I'll demonstrate. I know the difference between dirtey and direy. The former means call. The latter means send. Now, how you like 'em apples heh?
  18. Originally posted by Pi: If you want to know the truth (reality) of her somaliness, come and sit on her lap, and I will whisper [the truth] into your ear. Is that what I really said... I feel so embarrassed!
  19. ^^Maxaa ku qosli? Jimcaale, You making fun of my Af Somali?
  20. Canada terror suspect charges made public By BETH DUFF-BROWN, Associated Press Writer 38 minutes ago BRAMPTON, Ontario - At least one member of a group of terror suspects plotted to storm Canada's parliament and behead officials, including the prime minister, if Muslim prisoners in Canada and Afghanistan were not released, according to charges made public Tuesday. Authorities also alleged that Steven Vikash Chand plotted to take over media outlets such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. "There's an allegation apparently that my client personally indicated that he wanted to behead the prime minister of Canada," attorney Gary Batasar said. "It's a very serious allegation. My client has said nothing about that." Chand is a 25-year-old restaurant worker from Toronto. Charges were expected to be read against at least some of the other suspects Tuesday. Batasar spoke outside the courthouse, where bail hearings for 10 of the 17 suspects were postponed. He said the charges were based on fear-mongering by government officials. Source There is slidshow you can view if you click on source.
  21. Abdi2005, I have no probable cause to suspect he's lying. As skeptic by nature an inkling of doubt about his credebility would have sufficed to mistrust him. But none materialised. Originally posted by Northerner: SB, let me get this right, you are prepared to accept an apostate's view on Islam but you are not willing to accept the well grounded/researched knowledge of Islamic Scholars/Students? Did you even read my posts? I don't know where you got me accepting I. Warraq's views on Islam. The lead-in post that spawned the cropping up of Ibn Warraq's name was request -- by Nur-- to name a former muslim who knows more about Islam than the average muslim. For the record, I don't share or accept Ibn Warraq's views on Islam.
  22. Originally posted by Amelia: I c dumb people . Watch your language, we don't tolerate incivility here -- the Admin.