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Everything posted by PlayMaker

  1. haha stu$id frog, I like when it gets to level 7 he's been talking all those smacks then he goes Oday joke is over dut it out lolo... good one darman..
  2. PlayMaker


    No Problem Mobb_deep! There will be more Highlights tommorow inshaallah..
  3. It is a great challenge, thanks khayr and Nur! Inshallah I will read a lots of quran this month and forth...
  4. Innnaa lillahi wa inna ilaahi raajucuun, Ilaahey ha unaxariisto. this is so sad..
  5. Originally posted by Lakkad: Asalaam aleykum So You have a problem with bro sophits' rambunctious,raucous,strident,vociferous and obstreperous ways of using big WORDS?...i honestly believe its his perogative, appanage, droit and perquisite right if he chooses to do so... In my Opinion you are being cantankerous and bearish yet captious while being insensitvly choleric and crotchety hence being dour, irascible and morose to his right and still become obstinate yet ornery and a peevish, perverse honerable Nomad while not respecting his liberty to be what he desires to be. Please stop being petulant and quarrelsome. to be snappish and sour is not the way to be humble. Thnkx in advance [/QUOT] Can you write in english please? ...Honestley is that english or just something you made up?..
  6. Raula, That was the best play in this yr indeed. I don't know about the gophers though they had a chance to go atleast #10 in the nation and they blew it... Jaylani I see you jumping on the bandwagon now lolo, way to came along bro..
  7. I really don't understand why some grown a$$ somali folks always ask their parents who they gonna marry! Off course i respect my parents but when it comes to whom i am gonna marry that should be my choice, it is to good to have their approval and duco but just that..
  8. PlayMaker


    6-0 start any more doubters out there. This one got to be the best play all this year in the NFl, over the shoulder no look pass "TD"..
  9. Saaxiib King_450, ayaamahaan waa aammustaye whasssup? Or you just gave up on your team lol..Hang in there bro.
  10. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Kud ku dil. lolo.....Aammin.
  11. Is this supposed to be funny? cause I don't see anything funny here other then putting down a somali women...
  12. Innaa lillahi wa inna ilaahi raajicun! Ilaahey jannada ha ka geeyo, samir iyo iimaan eheladiisa allaha ka siiyo. Aammiin.
  13. I thought you may like this one! Over the top, both feet inbound and a TD. Hey did i mention we are unbeaten 5 and 0?
  14. I am not trying to rub this on your face or anything It is just that i like to see the R skins suffer, Nothing personal. Again nothing personal King..
  15. Originally posted by Princess_Sexy: Sometimes Race shouldnt be the issue, but in this case, Mcnabbs race was the issue in Limbaughs argument...and a logical one at that..It would have meant more if Mcnabb instead let his performance speak for himself...Prove to Limbaugh, the broadcasting industry, the world that he deserves all the attention he is getting...but i guess it takes a much bigger man to accomplish that job [/QB] You can not be serious, Mcnabb is the best QB in the NFl. What else can he prove? He went to 3 probowls and twice in a row to the NFC championship, Do you know what that means? he was only one game away to go the superbowl, besides he no WRs that are good..
  16. There she is Guys! I told you i was gonna bring her back.....
  17. Originally posted by raula: Aplus..why dont you just say where u took Lady Fatima...aah..!..loooool...Ok Iam waiting for an answer__________ C'mmon raula we gotta keep that in family, You know. But she is just doing well...
  18. Originally posted by Bee: quote:Originally posted by Aplus: Hey Man step back She is already taken!!lolo, I hope you have some game saxiib because you got some competition.. Waryaahe, waa maxay waxaad wadid? What's happened to LadyFatima? Eh? :mad: Sup Bee, LF is just doing fine but what can i say? There is a lotta love to go around..lolo..
  19. Originally posted by Ameenah: quote:Originally posted by Aplus: Originally posted by rokko: [QB] i luv ya Ameenah i really do sweety Hey Man step back She is already taken!!lolo, I hope you have some game saxiib because you got some competition.. loooooooooool. oo yaa i qaatey? Rokko Thanx Wussup with the denial girl? I can't believe you..
  20. Originally posted by Ameenah: ^^lol! I went far because there are no famouse good looking somali men - so I had to make do with the next best thing. Girl, I can see we haven't met.loolo.
  21. Originally posted by Ameenah: ^^lol! I went far because there are no famouse good looking somali men - so I had to make do with the next best thing. Girl, I can see we haven't met.loolo.
  22. Originally posted by rokko: [QB] i luv ya Ameenah i really do sweety Hey Man step back She is already taken!!lolo, I hope you have some game saxiib because you got some competition..
  23. PlayMaker


    Originally posted by rudy: ans is simply owen....hommey will kick moss butt any day! u check it out...bro. think they are two different baller and they have different skills however, Moss can't go to the middle of the field. He is too wirey. I give TO the edge. Ok Rudy and Jeylani This was the outcome........ Randy Moss 8 catch 172 yrds an 3Tds.. And T.Owens, Humm was he in the game today playing? 55 stink yrds and no TD.. I rest my case gentlemen....