Sabriye amp co.
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Everything posted by Sabriye amp co.
Cowke, besides all the mistakes people spotted in your research. The site you have been looking at belongs to a fan and is not the official website. Keep on the look out for the Official one.
Zack, Have you considered, One man's prostitute daughter, being another man's political tactician? There will those that see things differently no matter how obvious it is. Your not going out of business spotting traitors any time soon.
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
^^ Looks who's here! The third masketeer is back but this time around with some more insults after being unable to disprove or refute the remarkable evidence presented! Booowe, Soo ma ogid, 'Af caytamay ninkiisuu ku yaal'. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Maskiin, Did you know that there is a popular shop, Cafe & restaurant in Galkacyo called " Facaa Iska Celi" and If that tickled their taste buds what do you expect?? Kuwaan oo kale iska dhicis mooye si kale wax kuma fahmaan. So let me go into that "Facaa iska celi mode" while i put these masketeers in their rather pathetic places. :cool: Here was the comment of the second masketeer Duke ^^^^Well as long as you admit that Taar is the best hotel in all of Mudug lower or upper [big Grin] I notice how you are constantly running away from Galkacyo city to the province Mudug and further away north. I'm just going to give you a glimpse of what Galkacyo City of Galmudug State has to offer in range of Hotels and restaurants. Enjoy! Biggest hotel in Galkacyo, Embassy Hotel Hotel Maka Guriga Shiiq Cabdinuur & Geedi hotel & Resturant. Now ofcurs, its obvious to everyone that Duke's feeble attempt of defocusing to north eastern towns in search of boast materials while escaping the realities of Galkacyo has indeed backfired. The rest I’ll leave the viewers to determine for them selves as i'm not in the business of posting thousands of images from Mogadishu University, Banaadir University and other rather beautiful city and country side land marks of southern Somalia just to prove a point to our SOL masketeers. -
Sh.Xassan Daahir oo maanta jeediyay khudbad taabanaysa meelo badan
Sabriye amp co. replied to Maaddeey's topic in Politics
Maaddey, how do you plan to eliminate the enemies of Somalia? Whats your strategy other than ‘Hoobiye’? I firmly believe in the process that sheikh shariif adopted which is to focus on them one after the other but don’t attempt to beat them all at once for you don’t want more enemy than you already have. We know from the words of allah the all mighty, that they will never truly be satisfied with us. So I’m not trying to please them, I’m merely stating a way of untangling my self from this mess. I Know what your saying about ‘afka baarkiis’, Dab-Can, Out of 500 + parliament and 50 ministers there will be individuals in the government who aren’t as sincere as we would like them to be but I can assure you there is a great deal who are. If you managed to minimize the damage incurred by melez zanawi on to Somali people, you should see that as progress. Aminsom are there being paid by the world underneath the banner of keeping/bringing peace. The More you attack, the more dollars it means for Museveni and IGAD. That’s why its important for us Somalis to have ‘wada hadal’, and xisbiga along with any sensible non takfiiri mucaarad to sit down with Sh shariif But unfurtunatly America knows you won’t do that because you are busy trying to defeat Israel, America, UN, Ethiopia and fellow Somalis who happened to think differently all at Once. Come with a game plan sxb, then I can sympethise for these guys but until then, I have no respect for Hoobiye, Hoobiye and Moore Hoobiye which happens to hit civilians more then anyone else. Remember only when we are in agreement can we revise and take a united policy towards the world. Until then your part and parcel of the World and the UN is part of you. -
Sh.Xassan Daahir oo maanta jeediyay khudbad taabanaysa meelo badan
Sabriye amp co. replied to Maaddeey's topic in Politics
Maaddey, if I disagree with one of my older brothers, I could express my distaste with their views either in a subtle way or in a blunt way. In either case, your example does ring a bell and it’s true people can perceive things differently and so lets call it ‘none and void’ just for arguments sake.(waxee aheed qof si qaldan wax u fahmay ama u qaatay ama u fasirtay). Suaashaadii…jawaabteeda. Dowladda, hada jirto waxee uga duwan tahay too hore, 1. waxee balan qaaday in ee shareecada Islaamka dalka ku xukumeyso. 2. waxee ku baaqday in wada hadal wax walba lagu dhameeyo 3. waxee ka shaqeesay oo qeyb ka aheed bixitaankii Itoobia heshiiskii lagu saarayna saxiixday. 4. waxee ka shaqeesay in Soomali ciidamo baddaheeda ilaasha yeelato. 5. waxee har I habeen si dii la rabay ugu shaqeen la’dahay .. wax ma garad takfiiri ah oo hooyadiis qalaayo hadii ee dowlada u sabciso. Tii hore uu madaxweyne ka ahaa Col. Gabre (kudos to channel 4). 1. Wax shareeco islaam la yirah maba ogoleen. 2. Wada hadal waligeed kumeysan baaqin oo Xoog amxaaro aye kaga kalsooneed soomali oo heshiisa. 3. Waxee ka xumeed in Ciidamada Itoobia dalka Somalia ka baxaan. Aan usoo laabto dowladda manta jirta. Balamahii dowladda islaamiga ah waxaa hor istaagay walaale wa adiga iyo inta kula fikirka ah oo diidan in shareecada dalka lagu xumo. Waxaad ogtahay, in Mudane Madaxweyne Sh Shariif Sh Axmed la gaaleysiiyay oo takfiir lagu sameeyay asagoo dhulka soomaaliya xitaa ba soo gaarin. Culumadii waa weyneed oo ahlu fiqiga aheed wee diideen takfiirka noocas oo kale ah. Markii sh Umal yimid Muqdisho waad ogeed, Sh Shariif waxuu yiri wax walba diyaar baan la’ahay oo ciidankaan shiisheeye waxba ma soo kordhinayaan aan dhibaato ka aheen ee nimankaan “waa idin gowraceena” la soo taagan bal ka soo dhameeya wada hadal. Waxaad la socotaa in Sh Umal naftirkiisa la yiri “ adna ma gaaala ku soo dirtay shiiqow?” Until today we are witnessing the same loonatic takfiiris calling Sh Axmed madoobe (who I disagree with anyway) a “gaal”. AMNISOM DHIBTAADA EE GEYSTAAN, WAXAA LOO HEYSTAA NIMANKA DALKA KU HAYO OO DIIDAY IN LA SAARO OO DAGAAL(hoobiye la iska tuuro) KA DOORTAY WADA HADAL. In Conclusion poltically speaking this Government is nothing like the previous Mambo jambo. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Dukey, Now now, easy with the insults. * pats dukey on the back* I see , your still bitter from the comments of Juje thus him being constantly on your mind and your partner is right, I’m not as clever as him for I would have known not to converse with the three masketeers , Cowke, Dukey & the always late but not least Mr Somalia. I’ll leave you to ponder on the howler of 'Taar city', (faan aan waxba ka jirin) . Taar is not Galkacyo and not a city, anyone from Galkacyo knows it. In the coming few days how ever things will change, famished culprits from Yamayska won’t be tolerated. So far job well done, now go ahead and entertain each other. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Duke's city has developed, like I said its not Baraxlay adeer this is Puntland. Also figure out who the President of the clan village of Galmudug is before you come with the crime wave. Faan badanaa, Nacalaa shaydaan ku yaale. Dukey, We both know the village accidently named ‘Tar City' is not Galkacyo but a village way outside the city. Evidence. Using your tricks I could bring you pictures from Mogadishu University and the Latest of African village in dayniile district of Mogadishu. I’m glad you resorted to foul play because it goes to show exactly how much water your claims hold. In the coming few days, we’ll hear some unfortunate news as more blood will be shed, due to the bandits calling for back up. The businessmen will protect them selves as they did very professionally and in the event of future clashes, Galmudug forces will have to get their hands dirty in which case this issue of Galkacyo will be the last thing you’d ever want to discuss on here again. Originally posted by General Duke: Yamayska has the most abundent water source in all of Mudug, shame it aint in "Galmudug". You seem to be under the belief that mudug has no sea? either way What good is bitter water of Yamayska? or do you have the hindu belief were water is always clean even if a half billion dips them selves in it anually. I'm not about to give you geography lessons on SOL, so for the next time, sharpen up. Good night buddy, caawo dhan faan ayaa nagu dishaye. -
Sh.Xassan Daahir oo maanta jeediyay khudbad taabanaysa meelo badan
Sabriye amp co. replied to Maaddeey's topic in Politics
Maadeey, yep, i've qouted a realiable source i know personally. Even if you'd rather dismiss that. Anaa hadaba ku leh, SHiiqaaga wuu diin jecel yahay, Laakin wee ku foorartaa. Lets take a step back from today's incidents and you'll quickly realise.. the pattern in the following sequence: 1.Al itixaad< shaati qarxay. 2.Al ictisaam< lagu caasiyay Sh Bashiir & co. 2.Maxaakiim< laga booday. 4.Xisbigana sidaan u dambeeysay. Maaddeey, ii talin meysid, ku talin maayo, wada tashan meyno, kala tagi meynee, tabtaas bee noo ahaaneysa. -
Sh.Xassan Daahir oo maanta jeediyay khudbad taabanaysa meelo badan
Sabriye amp co. replied to Maaddeey's topic in Politics
Originally posted by nuune: In uu khaladaadka dhallinyarada dusha ka saaro isaguna barii' ka noqdo ama uu yiraahdo waxaa sabab u ah culimadii oon taageerin dagaalka ama ka qeebqaadanin. PS: Culimada maxey u diidey iney ka qeeb qaadato dagaalka? Xisbiga has lost their last bit of credibilaty. Nuune, to your suprise, Hassan's brother, Sh Axmed used to say "Walaalkey waligiis wuu Diin Jecla laakin wuu aqli xumaa". I mean what's the damage that these guys can incure from 'wada hadal'? Unless Sheeqa is affraid of AL shabab since they threatened to behead anyone and anything remotly assosicated with 'Dowlada'. LoL. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Well well, i guess I’ll have to go through this with you... Let me see what you've got on Galkacyo buddy..... Originally posted by General Duke: Originally posted by Sabriye & co.: Dukey, I admire your affection for Yamayska but the Galkacyo i know of looks like this: Baraxlay The Duke's Galkacyu lol at Suuqa Xaafada Yamayska Let me first have you walk with some of the 'businessmen' i was refering to earlier on. Note: the last Man being armed! These are some of the guys who chased your "army" away and into Yamayska lol. Enjoy the rest of the pictures taken from different sub urbs of the city. ..... Dukey, I'll wait for you to come up with the hotels and skyscrapers and what not.. Hoping a building can suggest your "ownership" of the city. Cowke, don't worry brother im sure Dukey will find you a spare "boos" when your in town, probably next to 'suuqa Yamayska' somewhere. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Dukey, I admire your affection for Yamayska but the Galkacyo i know of looks like this: As for the motives of the most recent nuisance, whether it was to unsettle the UN's plans of funding the countless projects in Galkacyo and Galmudug as a whole or it was just a hungry militia up to no good either way peace, Social harmony as well as clan diversity will prevail in Galkacyo Galmudug state over the crooks in Yamayska. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Dukey, lol Well your "crime" issue was there before you and will remain there so the sooner you get cosy with it the lesser strain it will have on Yamayska. :cool: -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Cowke, According to reliable sources, the whole purpose of the attack was to cause needless drama in the city which would discourage the UN from getting too comfortable in Galkacyo and Galmudug as a whole which is deemed to be relatvily safe. Fortunately by the time they reached central Galkacyo the local business men did the necessary job and the militia dispersed back to xaafada yamayska having lost 10 men and loss of two vehicles including one burnt while having killed 4 innocent stand byers (two women, one child, and an elderly shopper). There were a lot of injuries due to the heavy populace of central Galkacyo. DaanDaansi = qasaaro. If Ethipia articulated this then it just goes to show how much the north east is influenced by Addis Ababa. -
My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Jacayl ma la yaabtay? Cowke, The first solution which you accidentally titled ‘military option’ sounds like a joke that went horribly wrong and after I read the second option, I’m going to have a hard time taking you seriously from now on. I mean, We just witnessed a few Business men armed with pistols teaching the militia from 'yamayska' a lesson after the crooks tried to tress pass on commercial territory in central Galkacyo so tell me how realistic is your first option? Cowke, Gaalkacyo has a solution but I’m afraid it's some 25 years away, so I’d kindly suggest you focus your energy on something you actually have a say in. -
At first impression, I understood that this was another one of Duke’s attempts of de-bitternizing* him self of Juje’s earlier comments. * (completely made up word, but you get the message) (Afeef) - A topic effectively aimed at starting a ‘My tol is more noble then your tol’ debate, which isn’t the sort that any decent being gets involved with, but Since Xaaji Xunjuf decided to entertain Duke’s glorification of treachery, here is a few useful quotes that Xaaji might want to jott down. (Hor dhac)- Is there Honour in treachery and aiding of Italian’s in their mission to colonise the Somali people? “By the late 19th century, the Imamate began to decline. Faced with internal problems and challenges from the imperialist forces, the Zanzibari sultan, and even from the Portuguese earlier on, the Hiraab Imamate lost its power and eventually fragmented. By 1880, a young ambitious dissident of the northeast, allied with an army of Hadrami musketeers, had managed to seize Hobyo and formally declared an independent sultanate. After a few years, Hobyo was ceded to the Italian government of Mogadishu. In 1925, under Italian admission, the sultanate was pensioned off to Mogadishu and Hobyo became an administrative district of the Mudugh region.” A good analogy would be: Duke glorifying A/yusuf “conquer” of Mogadishu with out mentioning the Ethiopian tanks commanded by Col. Gabre and ofcurs the American fighter jets. Now consider this.. If… - ruling Hobyo for less than 5 years with the help of the Italians who by the way later used him as a medium towards conquering Southern Somalia, is worthy of glorification. -the introduction fire-arms into Somali clan conflicts from the Italians to kenadiid and his Hadrami accomplices and it’s affect on the outcome of wars is not of any worthy consideration. - ambitions led him to be arrested by the same Italians who brought him to any significance and handed over for execution to the somali's who he deceived after they sympathised for him when he fled from the north east with his mother alone. If someone can sincerely find honour or dignity for that matter in this story" then truly trechery has no meaning and beggs the question , what does this make the people of Kismayo who were under the rule of Indho-Cade from 1998-2007? I don’t see the importance of entertaining a typical ‘My tol is this and your tol is that’ kind of debate/discussion because its futile and is likely to cause few offences here and there which I assume is against the forum rules if anyone follows them these days lol. (Dhamaad)
Gabar yar oo nin Dal-Qalato ahi uu dhiiga kaga dhuuqay duleedka magaalada Hargeysa Submitted by editor on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:36 Halganka.net Wed, 10/28/2009 - Deegaanka Xabaale oo masaafo qiyaastii shan iyo toban Kilo Mitir u jira magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxaa ka dhacay fal aad looga argagaxay. Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Hargeysa ayaa sheegaya in Gabar Ari jir ah oo da'deeda lagu sheegay Sideed Sano uu Nin Tooreey ku daldalooliyay ka dibna Dhiiga ka cabay. Gabadhan oo lagu magacaabo Roodo ayaa waxaa haatan lagu dabiibayaa Cusbitaalka magaalada Hargeysa, waxaana sida wax u dhaceen ka hadashay Gabadhan ayeeyadeed waxayna tiri; "Inanta yar oo Adhi la joogta, ayaa waxa ku soo baxay Nin Dad-qal ah oo Mindiyo sita, markay aragtay ayeey ka baxsatay, isaguna wuu eryaday, waxayna ku dul kuftay Oodo qodxa leh. Dabeed wuu qabtay, si ayna u qeylin ayuu afka qabtay oo uu dhawr meelood oo jidhkeeda ah ayuu Mindiyo ka galiyey, sida qoorta, gacanta iyo meelo kale. Cidiyihiisa ayuu ku mudmuday, waxaanu ka jaqay dhiiga.” Dhacdadan ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Booliska magaalada Hargeysa, waxayna sheegeen in warkan la soo gaarsiiyay islamarkaana ay iminka gacanta ku hayaan baaritaan la xiriira falkan dad-qalatinimada ah ee ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Hargeysa. Hadal-heynta ugu badan magaalada Hargeysa ee ay dadka deegaanka aad uga hadlayaan ayaa ah dhacdadan sida weyn looga naxay ee deegaankaas ku qabsatay gabadhan yar ee sida la sheegay uu dhaawac u geeystay nin Dal-qalato lagu tilmaamay. Source: http://halganka.net/content/rumeeyso-ama-ha-rumeysan-waxaa-nin-dad-qalato-ahi-uu-dhiiga-kaga-dhuuqay -gabar-yar-duleedka- Just to help you visualize(not the actual photage)
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa maanta waxay tababar u soo gebagebeysay cutubyo ka tirsan Ciidamadeeda Badda Soomaaliya, kuwaasi loo tababaray in ay ilaaliyaan Xeebaha Soomaaliya. Talaado, October 27, 2009(HOL): Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa maanta waxay tababar u soo gebagebeysay cutubyo ka tirsan Ciidamadeeda Badda Soomaaliya, kuwaasi loo tababaray in ay ilaaliyaan Xeebaha Soomaaliya. Ilaa 300 oo Askari oo ka tirsan Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya ayaa maanta loo soo gebagebeeyay tababar dhinaca ilaalinta Xeebaha ah, waxaana xaflad lagu soo gunaanadayay tababarkaas ka qeybgalay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya. Admiral Faarax Qare “these 300 strong Forces will join the First Naval Battalion of Somalia”. Taliyaha Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya Admiral Faarax Axmed Cumar (Faarax Qare) oo ka hadlay munaasabadii tababarkan lagu soo gunaanadayay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in marka la isku daro dufcadan iyo dufcadii ka horreysay iyo macallimiintooda ay hadda Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya gaarayaan 1000 Askari oo u diyaar ah in ay difaacaan Xeebaha Soomaaliya. Wuxuu sheegay Taliyaha in ay Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya dhawaan howlgeli doonaan, isla markaana ay la dagaallami doonaan Burcad Badeedka iyo Maraakiibta xaalufiya Kheyraadka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa sunta iyo qashinka ku aasa. “Ciidamadan wey ku filan yihiin hanashada ammaanka Xeebaha Soomaaliya, tababarka arrintaasna wey qabaan”ayuu yiri Taliyaha Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya Admiral Faarax Axmed Cumar (Faarax Qare) oo sheegay in Ciidamadan la siiyay tababar aas-aasi ah oo xagga sugidda badda iyo berriga ah. Sidoo kale waxaa munaasabaddan ka hadlay Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya ahna Wasiirka Kalluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Baddda Prof. C/raxmaan Xaaji Aadan Ibbi, wuxuuna sheegay in ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya loo sameeyay baahi jirta. “Waad la socotaan Xaaladda Badda iyo Kalluumeysatada Soomaaliyeed ay ku sugan yihiin, waxaana loo sameeyay ciidamadan baahi jirta”ayuu yiri Prof. C/raxmaan Ibbi oo haatan ah Ku simaha Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Prof. C/raxmaan Ibbi waxaa uu u rajeeyay Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya in Alle ka dhigo kuwo ku guuleysta howsha loo xil saaray oo ah in ay soo celiyaan sharaftii iyo karaamadii Badda Soomaaliya. Sida iska cad Ciidamadan ayaa haddii aaney helin Qalab iyo Gaadiid ka casrisan kuwa heystaan Burcad Badeedda Soomaalida iyo kuwa Kheyraadka Badda Soomaaliya xaalufiya waxaysan ku guuleysan doonin in ay tallaab qaadaan. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliy
Puntland Needs Solution Urgently Regarding ONLF
Sabriye amp co. replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Xaq: Everyone is happy to sell the ONLF. They are a hot commodity used to appease master Meles. Xaq There are regions in Somalia that ONLF and the people of Somali Galbeed can live freely. Have you ever heard of any harm being afflicted upon them in South and central Somalia /Galmudug State? So let us be frank about it and say in the North Western as well as in North Eastern regions of Somalia, they seem to be a hot commodity. -
A UN convoy Lands in Galkacyo for Talks with Galmudug State Officials.... ------------- Vs Wafdi ka socda Qaramda Midoobay oo Kulamo looga hadlayo Amaanka Maanta kula qaatay Gaalkacyo Mamulka Galmudug ee Koofurta Gaalkacyo. Posted: 10/24/2009 4:10:00 PM Shabelle: GAALKACYO Wafdi ka socda Qaramda Midoobay ayaa Kulamo looga hadlayo Amaanka Maanta kula qaatay Gaalkacyo Mamulka Galmudug ee Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo. Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ku xigeenka ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay ee arimaha Soomaaliya Maak Bowdhar ayaa maanta soo gaaray Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug iyagoona kulan xasaasi ah la qaatay masuuliyiinta Maamulka Galmudug. Kulankaani oo ka dhacay hoteenka MBC ee koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxaa ay kaga hadleen arimi fara badan oo ay ka mid yihiin amaanka gobolka,abaarta ka jirta deegaanada hooyimaada Maamulka Galmudug iyo sidii ay xafiisyo uga furan lahaayeen Qaramada Midoobay deegaanada hoostaga Maamulka Galmudug. Kulankaani oo aha mid xasaasi ah islamarkaana diiradda lagu saaray amanka guud ee gobolka oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ay ka dhacayeen falal kam ah oo lagu dilayay masuuliyiinta Maamulka Galmudug iyo Puntland. Ugu horeyntii waxaa kulanka ka hadlay gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug ee Maamulka Galmudug Xasan Faarax Barre isagoona marka hore u mahad celiyay wafdiga ka socda Qaramada Midoobay,waxaana uu xusay in amaanka Magaalada Gaalkacyo uu yahay mid la isku haleyn karo. Axmad Baasto oo ah Afhayeenka Maamulka Galmudug ee uu horkacayo Madaxweyne Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle ayaa waxaa uu qaramada Midoobay u balan qaaday in ay damaanad qaadayaan hay’adaha qaramada Midoobay ee xafiisyada ka furanaya Maamulka Galmudug. Ugu dambeyntii ayaa waxaa masraxa lagu soo dhaweyay ku xigeenka ergayga gaarga ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya Maak Bowdhan waxaana uu sheegay in kulankaani uu ahaa mid ay ku xaqiijinayaan amaanka guud ee koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug isagoo tilmaamay in biliha soo socda ay Xafiisyo ka furi doonaan maamulka Galmudug islamarkaana ay safaro ku soo kala bixin doonaan degmooyinka iyo tuulooyinka Maamulka hoostaga.
Garoodi Waxaa horey loo yiri, Gaal dil, Gartiisna sii. 1. SNM never intended to break Somalia apart and create delusional boundaries in side Somalia. 2.The government lead by Ali mahdi was Not supported by Southern Somalia and had some where between very little to hardly any support at all thus being installed and funded by foreign elements against the will of the Somali people. 3. Allot of disgruntled Somali's who believed that Somali’s should have had the right to organise nation wide elections inside Somalia for them selves, shared the mutual distaste for what happened! Conclusion, your reasoning is flawed and filled with emotions rather than solid facts or figures. And about the last but not the least of strange statement to come from you, SNM success depended on the south. You can pat your self on the back as much as you want but please don't make absolutely baseless claims that discredit any point you attempted to make.
President of Galmudug State flies out to Mogadishu for Talks.
Sabriye amp co. replied to Sabriye amp co.'s topic in Politics
Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. The Umar & Osman are brothers, Wallahi walagu tarbiyay... Classic. -
Madaxweynaha DG Galmudug Mudane Ahmed Shariif iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo Maanta u ambabaxay caasimada dalka Somaaliya ee Moqdisha Khamiis, Octoober 22, 2009 Madaxweynaha dawlad gobleedka oo maantay ka anbabaxay magaalada Gaalkacyo isgoo gaaray magaalada muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia. Madaxweynaha dawlad goboleedka Galmudug Mudane Axmed Shariif Cali Hilolwle iyo waxafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa maantay waxa ay ka anbabaxeen garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada gaalkacyo iyagoo gaaray magaalo madaxda Somalia ee muqdisho. Safarka madaxweynaha uu ku tagay magaalada muqdisho waxaa ku wehliya Wasiirka qorshaynta iyo iskaashiga xiriirada caalamiga Cumar Maxamuud Rooble (cumar suuri) iyo wasiirka wasaarada waxbarashada iyo barbaarinta Xasan Jimcaale Googooje iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan dawlad goboleedka Galmudug. Madaxweyne Dr.Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle ayaa waxaa la filayaa in saacada soo socda uu kulamo la qaato mas’uuliyiinta ka soo jeeda Galmudug ee ku nool gobolka banaadir sida odayaasha dhaqanka, aqoonyahanada, siyaasiyiinta, waxgaradka, dhalinyarada iyo hooyooyinka si uu uga dhaadhiciyo halka ay marayso horumarka Galmudug iyo khilaafaadka jira sida lagu xalin karo. Dhinaca kale wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda warfaafinta ahne afhyeenka dawladda galmudug Mudane Axmed Maxamuud (Baasto) oo saxaafadda la hadlaayay ka dib safarka madaxweynaha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in madaxweynuhu uu la kulmidoono mas’uuliyiinta sar sare ee dawladda federaalka iyagoo kala hadlaya arimaha Galmudug, dhibaatooyinka jira wax qabadkooda iyo waxa ay uga baahantahay dawlad goboleedka Galmudug dawladda federaalka ee KMG ah si ay ula jaanqaado dawladda Galmudug horumarka iyo dadaalada ka jira dalka soomaaliya. Ugu danbayntii safarka uu ku tagay magaalada muqdisho madaxweynaha dawlad gobleedka galmudug Axmed shariif cali hilowle ayaa waxa uu googol xaar u yahay safaro la filayo in maalmaha soo socday qaar ka mid ah madaxda sar sare ee dawlad goboleedka galmudug ay ku tagidoonaan magaalada muqdisho kaasoo lagu xalinayo khilaafaadka hareereeyay dawlad goboleedka galmudug state. Wixii ku soo kordha safarka madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Shariif Cali Hilolwle iyo wafdiga uu hogaaminayo kala soco saacad walba mudug.com hadduu alle idmo. Nuuradiin Cismaan Maxamed (abuuakram) Nuuradiin5@hotmail.com ama abuuakram1@gmail.com Galkacio-Galmudug State-Somalia
Xiin Take a listen to what this guy by the name of Cabdiqani (Kabojecel) speaking on behalf of al shabab had to say about Xisbul Islaam. He insults several Clans and does takfiir on people while claiming they are cadowga ilaahay..and points out that the fighting between them and xisbul islaam was Jihaad and a way to please allah subxanahu watacaala! http://hillaac.net/kabojecel.mp3 << This lunatic is what will eventually cause shabab to self destruct not that anyone will miss them! I'm sure any intelligent being will be disgusted and shocked at this guy's Takfiiri(Kaligii Muslim) behaviour which is the result of lack of knowledge or misguidance :mad: