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Posts posted by ONKOD



  2. Hello LeftC very interesting question. It is a question that separates between an average person and an intelligent human being. You need to go back to history and find out why all of those muslim communities are still fighting?


    Why are all of those muslim countries are fighting: *for their freedom, that their land is occupied by others, that their brothers,sons and fathers are killed everyday, that their sisters,daughters and mothers are raped on a daily basis, that they are harrassed and beaten up by foreign police officers in the streets of their cities everyday and much more.


    The sad thing is that these atrocities are not seen in any of the news media around the western world and are not considered as an act of terrorism. Much more they are supported by any means neccessary in lots of western countries. Go figure!


    Let us get back to your question. Islam is a peaceful religion at the same time if your human dignity is violated Islam teaches you to stand up for your rights.


    I am not here to argue that all Muslim people are peace loving humans. You need to know the difference between teachings of Islam and a muslim person or people, they are completely different. As you may know Timothy McVeigh was dealt as an individual not as Christian. There was never a question about Christianity after Oklahoma bombing.


    Learn more about the truth of what is going around the globe then we have something to talk about, till then let us not insult our intelligence.





  3. Fartun there was a Somali girl once who fell in love with this young muslim African American ( taqi ah ) oo masaajidka aan ka bixin. Gabadhii reerkeeda ayaa u diiday of course, she struggled and finally disregarded what everybody else was saying and got married with him.


    After several years and two kids they got separated because he got back to his college friends khamrigii iyo clubbing iyo xashiishadii.


    To make a long story short she got fed up with him and told him to leave. After he left he would come back because carruur baa ka dhexeysa. Markuu guriga u yimaado inuu carruurta baby sit gareeyo he would bring his friends along and they would drink and smoke infront of the kids. The other thing when he sees her going out looking pretty he would be very jelous. Gabadhii ended up being beaten to death by him waayo he is high with drugs and alcohol.


    Fartuun please be careful before you make any decision. One stupid mistake and your whole life is destroyed.







  4. Fartun if you are 19 yrs old and you have been with him for about 3 1/2 yrs how old were you when you met him?...... 15 1/2 yrs old. That is wrong girl. You have been taken advantage by this guy.

    The issue is more like, YOU need to grow up, meet other ppl, and most of all finish school. It is wrong to marry this guy not because he is an African American but simply because you are too young to think about marriage and he is buying you things that will put you in a very vulnerable position. Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa " AF WAX CUNAY XISHOOD".

    There are sisters and brothers that are married to Ajinabi they know what it is like to bring someone home who cannot understand or talk to your MOM or DAD, that is something groun ups can decide if it worth going through the trouble. You haven't had the chance to grow up yet. For your family's sake wait for a few more years.



  5. It is very sad to see a whole nation wiped away with a drug that seems to be getting more and more popular every day.

    It always wise not to start any type of a drug because it seems that with all the research they have done on qat, they found out that you need to be rehabilitated just like cocaine addicts in order for someone to quit the drug for good. So far I know several ppl that died for the complications of qat.

    Ilaahey ha soo hanuuniyo ummadda.


  6. I think both men and women play games no matter how old they get. Games are played in different environments ( business, relantionships, etc). As long as you know where your game is headed. But whoever is playing the game should be prepared for the outcome, it can be very ugly. It is not always a win win situation.

    I don't know if you watched the movie 2 can play the game, it really gives you a clear picture that at the end somebody is going to loose the game and that person could very well be you!

    Play safe!


  7. Hi everyone.....


    I am sorry to say this and I know that I will sound very shallow but looks are very important.


    Like Abdinur said better to look good than be nice, better to be nice than be ugly and if you are ugly and rude May Allah have merci on your soul.


    One thing that I noticed is that some not so good looking ppl are looking for a very good looking ppl, that goes with education and other qualities as well.


    People tend to look for someone that can offer the same qualities as theirs, it will be unfair for someone to set their standards high when that person don't have the same things to offer. wink.gif



  8. I did not watch the damn thing, the guy makes me sick to my stomach. I feel sorry for those who he represents.

    When I lost hope was when he bombed Afghanistan killing thousands of innocent Afghani women and children and the term used by the media was "Collateral Damage", Yet the eeehhhaaaaa dude called up to the American children to donate money for the Afghani children. That was a big blow to the Afghani ppl and an insult to their intelligence.

    The sad thing is for Americans to sit back and not say or do anything about it.

    As for Somalia goes I don't think that his military advisors believe that an American bullet is worth killing a Somali person anymore.



  9. Mohamed Jama!

    brother I like the name Hillaac by the way it sounds better.

    I think you are missing the whole point here. Where did you read about the information that she is trying to teach Somalida things they knew thousands of years ago? What is that if I may ask? confused.gif

    What do you mean by she should know about our habits? Is staying on the phone with another female for 1 & 1/2 hrs when you are married part of your habit? Hear yourself for a minute. Please do not generalize things, if you have a bad habit it is yours and only yours. confused.gif

    This brother was not stolen from the Somali sisters, as a matter of fact I am glad he is not breaking a young Somali woman's heart. What is the matter with you what does Slavery have to do with two young ppl who loved each other or at least what she thought and got married. Yes they are from two different worlds--- so what? confused.gif

    MJ if you want to talk about slavery that is a whole different subject...we can discuss that. wink.gif

    If he likes white women, that is his choice do not feel sorry for Somali women. There are one too many great Somali brothers who will be happy to settle with a Somali queen.

    On the other hand a sister posted an issue that needed some attention. Let's not forget about it. :rooleyes:
