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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. من لم يؤدبه والداه, يؤدبه الليل والنهار
  2. Waar maad fahmin her point dee ....... It is not about Iyada and tii ..... it is about this: (how can you give your house to a man or name it his house)
  3. (how can you give your house to a man or name it his house) Now I understand your point ,,,, i mean ,, Clearly
  4. looooooool@Dont make me quote waxaad adigu tidhadtiid!! ........... Soo daa waxaad hayso bal
  5. Afternoon all ............ looooooool@Ibti ... dadka amaan sii baan ku idhi hooy They called at 11am to tell me they are arriving tomorrow early morning in Berbera. Had to finalize all the visa process by 3pm running up & down and calling everyone I know ........ Then they called at 4pm telling me they canceled the trip till the end of the month ....... Who said Caddaan people have good plans ?? ,,,,,,,,,,,, kombuyuutarkaan feedhi gaadhay
  6. ´´ Hadday fooli timaado, gudo qarsiimo hadhay. Runta ayaan idiin sheegayaaye waan soo qalbi jabay, anigoon baarlamaankii ka soo fasax qaadan ayaan tigidh iska soo goostay oo aan Maraykan imid. Siyaasiyiinta Somalia markasta way iga sheeko qarsanayeen, waxaanay igu odhanayeen, adigu reer Waqooyi baad tahoo, waad maqan tihiine aanu yara faqnee naga bax´´ ´´ Reer Somaliland wax badan bay qabsadeen, horumar laxaad lehna way sameeyeen. Haddii aan wanaagooda la qirin, waxa hubaal ah in aanay waxba hagaagayn´´ http://boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4652&catid=34&Itemid=53
  7. Morning waaryee ,,,,,,,,,, Keep loosing them plz, qaar kalaa ka noolaanayee I definitely need an ipad4 .... I've just got more than 200 ebooks and can't bother to read them on computer.
  8. That is silly .............. He should've vacate the post for a fresh person. It is like he owns the place now.
  9. I quite like WhatsApp beryahan ,,,, Iska warrama bal ?
  10. Wuu Nastay ... Maahin ??
  11. waxase xoolahaas cuney Ciidanka ka soo duuley laascaanood bugladi cashaduun baa u darnayd show
  12. Kaas ha i soo ag dhigin baan ku idhi
  13. :D .... I can't be another one dee ma Marx baad i moodaysaa
  14. Welcome back Nuune ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, halkan baan kugu arkay maalin dhawayd adigoo inantaadii bixinaya oo siinaya nin abaal kuu galay
  15. :D ... Waar I have a bright future of Presidency, I don't want to sound silly on Youtube and have Alpha laughing at me
  16. Maxaad ka hadlaysaan ?? ,,,,,,,,,, Faheema, what is you and the codes today ?? Salaam all
  17. That is Abtigiis for you dee ,,
  18. Jaad kala buruud wayn Bilanay waxaad tahay Dadar soo bislaatiyo Boondaro cagaariyo Barjo saafi darayoo Bilicdiisu yaab tahay Marduuf biqila baad tahay Baag cagaaran baad tahay Jaad bogayga deeqiyo Miiroo bacaysan baad tahay Bilicdaadu inanyahay Barjaha ka muuq dheer Mirqaankaagu waa boqol Halatuhu bakhtiin waa Baraadkuna dhanaanaa Markuu barfay marduufkii Biyaraaciska lagu daray. Barja saafi wacanoo Barqo soo galaad tahay Daba musbaaraan la buufinoo Barqo soo go’aad tahay Kiiloo gaafanaad tahay Kolay daahiriya baad tahay Madhab soconayaad tahay Mirqaaniyo badhbaad tahay Malabsaafiya oo mijin lagu cunaad tahay!!!
  19. He will be here to answer ,,,
  20. When Abtigiis visited Hargeisa, this was the treasure he has been hiding and I had the opportunity to snatch one of his "secret" letters he has been getting from girls. He had few things that he always carry when he is traveling which he believes will keep him in the mood. Just in case .... Not realizing how much I would go into his personal belongings, he did not care about safeguard of this as he thought no one will go near his stuff. Sorry Abtigiis, you must have been wondering if you lost the letter but here it is again, on SOL where all can benefit from your letters of the past, present and probably future ..........