Sabriye amp co.

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Everything posted by Sabriye amp co.

  1. Farooole oo xilka ka qaaday gudoomiyihii gobolka Mudug ee Puntland Gaalkacyo: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa xil ka qaadis ku sameeyay gudoomiyihii gobolka Mudug iyo ku xigeenadiisa kuwaasi oo uu ku eedeeyay inay kaa gabiyeen wax ka qabashada xaaladda amaan ee Woqooyiga Gaalkacyo. Kadib wareegto kasoo baxday Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Puntland C/raxmaan Sheekh Max’uud Faroole ayaa waxaa uu xil ka qaadis ku sameeyey gudoomiyahii gobolka Mudug ee Maamulka Puntland Axmed Cali Salaad Faarax iyo ku xigeenadiisi kuwaasi oo uu ku eedeeyay wada shaqayn la’aan iyo waliba habacsanaan dhinaca amaanka ah. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa waxa uu sheegay in gudoomiyihii gobolka Mudug ee Puntland iyo ku xigeenadiisiba ay ku guul daraysteen wax ka qabashada xaaladda amaan ee gobolka Mudug oo maalmihii u dambeeyay ay ka dhacayeen falal amaan dari ah. C/raxmaan Sheekh Max’uud Faroole ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu kala diray golahii Deegaanka ee gobolka Mudug, isagoo tilmaamay in kala diridda golahaasi uu wada tashi kala yeeshay Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha ee Maamulka Puntland. Faroole ayaa waxaa uu sidoo kale la sheegay in u magacaabay guddi wax ka qabta amaanka iyo hagaajinta dhinaca Maamulka kuwaasi oo xiriir iskaashi oo dhinaca amniga ah la yeesha Maamulka Galmudug iyo Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca. Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa Woqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta gobolka Mudug waxaa ka dhacayay falal amni daro oo isugu jira Qaraxyo, dilal qorshaysan iyo weeraro si bareer ah loogu qaadayay Masaajidada ku yaala Magaaladaasi taasi oo ay walaac xoogan ka muujiyeen shacabka ku dhaqan Woqooyiga Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.
  2. After a bloody few months in North Galkacyo, with countless murder of civilians, attacks on mosque, assinations of puntland ministers athorities in Garowe have finally lost all hopes in Mr Axmed ali salaad and declared that North Mudug as whole needs to be tamed! ------------------- Wareegta Maanta ka soo baxaday Xafiiska Madaxweynha Dowlad Goboleedka Puntlnd ayaa waxaa xilkii looga qaaday Gudoomiyhii Gobolka waqooyiga Mudug ee Puntlnd Axmed Cali Salaad Faarax iyadoona wareegtadaasi lagu kala diray Golaha Deegaanka ee Waqoyiga Gaalkcyo Xilka ka qaadista Maanta Lagu Sameyay Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug ee Maamulka Puntlnd ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli mudooyinkii ugu dambeyay waqooyiga Gaalkcyo ay ka jireen weeraro loo geesanaayo masaajidyada iyo qaraxii lagu qaarijiyay agaasimhii diinta iyo owqaafta Puntlnd ilaa iyo hadda ma jiraan wax war ah oo ka soo baxay xubnaha maanta xilka laga qaaday
  3. Dr Dalmar & students at Al Shacab School in Galkayo . Tree planting initiative
  4. More Beautiful Images from Galkayo University GU.
  5. Magaalada midkood ha uharo oo waliba dowladda ha u harto ayaan oran lahaa ileen shacabku dhibkaan kuma sii jiri karaan. Bahuuko waxuu yiri .. I Cannot Match their "Fadhi ku dirir", war ileen tanoo kale.. Af soomaaligii ayay bareen.
  6. From a source you frequently refer to: "Shacabka magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa maanta dhigay banaanbax maalintii labaad dhacaya kuwaas oo ay uga soo horjeedeen Dagaalada Kalshaale,Heshiiskii Puntland & Galmudug Iyo Wax ka qabasho la'aanta amaanka guud ee gobolka Mudug" and you may continue the barking.
  7. Vaying for blood is what the citizens of north mudug are doing in the case of Faroole but i like how you completely forgot to mention how Gen.Qeybdiid earned his stripes after having chased the rag tag millitias of the clan courts out of southern Mudug not to mention him using tons of mini dukey's as human shield until he successfully returned to his home in Muqdisho and then was appointed as Chief of the Somali Police force as an honour. Clever man indeed. Faroole however was very happy to greet the vice president of Galmudug in hopes of returning to the lime light were as he was in no hurry to receive the floating frail hand of Yey in the televised encounter in Yemen. Bark on adeer, your not getting out of business here anytime soon.
  8. Dukey ... you seem to be under the impression that I’m against this agreement. If anything I’m rather impressed. Since Faroole’s small encounter with Sh Shariif in Nairobi, he turned out to be the rejected black sheep in today’s Somali Political arena, lonely and helpless. So it comes to no one’s surprise that co-operation with Galmudug is sought be a life line and light at the end of the tunnel for puntland. What I am impressed with on the other hand is that Galmudug spotted this sensitivity and scored a home run. Co-operation in security will benefit all but was only possible to do with an overly baffled faroole. Let’s hope the citizens of north Mudug don’t continue this restless behaviour and obey Mr Faroole.
  9. Well it looks like the residents of north mudug are not happy with the failure of Faroole's admin and the reality is that its just not safe in puntland anymore. You hear and see people being killed left right centre. I can hardly fault the agreement and it will depend if the Galmudug Parliament passes or rejects it but as far as its citizens are concerned, its a step forward.
  10. Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo uu ka dhacay Banaabax lagu diidan yahay Heshiiskii Puntland iyo Galmudug ay dhawaan wada gaareen Mogadishu Sunday 20 February 2011 SMC Boqolaal dadweynaha gobolka Mudug degan ayaa dibax ka dhigay waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo, kuwaasi oo ay uga soo horjeedaan heshiiskii dhex maray maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug ay ku wada saxiixdeen magaalada Garowe, iyagoo socod dheer ku maray waddooyinka magaaladaasi isla markaana ku qeylinayay ereyo ka dhan ah Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Xaaji Maxamuud (Faroole), iyagoo ku dhaliilayay arrimo uu ka mid yahay dhinaca nabadgelyada. Dibadbaxyada ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaa ka soo qeyb galay siyaasiyiin, dhallinyaro, waxgarad iyo dadweyne isaga kala yimid degmooyinka gobolka Mudug, iyagoo ku dhaliilay Madaxweyne Faroole siyaasadiisa ku wajahan arrimaha gudaha Puntland oo uu ka sii jeestay isla markaana wax ka qaban waayay falalka amni darro ee ka dhacaya gobolada hoos yimaada maamulka Puntland. Dadweynaha gobolka Mudug ee iyagu bannaanbaxyada ka dhigay magaalada Gaalkacyo dhinaceeda Waqooyi ayaa isugu soo ururay fagaaraha magaaladaasi, waxaana halkaasi khudbado kala duwan ka jeediyay shaqsiyaad horay xilal uga soo qabtay maamulka Puntland iyo waxgaradka gobolka Mudug. "Ciidamada Booliska ee xaafadaha wareegaya xilliyada habeenkii waan la dagaalameynaa, waana iska celineynaa haddii ay mar kale soo dhaafaan laamiga" ayuu yiri Bashiir Cali Biixi oo isagu horay xil uga soo qabtay dowladda Puntland, waxa uuna sheegay in ciidamada Puntland aanay helin mushaarooyin iyo daryeel, sidaasi darteedna ay dhacayaan dadweynaha. Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi khudbad ka jeediyay Nabadoon Yaasiin C/Samad oo sheegay in dadka gobolka Mudug degan meel looga dhacay sharaftooda iyo sumacadoodii, isla markaana aan lagala tashan heshiiska maamulka Puntland uu la galay maamulka Galmudug, isagoo sheegay in maslaxo darro iyagoo aamusan la doonayo in loogu taliyo, hase yeeshee maamulka Puntland ayaan ilaa iyo iminka wax jawaab ah ka bixin bannaanbaxyada looga horjeedo. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) Muqdisho-Somalia Tel:0025261-5573321 00252699995088 Source:
  11. Somalina the time is ticking on TFG are we going to be looking for the solution outside once more?
  12. That picture is not of Godane. That picture was a former xisbul islaam fighter and he left gave him self up to the government after his his brother who was a comander was killed in afgooye by shabab.
  13. What stands out to me is: "Dib uheshiisiin Soomaaliyeed waa in lagu qabtaa gudaha Dalka Soomaaliya" as this will bring numerous benefits. Gen. Caydiid (allaa yaa raxma) attempted to create a Somali government from inside Somalia and it has never been attempted since. We need a national government by the Somali people for the Somali people. Good Move.
  14. Somalina .. interesting title there. Wafdigii UN-ka oo Magaalo Madaxda Galmudug State ee Gaalkacyo kula kulmay Madaxda Dowladda Galmudug.
  15. Glad to see these crusial developments being persued by the Galmudug State authority and thank you SOMALINA for posting them here. Jacayl Baro .. Your sense of humor is worsening by the post. what happened to you adeer?
  16. So you are implying that the conflict was between anyone other than "Bari,Nugaal and Mudug" in contrary to what the document asserts? Your not very well informed on this matter adeer. pick another topic to tickle your taste-buds with as you are clearly shooting your self in the foot with this one.
  17. The interesting bit is that Johnnie Carson claimed to be supporting Galkayo University with IT infrastructure but nothing of it has been initiated let alone materialized.
  18. Aside from the dubious title,signatures & names, if indeed it is the case, then its clear that this agreement concerned people of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug which signifies the nature of the conflict being "SNA" of Mudug took on Nugaal and Bari hence the agreement reached. What was your point again adeer?
  19. Abdirazak PTL your fetish with Galmudug is admirable but not being able to read soomaali is just disgraceful. Double check what you post next time for this reads "Shirka Nabadeynta Gobolada Bari,Nugaal and Mudug. secondly at the very last image its reads saxiixa SSDF and Saxiixa SNDU. NOT USC OR GALMUDUG!
  20. Xaji... Caalin is as useful as Riyaale and Cade Muse were. You do the math. As for Gen. Cabdi Macalin Xassan Shiiq Cawaale Qeybdiid. He has indeed transformed Galkacyo in a short period of time. All i can say in regards to this topic is, Jeneraale welcome back to your birth place and home city of Galkacyo, Galmudug State of Somalia.
  21. Dear Amistad, The US clearly doesn’t function in the order that you perceive to be rational instead they do as they please regardless of common ethics and morality. Here is the Most facinating bits of a this long guableduuble speech: 1. " In the city of Galkayo. We're working with both sides of the historically divided city to promote economic development and POLITICAL AND SECURITY COOPERATION." 2. " We're working to improve the IT services at GalKayo University... " Johnnie Carson Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of African Affairs :eek: :eek: U.S. Department of State ?????
  22. You have to be rational. General Cabdi Nasteex and shiikh Yusuf Siyaad are two men with large followings in the streets of Mogadishu. Their men die and bleed on behalf and in some instances against the Government. So the only sensible thing to do is to incorporate them but on the otherhand what use is Ibbi, Madoobe, jurile? fact is they dont count not because of their clan but because they bring nothing to the table other than a whole load of talking? Adeer Soomaalidu waxe tirahdaa meel hoo kaaga baahan hadal wax kama taro.
  23. Dukey, did you listen to his speach or did you read from allpuntland again? or what ever petty source you follow these days? All im saying is that its not the first time the Somali media twists and play with peoples speaches inorder for it to match their eye catching headlines..
  24. Now now , Dukey, I’m not sure whether you’ve forgotten all about Mr Atom or if its the (S&F) suuro & faan syndrome troubling you again. Either way settle down adeer. The only point i was making is that at the very most they will become another delusional Somaliland.