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Everything posted by Abdi90
Alla umada jecla kutire kuteen iyo saan aa la yiri, mesha dayactir/dib u habeeyn ayaa ku socoto https://www.facebook.com/bisle14/posts/10157527127307706
Are you sure the others dont have instead alcohol majilises/sessions? im just using (BAALA XOOFTO) baby cry outburst he used on me after i only mentioned my personal observation from my Somaliland side of the family(without ill intention). Some people are so die hard nationalist that they will fight/outburst on/att anything even if its true " only to some degree".
"You made the claim that Mogadishu was developing fast" Again why do you need to misquote me? do you have comprehension problem or your mind likes to read in things people didnt say because you are insecure man obsessed with politics?
You are one sensitive fella arent you, if bringing whataboutism and irrelevant issues i dint say makes you feel better goe ahead, for it seems you live in som kind of denialist or utopian bubble about this issue which makes you easily triggered.
Their is not much prospect for Hargeysa to develop in same pace as ex:Muqdisho until they get rid/curb the khat trade/usage that is causing huge trade imbalance by sucking the valuable cash(USD) out of the country. One side of my family(father/mother) is from south and one from north, all my close male relatives except one from north eat khat and non from my south side eat khat. I once asked my northern cousin how much he spends on khat every month and my mind was blown away.
Let me decode this. From what i know somali ladies who sell gold import allot from UAE so there is no way we export that much as a gold-importing nation, with that im almost sure in this case it is USD-cash that is ticked/checked off as gold in declaration-form and the biggest evidence is (Rolled Tobacco ($577M) which is evidently used for declaring khat import becouse we know we spend the highest amounts on khat import. So this also means they are using standard declaration-form made in other country which doesnt have the option "khat" or "cash" (in suitcase) so they have to improvise and tick/check off "Gold" for cash and "Tobacco" for khat
Every somali design always ends look something very much different than from the original rendered computer design, lets wait and see how much cheap it ends to become.
This poison should be totally banned, hundreds of million per year go down the drain.
Abyan Ladane Faarax - the first female PM ever?
Abdi90 replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Sadly if its true im afraid he maybe is doing it for sinister reasons, many power hungry men have learned that appointing a women is the safest way to get your ways(for good and bad), example: Abiye Ahmed selected women to be ethiopias president and made 50% of his cabinet women. -
No, it would mean some one is making big money by selling big junk of the extra quotes inside Mogadishu black market, they can probably make 500$-1000$ on every sell inside Mogadish black market and if they have 1000 at their disposal thats 500k to 1Million dollar. This needs to be investigated, probably a final heist by someone inside the outgoing administration.
Whats your take on the 350 of the 5206 given to somaliland state(les than 7%). Who is the man in Mogadishu making this quote? and how much was given to puntland(probably more than SL?). If you divide by population (3million out of 15million) they should be given minimum 20%(1041 Hajis) Somaliland oo diiday tirada laga siiyay xujeyda sanadkan, iyagoo u dacwooday Sucuudiga. WWW.JOWHAR.COM May 25 (Jowhar.com)-Xukuumadda Somaliland ee uu hoggaamiyo madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa ka biyo diiday tirada sannadka laga siiyay dadka tegaya Xajka.Sida wararka la helayo ay...
Appointing Ina Abdishakur is the biggest mistake i see so far, that man is the most dangerous clooshiis ushaqeeyste in the somali politics.
If they only knew this, Farmaajo was only igeey/igu sawir PR president(in western term a "Populist"). I always challenge the igeey-igu-sawir farmajo supporters to mention some of the big tangible things he did, 95% of the time they will mention things that was done or started by Xassan shekh.
Mucaaradnimo cilmiyeysan oo sal iyo raad leh waa loo bahanyahay, laakin adiga in badan waxaada waa empty emotions with zero facts, you supported Faramaajo igeey/igu sawir president who did almost nothing but personal PR. I become mucaraad on Farmaajo after 2 years of zero TANGIBLE progress that was far bellow what Xassan shekh did before him.
Miskiin-Macruuf as usual always trowing empty slogans, now bring foreword some of the major things your esteemed leader the usles "igu-sawir/iigey" PR president did.
Specially between 0:50 to 2:35. This is for the Farmaajo-cultist who have zero ability to analyze real development. Farmaajo was empty shell with huge PR machinery, using(or rather misusing) peoples nostalgia for strong and united somalia with strong leader. But you dont get that with only igu sawir/igeeya farmaajo PR goverment, it comes through governmental and institutional building. In his term he didnt bring one single new major institutional/governmental or other projects. I challenge all the Farmajo fanatics/cultist to bring 1 or 2 major thing Farmaajo did. Bellow you can see few of the major things started/done by Xassan Shekh as comparison. 1) In May-2013 Somali federal government announced it would take back control of its airspace, task was finished in December-2014(this was hard won battle, if you dont remember her some old news >> Somali government in dispute over somali airspace 2) In 2014 agreement with Turkey to build turkish military training base in Mogadishu. New agreement in 2015(Turkey allocated 20 million Turkish Lira for the modernization of somali armed forces). 3) Taking the Kenyan sea claims to the ICJ, Farmaajo was graceful enough in his victory speech to thank Hassan Shekh and with it disappointing many of his ignorant fans who thought it was Farmaajos making 4) 2015, introduced VAT(value added tax) on telecom and other big business that sells goods and services, increasing governments revenue 5) Creating again a uniform educational system, and in 2015 for the first in 25 year the national exams was held again across the country. 6) Building of new international airport in 2013, finished in 2015. This paved the way for international flights(Trurkish Airlines, Ethiopia Airlines, Qatar Airways etc), making it easier for diaspora to return to their country for vacation, investment or permanently settle. 7) Modernization of Mogadishu seaport and its administration in 2013 to boost the revenues. (Scrapped/unfinished by incompetent Farmajo when he took over in 2017) In 2016 with the help of IMF the somali central bank started the plan to replace the old somali shilling with new ones 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000(no more baggs of cash for basic shopping) >> https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-somalia-economy-idUKKCN0VD1Z4
Somali iyo kutiri kutentooda ee twitterka iyo facebooka ma dhamaato, qofki rumeystay wararkaas bila cadeeyn ayaaba ka sii waalan ki soo gudbiyey wararka uu ka maqlay suuqa(street news).
He is biggest empty talker, he literally did nothing in his term except personalty PR, if you ask people what he did they will count everything that was started/build by Xassan Shekh. I celebrated his victory in 2017 but after 2 years of no new major/important institutionell or state building i abounded him seeing the igu-sawir/poser man he really is.
The good news is somali parlament never reelected a sitting president(they booted the 2 before farmaajo), so by the 15-may the failed Farmajo will be gone inshaallah, and i hope they dont reelect any of the 2 former presidents before Farmaajo(im afraid after 5 years with Farmaajo they may have forgotten this mens failures and deficiencys), some one new like Kheyre and the likes is better.
Xalane even imports basal and other vegetables
Abdi90 replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
The bigger issue is hiring cargo plain for hundreds of thousends dollars for food worth few thousands, this is why UN/Unicef is biggest waste of money. They beg for billions and more than 50% goes the drain instead of reaching the needy. -
Deni declares his candidacy for Somali Presidency
Abdi90 replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
This man bellow nailed him perfectly -AUOHM-uQ-z54jfD.mp4 -
Mujrim iyo muslim si sahlan ayaa loo kala garta marku qofka hadlo, ninkaan waxbadan ayaa laga sheegay laakin inta aan ka arkay hada ilama eka nin mujrim/munaafiq ah (sida C/raxman C/shakuur oo kale). Bal waan arkeyna wuxu la yimaado, dadka qaar ayago muslim ah ayey siyaasada ku biiran laakin mudo kadibna waxaad arkeysa qarkood iyagoo noqday mujrimiin weyn oo ay wajiyadooda iyo hadaladooda ay ku marag furaayan.
Welcome to the Farmaajos cagajugleyn state(the new brother of marqan state aka:muuse biixi), using haayada nabaadsugida(NISA) as his personal arm, we are on the road to become new Djibuti/Uganda.
Ofcourse Xassan shekh was corrupt, i know first hand about the lucrative land he owns near the airport. But that wont make the useless empty talker Farmajo better, there is NOTHING substantiell made by Farmaajo except molding the NISA under his control to subvert democracy and steel the election which is far more dangerous than some corruption