Sabriye amp co.
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Nairobi: President Sh Shariif brushes Faroole aside...
Sabriye amp co. replied to Sabriye amp co.'s topic in Politics
Che, Moments like these every Somali patriot should truly appreciate and applaud the Somali president. It is lucrative to say the least for Faroole (president of the unstable puntland region in north eastern Somalia) to demand 50% of any and all funds allocated to Somalia not to mention all the other laughable demands. This is the second time Sh shariif had stood his ground and has bluntly refused to compromise on the sovereignty of Somalia and its central government. Second to when he refused a petition requesting the secession of Somaliland (north western Somalia). -
Note: A subtle NO to The lucrative demands of puntland Nairobi: President Sh Shariif brushes Faroole aside... .......... Faroole"Aduunyada waxaan ogeeysiineeynaa in aanan ka mid aheyn Dawlada Shiikh Shariif" Madaxweynaha Puntland Submitted by editor on Fri, 11/13/2009 - 16:34 Hogaamiyaha maamulka amaankiisu xumaaday ee Waqooyi Bari Soomaaliya (Puntland) Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo saxaafada Nayroobi kula hadlay isagoo caro badani ka muuqato ayaa sheegay in ka maamul Puntland ahaan aysan ku qanacsaneyn Dawlada Soomaaliya. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo shir jaraa'id qabtay ka dib markii uu ka soo carooday kulan uu Madaxweyne Shariif Nayroobi kula yeeshay ayaa sheegay in Dawlada Soomaalidu aysan diyaar u aheyn wax ka qabashada dhibaatada Soomaaliya ka taagan sidaas darteedna aysan iyagu ka sii mid ahaan karin dawlada noocaas ah waa siduu hadalka u dhigaye. Warar hoose oo kulankii Madaxweyne Shariif iyo maamulka Puntland laga helay ayaa sheegaya in la isku jiiray oo mas'uuliyiintu ku kala boodeen Hamiga Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo xadka ka baxay. Wararku waxay intaas ku sii darayaan in Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ku adkeeystay Shuruudo dhinaca dhaqaalaha u badnaa oo ay dhanka dawlada Soomaaliya ka doonayeen in ay fuliso, waxaana shuruudahaas ka mid ahaa in Maamulka Puntland sidi dawlad oo kale loola macaamilo shirarka caalamiga ahna laga qeybgeliyo dhaqaalaha dawalda dhexe soo gala bar la siiyo. Isku soo wada duuboo waxaa hadda muuqata in maamulka Puntland weli ku dhegan yahay rabitaankoodi ka bari soocnaa Soomaalida inteeda kale, waxaana mudan in maanka la geliyo Amaanka faraha ka baxay ee Puntland. > Source <
Weekend to witness 'worst storm of the year' The weekend will be washed out by the worst storm of the year, with gale-force gusts and heavy rain on its way, forecasters have warned. Weather experts are advising those planning Saturday shopping trips and days out to postpone them and stay indoors as Britain is buffeted by winds of up to 70mph. The winds will be strong enough to cause damage, including bringing down trees and branches and commuters hoping for a let-up in the rain to help them make a quick getaway back home will be disappointed as the current downpours across the country are set to continue. There could be some let-up in the rain and winds on Sunday but the storm is due to give us another battering on Monday, posing the risk of disruption to the return to work after the weekend. There is also a risk of flooding in certain areas. Stephen Davenport, of Meteogroup UK, said: "It is pretty filthy weather already and it is only going to get worse tomorrow. The real meat of the storm is coming overnight. "This is the strongest storm we have had this year but it is just an autumnal storm, not untypical for this time of year." The storm is developing off the west coast of the country and is being fed by the still-warm autumn sea temperatures. Source
^Jacaylbaro. You know very well how hot barbera is. I couldn’t bare the 2 hour transit wait there let alone getting in a car from there not to mention the horrid Daalo plane which looked as if it was crashing while it landed there right of the shore.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Anagu xabshdia waan isnaqaan, and no one is intimidated by them. When they marched to Moqdishu, I could see the terror in the eyes of many somali's. One will need to live in Somaligalbeed region to know what it is like to fight Ethiopians. Ok, I and presumably many others would grasp this as you implying that you “anagu” are of the only people who defend them selves from Ethiopia. Now, telling a story in that fashion leads many Somalis to stop sympathizing with your cause. It’s no less than an offence and disrespect to the families of the deceased martyrs and does nothing but scar the pride that they take in their defence of their land. I shouldn’t feel the need to remind you here but please if you wish to present a pro Somali & anti Tigre stance in the politics of the horn then in any future reference of this story, please do have the audacity to include the American fighter jets who helped them crush over 6000 armed forces of the late UIC.. I’m fairly confident you are well informed about the not so welcoming “march to Mogadishu”. :rolleyes:
A & T In a bid to follow ONLF progress i stumbled up on this following source. < check video on the right side of the page. Now im not sure if this re-affirms that ONLF being on the offence but who are the dead men on the ground and who are the somali look alike soldiers who are dancing over the dead bodies? :eek:
I guess NO one is safe in Puntland.
Yes, you’ve guessed it. The perpetrator is a female driver. Car Insurance companies need to revise their policies on female drivers for as it stands they generally get cheaper car insurance policy than males. Here is a short clip of the worst car parking ever.. Another reason to not let the wify park that BMW.
ThankfulSP Brother, you appear to be more concerned with addressing the messenger rather than the message. Besides, how else can you or anyone for that matter describe the horrific sight we are witnessing of puntland? Can you not find it with in your self to denounce these developments and channel your energy towards striving for a better and a peaceful puntland rather than being offended by the truth? Let us call a spade a spade, shall we?!
Disasterous, Puntland is really in the mud right now. Countless explosions and murders through outs its towns and regions.
Breaking news: Another Explosion rocks Boosaaso! :eek: :eek: ------------- Qarax sababay qasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac leh oo goor dhoweyd ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso Galabnimadii maanta ayaa Qarax xoogan waxaa uu gilgilay magaalada Boosaaso ee gobalka Bari, gaar ahaan agagaarka dekeda magaaladaasi ku taala kaasoo warar hordhac ah oo ka soo baxaya ay sheegayan inuu geystay qasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac leh. Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa sheegay in qaraxan lala beegsaday ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland oo ku sugna agagaarka ilinka dekeda oo ah meel aad u mashquul badan, waxaana qaraxan daryankiisa laga maqlay guud ahaan magaalada. Goobta uu ka dhacay ayaa waxa isku gedaamay ciidamada maamulka Puntland iyadoo laga daad gureynayo halkaasi meydadka iyo dhaawaca dad badan oo la sheegay iney iskugu jiraan ciidamo iyo dad rayid ah oo qaraxaasi uu saameeyey, kuwaasoo loola cararayo isbitaalka magaalada, lamana hayo tiro sax ah oo ku saabsan qasaaraha qaraxaasi oo sidoo kale aan aan la ogeyn inuu ahaa bam gacmeed iyo inuu ka dhashay miino la geliyey dhulka oo la hagayey. Lama oga illaa hadda cida ka dambeysay qaraxan oo qeyb ka ah qaraxyo isdaba joog ah oo mudooyinkan ku soo badanayey magaalada Boosaaso kuwaasoo lala beegsanayey ciidamada maamulka Puntland, mana jiro war ka soo baxay maamulka oo ku saabsan qaraxaasi. Source:
More on the situation in Qardho: Maamulka Puntland oo cambaareeyay dilkii loo geestay sarkaal dhinaca ammaanka ah Waxaa la daabacay: Axad, 08 November 2009, 01:21pm - Simba, Boosaaso Saraakiisha iyo mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Puntland ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyay fal dil ah oo xalay ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Qardho ee gobolka Karkaar. Dilkaasi ayaa waxaa loo geestay Heykal Cali oo ka mid ahaa saraakiisha dhinaca ammaanka ee maamulka Puntland, wuxuuna qeyb ka yahay dilal qorsheysan oo ku soo kordha deegaanada Puntland. Saraakiisha maamulka ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen in lagu raad joogo ciddii ka dambeysay dilkii u dambeeyay, ayna jiraan qorsheyaal looga hortagayo amni darrida soo korortay, sida ay yiraahdeen Maamulka Puntland ayaa si u cambaareeyay falkaasi dilka ah, inkastoo aysan weli muuqan talaabo ku aadan wax ka qabashada falal qalqal gelinaya amniga deegaanada Puntland oo lagu dhaqaaqay Source:
Breaking News... Qardho: Another Cold blooded murder and the victim, a police officer. Yet there is nothing being done about this terrible trend ... :confused: ..... Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada booliska Puntland oo xalay lagu toogtay magaalada Qardho.. HobyoNet Update News 08-11-2009. Kooxo hubaysan oo madax soo duubtay ayaa bartamaha suuqa qaadka lagu iibiyo ee magaalada Qardho waxa ay dil bareer ah ugu geysteen sarkaalkan oo lagu magacaabi jiray Haykal Cali Hiirad. Aamina Macalin (Maanka) HobyoNet Gaalkacyo: Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Qardho ee maamul goboledka Puntland ayaa tibaaxaya in rag ku hubaysan qoryaha AK47 ah ay xalay fiidkii soo daba galeen sarkaal booliska Birmadka ka tirsan ka dibna uu nin iyaga ka mid ah rasaas fara badan ku dhuftay sarkaalkii. Haykal Cali Hiirad oo ka asal ahaan ka soo jeeda Qardho ayaa halkii ku nafbaxay, waxaana isla gobtii uu falka ka geystay ka baxsaday ninkii wax dilay iyo ragii la socday oo la sheegay iney gaari wateen. Ciidamada boliska oo soo gaaray suuqa qaadka lagu gado ayaa meydka marxuumka ka qaday iyagoo markaas ka dib bilabay baadi goob ay ugu jiraan kooxihii dilka geystay, ilaa saakay ayaa magaalada Qardho lagu arkayaa ciidamada oo baaritaano xoogan ka wada xaafadaha si ay u soo helaan danbilaayaashii. Dilalka loo geysto saraakiisha ciidamada iyo nabadoonada ku sugan magaalooyinka Puntland ka arimiso ayaa xiliyadii ugu danbeeyay aad u soo badanayay, mana jirin talaabo ay maamulka arintaas uga hortagayeen marka laga rabeen in warbaahinta laga canbaareeyo, waxuuna falkani noqonayaa midkii sadexaad oo mudo isbuuc gudahiis ah laga sameeyo deganada Puntlad. E-mail :eek:
Settle down buddy, all the constant heckling you do will not distract or shade the reality here. All layers of blanketing have been removed from the ever worsening case of puntland. You should be focusing on how it is possible to reverse the state of anarchy that has befallen on its civilians. Here is more sources & quotations on the severity of puntland situation. : Qarax bam oo ay dadi ku dhaawacmeen oo xalay ka dhacay xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland ay ku leedahaya waqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa degaanada puntland waxaa ku soo badanayay kooxo falal amaanka ka baxsan ka geysanaya kuwaasi oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay qaraxyo iyo dilal qorsheysan ka waday
Well respected media pundits have uncovered that with regards to the last 7 days, there had been more co-ordinated attacks on local admin offices near populated areas leading to countless reports of fatalities in comparison to a relatively calm week in Mogadishu. Local media reports revealed how the deteriorating security of Puntland was being described by civilians as quote on quote “Dangerous” , “Unpredictable” and even “Fear Inducing” as situation continues to worsen in the region. The following Media outlet had more on the repeated attacks in boosaaso: The following quote abstracted from the above link: “Mudoyinkaan dambe ayaa waxaa faraha ka sii baxayay amaanka magaalada bossaas, kadib halkaasi ay si daba jog ah uga dhaceen dilal iyo weeraro qorsheysan”! It is a formidable reality that Puntland is slipping into chaos as the local Admins continuously appeal for support from the neighbouring Galkacyo based authority of Galmudug. A TFG convoy headed by the current Police Chief Abdi Hassan Awale had expressed great deal of concern over puntlands future and promised to help train local police force on techniques and approaches of counter terrorism. Sir Juje & the rest of you Gents, this is a serious matter, not a single proliferated ducktale can heckle the heart breaking sound of grieving families!
Warar Kaladuwan Oo Ka Soo Baxaya Qarax Xalay Ka Dhacay Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo 07-11-2009 Qaraxii xalay lagu weeraray wasaaradda maaliyadda puntland oo geystay qasaaro bur bur iyo dhaawaca hal askari ayaa saakay waxaa ka soo baxaya warara kala duwan oo sheegay in qaraxa ay ku lug lahaayeen kooxo aan lagaran ujeedadooda Taliyaha Booliska puntland ee waqooyiga Gaalkacyo Muuse Xasaasi ayaa sheegay in qaraxa dad usoo qab qabteen kuwakalana ay ku raadjoogaan Sikastaba xaalku hajoogee Dilal,Qaraxyo iyo falal Amni daro ah ayaa kusoobadanaya waqooyiga gaalkacyo oy ka arimiyaan Maamulka Puntland iyadoo todobaad kahor Duqa degmada C/raxmaan Xaaji Xasan lagu weeraray qarax ceyn kaan ookale ah waxaana sidookale jiray in xilliyada habeenkii ah Waqooyiga Gaalkcyo lagu arkijiray meydad aan la ogeyn cidda dishay Idiris c/kariin nuur
Deg deg: Xarunta W/Maaliyada qeybta Gobalka Mudug oo qarax lal beegsaday. 6. november 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- APL wararka hada ka soo gaaraya magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobalka Mudug ayaa sheegaya in weerar lugu qaday xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyada ay ku leedahay magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayadoo aan la garan karin cida qaaday weerarka. Sida ay sheegayaan qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha amaanka, Qaraxan ayaa ahaa Bambooyinka gacanta laga tuuro, waxaana ku dhintay hal qof, halka uu dhaawacmay qof kale, sida ay sheegayaan Warar Madax banaan. Saraakiisha Amaanka ayaa xaqiijiyey jiritaanka warkan, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay hada wadaan baaritaano ku aadan xaalada arrimahan iyo cidii ka dambeysay, lama yaqaano sababaha keenay waqtigan. Faahfaahinta kala soco F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
Anwar No chance. Not so long ago prominent Nabadoon was killed by rival clan militia and there are still rifts between rival trouble makers in yamayska and their newly appointed local admin. Ina meeting held at hotel tar outside Galkacyo, Puntland leaders pleaded for Galmudug to help them cleanse north of Galkacyo as they struggled to combat criminal activity. It is disappointing to see a previously stable part of Somalia becoming a riddled with repetitive attacks and murders.
Qarax Caawa Kadhacay Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo ee Maamulka Puntland oo Gaystay Dhaawac Hal Askari Qaraxaani ayaa lala beegsaday Xarunta Wasaarada Maaliyada ee Maamulka Puntland ee kutaal Waqooyiga Gaalkacyo waxaana uu ahaa Qarax loo adeegsaday Bambada Nuuca Gacanta lagatuuro. Kooxdii Falkaan Gaysatay ayaa kabaxsaday Goobta qaraxa waxaana ilaa iyo hada aan lagaranayn ujeedada qaraxaani caawa lala beegsaday Xarunta Wasaarada Maaliyada ee Maamulka Puntland Askariga Dhaawacmay ayaa magaciisa waxaa layiraah Jaamac Yare Wuxuuna kamid ahaa askartii waardiyeynayey xarunta caawa qaraxu uu kadhacay. Dadka kudhaqan deegaanada puntland ayaa haatan waxaa lasoodaristay cabsi xoogan maaadaama qaraxyadu ay jogto kanoqdeen islamarkaasina habeenkasta uu qarax dhaco Sikastaba ha ahaatee Maal mihii lasoo dhaafay ayaa waxaa deegaanada Maamulka Puntland kusoobadanayey qaraxyadaan iyadoo habeeno kohor magaalada boosaaso ay kadheceen dhowr qarax oo lalabeegsaday xarumo maamulka puntland uu leeyahay Waxaana habeenkii xalayto ahaa boosaaso lagu dilay nin kamid ahaan jiray ciidamada maamulka puntalnd. Madaxa Wararka Rooble Maxamed Dirir Codkamudug Radio Gaalkacyo, Galmudug State, Soomaliya
AFRICOM & AFRICA Mr Abiodun Williams talks on UISP "AFRICOM & Africa" at a discussion/seminar held in USC Annenberg Center on Public Diplomacy. He gives a brief on AFRICOM and its mission and the creation of a unified centre of command. Some of the key issues discussed are the perception of AFRICOM on the continent, Publicity & Media, the distaste expressed by many countries in northern Africa, and how it is possible to tackle what he called “misunderstanding” of the American proposal of AFRICOM. Now to my fellow Nomads is the link to the discussion. The questions are: What does this actually mean for Somalia? How is this already affecting our Motherland ? What is the general perception of Somali people on AFRICOM?
Jacaylbaro, are you amused by this depiction of the ugly policies that SOmaliland and Buntlan exercise towards SOmali-Galbeed?
Originally posted by Samafal: Does any one have the map of Galmudug state...
^^ while 20% is the north!
Jidbaale hints at Puntland links with the killing of Af-dhilo
Sabriye amp co. replied to me's topic in Politics
Alaha u naxariisto marxuumka but his nick name sparked wild imaginations. -
Are we still pondering over Faroole’s obedience to Addis Ababa? Yaaba is Gaaray? It’s a give and take situation. The bilateral agreement Ethiopia has with Somaliland and Buntland regional authorities are based on economical beneficiaries for Addis Ababa (port hubs) and re-assurance of security for the two Somalia states. It would be wrong for anyone to linger on an idea such as any of the two states looking out for their Somali brethren in the expense of the relationship with their masters in Addis Ababa!